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/lit/ - Literature

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20903272 No.20903272 [Reply] [Original]

Unironically speaking, why are there no serious online intellectuals? It's all surface level pseuds who don't even have an undergraduate degree

>> No.20903275

The fact that you think a degree means anything speaks volumes.

>> No.20903276

What the fuck is a "serious intellectual"

>> No.20903279

Christopher Hitchens, the last guy who was popular online and was worth listening to even if you disagreed with him.

>> No.20903281

There are, you just dont really give a fuck. Be honest

>> No.20903283

because declaring yourself anything has the opposite intended effect

>> No.20903285

It really does though. It teaches you to question evidence and present original thoughts without blindly spewing the opinions of others.

>> No.20903291
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*blocks you're path*

>> No.20903293

If you take a look at the end-products of Western universities, you'll know that it's the exact opposite. They are just ideology-driven NPC factories and nothing more.

>> No.20903294

lol, the very embodiment of pseudery, always carefully choosing the most retarded debate opponents so he can shine rhetorically (which was the extent of his talents)

>> No.20903295

a degree doesn't teach you that, nonsense classes with retarded professors do. university is meant to teach you that most of what you're learning is retarded and you're on your own.

>> No.20903300

It's difficult to take things on-line seriously. Things are so cheapened and instantaneous that a "serious intellectual" wouldn't even look like one in the on-line context.

>> No.20903303
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*blocks your path*

>> No.20903304

LMAO, ok Jordan Peterson. WHO ARE THE MARXISTS?

>> No.20903306

this is a big part of it
anyone who considers themselves "intellectuals" hold themselves to a standard that the information they're accessing has to be studied, peer-reviewed, submitted, and approved to be worthy of being read. that makes them think of anything so easily accessible as beneath them and it's why traditional scholars look down on the self-taught.

>> No.20903310

Yo momma

>> No.20903311

>Unironically speaking, why are there no serious online intellectuals?
Wdym? You posted one.

>> No.20903316

Maybe just maybe 4chan is the last place to find them

>> No.20903319

True, it's difficult to present complicated theories when the attention span of the average internet user can only be applied to a 3 second tiktok video of a capibara eating a watermelon

>> No.20903322

There's me.

>> No.20903323
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The medium heavily discourages it.

>> No.20903324

Yes, I am the most intellectual intellectual on /lit/. You should read and study my posts.

>> No.20903329

People with degrees are some of the dumbest people imaginable. College should be illegal and you should be murdered along with your fellow gentrified vegan faggot friends. Pol Pot was completed vindicated.

>> No.20903334

>People with degrees are some of the dumbest people imaginable.

On average they're still clearly smarter and better read. It's a good albeit not perfect filter.

>> No.20903339

degrees are measures of dedication and nothing more

>> No.20903341
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The real intellectuals online don't do e-debates, least of all on twitch.

>> No.20903345

Peer reviewed studies don't mean shit

>> No.20903354
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>It teaches you to question evidence and present original thoughts without blindly spewing the opinions of others.

>> No.20903357
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Steven is smart, if you spend long enough you'll become ware of this fact, however he's very ignorant in certain topics due to laziness. He has the intelligence and free time to be anything he wants in life yet his hedonistic lifestyle and cuck fetish makes him unable to do anything other than fuck fans, masturbate, or masturbate to videos of his wife getting fucked.
I really hope Melina leaves him eventually, maybe when he's 35, then he'll realize how much of his life he has been wasted in fucking brainless bimbos like Melina and will spend the rest of his life doing things that are more worthwhile

>> No.20903359

You shouldn't discount the fact that they place you directly in intellectual Western tradition of questioning everything. They encourage you to look at old evidence and present new interpretations, and mostly they encourage you to explore. All of these are good things.

>> No.20903360

>It's a good albeit not perfect filter.
Lmao what? No it isn't, it's not a reliable filter at all and it's becoming less and less so. For so many reasons this is a retarded statement to make.

>> No.20903361

Also if they're so smart why do they push crap like gender studies and black liberation? First of all there is only one gender, thats man and blacks were much more well taken care of under chattel slavery, just so we're clear

>> No.20903369

>Also if they're so smart why do they push crap like gender studies and black liberation?
I've studied at three universities and never knew of a single class run on such topics. Nice strawman

>> No.20903372

oh yeah, its JUST a measure of whether you actually go through with studying difficult things or just pretend to. no wonder /lit/ is pseud heaven

>> No.20903376

He's smart, but his takes are all basic liberalism, it's not very interesting.

Name a few of those reasons then.
I guess you mean because western academia is heavily pozzed? Sure it is, but it doesn't produce brainded zombies like poltroons imagine.

>> No.20903383

Unhealthy obsession with an ecelebs private life

>> No.20903401

>Name a few of those reasons then.
Even the people who are literarily educated there are still most likely going to be of average intelligence.

>> No.20903403

Cool I wasn't debating you, I was insulting you

>> No.20903410

>You shouldn't discount the fact that they place you directly in intellectual Western tradition of questioning everything. They encourage you to look at old evidence and present new interpretations, and mostly they encourage you to explore. All of these are good things.
I agree, but a degree doesn't signal any of this. all a degree signals is you dedicated the time and effort to completing what you knew you had to complete. you do not REQUIRE development of your own way of thinking to complete a bachelors.
yes, it is. I never completed a degree. I'm not dedicated to one individual topic and I know that about myself and am okay with it. that doesn't mean I'm incapable of studying or comparing information or "doing my own research" as academia tends to say to shame those it perceives as beneath it. I'm not sure what you're trying to say.

>> No.20903414

Not really, I just think he's probably the smartest politics streamer and think he's severely lacking in certain topics because he's coomer brained, even while he's streaming he's messaging thots, if his parents hadn't neglected him when he was a kid he wouldn't be this way and would use his intelligence for better things.

>> No.20903420

>I-I wasn't ACTUALLY making a point I was just kidding h-hehehe

t. clueless

>> No.20903446

Sure thing, pal

>> No.20903450
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You rang?

>> No.20903458

>It teaches you to question evidence and present original thoughts without blindly spewing the opinions of others.
well fuck me I should have gone to college, now I can't stop spewing jordan peterson quotes

>> No.20903465
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Pic related was the single most interesting, even genuinely groundbreaking online intellectual up to ca. 2020, but sadly even his genius couldn't stop him from giving in to the basest instincts of his people and he's disgraced now

>> No.20903500

They will still, nevertheless, be better read than the average person. You should think about the things you type before you post them.

>> No.20903509

There's Matt Walsh

>> No.20903526


>> No.20903527

The medium is the message. All you need to know about the Internet and apps

>> No.20903535


>> No.20903550

this anon gets it

>> No.20903561
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lol. lmao, even.
I can respect for Walsh for being one of the only actual conservatives still left and he sticks up for what he believes to be right, but he seems like an extremely simple person with very poor understanding of most things. No understanding of philosophy or science, if we are optimistic he's of average intelligence but if we are honest he's probably lower than that. He's an attractive man for such a horrible hairline, I'll give him that, and his doc was quite entertaining for a Daily Wire production.

>> No.20903570

>be serious online intellectual
>publish serious, high-effort material
>get noticed by institution
>institution offers you money and a job to work for them
>accept because you need money to live
>no longer online

>> No.20903585

The medium evolved to become a brutal Darwinian struggle to capture attention. Ever smaller units of attention... commoditized and analyzed so as to capture attention more efficiently and effectively next time. In practice this means that once-useful and substantial information systems full of interesting voices and slow journeys through a relaxed decentralised web have been reduced to a schizophrenic winner take all game where the only visible content is generated by approximately two groups:
>those people most devoted to making the right offerings to "the algorithm" , or finding the latest loopholes or slightest edges over other attention seekers
>organized entities spreading their propaganda using paid advertising or other forms of influence
And everything is trying to bait you to elicit your clicks and active engagement. This is why search engines are now full of shallow inhuman SEO optimized content. This is why on a fresh YouTube front page you will see wall to wall retards pulling funny faces, freakshow exhibits, and publicity stunts.

I'm sure some proportion of intellectuals have a personality that fits this hypercompetitive struggle to promote themselves... particularly the petty narcissistic types and the sellouts and such, but there's just no way that modest intelligent people with boring but serious interests could command attention persistently in this environment. It does not favour and reward people who bring intellectual factors like contemplation, reflection, detail, creativity, and analysis to the table.

>> No.20903595

I remember reading that the average college student is the most gullible and unquestioning of all, as long as things are presented as coming from the established authorities. As in even worse than grunt soldiers obeying their officers. The effect fortunately diminished once they left college and actually worked.
Unfortunately I didn't save it, anyone remember that study?

>> No.20903606

The most serious intellectuals out there are hyper-pragmatic and thus don't stand out.

>> No.20903617

"Serious intellectualism" is slowly dying out and they usually don't spend there time posting stuff online; they're usually working on research or preparing for their classes. Best you can find is a professor posting their lectures on YouTube.

>> No.20903625

is this the thread where we pretend people without undergraduate degrees are more intelligent that those with college degrees?

>> No.20903632

what you'll find is that the dumbest person with a college degree has taken basic math classes, econ classes, and literature classes that most of the population will have zero clue about. this unhealthy obsession with "woke = bad", is poisoning this board's mind and causing them to wrongly think that the average high-school graduate is somehow more intelligent than literally anybody with an extra year of school.

>> No.20903634

That's the /pol/troon mentality. All you need to get redpilled is to follow the right Twitter/Youtube celeb.

>> No.20903637

I don't you think you know how little being better read than the average person means (who barely reads at all!). Unless you're a retard yourself your filter doesn't help with anything. Maybe YOU should think about what you type before you post it.

Never mind how you're snobbishly dismissing a good many outliers in the common populace.

>> No.20903640

no, we are saying someone who thinks they are smart because they have a college degree is like someone saying they are a great driver because they bought a race car.

>> No.20903650

The average person will never pick up a book on a technical subject for the heck of it. This is what you do in college for basically every class. You're talking about outliers in the common populace, but how about just the typical college student who is assigned to read classic literature, technical scientific papers, etc. What you're saying doesn't make sense.

>> No.20903654

a person could spend their whole life at school, pass all the exams, get 20 degrees, and then die of AIDS at 50 doing nothing else with there life, does this make them smart?
lol i dont think so

>> No.20903656
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>you need a piece of paper so I know you're an intellectual

>> No.20903679
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>Christopher Hitchens

>> No.20903692

>I remember reading that the average college student is the most gullible and unquestioning of all, as long as things are presented as coming from the established authorities.

why is that?

>> No.20903706

People without college degrees can still be smart. but they're not any more intelligent than those with degrees, and at worse, they'll always be less intelligent.

>> No.20903720

ur dumb as dog shit

>> No.20903749

I agree. I can see him entering further into politics and doing something constructive if he dropped all the e-drama hedonism bullshit.
I also feel like hes going to deeply regret not prioritizing his son, which might make him a better person in the end, but at a significant cost to the relationship he has with the only person that should matter to him.

>> No.20903760

toi/lit/ will dump on you, but they wont realize that there will probably never again be a time in life where one can dedicate 4+ years to reading, writing and thinking at an intellectually challenging level.

>> No.20903766 [DELETED] 

i saw video of a recent attempt to reproduce the millgram experiment and like two minutes in the people are like "what is this some millgram shit? i'm done, thanks".

>> No.20903799

Spoken like a true pseudo.

>> No.20903810

That is possibly the worst take on anything I've ever seen any human ever make, and I'm a fucking philosopher; do you have any idea how many takes on how many things I've read?

>> No.20903814

His son will be an incel school shooter and he won’t even notice cause he’s too busy angrily reading reddit posts and defending his wife getting fucked by better men

>> No.20903824

Cope and seethe

>> No.20903834

boy, the reeking resentment by the undegreed itt really makes me glad i fucking forced myself to do my weekly physics problem set...

>> No.20903835

I mean wouldn’t you be a better driver if you have an actual car thats best suited for driving? How did you afford the race car in the first place if you weren’t doing something right and had enough confidence in your driving ability?

>> No.20903850
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>doesn't know about Pageau

>> No.20903851

Most of them either flunked, dropped out, and/or couldn’t afford college so now they are eternally angry at those that did and seethe about it not being neccessary to be successful while they wage cuck their 9-5.
Quite literally coping and seething.

>> No.20903876

the autodidact seethe is always great to see here