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/lit/ - Literature

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20895940 No.20895940 [Reply] [Original]

Why do young people refuse to read? Why don't they find it fun?? Are schools to blame? What happened? Should we as a society be worried about it?

>> No.20895943

>Why don't they find it fun??
I can't imagine why a society that has reduced its values to whether or not it finds something fun has a problem with infantilized braindead masses.
The problem is beyond us.

>> No.20895945

Who are you talking about? What young people are you referring to?

Be a little bit more specific

>> No.20895959

Schools definitely made reading an annoyance for a lot of young kids. Beyond that though, society has become so fast-paced that most people can't fathom sitting down and reading a book. Probs why audiobooks have become more popular.

>> No.20895962 [DELETED] 
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>> No.20895980

Phones, tiktoks, snapchats, playstation/xbox, tv/netflix etc absolute time and attention wasting activities.

>> No.20895989

Some good Kino and music lit like K-On!?

>> No.20895995

There's too much torment and noise in our souls to be able to read

>> No.20896007

Giving a kid a book was a good way to get them to shut up for a few hours. Now parents give their kids tablets and games consoles.
Furthermore, I think the ability to actually visualize what's happening in a book inside your head only really develops if you read as a kid, and teens reading are kinda left cold by just seeing words on a page instead of a movie theatre in your mind.

>> No.20896030

>Giving a kid a book was a good way to get them to shut up for a few hours.
I will never understand this mindset.

>> No.20896053

Enjoyment has always been one of the top reason to read. If we want to trade get-off-my-lawnrants, your view is why minimalism bros fetishize reading but consider fiction a waste of time.

>> No.20896364
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doesn't exist
k-on is a masterpiece of its own kind

>> No.20896375


>> No.20896381

Just anything. I know it won't compare but still...

>> No.20896436

Who cares?
Why is this an issue?
I don't want zoomers to read, I want less zoomers to read. I want women to stop reading. I want colored people to stop reading. Fuck off from my books, subhumans

>> No.20896462
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>Are schools to blame?

>> No.20896489

>Why do young people refuse to read?
Because it is more effort and less stimulating than other forms of energetic media.
>What happened?
Nothing. Kids never used to read for fun. Literacy was poor until modern history, and by that point radio/tv basically kicked books out people's interest. Young people read more text now than ever by a lot, just not novels. IDK you could try making kids read, but what for? What special aspect is there in reading novels that people need in their lives? It's not as though they're all going to become meaningful people from it, any more than tv. If anything i think tv show producers who understand just how low the lowest common denominator is, can probably get ideas across to the masses much better than spergs like Herman Melville can talking about chopping up whale blubber.

>> No.20896496

>Enjoyment has always been one of the top reason to read
not even a true statement

>> No.20896521

Everyone's attention span is blasted to shit, videogames and movies/tv have filled the need for pulp literature so the only people left are people specifically into genre stuff and the smattering of people left who read lit.

>> No.20896546

If you aren’t enjoying the book you are reading, why continue?

>> No.20896551

Because there are actually more important things than having fun.

>> No.20896568

I see you are a serious individual

>> No.20896582

then name 5 with in depth justifications and sound logic so i can fall asleep and never see your post before reading it

>> No.20896583

Dedicating your life to “important things” at every hour only sets you up for potential failure when it turns out those important things mean little, or were founded on ungrounded ethical assumptions. At least “enjoyment” is a relatively simple emotional state to see the reward of. Not arguing for full-blown hedonism, but why live your life as a narrow road where only the tasks deemed holy and ultimately worthwhile are worth pursuing?

>> No.20896598

I’m guessing he reads philosophy and nonfiction type of books and doesn’t find learning to be entertaining. Reading should be a painful experience in his view

>> No.20896711

This. Reading fiction was always an esoteric (and rather feminine) past time.

>> No.20896724

You think maybe fiction for young people kind of sucks now? If you're a teenage boy, what are you going to read? Other than things written decades ago, which is pretty much what I read.

>> No.20896732

Should teenage boys be reading fiction in the first place? I can't think of any time in history where it was masculine to read fiction.

>> No.20896741

Well that's a whole question in itself. Is reading just degenerate time wasting, when you get down to it? Would you be better off exercising, making friends, and starting a career?

>> No.20896745

mike ma and shit like that shows there is a market for teenage boy books, maybe not enough for big publishers, but it's there

>> No.20896787

Reading isnt inherently fun. Its about the book.

>> No.20896835

That's the conclusion I've come to after a lifetime of reading fiction. However there's obviously a kind of predisposition here. I'm not very masculine to begin with due to being a skinny manlet my whole life so I naturally gravitated toward books.

>> No.20896856

reading is outdated. There is literally no point in reading now when we have video games, tv shows, film, social media etc.

>> No.20896917

I'm a person who hadn't read an entire book in about 6 years. (I come here mainly to lurk and read some interesting discussions.) I have only recently started to get into reading.

I think it's due to many reasons. A lot of people have not been taught how to properly read, and so they find that it's hard to actually understand the medium and end up not getting any enjoyment out of it leading to a loss of interest.

It's also been my personal experience that even tho I am interested in stories and abstract concepts, whenever I see a full page full of letters my brain immediatly says "fuck this" and tunes out. I feel it has to do with a lack of external stimuli. Reading is very much a passive activity that does not feel very rewarding at the time, so it's hard to stick to it when I could just get instant gratification somewhere else.

>> No.20896928

>Why do young people refuse to read?
how many young people have you talked to lately?

>> No.20896931

You can get instant gratification with reading too, it just depends on what you read. Likewise there are plenty of works in other mediums that have delayed gratification. Granted, reading tends toward the delayed side more (especially for classic works) but most genre fiction tries to aim for instant gratification these days.

>> No.20896987

>absolute time and attention wasting activities
Reading books is basically wasting time as well.

>> No.20896990

Seconding this

>> No.20897009

They force kids to read the most drab stuff throughout elementary and middle school; especially when it comes to boys. This combination with their adhd and Adderall raped minds to make them wish nothing more than to goof off when they get home instead of reading a book or manga.
I can't even get my 10 year old cousin to read 5 pages of a fucking manga, shit's fucked. When I asked him why he wouldn't he told me he was tired of reading due to all the boring stories school had him read.

>> No.20897031
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I dont know anon. I wonder the same thing as well. Even a few paragraphs is too much for a lot of people

>> No.20897061

>Reading is very much a passive activity
How is it more passive than sitting in front of a screen and just let the pretty colors and funny sound a wash over you? If you do not actively engage with a book there simply is no experience

>> No.20897200

Being confident in your interests is the peak of masculinity you retard. Lifting because it's what chad does is still virgin mindset.

>> No.20897214

books and literature are like TV, they are outdated and vintage for modern generation being beaten back by superior media like Animation, Cartoon, Anime, Movies, Manga, Video game etc.

why spend time trying to visualize texts when you can just watch it by other media?

>> No.20897533

He can't, because he made it up.

>> No.20897540

Eh, if I only did what I wanted, I would sit at home, play vidya and jerk off while eating CBD chocolate. You need to be willing to force yourself to embody something that you want to become.

>> No.20897596

I always enjoyed getting to read pretty much anything in school, because it was a break from doing really boring shit like geography. They probably just assign trash these days. I got to read Treasure Island.

>> No.20897755

Like shitposting on /lit/?

>> No.20897761

Personal problem. If I only did what I wanted my days would be full of lifting, reading, and sleep.

>> No.20897840

I've been trying to get back into anime and vidya but i just dont find it to be fun anymore. Reading is hella fun though and it seems like i cant get enough.

>> No.20897867

>I got to read Treasure Island
That sounds nice, yeah it's trash now of days. There was at least a few stories in high school I liked, those being the Odyssey and The Most Dangerous Game.

>> No.20899137

Do people in their twenties count as young?
Because the only thing my uni classmates read is what the school forces them to read

>> No.20899365

It's worse now because of predatory woke teachers who indoctrinate kids into bad literature. I thought it was a meme, until I actually saw them turn people I knew into boring and uncreative conformists. They refuse to read some books because it's "outdated", "boring", and "bigoted". I wish I was joking.

>> No.20899371

The internet , smart phones, and audiovisual media interferes with their attention spans.

>> No.20899385

Fuck. Yui is so fucking cute. Can we go back to comfy times?

>> No.20899715

There are other things in my life that are more compelling. I absolutely love reading but I hate its time consuming nature and therefore avoid it. It also does not help to have people asking me to socialize every day. I therefore do not read much, only 5-10 books a year, only in short bursts, when I want to be exposed to new ideas and ways of thought that other outlets (artforms) cannot provide

>> No.20899730

that's why. schools forcing people to read shit they hate builds a reflexive aversion to reading, and it starts young. most people will admit that they liked to read when they were a kid, and what happened was school. social media doesn't help, but the heavy lifting is done by being forced to read something you hate under threat.

>> No.20899764
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This is objective false. There's a lot of teens on tiktok reading 'low-brow' lit (often romance). Search tiktok, and you'll see that kids are reading
>it ends with us
>The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo
>Sally Rooney's books
>the midnight library
>they both die at the end
>the hating game
>my year of rest and relaxation
>ugly love
>every last word

basically stuff that won't absolutely change your life, but are just fun to read. Most of genz grew up reading diary of a wimpy kid and YA books in middle school

>> No.20899802

>Why do young people refuse to read?
begging the question

>> No.20899801

>Schools definitely made reading an annoyance for a lot of young kids. Beyond that though, society has become so fast-paced that most people can't fathom sitting down and reading a book. Probs why audiobooks have become more popular.
>reading slowly: extremely useful
>reading fast (normally): mostly useless
>audiobook: completely useless, the equivalent of lurking on /lit/ and your mind highlighting an interesting post every 10-20 minutes

>> No.20899813

I believe that. Consumerism and materialism are so bad, people think that things just "get too old" for some reason. They think a book, a movie, a video game, an idea, etc. become "old" and useless at some point. They can't even explain what they're feeling, they just think it's "icky".

>> No.20899822

>Furthermore, I think the ability to actually visualize what's happening in a book inside your head only really develops if you read as a kid, and teens reading are kinda left cold by just seeing words on a page instead of a movie theatre in your mind.
This is the dumbest shit I've read today.

>> No.20899842

>having fun is le bad
Midwit battle.

>> No.20899846

Imagine actually having to say that. No offense to you, you're making a good point. But most pseuds will tell you that the medium itself has some sort of magical property lmao. When, actually, speaking to someone face-to-face is far superior to reading stuff from a book.

>> No.20899850

Young people are literally gay retards addicted to TV shows. What do you seriously expect from them?

>> No.20899860

Not him, and I don't think you can only gain the ability as a kid but I do think it's an ability you need to develop. And consuming media 24/7 and never experiencing any boredom probably has an adverse effect on that. I'd like to see a proper study on this as I only have anecdotal evidence, but I've seen on numerous occasions Zoomers talking about not being able to visualize things and being surprised that people actually see things when they close their eyes to imagine something.

>> No.20899864

Exactly. And I love reading. But this is true for most books, which are absolute shit and just waste your time. Most books have as much informational density as a chinese MMO.

>> No.20899906

I was about to call you a retard but I'm not a zoomer so I have no idea how a zoomer would think and if they are used to or even capable of doing the things we can with our minds. Even when I wasn't reading stuff I'd get bored for hours, and this skill has been very valuable for me, and I can get bored for 10 hours doing nothing and still like it, because I can either empty my head or think of subjectively interesting stuff.

But when you take into consideration the fact that zoomers basically grew up with Psychology PhD-level mass emotional abuse (social media) I think it starts to make a lot of sense. These fags grew up doomscrolling, which changed their brains during the precious and vital developmental years. Everyone knows that messing with a child's mind can ruin it forever, or cause major trauma.

>> No.20900012

Reading is boring.

>> No.20900015 [DELETED] 


>> No.20900042


>> No.20900105

reading is just pointless
some 21 year old dude would get more out of partying, going to the gym and going out for drinks with a date than spending the evening reading some ancient shit like dostoevsky or joyce that's so far removed from how the average person lives and thinks today
literally what are you supposed to get out of that and how is it beneficial to that person

>> No.20900137

my nigger, human emotions don't just go out of vogue. themes like loneliness, affection, financial loss, anything you can think about, are still applicable to today's people. just because the context is different doesn't mean you can't gain everything else from it. besides, reading about older societies in and of itself gives you culture, and just because they're older doesn't mean they can't be better at some things. reading about ancient greece i've realized that we live lives too far removed from how nature intended, and we should organize them similarly to how they lived in certain aspects. anyway you can do all the things you said (partying and going out) while also enjoying a good classic in your alone time. the two aren't mutually exclusive. sorry this is a wall of text im trying to distract myself from my life's frustration

>> No.20900147

How are the lifestyles of modernity any more beneficial?

>> No.20900223

What's the meaning of existing? What are we supposed to do with our lives and why?

>> No.20900226

Because people who "read" are faggot autogynephiles like you OP.

Fuck bourgeois and fuck decadents.

>> No.20900236

Anon, what the fuck are you talking about

>> No.20900247

he's projecting, don't mind him

>> No.20900264
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>> No.20900279

OP's post is vaginal.

>> No.20900395
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Zoomer here. I want to start reading, but still haven't read a book in years. I don't even read thr school books.

I'm just extremely lazy and often don't even have the endurance to play through a game, or watch a whole show.
The last show I really enjoyed was Highschool DxD. I just can't watch anything that isn't fast paced and full of humor and sex.

>> No.20900419

How old?

>> No.20900440

19. Turning 20 next month.

>> No.20900727

nigga i've been reading since i was 12 and im 20. I know people younger then me who read alot. go to a Barnes and nobles. they got lots of young people there.

>> No.20900736

start reading short stories and novellas
they're pretty short and can pack a punch depending on if they're from great authors

>> No.20900737

yeah but he likes books so its ok. if its a recreational activity he doesn't like then its bad and ruining the youth. he is the end all be all of deciding if a hobby is a waste of time or not. just like all elitist fags.

>> No.20900754

read novellas first. but if you want something big "until the sun" by Chandler Morrison should be perfect.

>> No.20900781

I think it’s because these days school is the only part of modern life still reliant exclusively on books. It’s the only place in modern society where electronics are often entirely forbidden or at least restricted. So a modern child is basically conditioned for their formative years to associate books almost entirely with school, which is currently an institution that absolutely nobody involved with likes, especially the students.

So for modern youth books = school = bad.

>t. I used to be like that too.

>> No.20900783
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this, pic rel was my first "book" i read since i was a kid and read it in an afternoon. still have trouble with attention span so i cant read big books still, but soon i hope to work my way up to it.

>> No.20901002

I unironically think that the complete disappearance of the "YA for heterosexual teenage boys" market affected it.

>> No.20901059

Its not even "having fun is le bad", its "having fun should not be the focus of a person's life" and all the pretentious self-serving hedonists lose their fucking minds.

>> No.20901099

Holy based. This should be screenshotted and pinned at the beginning of /fit/

>> No.20901109

What if you do it because being strong and healthy feels good?

>> No.20901190

There is a lack of fatherhood in most households > less morals being instilled > less overall healthy habits being formed > a need to fill that void presents itself > without proper guidance quick fixes become the norm.

>> No.20901354

Holy shit, someone with a brain.

>> No.20901368
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>> No.20901393

Youth would rather rob banks or watch anime. Sad times.

>> No.20901399

why do such retards browse this board? do you lack any form of critical thinking?
>Phones, tiktoks, snapchats, playstation/xbox, tv/netflix
these activities are junk food for your brain, reading is like eating the healthiest meal possible.

>> No.20901422

bros I love Yui

>> No.20901429

Surely you realise you just answered your own question, right?

>> No.20901456

What should be the focus of a person's life?

>> No.20901467

These are the actual answer

>> No.20901553

This, reading ruined vidya for me

>> No.20901565

Reading has been an amazing remedy for vidya addiction personally
Lets me focus more, I can feel my day moving slower and I have so much more control of my productivity

>> No.20901644

Hey. This >>20896462 is the actual answer.

>> No.20901940

*autism beam noises*

>> No.20901950
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>> No.20902060

I can only speak with regards to the United States, but as an avid reader who is 21 and definitely a zoomer I feel I'm qualified to answer this. Really, it's a mixture of a few things, the most obvious being that social media and short form content have obliterated most people's attention spans. Secondly, you have an education system that makes absolutely no effort to instill even basic media literacy with regard to things that kids actually like, so analyzing anything on a barely-below surface level is treated with suspicion and mockery. Finally, there is a general trend of viewing the past as a place not worth exploring, as people in the past were wrong about a lot of things (and let's be honest, we're not in a great age of literature to make up for people not wanting to read the classics). It's a damn shame, but hopefully things will swing back with the next generation (unlikely but we can hope).

>> No.20902072

>Hispanics growing exponentially
¡Hermanos, ganamos!

>> No.20902087

That specifically didn't happen to me, but I did think history was the most boring shit in the world until a reached a certain age and realised I enjoyed the subject. School made me think an interesting topic was boring, because school is boring. I just mentally associated everything with being stuck at a desk, forced to write out lines upon lines.

>> No.20902139

>muh gatekeeping

>> No.20902647

At least for my personal educational experience, the system probably made reading seem like a chore for many students because virtually everything we read was either 18th-19th century British literature or books about how evil White people oppressed the Blacks.
If we got assigned some tried and true classics like Homer's Iliad or Don Quixote, maybe more students in my experience would have been enthusiastic. Hell, this was an American school, so why didn't we read what's often called THE American novel, Moby Dick?

>> No.20902678

Moby Dick is a book that only boys would be able appreciate. Modern public education caters to the gash. Simple as.

>> No.20902733

I think there might be something deeply wrong with the entire school system, that needs to be addressed. Do you think the good that comes out of these places outweighs the sheer emotional torment we put children through? The further along I get in my life, the less I can justify it. It all seems like a huge mess. It literally ruins the joy of learning for children, along with all of the other shit like bullying, which comes from both students and teachers.

>> No.20902832

Watch netflix and have sex. To answer the why, simply, because it feels good.

>> No.20902904

I think because their imagination/attention has been fried from iPads from an early age

Consider how tv affected us growing up and then having smart phone introduced in our 20s. It fucked us up as is I can only imagine how it did so for kids who got introduced to devices at the age of 2 or even younger

>> No.20902935

>Prevalence of instant gratification entertainment.
>Reading isn't a socially rewarding experience anymore.

>> No.20902996

Picked up reading at 26, the simple reason is I had too much noise and distractions in my life before that point. Couldn't even figure out who I was or what I wanted. I also grew up with videogames and movies, those were my outlets and everything else looked tame in comparison (I was no different than modern zoomies with TikTok). I wouldn't blame schooling, at least not in EU, they actually forced us to read good stuff but at the time I was unable to see the beauty in it. Now with age I've learned to appreciate deeper stuff. All this being said, if I could meet 14 year old me, I wouldn't know how to convince him to leave WoW for a bit and read a book. Dopamine is one hell of a drug.

>> No.20903011


Not the same anon but basically everyone I know that’s involved with the school system. In fact, where I live teachers are going on a silent strike (basically mass resignations in favour of private tutoring where they get paid ten times as much).

>> No.20903038


>> No.20903101

BTFO's by >>20901456

>> No.20904839

Video games are more fun

>> No.20904980
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Young people have never been especially into reading at any time and most older readers got back into it later in life.
The vast majority of any current generation does not read for leisure.
Of those readers the people that read anything worthwhile and not genre fiction and the occasional pop science/history book to reinforce their milquetoast political views is probably a fraction of a percent.
You can stop having these threads up on the catalog 24/7 now.

>> No.20905191

Why eat vegetables and water when you can eat cookies and soda? Kids aren't able to think about the long-term effects of their actions so they will always go for whatever "feels best" in the moment. Purely consumptive activities feel much better in the short-term as no energy is expended. In addition to this there is the addictive effect created by "likes" or more generally notifications. Humans are always evaluating the reaction of society to their actions and the "like" has made this visible, quantifiable, and commodifiable.
Blame parents for this, they'd rather buy a camper than put their children's best interests first.

>Literacy was poor until modern history
Nice meme. The American colonies had upwards of 90% literacy rates as attested to by both De Tocqueville and Postman.
>What special aspect is there in reading novels that people need in their lives?
Fuck off back to /tv/ faggot. The absolute state of this board.

>> No.20905533
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Because when you grow up with the Internet, you have to be willfully blind to not see that the primary problem for the vast majority is economic. Tiktok clickbait robs your time by tricking you that you'll just watch one 30 second clip, but to specifically pre-commit to wasting hours of your time on the mental masturbation that is reading when the world is a machine trying to grind you down into poverty and debt slavery? That is foolishness.

>> No.20906248

>I can't even get my 10 year old cousin to read 5 pages of a fucking manga
>he told me he was tired of reading due to all the boring stories school had him read.
John Gotto was right. I did not enjoy reading untill I was out of school and the first book I actually liked was a tie-in for WoW. (This was in the BtC/WotLK days.)
Meanwhile in Japan, most anime is based on manga or light novels and non print media get print tie-ins.

>> No.20907530

this person, in my country they are everything

>> No.20908214

Techology is to blame if we are being honest.

>> No.20908237

>Why don't people read?
Literally all your replies are people reading.
People still read, it's just done more on blogs, social media, online articles, journals, etc.
What's more worrying is the fall in IQ scores

>> No.20908250

>people in the past were wrong about a lot of things
They were right about almost everything

>> No.20908275


>> No.20908332
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>I want women to stop reading.
Absolutely based and gastonpilled.

>> No.20908352

Have none of them listened to Odyssey?

>> No.20908377

I feel like education wise there has to be a better and practically efficient way to boost quality. In reality not every teacher will be of the same quality, some will be way more excellent than others. Idk, what if the top 1% of great teachers put together carefully made video courses to teach kids every subject and those became the standard? Teachers in the classroom would still be there for additional questions and help but use of video maybe can greatly expand the reach of those teachers who really excel at explaining things.

>> No.20908429

more young people nowadays read than any time before and you all still complain? also who care what they do? if they read a lot you would still complain that young people don't bother to read the classics or philosophy or some kinds of trash you like but few does anw.
and btw i don't see this board talks about literature that's not philosophy or religion anymore. most of the time i only see you clog the board with peterson, bible, marxist, religious books. way too worry about young kids' future when you are the nuisance yourselves

>> No.20909042

>Young people have never been especially into reading
>most older readers got back into it later in life
>back into

>> No.20909356

In a way, strictly regimented schools like this are a result of the encroachment of the technical world, but it’s been similar throughout the so-called “civilized” world.
There’s a way to encourage higher education without shackles to a statist agenda

>> No.20909663


Every student has to be taught differently, as every student has unique problems / gaps in learning / different capabilities. There's no 'one solution'. Teaching in 'the best way' (constant individual assessment and feedback) is easy and most teachers can do it, but it's very time consuming and impossible to implement on a level that's financially viable. The best method to teach changes from student to student and when you have 100 kids a week you have to use mass teaching methods and guesswork. Quality of teaching is basically teacher to student ratio.

All of the bullshit learning in schools, 'shut up, sit down and listen, get in line, wear a uniform, raise your hand to ask a question, be quiet and always obey' is only required to control large classrooms / school-sized groups of children. When teaching four students or similar, the entire teaching process becomes a much more natural back and forth conversation, which is how it always should be but economically can't be.

>> No.20910369

Sorry king but all my best reads have been on literotica.
>t. nonreader

>> No.20910533

every one of them has a portable dopamine generator and they have been mindraped into worshiping life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
why would they not just do whatever produces the most dopamine without any risk/effort?
phone + dopamine/freedom/power worship = bad

>> No.20911444

as in they haven't read regularly since they were forced to in school

>> No.20911521

They do read, but they’re not reading Tolstoy or Shakespeare. They’re reading Colleen Hoover

>> No.20911555

you're literally the one being pretentious in this scenario you gimp

>> No.20911637

zooms are more literary than booms/xooms and even yooms only read YA.
personally i think movies and TV are boring and i dont have patience for it. i only find books hold my attention. even then 95% of them are trash
t. zillennial college grad. also lmao thanks biden i'm not paying that debt is all, boomers mad af
>why dont people read
people have never read. the average person is a walking retard

>> No.20911646

I recall when I was in uni one of my friends asked me if it would be okay to cite a source that was written in the 80s, because she thought it might be too old. And I remember thinking that it was such an asinine question, as though the information in the book had an expiry date.
But it's exactly as you said, it's like they think any thought that was put to paper prior to them being born must be either outdated or useless.

>> No.20911662
File: 186 KB, 450x338, everyone is stupid except me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people have never read. the average person is a walking retard

>> No.20911688

There are no generation-defining creatives that use the written word. Kids see books and think about a bunch of dead white people from hundreds of years ago writing boring shit. Everything else is more "efficient" and more instantly gratifying. TV shows flash in your face and are designed to keep you binge watching. Movies are a couple of hours at most + "explained" youtube video. Albums can be listened to passively. Manga does a lot of the lifting for you and is usually has simple stories for teenaged audiences. Good, thought provoking literature requires constant engagement for hours at a time over the course of sometimes weeks, just to be able to get to the end and discuss it.

>> No.20911722

Teacherfag here.

Dialogic talk is currently rising in the seas of pedagogical practice; discussions about texts etc. are becoming more frequent. I often use whole room forums, then find questions to continue to bounce off of that I gradually dumb down until a student pulls out a decent answer.

If I were to list common problems:
>Children do not need smart phones. They are often bought for them by careless parents.
>Poor quality of parenting has been a serious issue; people who are checked out and living on benefits should not be having children unless they're willing to nut the fuck up and raise their sprogs.
>In most cases the curriculum outpaces a student's natural growth. Here in the UK, they go from reading 100 page short books in year 6 to reading Victorian literature in year 7 in many cases as they jump to high school, as this in the minds of the senior leaders will 'improve exam results'.
>Women are over-represented in education; many children from broken homes outright ignore female teachers. Guess what's on the rise across the globe? 'Where's dad?'
>Society does not offer rewards for being well read. There are few social opportunities to engage with literature; this is particularly worsened by the aforementioned poor quality of parents. If a child cannot bond with their parents over a book, the book becomes less important.

Poor parenting is ultimately the biggest problem. We *have* to read the text in class, because most children won't do it, and the parents won't enforce it. That poor parenting comes from a myriad of social problems as-is, but that's beyond the scope of this forum. We need a healthy dose of 'nut the fuck up and get the job done', but inspiring the masses, particularly the older folks, is damn near impossible.

>> No.20911834

Aphantasia or the inability to mentally visualize is extremely rare. I think visual formats are just easier to digest than if one were to read a book. You don't need to read a page of description of a setting the main character arrived at if you can simply see it with your own two eyes.

Like I said above, comics, movies, games and TV are all visually oriented formats and there's less difficulty in both consuming and appreciating them. Do I think we should be worried? Yes. Absolutely. There's way more creative freedom in literature than there is in any of those other formats. Authors can write or depict things in excruciating detail that visual media could only scratch the surface of for fear of censorship in one form or another. Books are also the best way to get in-depth knowledge of many subjects (not all - videos are king for physical tasks for example). So a society less willing to engage in reading, in my opinion, is less familiar with high quality stories and high quality information that could enrich them. Books are also a safe haven from culturally bankrupt times like right now where you have studios cranking out adaptations of popular books that are just superficial husks disguising attempts at establishing new, eternal franchises that are related to their source material in name only, meaning someone who doesn't read is also trapped without a boat in a sea of repetitive cultural trash. You don't even have to imagine that on a societal level, we are living it.

I think our society's cultural situation isn't so bleak at least in part because of audiobooks but that isn't enough. Books can technologically modernize even further but the Big 4 publishers don't give a fuck about that. Innovations are going to come from elsewhere.

>> No.20911923

a nice scifi or adventure novel is great for a young boy in my opinion. Even better would obviously be for him to have his own adventures.

>> No.20911924

>Good, thought provoking literature requires constant engagement for hours at a time over the course of sometimes weeks, just to be able to get to the end and discuss it.
Which is something almost no one does unless:
>they're wealthy
>they are poor but have no ambition to gain wealth and thus security

>> No.20911935

>Are schools to blame? What happened?
Yeah turns out most people don't like it when you force them to read boring shlock from the 1950s simply because the curriculum says so

>> No.20911949


how do we expect the younger people to program then if they can't read?

>> No.20911955

I liked reading a LOT as a kid. I finished the harry potter books in like 2nd grade (and at the time for some reason thought it was the agreed-upon best series in the world or something, lol). I will admit I might have read too much, because sometimes I'd sit inside during recess to read. And my 3rd grade teacher gave up on making me sit on the carpet with the brainlets to listen to a reading of a book, she'd just let me sit at my desk and read what I wanted to.

But that was elementary school. By middle school we began to have more assigned reading and most of it was pretty forgettable. Middle school was also when we started having to "analyze" books, but it wasn't a freeform analysis. If we'd just been asked what we thought of the book, it might have been okay. But it was this confusing system you had to follow. I remember the boys complaining about it constantly, and the girls in class having an easy time of it despite obviously being at a poor level of reading and writing.

In high school English classes just got worse. It was only in high school that I realized I had to just make up bullshit to do well in class, and I hated it. I have this thing where I feel like I always have to be right even at the expense of my well being and to make shit up for a grade angered me, but eventually I just did it. By this point English class was a mixture of politics and what felt like feminine emotion with a very minor focus on English. We never covered spelling or grammar. I only remember that stuff being covered in elementary school. And people in my high school could not read worth a damn.

Most of the books we had to read were terribly boring and disproportionately about black people or the struggles of women or about illegal immigrants and all that stuff. And they were boring. By high school I only read on occasion and I'm still dealing with the consequences of that today. I genuinely feel like my brain was functioning better when I was a kid than now.

>> No.20911976

Kek, I watched (and fapped to) that show in high school

but uh basically start with really short and easily digestible books. Your attention span is fucked and you need to build it back up.

>> No.20913508

The series is so good

>> No.20913517

you will when you have kids

>> No.20914178


>> No.20914390

You've been picking the wrong books, melad

>> No.20914906

this guy gets it.

>> No.20914909

Hopefully this is ironic and not a bugman post.

>> No.20914932

the only correct answer ITT

>> No.20914994

What age are kids supposed to be able to read?

My oldest nephew is in grade 2 (8 years old) and can barely play Pokemon because all of the reading. I could've sworn I was playing Pokemon already when I was around that age (I'm 32)

>> No.20915000


>> No.20915168


>> No.20915191

>be toddler
>single mom works as a hairdresser, doesn't raise me
>shoves an iPad in my face before I even learn how to talk
>get addicted to clickbait on YouTube and spend all day mindlessly watching clips and TikToks
>Every clip is 20 seconds long and has a funny zinger
>Watch funny 20 second clip, laugh, scroll to next 20 second clip
>do this for 12 hours a day
>addicted to short media, have no attention span
>watch anything longer than a minute that doesn't have a zany one-liner every 20 seconds
>"where's the funny?"

That's why Marvel movies appeal to normies so much, because they give them the "lol random" humor and zany one-liners every 20 seconds. Most young people don't even like films that aren't mainstream owned by Disney, they definitely won't sit down for hours on end reading words and trying to imagine something deep unfolding.

Most of them couldn't even begin, their attention spans are fried and they're all borderline illiterate. I used to be a teaching assistant for 9th graders, and the amount of 14-15 year olds who couldn't read at a 4th-grade level was terrifying. Even worse, when I was in college there were full-grown adults who couldn't fucking read a single sentence without constant stuttering and needing help.

Literacy is doomed, and the industrial revolution killed it.

>> No.20915357

What literature is actually worth reading? Even the classics were written by maladjusted deviants (e.g Joyce, Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Nabokov, Melville, Hugo, Dickens, Balzac, Proust etc. etc.). Either fiction is just entertainment or it has some pedagogical utility, or both. If the first, there are now vastly superior forms of entertainment. If the second, there are vastly superior spiritual teachers. If both, what difference does it make? It would take the average person 40 hours to finish War and Peace. 40 hours of video games or television is more entertaining. 40 hours of meditation or prayer or studying philosophy or studying scripture is more enlightening. The only valid reason to read fiction is to get better at writing fiction.

>> No.20915370

I fall in and out of love with reading, ill have two year periods where I read several books and months where I read nothing

>> No.20915486

i think i've been thoroughly fucked up

>> No.20915967

Well my mother died when I was in secondary school and I played a fuck ton of video games to mask up the trauma. I quit them cold turkey 3 years ago so that I could focus on college (I got 3 A's) and, well, all this time later and I can finally pick up a book and read. My only problem is occasionally I will get bouts of nostalgia and begin to crave video games, which becomes entirely distracting and I am thus unable to focus on reading until this passes. I think an ideal solution would be to just start playing these games again, on balance with books. But only simple games (Metroid Dread and Donkey Kong comes to mind), as JRPGs are a 40-60 hour commitment I just can't commit to anymore.

>> No.20916180

Reading can be shit just like everything else.
Compare "In Another World with My Smartphone" to a show like Dan Carlin's Hardcore History.

Also my parents don't use social media and yet I read more than them.

But by far the most important part is whether you use what you supposedly learn, both from real life and from media. If you read a book about Greek mythology, talk to a professor about it and end up doing the same shit you did before that, was there really any value to both experiences beyond entertainment?

>> No.20916197

Play arcade games. They're like an hour long, and they're better than most other games anyway. You get these really fun, concentrated bursts of gameplay, rather something that's drawn out in a way that wastes your time. Plus, they're cheap if you want to buy them on the Switch or something. I'm surprised that people who complain about long games haven't taken this direction yet. Just lack of exposure to what's out there, I guess.

>> No.20916243

Young people today live in an oppressive society that moves at the speed of light and values only money
How could they possible want to read

>> No.20916551

Reading in prior ages was holy. It was a way to intake information at far greater length and breadth than you could in any other context short of personal tutelage by masters of the subject.

Then we achieved mass literacy, and the aggregate quality of literature gradually began to drop as it was no longer an aristocratic practice but a necessity to engage with society at all.

Then even worse things happened. People were mandated to read tedious, bad books in school, they were disconnected forcibly from the true joys of reading, and it was made into a gay chore practiced for no clear reason except "it's just what you do."

Then the final killer happened: The internet. Readily available communication, instant, massive quantities of information, vast troves of instruction and trivia.

Reading is no longer the sacred activity it once was. There are a million distractions, but worse, reading modern anything is like reading a version of the Bible written in Ebonics. Everything is made for idiots and w*men, and worse, by them.

It's not surprising that young men don't read, it's surprising that anyone does.

>> No.20917318

I tried to but I hate ***** people too much and they're the ones who wrote the best books.

>> No.20917340


>> No.20917378

I can tell you why I didn't read until I was an adult. There are mandatory book assignments in the US. They force kids and teens to read the most boring bullshit you could ever possibly imagine. Kids don't stand a chance. I didn't know there were books that could be good until I was like 25 and heard 1 on audible. I read 2 books a month now ever since

>> No.20917392

>Then even worse things happened. People were mandated to read tedious, bad books in school, they were disconnected forcibly from the true joys of reading, and it was made into a gay chore practiced for no clear reason except "it's just what you do." Yes exactly what I'm saying. I think the mandatory reading list single handedly caused all of this. Everything else that could be a factor like the internet just exasperated the damage that's been caused by teachers. We ban teachers from forcing kids to read painfully boring bullshit and everyone will read again in 20 years.

>> No.20917474

Make interactive roblox/minecraft maps of the classics or some shit, that'll get them initiated

>> No.20917655

Literature is obsessed with the ordinary, which is fundamentally boring. Tolkien gave fantasy authors autism, the future killed sci-fi, and fanfiction replaced the penny dreadful. There's a good reason why it's mostly posers who read these days.

>> No.20917671

They do enjoy reading. I enjoy reading too, but I enjoy playing vidya or watching movies much more. I have since switched to audio books mostly. I think kids these days would like reading, but much like math, they hear the word "read" and instantly get turned off. They don't respect it and have this preconceieved notion that reading = bad and thus don't respect it or give it a chance.

>> No.20918199


>> No.20919430


>> No.20919926

Read either The Old Man And The Sea or The Stranger. Short, entry level /lit/ and helped me get back into reading real shit after years.
Alternatively: Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas or American Psycho if you like a giggle.

>> No.20919948

This, school was NEVER hard for me but I still have fucking nightmares about not being able to pass finals and graduate for no reason.

This was good, our AP Stat class with a brand new teacher was only 13 kids strong. Our other tech course which had 4 years was, by year 4, only about 8 kids. Retained a lot of info in those classes.

>> No.20920116

>Be in 2nd grade
>Have to read for homework
>Dad insist he helps be with homework
>Every word i messed up he would hit me
>Keeps drinking and gets angrier as i continue
>Hard to read while constantly flinching after every word, while also crying
>Youngest in family, everyone hears what's going on and they do nothing
>Continues till my early teens
>Dad can't figure out why i don't like reading
In my mid-late 20s and finally start to enjoy reading, don't read anything he sends me out of spite.

>> No.20920828

I think this is just a really good bait, but these days more young guys are living life as the Underground Man than what you're describing
>inb4 incel chud zoomer schizo
I am a zoomer, zoomers universally spend 8 hours a day on a screen seething over how they compare to their peers in one way or another.
I'm not exaggerating about the time investment, I heard a SoundCloud rap or something a few years back (before it got even worse with COVID) where one of the lyrics was "Don't play too many games, only 3 hours a day" because this was seen as a sober and responsible amount of time to spend on video games without considering anything else. My parents who kept me at an hour or less every day let my younger zoomer brother (about to be high school senior) play loudly for 4-5 hours and don't force stop him before 1am
Shit's fucked

>> No.20920835

Sup anon, I'm >>20911722
It all falls back to garbage parenting. I had video games consoles in my bedroom as a kid. Rarely did I play them late because they'd be taken away. The trained helplessness of Gen X and early Millenials are dooming the future generations with their lazy ass parenting.

>> No.20920837 [DELETED] 



>> No.20920875

It's more than garbage parenting, it's an institutional flaw in society. Things move so fast that parents have no frame of reference for what's normal anymore, and pressure keeps rising and the kids don't give a shit. It's not a question of parenting because parents have zero power anymore.
My mom tried to rein in me, then my brother for a collective 20 years then just gave up because we would never listen. I learned to sneak into their room and toss the place at 2AM completely silently if they took away my phone or games and my brother has learned to emotionally abuse and manipulate them to the point where they just don't touch him except in extreme need. I personally was reasoned with, bribed, threatened, and punished in a variety of fine and blunt ways, and it amounted to nothing because I was an early example of the younger generation being addicts to technology - addicts don't respond to anything except an emergent personal desire to change their ways.
Of course not to even mention the final straw, as an example, my parents - not poor, unskilled, or replaceable laborers, but engineer and senior management - had to work literally 20-50% more hours during COVID while my brother was stuck at home with nothing to do, and none of his anglojew friends were even allowed outside nor interested in going outside. If you work in education I don't need to even elaborate on the specific outcomes of lockdowns for younger people

>> No.20921080

Your parents were garbage parents. You did not need a smart phone. No child does.

>> No.20921089 [DELETED] 


>> No.20921097

name one thing they were wrong about

>> No.20921470

Are you serious?

>> No.20921541


>> No.20921658

Not giving kids smartphones is unironically a great way to turn them into reclusive incels

>> No.20921680

Explain this reasoning.

>> No.20921852

They won't learn how to socialize well irl. They'll also discover porn almost immediately and I promise it isn't healthy

>> No.20921862

I played videogames all the time since I was 4. I experienced no negative social side effects. I haven't been single since I was 13 and always partied and still have lots of lifetime friends to this day. Videogames aren't the issue. Its social media. I always thought social media was gay

>> No.20921958

As a younger person myself I can say that it's the quick dopamine hits from online multiplayer and social media. Books require more time and attention to get the same hit that the internet provides, and most just aren't willing to wait longer.
The teaching of books in school also doesn't help. Most students aren't interested, and because the books we study are older and more literary, they end up viewing all books as poncy and overly complicated (the books aren't even that complicated, but media comprehension has gone down the shitter since people started sharing their opinions on the internet)

>> No.20921981

Did you answer without reading? How is not having a phone unhealthy. How will they not socialize without a phone? And I'm pretty sure with a phone you will discover porn more quickly

>> No.20922057

You had to put your video games down. Smartphone retards don't.

I think their brains have been rotted by smartphones anon.

>> No.20922069

That anon read the opposite meaning into the post.
The fact of the matter is that without a phone you will be a pariah. 90% of socializing is done by phone and the other 10% is scheduled that way, and kids only talk about internet and app trends. boomerfags can bitch about phones all they want but it's not a question of parenting, it's mandatory for kids these days by middle school at the latest

>> No.20922081

>it's mandatory for kids these days by middle school at the latest
Because of course, this is impossible with a dumb phone. People cannot communicate without a pocket computer, with cameras attached, and internet access, right? It's shitty parenting, and I'm sorry yours were shitty enough to inundate you with the 'shut up toddler' device.

>> No.20922090

>As a younger person myself I can say that it's the quick dopamine hits from online multiplayer
And singleplayer as well. I had to quit video games because even singleplayer games would give me awful brainfog. Like I'd put my head down to sleep at night and the games would replay in my head. I don't use social media though.
t. 20 yr old zoomer who quit games in 2019 after a shit year in college, finished with 3 A grades thanks to my discipline, and started reading this year
Video games

>> No.20922104

>watch funny 20 second clip, laugh, scroll to next 20 second clip
20 seconds is being generous op

>> No.20922740

Sorry I meant to reply to the guy you were asking to explain and I was countering him

>> No.20924085

We should. I have a lot more to worry about rn though

>> No.20924194

young people dont read is a meme old as memes themselves

>> No.20924624

When I was a kid, I was the odd one out.
I was the only one in my class who actually enjoyed reading.
I still find it odd my classmates referred to me as the retard when a majority of them were illiterate.