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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 2.87 MB, 2365x2686, IMG_20220826_032221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20896119 No.20896119 [Reply] [Original]

>yeah dude, these 3d indentations on a piece of concrete are actually a story from an ancient language!
>how did we translate it? uuuuh you see that triangle shape over there actually means "gilgamesh"
>how do we know? well we just... know okay?!

they didn't even try to make it look realistic

>> No.20896123
File: 152 KB, 1084x2048, 2C648B29-3099-4F85-B059-561DFCC01417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao what a bait post

>> No.20896131

Cmon anon, you can make better shitposts than this. Believe in yourself!

>> No.20896162



>> No.20896264

explain it then faggots.

>> No.20896280

say, you dig a hole in the ground and find this tablet. you want to understand what's written on it. what steps do you take? you just guess? it could be fucking anything.

>> No.20896368

theres a wall in Iran that bri’ish troops used as target practice and himmler send an expedition to to study that is the rosetta stone of Mespotoamian languages :)

>> No.20896376

what's its name?

>> No.20896392

alright I found it. listen jfjdhrehdhheebebbdhdfj. no seriously listen. how is it possible that we have access to something 4k years old. like imagine the dark ages. who would give a fuck if they found something really ancient and valuable? they wouldn't even recognize it as such. just to name a time period. and you mean to tell me that stuffs can remain untouched for thousands of years? anon I don't know. and like it's fuckign stone. doesnt it just erode? 4k years is a long enough period. even just air oh my fucking dogsjhehehshdhdhd

>> No.20896396


Source is Freng on Danbooru if anyone was wondering.

>> No.20896407
File: 1.04 MB, 800x600, mesopotamia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry but WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS. guys I just can't believe it I'm sorry. everything started when my grandparents were born and they will end when I die. ancient stuff can't be real

>> No.20896515

egyptians didnt give a shit about the rosetta stone. it was the corner stone in a random fort.
the frenchies came and one dude was like
>lmao check this out. lets send it back to paris. some nerds might like this

we wouldnt be friends irl btw. you are annoying. Accept rudimentary long established science. we disnt understand hyroglyphic runes for centuries even though they were on every obelisk romans relocated.

>> No.20896794


>> No.20896812


>> No.20896964
File: 329 KB, 866x1390, 1657029020656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>yeah dude, these 3d indentations on a piece of concrete are actually a story from an ancient language!

>> No.20897614


>> No.20897812

see these actually make sense. without knowing the language you could guess whether it's written from top to bottom or any other direction, even though it's pretty clear which one is the right one because they're a bit sloped. and then you could guess to what sound each symbol corresponds maybe by cross reference. and eventually what the words mean. but the op picture makes no fucking sense, there's no clear direction or anything, the symbols are unrecognizable from each other, there's huge circles of lacking text which makes it impossible to read in a line of any direction. yeah no

>> No.20897843

god you're dumb

>> No.20897854

awful thread

>> No.20897941



>> No.20897951

>see these actually make sense.
lmao what would that be, retard?

>> No.20897981

this is like face blindness but for rocks

>> No.20897996

>this one is real because it's rooted into the language I was nurtured to speak in the first place

do you understand how bias works? You sound like a spoiled child

>> No.20898014

>If I, personally, don't understand something, then it has to be fake
please tell me this is bait, OP

>> No.20898262

Why would there be a conspiracy to fabricate the Epic of Gilgamesh?

>> No.20899960

alright geniuses. take a japanese person, raise him completely shielded from latin alphabet, and give him this
then tell him to copy it on a piece of paper. he will have no idea what it's about, but he will be able to copy these simple shapes. like "D" "E" "C" on a piece of paper.

now any of you motherfucker, try and copy on a piece of paper a single line of this shit >>20896119
go on. im waiting. just copy the symbols anons. it's symbols right? just like those we call "letters". you can copy simple shapes, right?

>> No.20899995


>> No.20900006
File: 50 KB, 540x540, 1630144167265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's your address?

>> No.20900030

what kind of drooling retard wrote this? the lines are not straight and the size of the letters is inconsistent.

>> No.20900037
File: 8 KB, 238x279, 1613415665475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20900066
File: 71 KB, 677x782, Evsj2dJXIAMn27k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Romans were just like me...

>> No.20900067

It that all you have to say?

>> No.20900088

i just want one of y'all to copy a line of the fucking symbols since im so retarded. prove me wrong.

>> No.20900091

you're not worth it

>> No.20900093

>it could be anything
If it's a language, it's a rules-based system for something something specific. Discovering those rules is literally a matter of mathematics, often induction.
Now, I know what you're thinking - "But they have to compare it to something else to have context, right?" Nope - context is only useful to discover subtext of things like art, not how the language forms together to communicate information. It really does just fall back to principles we can define mathematically. This is how cryptologists break cyphers that could "mean literally anything", without ever comparing the enciphered language to anything but itself.

>> No.20900098

oh my god i used the zoomie/nigger word!! oh lord!! nevermind the fact that it's a commonly used word in south us and it's not just internet slang.

>> No.20900107

>it's a commonly used word i
by nigs and hicks. I rest my case.

>> No.20900112

just copy the damn simbols faggot.

>> No.20901610


>> No.20901627
File: 9 KB, 209x241, images (3).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Accept rudimentary long established science
No. Science is all about questioning rudimentary long established science.

>> No.20901638


>> No.20901697

OP btfo

>> No.20901712

Cuneiform is so damn beautiful.

>> No.20902209

this is genuinely one of the dumbest threads i have ever read

>> No.20902826
File: 551 KB, 1000x331, behishtun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just very old so it's hard to read. If you inspect it closely and copy it out it looks like pic related which is clearly decipherable language.

>> No.20902858

Japanese people can read the Latin alphabet. If you really wanted to give someone a challenge. you’d have to give that to an illiterate person from the Amazon rainforest or Papua New Guinea.

>> No.20902905

I think one of the big cosmic jokes of cueniform tablets is that when their cities get sacked and libraries get burned, the fire actually bakes the clay and buries it in a protective layer of ash and rubble. The library of Ashurbanipal is like the inverse of the library of Alexandria. If it didnt get sacked its very likely we would never have known about its contents.

>> No.20903816

the absolute state of this board

>> No.20903856

Thank you!

>> No.20903857

The Behistun inscription

>> No.20903953

>Science is all about questioning rudimentary long established science
not for no good reason

>> No.20903965

cuneiform is difficult to write because it was designed to be carved into rock

ancient sumerians would have a difficult time writing it

>> No.20903980

Breaking a Cypher and decoding an unknown language are completely different things. You absolutely need to compare it to something if you can't read the script or the language belongs to a language family we don't know about. You can't just reconstruct a grammar by induction with unknown symbols alone. You're a dumb ass.

>> No.20903985

>because it was designed to be carved into rock
it was designed to be pressed into clay with a stylus, that's why it's wedge-shaped
the forms of the signs are not arbitrary, they're a consequence of the medium available to them

>> No.20903994

Thanks for clarifying. The point is it would be difficult to write on pen and paper even if you knew the language without designing a new font.

>> No.20903995

Worst thread. Well done OP. You created seethe and reduced the value of the whole board.

>> No.20904005

Based and sticking to your guns pilled.

>> No.20904018

>copying signs that were adapted to be primarily pressed into clay onto paper is more difficult than copying signs that were adapted to be primarily written on papyrus onto paper
just think this over for a while, genius

>> No.20904020

>the size of the letters is inconsistent
That's because one of the ways romans had for indicating long vowels in stone written texts, was by doing, for example, the letter "i" a litle bit longer than the usual.

>> No.20904502
File: 556 KB, 500x710, 2_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this work? maybe using a 3D scan to black only the deep parts would be better

>> No.20904511

"It does now son."
"Because I said it did."

>> No.20904513

Totally a language

>> No.20904516

Why was it divided into two pages like a modern book?