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20893715 No.20893715 [Reply] [Original]

The debilitating Christianity that most atheists carry, the degeneration of the self, the abundance of pity for others and for the self.

We live in a supposedly secular world but where are these books? Dawkins and Hitchens are moral Christians that simply promote Christianity without God.

Darwin and Desmond Morris are also moral Christians.

>> No.20893743

What Is the entirety of the Communist canon?

>> No.20893761

Communists are hyper-Christians, I want the exact opposite. Hyper-individuality.

>> No.20893836

Because a polytheist then. That's what Christianity tried and failed to replace, and western civilization is literally just the old polytheism in disguise

>> No.20893839

>Communists are hyper-Christians,

>> No.20893855

Morally there is nothing more Christian than a communist. The communist gives away all his possessions, he lets himself be robbed, he embraces meekness and equality. It's the ultimate anti-life, it's the ultimate Christianity.

>> No.20893858

They are obsessed by equality, beyond any kind of practicality, and insist on an equally mindless obedience to the collective, where any opposing points of view are to be brutally stomped out to achieve the perfect hivemind

>> No.20893880

Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

>> No.20893928

All attempts in the form of movements become extremely gay incredibly fast. Like satanists and the black metal faggots like Varg. Often they end up murdering people ritualistically to "overcome morality" which is just another way to be controlled by the conditioning instead of thinking.
If you're reasonable about it you'll notice that a lot of what you resent as imposed by Christianity isn't. In the Bhagavad Gita the prince asks why he should kill his foes since it would trouble his conscience later, not because Christian morals told him so. I tend to think the answer he is given is consistent with what Christ said. Pick up your bow but don't abandon your history.

>> No.20893944

Thank you.

>> No.20893988

Christian guilt and pity are a cancer. Why do you think the most Christian girls are the biggest sluts? Because they feel guilty for simply being.

Christianity is cancer and moral Christianity perhaps an even bigger cancer.

>> No.20894080

Maybe but the spirit that possesses you is an even worse cancer.

>> No.20894112

It's strength, a high self-esteem, that leads to right action. Christian castrates men and butchers women, and it's in this weakened state that evil comes to be. Christianity is the greatest evil there ever was.

>> No.20894119

Christian morality castrates men and butchers women.

>> No.20894128

You can repeat meme lines to condition yourself with religious dogma as much as you want, it won't make it more true or useful.

>> No.20894135

How can communist give away his possessions when there is no such thing as a possession

>> No.20894155

Exactly, he gives away his possessions permanently. He puts it into law!

Meme lines?

>> No.20894160

>Meme lines?
You're not even slightly self-aware?

>> No.20894173

Apparently I'm not, illuminate me.

>> No.20894189

I already did. What more is there to say? You're just repeating conclusions to reinforce them as conditioning. That's not thinking.

>> No.20894212

You refuse to refute my reasons. What possible answer do you have to the fact that Christianity destroys self esteem, shames both men and women, and basically imposes a tyranny on the individual's right to develop? We still can't kill the sickness, it's in everyone to this day.

>> No.20894232

>What possible answer
It doesn't.
That's the same level of reason you're working on. None at all.

I recognize the problems you're trying to point at (or more precisely parroting other people who were trying to point at them) and that they have a relationship with Christianity but the reality is much more complex. The reality you completely ignore when you just repeat these lines mindlessly over and over like a religious zealot.

>> No.20894279

This is my personal experience with Christianity. I've seen what it does to people and I've experienced it.

What is your genuine answer? What does your masculinity say?

>> No.20894295
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What you're referring to would be better described as altruism, as it's not entirely unique to Christianity's influence upon western culture. The answer, as you seemed to come to, is rational egoism. And the best author I can think of for exploring such ideas is Ayn Rand. While her fiction is amazing in its own right, she has many articles that I feel go underappreciated. I recommend the collection "The Virtue of Selfishness". It takes to creating a practical understanding of the philosophy for everyday use. I've also heard great things about "Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal", but I've honestly yet to read it.

>> No.20894340

The only true altruism comes from an overabundance of strength. Christianity weakens everyone--making genuine altruism impossible-- and then shames people for not being altruistic. It's the ultimate tyranny.

>> No.20894365

>This is my personal experience
With your own culture, not Christianity. My experience is the opposite, Christianity has been the only semblance of a bulwark against your culture. "Christianity" from America also exists here but it's a completely alien consumer culture thing with almost no relationship to Christianity.

>> No.20894403

No, it's Christianity. Catholicism to be exact but Protestantism can be even worse. It doesn't matter what country you're from, the oppression is the same, you're just in denial. When you're deeply oppressed you can't even see it, the shackles of the mind are powerful.

Try letting go of Christian morality just for a second a feel the relief.

>> No.20894412
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>I want the exact opposite. Hyper-individuality.

>> No.20894415

Again, no hint of any thinking. Even when you're presented with different experiences you just pretend it doesn't exist since it doesn't fit your delusions.
I'm not raised Christian and you're retarded. A brainwashed idiot spreading cancer while blaming everyone else for your own shit.

>> No.20894424

>I'm not raised Christian
Then you know nothing about Christianity.

>> No.20894428

All you know is horseshit like you demonstrate when you refuse to think. You've never experienced anything even related to Christianity.

>> No.20894446

I was raised a Christian. My father and grandfather both considered the priesthood. It's cancer.

Everything I said about it is true. The promiscuous girls that are filled with guilt, the castrated boys, it's all bullshit. Jesus died for his his own sins.

>> No.20894476

Christianity is almost nonexistent in my country yet people are still moralising cattle

>> No.20894486
File: 100 KB, 323x520, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Judging from your posts, OP, i can pretty safely safely assume you have read this; but if you haven't tho, DO IT RIGHT NOW. It's an essential work on what it comes to this specific line of thought concerning Christianity.

If/when you're already finished with it, immediately pick up Thus Spoke Zarathustra and go read it. Don't bother with idiots who might tell you you won't "get" it—you have already shown you have the exact required mindset to understand that work. Your asking is for "books about overcoming Christian morality"—Thus Spoke Zarathustra is exactly what you're looking for.

>> No.20894546

wish you didn't exist, sincerely
you are not original or profound

this: --

>> No.20894551

>you are not original or profound
And where the fuck did i even claim that?
I'm just giving OP what he is asking for; if there's anything wrong with that i'll be damned.

>> No.20894559

I've read the Antichrist. I'm going through Zarathustra again. I love Nietzsche but his solution of just living in pain is bleak and unacceptable. He gets you out of Christianity but it's hard to find your footing. He did not find his so there he cannot help you.

>> No.20894567

>still moralising cattle
That is the human condition and Christianity just adds on top of it. That's why it's such an evil.

>> No.20894572

>i'll be damned.
hehe I get it :)

>> No.20894582

wtf? all philosophy since the onset of modernity is antichrist, first through heresy and then through the various false philosophies which have contaminated the world

>> No.20894586


the very fact that you think almsgiving is more important than the worship of God shows how pozzed by crypto-communism you already are

>> No.20894589

communists at least in theory deny private property and the self as an entity distinct from social forces. again, just because something is a degenerated form of Christianity doesn't make it MORE Christian, unless you're relying on a hackneyed concept of Christianity which is ironically antichristian. Which is fucking stupid...

>> No.20894592

No it isn't, it's just Christian cringe with the crosses erased

>> No.20894600

You're asking your gayass question in a way which already presupposes your answer. Read Nietzsche if you want to be an edgy Gen-Xer fag who wants to deny his comfortable suburban protestant life.

But blatant power worship ultimately leads to depravity, vice, and misery. Read the Republic.. a tyrannical soul begets nothing but tyranny, the most miserable psychological/political arrangement.

>> No.20894603

That fucking kike died for his own enormous sins! We owe him nothing!

>> No.20894606

trans or girl? tell me now. kiss me please. and... uh... how

>> No.20894608

>a tyrannical soul
Plato is describing himself. His false reason used to tyrannize all.

>> No.20894612

Well great, Christianity leads to tge dominance of the dumbest, greediest and fattest members of society, just look at America, in an ironic sense America is indeed one of the most Christian countries on earth

>> No.20894624

Just because something incorporates parts of a thing doesn't make it essentially that thing. From a certain point of view, yes, all the modern heresies and philosophies are "Christian" insofar as they couldn't have existed without Christ and cannibalize certain exaggerations/distortions of Christian teachings. But in a much more salient sense, they are anti-christian (as opposed to merely pagan) because they deny the ESSENCE of Christianity: confession of Christ's death and resurrection and His nature as the Son of God.

Modern pagan larpers try to put the cat back in the bag, but Christ's revelation, once it has been absorbed by the spirit of a culture, cannot be erased again without serious sin against the Holy Spirit—i.e: distortion of conscience to the point that evil appears good, black appears white.

Thus the insane depravity of modern philosophy, which would've staggered antiquity... "slave morality" is not at all Christian, but degraded antichristian bourgeois anti-morality.

>> No.20894629

I wish Jesus really did resurrect so he could show himself before me and I could cut his fucking throat.

>> No.20894647

It would be absurd to claim that our current America is Christian in any meaningful sense. In reality, it is probably the strongest anti-Christian force on the face of the earth—and true to the antichrist, it dares to portray itself as Christian. You're confuse Christianity for the worship of weakness, which is taking a very superficial point of view.

Read the myth of St. Christopher:


The point is not that Christ is weak, therefore good (and that therefore, whatever is weak, pathetic, ugly, and evil is good in proportion to its weakness), but that Christ is spiritually strong, and this unbreakable power of spirit is stronger than steel. Witness the courage of the martyrs in the face of death. Again, what we venerate is not their death, but their courage, their love, and indeed their power—a power much stronger than any which ever existed in paganism, because it comes from God.

TL;DR: if you really want the absolute rule of a single, all-powerful figure, we already exist in this state of affairs. Humility and meekness are lauded as Christian virtues because they are in a much deeper accord with reality than the foolish blindness of pagan pride. Thus Christianity enlivens the soul and the state not because it works as a parasite in the social body (like modern antichristian movements), but because Christians, being spiritual, are like the soul of the world, and the soul is that which gives life to the body.

>> No.20894654

you are wrong for the very simple reason that in the human soul in its unregenerate state, our strongest impulses are not our best impulses.

>> No.20894666

You fucking retard, the poison is embedded in the heart of every American. We can't even accept our country without Christianity. The religion is used to justify why we took the land. It's all fucked.

Christian decadence weakens the European mind to this day.

>> No.20894673

Plato's reason is not reason, it's tyranny over the will and senses. It contradicts everything that makes us human. It's his tyranny.

>> No.20894701

ok, what is reason then? Because animals (insects!) typically live by the rule of the strongest, so it's hardly a distinctive human feature.

>the poison is embedded in the heart of every American

Oh that explains why we have prayer in schools (and various public Christian festivals throughout the year), why homosexuality and all other forms of sodomy are outlawed, why the constitution mentions Christ, why abortion is totally unthinkable, etc. OH WAIT ARE WE ACTUALLY A NEO-ATHEISTIC CONSOOMERIST SODOMY STATE??? HUUUHHH?!?

>> No.20894720

>Christian decadence weakens the European mind to this day.

nice trips, admittedly very on the nose, but I'll allow it.

Is this why the EU constitution does not go so far as to fucking mention Christianity?

Again I'll cede that you can't have antichrist without Christ, but to go from there and take the bait is literally falling for the devil's lies. Most of the world is pagan, only the west is actually actively anti-christian.

From a 'neutral point of view' it would make sense for europe, which has no meaning beyond "former Christendom," to deny Christ so hard that it does not so much as mention Christianity in its constitutive document. It's a level of disavowal and suppression that is unreal to the point that it must be satanic. But such is secularism. The default mindset in the west does not even acknowledge God (as was relatively de rigeur among the pagans—when you set aside decadent aristocrats, natural law is a thing), let alone Christ. And we're getting to the point where people don't even acknowledge the existence of the soul. But no, Europe is "very Christian"

>> No.20894721

>ok, what is reason then? Because animals (insects!) typically live by the rule of the strongest, so it's hardly a distinctive human feature.
Reason is whatever adapts itself best to human nature and human needs. Anything else is anti-reason, such as Plato's tyrannical philosophy.

>> No.20894730

>Reason is whatever adapts itself best to human nature and human needs.

I mean, I wouldn't deny that reason has this property, but it sounds suspiciously like pragmatism. Truth is obviously what corresponds to reality and only secondarily what works in practice. It's essentially spiritual and invisible, and accidentally manifested through action.

>> No.20894735

Christianitydoesn;t need to mentioned you idiot, it lives in the hearts of all ethninc Europeans. There were hundreds of years of Christian torture embedded in our minds. Every fucking institution is Christian, as in following the teachings of Christ.

Look at the fucking pope, why is it that the left agrees with him? Because the left is fucking Christian!

>> No.20894741

Read Rorty. Pragmatism is true reason.

>> No.20894763

I think it's obvious that it's the Pope who agrees with the left, not the other way around. And even so, this agreement is far from obvious. See his recent-ish comments where he compared procuring an abortion to hiring a hitman.

I don't disagree that modern leftism couldn't have existed without Christianity—but again, you're using the term as such a broad catchall that it almost makes it meaningless. Which danger St. John thankfully avoided by giving us a very simple litmus test to determine Christ from antichrist:

>Who is the liar but he who denies that Jesus is the Christ? This is the antichrist, he who denies the Father and the Son.

No modern leftist movement accepts that Christ is the Son of God, or even that God exists. So while, again, the Christian genealogy is there, it is absurd to call these movements Christian.

Not reading Rorty is working for me, so it must be untrue.

But to get serious, the statement/proposition "pragmatism is true reason" is essentially an invisible, spiritual thing. Thus pragmatism is untrue. It's confusing cause for effect. The truth may not, in fact, "work" for you, but it remains true nonetheless. For example, take the enlightened nietzchean edgelord in a society of cuck slaves. Even though he is held down by the masses (and thus fails, perversely, by the very integrity of his virtue), he remains in the truth—at least from your point of view.

My own conception of reason is different from the somewhat modern view which takes it to be basically whatever a computer can do. Reason is essentially a spirit's power to grasp the truth. I mean, there are many ways to define it, but I think that's a good one. In fact, you can even ground it on the vision of God. Certainly modern people suffer from a kind of blindness to the intuitive power of reason (as opposed to the discursive, which I would agree is rather tyrannical in its neurotic hold over so many of us). But I wouldn't accuse Plato of inaugurating this pseudo-rationalism. It seems to come along much later in history.

>> No.20894785

Under Plato's tyranny reason and the will are at odds. That is by definition unintuitive. A body as designed by nature, as having survived evolution, is designed to be in harmony with itself. Plato pegs reason against will and essentially creates the tyranny under which he can rule bodies weakened by this discord. The church used this for centuries, actually Christianity is exactly Platonist Judaism.

>> No.20894809

By intuitive I mean the soul's power to see invisible things. This is broader than the vernacular meaning of "what seems right"

And I would argue that original sin is quite "intuitive," it's impossible to live without self-control. Life is hard and it always has been. Plato didn't introduce that. The fact of the matter is that our bodies are NOT at harmony with ourselves. And this is not something imposed by Plato or the Jews or whomever. Rather, the fantasy that there is some thorn in our side which, if removed, would allow everything to flow seamlessly is an essentially modern idea. The pagans were under no illusions as to the fundamental misery of life. The Greeks, the most pagan pagans, famously said that the best thing of all was to never be born, and the second best thing was to die young. Solomon echoes this in Ecclesiastes.

Again, this isn't Jews or Meds infecting the pure aryan-nordic lifeworld with a false dissatisfaction—the dissatisfaction pre-exists its recognition by the smartest and wisest (Greeks and Jews, respectively) representatives of the ancient world.

>> No.20894813

>our bodies are NOT at harmony with ourselves.
That's because you're a slave. My body now, free of Christianity, free of Plato's tyranny, is finding its harmony.

>> No.20894829

>The debilitating Christianity that most atheists carry, the degeneration of the self, the abundance of pity for others and for the self.
I'm sorry but you are suffering from an extreme case of delusion. Empathy/pity is more abundant because of modern communication technologies which allow people from all around the world to interact. Xenophobic caricatures or propaganda of other cultures no longer have as much staying power because of the internet. Has little to do with Christianity. This meme as far as I can tell is just regurgitated by mindless Nietzsche fan boys.
In the early 20th century Western countries were far more Christian but also far more nationalistic. So the notion that Christianity in actuality, beyond dogmas, promotes empathy and pity has no basis in history.

>> No.20894832

I'm just getting out now, this very week. I read all of Nietzsche's major works in just a few days. Give me time and I'll report back.

>> No.20894838

good luck with that!

>> No.20894841

It's going superbly.

>> No.20894850

What does that entail? Honestly, I could use some ways to improve my own life. Do you just do whatever you want, or what?

>> No.20894855

Not that it's not painful though. It does take some work. Getting rid of that kike is like going through a breakup, that's when you know it's purely emotional and not at all based in anything true.

>> No.20894869

It's like breaking up with a crazy girlfriend.

>Do you just do whatever you want, or what?
No, your conscience just switches from the kike to yourself. You answer to yourself, to your balls, to your will, to your word. You become a man.

>> No.20894881

>The religion is used to justify why we took the land. It's all fucked.
Weren't you just ranting about how evil Christianity is for spreading pity? Yet here you are saying that it's used to do just the opposite: to take from others mercilessly.

>> No.20894919

No, Christianity is evil for spreading fake pity. It endlessly promises peace, love, understanding etc., while living by none of those ideals.

Its charlatanism makes it evil

>> No.20894924

It is what it is, like a bipolar girlfriend. It abuses a people and then they go on to abuse some other people. It's a trauma bond, Christianity gets its power from trauma bonding.

>> No.20894927

What if you're an intelligent, cool-tempered psychopath? Then you can do whatever you want.

>> No.20894935

So you actually do like Christian ideals then?

>> No.20894944

That's because altruism can only come from an overabundance of strength, while Christianity enslaves. There can be no altruism, just traumatized people trying to help themselves.

>> No.20894958

Sure and if you're good enough at it you would never need to cheat, lie, steal or use threats of violence etc. All those things are compromises that are likely to lead to situations where you have less power than if you avoid them. What does the ultimate "manipulator" really look like if he doesn't need to lie?

>> No.20894967

All im saying is you cant have it both ways. Simataeously claiming Christianity is making people too weak, humble, caring etc, but then also too ruthless. Which judging from your other comments I would have thought the latter is something you would admire?

>> No.20894969

That's not me, it's some other's faggot response.

>> No.20894973

so you're calling yourself a faggot? kek nice self owned

>> No.20894977

No, because its ideals are hopelessly unrealistic, and above all not something you'd want in the first place. The Christian ideal is heaven, which is essentially just earth, except that all the variation of life has been violently removed, and this state of total stagnation goes on forever. This is of course a total nightmare, but the evil of Christianity lies in trying to find people desperate enough to prey on them with this ideal, in order to lure them in and take advantage of them.

Just another example of how deeply depraved this religion truly is

>> No.20894988

Can we not look at IP addresses?

That's me.

>> No.20895071

>altruism can only come from an overabundance of strength, while Christianity enslaves.
One of the biggest and oldest religions. Church probably has millions in its coffers. Popes from way back when would fuck whores and basically do what they want. Idk sounds plenty powerful and strong to me.

>> No.20895115

Did you not read the thread? >>20894785

Thanks to Plato Christians are at war with their own bodies. A Christian is a diseased individual with limited power. He cannot be altruistic. Yet he tries nonetheless out of guilt.

>> No.20895171

>Thanks to Plato
You think your physical limitations being less than you can imagine are because of Plato?

>> No.20895234

Plato is the essentially the father of Christianity. Judaism the mother. Jesus the son, and Paul the sneaky, crafty liar that spread the shit.

>> No.20895246

Forgive the writing I have not slept in awhile. This week has been crazy.

>> No.20895302


>> No.20895323
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>We live in a supposedly secular world but where are these books? Dawkins and Hitchens are moral Christians that simply
OP you're looking for Anton LaVey's Satanic Bible. It's got what you're looking for, a direct response to Christianity and a defense of pagan values.

>> No.20895324

>I have not slept in awhile
We can tell. Get some sleep fren

>> No.20895361
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Imagine being this out of touch

>> No.20895410

Because it uses love to create a trauma bond between the crucified Jesus and the believer, it’s one nasty religion. Whenever you pray to this guy you’re deluding yourself further, strengthening the trauma bond, because you’re lead to believe he died for your sins - that somehow you’re responsible. My goodness, it is truly nasty. I’m just seeing it now.

You need the sleeplessness, otherwise it's too harsh to handle this truth. It's a true shock, that your whole life has bee a lie.

>> No.20895417

Thank goodness I'm a young man.

>> No.20895512

I have to say so may thinkers and artists have helped. Every human is trying to get out of the Christian mind virus, there is so much recorded struggle. A lot of great men have died trying and it's through learning through their lives that you get out. Culture is a beautiful thing - the tools are there - there is no excuse.

To all the Christians fighting their way out, keep going, it's worth it. You're worth infinitely more than that dead kike!

>> No.20895524

saints strive their whole life to be Christ's friend, and you act like it's hard to stop? You're delusional.

>> No.20895540

What does Christianity do that wasn't just invented by Judaism or another older religion?

>> No.20895545

they like the "personal friendship with God through a person" thing

>> No.20895557
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Communism is a political worldview, usually connected to socioeconomic analyses descended from Marx's, it's not a Weltanschauung that would replace one's Christianity. Many political radicals make the mistake of believing politics IS an all-encompassing worldview rather than a BRANCH of one.

>> No.20895604

>Because it uses love to create a trauma bond between the crucified Jesus and the believer, it’s one nasty religion. Whenever you pray to this guy you’re deluding yourself further, strengthening the trauma bond, because you’re lead to believe he died for your sins - that somehow you’re responsible.

>> No.20896670

Sam Harris

>> No.20897057

>overcoming Christianity
We live in a post-Christian world--there's nothing to overcome. No one is a Christian anymore and Christian moral teachings like the forbidding of abortion are laughed at. This is the world the atheist/pagans/trannies wanted--enjoy it

>> No.20897555

>Books about overcoming Christian morality
Read Nietzsche works.

>> No.20897569

>I love Nietzsche but his solution of just living in pain is bleak and unacceptable


>> No.20897584

Christianism is more of an anti-religion. The laws of moses are disregarded, there is no rules or tradition anymore. (just read a gospel) Instead you're left with a vague sense of guilt and a new mystical ritual, the eucharist.

Paul later established the political framework for the Christians' survival, hatred of outsiders and displacement of pagans.

>> No.20897611

The Bible

>> No.20898093

Les Chants de Maldoror

>> No.20898102

>Christian moral teachings like the forbidding of abortion are laughed at.

Thank goodness for that, we can all see in the real world what happens when people actually implement such moronic teachings

>> No.20898180

Yeah we've been seeing its consequences the past very based 50 years

>> No.20898219

>Christian morality
Book about overcoming the value of humility, love, hope, compassion, justice and law so on. Pfff what book is about that..

The creater of the social maket okonomie had chritian values in their mind (Books about socialism, communism). Jesus wanted his followers to get rid of non spiritual values, like worldly power (Islam is the opposit, it is very worldy oriented), selfdisplay (Books about lgbt, proud whatever), you should get rid of your strive of wealth because you cant love money and god (Books on how to get rich: Trading, dont know) ,,,

Protip: Collect Data, write that book. Could be a bestseller (these values can stand in your way of getting succesfull or foward in your live, that is why it is not meant bitter or ironic)

can have the same values

lol, it is the totaly opposit. Every communist is jesus himself

>> No.20898668

Everything he says is true but he stumbled somewhere. It's a not all within his works; to live successfully as a free man you need something more. You are sovereign now, a master of your own destiny, and that's a big responsibility.

>> No.20898803

Wrong. Marxism Leninism is strictly materialist and Marxism asserts clearly that people act in individual self interest. It does not moralize over systems and proposes each epoch in history resulted from conflict. If you make nothing and own nothing, then you're going to want to seize control and expropriate from those who do. Simple as. A Christian would vemently contest this on grounds of envy, would then say theft is wrong and also whatever else you would do to the propertied class is wrong. You're just a smooth brain.

>> No.20898846

>The communist gives away all his possessions, he lets himself be robbed, he embraces meekness and equality. It's the ultimate anti-life, it's the ultimate Christianity.

>> No.20898998

>a new mystical ritual, the eucharist.
Catholicism isn't representative of Christianity. What you're referring to here has no basis in any part of the Holy Bible.

>> No.20899015

God is a performative sign. You cannot talk to him, you cannot pray to him. Any church service is a performance, any prayer is as well. There is nothing genuine there.

>> No.20899016

>No, it's Christianity.
the irony and lack of introspection in your posts is astounding
i'm very glad i'm not you and don't have to live with your brain

>> No.20899021

Why is there something instead of nothing?

>> No.20899028

I love how you probably typed this on a computer in a home that has almost utopian levels of luxury compared to even just a few centuries ago, yet you probably believe that you live in a dystopia because of the fags and brown people being considered people. The horror!

>> No.20899032

Why is there a god instead of nothing?

>> No.20899039

The non-performative is what's real, what has something real behind it. A real living person, real connection, real experiences. What is not delusional.

>> No.20899041

Communists are extremely hateful towards reactionaries and even normiecons so they dont embody even the strawman pity-oriented Christianity you described. An actual maximum pity person would necessarily be sort of apolitical

>> No.20899043
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The first answer is: there is a Creator.

>> No.20899045

Wrong. The communist would be the one robbing.

>> No.20899051

You have to experience answering to yourself. You are not sovereign so you can't, you answer to a delusion instead.

>> No.20899058

Marquis De Sade you absolute degenerate

>> No.20899059

Marx was the most hateful man to ever live. He hated gays, rich people, the religious, other race and society at large.

>> No.20899061

You mean your mother and father?

>> No.20899148

And I asked you why he exists instead there being nothing at all

>> No.20899161

You can't have something without a cause. Every created thing has a cause that isn't itself, and this regression goes back to the uncreated Creator. This is the only entity that can rightfully be called God. So, therefore, since God is equated with the Creator, this shows why.

>> No.20899166

>The communist gives away all his possessions, he lets himself be robbed, he embraces meekness and equality.
1) Communists don't believe in living in a life of poverty.
2) Communists don't do that in practice.
3) Christianity doesn't force charity.

>> No.20899167

Well, the universe isn't nothing, it's made of raw materials and we come from those raw materials. But it's not our direct creator, not even close. It's so distant we can't say we're related to it at all.

>> No.20899175

I didn't ask you that. Why is the a creator, instead of nothing?

>> No.20899180

>uncreated Creator
Raw materials.

>> No.20899191

We're our own creators. You're here because your ancestors survived hard situations. Man created man.

>> No.20899192

Materials follow the laws of physics imposed on them. These laws are imposed upon them by an entity that caused the laws. So therefore they aren't the Creator.

>> No.20899198

>You can't have something without a cause.

Okay then, why is there a god instead of nothing?

I've been asking you this question five times now

>> No.20899203

We don't know what is beyond the veil of ignorance but we know it's there. If you accept the standard ways we model things, using logic then you should accept the conclusion it demands, that there is something not subject to logic that logic rests within. You can't say that thing is "nothing" while respecting the methods you normally use to argue for what is or isn't.

>> No.20899205

>laws of physics
The laws are not alive.

>> No.20899209

Objects exist and the universe exists. This goes without saying.

>> No.20899212

Do you think only living things have a cause?

>> No.20899213

Again, I didn't ask you this. There could've been nothing at all, yet according to you, there exists a god. Can you explain this, or are you just going to endlessly dodge my question?

>> No.20899214

Neither are materials. Life comes from a lack of life. The earth used to be volcanic.

>> No.20899216

>There could've been nothing at all

>> No.20899218

Oh, why do we need a creator, then?

>> No.20899222

See >>20899161

>> No.20899230

But you just stated here >>20899216
that existence by default must exist, since there couldn't have been nothing at all, thus relieving us of the need for a creator

>> No.20899234

You want the cause of the laws? It's order, it's a natural order. Ecosystems, cycles of stars, cycles of galaxies. Everything has an order by itself, from itself. It doesn't need a creator.

>> No.20899235

>that existence by default must exist
Yes, because of God.

>> No.20899241

God doesn't exist.

>> No.20899243

See >>20899021

>> No.20899248
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>Everything has an order by itself, from itself.
Created things have an order imposed on them by their cause, while the uncreated Lord has His order by Himself, from Himself.

>> No.20899250

Evolution makes nothing into something.

>> No.20899256

Wait a sec anon, you think that evolution under the usual meaning means creation ex nihilo?

>> No.20899258

And, for the sixth time now, why is there God, instead of nothing?

>> No.20899267

From raw materials complexity is created by the will of the raw materials to grow into something more. That is evolution. If God is the first thing there ever was his is next to nothing. The smallest and most insignificant thing ever.

>> No.20899273

Already answered twice, not going to keep linking back.

>> No.20899276

It's called the Sigma Male grindset you stupid motherfucking bitch

>> No.20899282

The more ancient a thing is, the less complex.

>> No.20899291

Bro hold up, are you that autistic Goobermensch who was shitting himself and crying in that "Russel pwns Nietzsche" bait thread we had a few days ago?

>> No.20899297

>From raw materials complexity is created by the will of the raw materials to grow into something more.
False, anon. Can't have materials without a cause to their being in the first place, and the laws of nature determine what they do. Like it's written: "They continue this day according to thine ordinances: for all are thy servants."
>If God is the first thing there ever was his is next to nothing.
This sentence doesn't make grammatical sense. Try learning how to write English sentences, anon.

>> No.20899303

Meant that for the person you were replying to, sorry

>> No.20899308

That's not implied by the laws of physics or any scientific discovery. Are you making stuff up now?

>> No.20899310

You didn't, you keep dodging to the universe, which isn't my question. You 'explain' the existence of the universe with God, yet you never explain where he's supposed to come from.

>> No.20899314

>>If God is the first thing there ever was his is next to nothing.
His will, anon, his will. God is nothing.

>> No.20899318

Of course it is, when you look back at the universe it used to be much smaller. It grew out of itself. The will to grow -- that's reality.

>> No.20899321

>You 'explain' the existence of the universe with God,
Right, there has to be an uncaused, uncreated Creator.
>yet you never explain where he's supposed to come from.
Being uncreated means having no cause. This should go without saying. See: >>20899248

>> No.20899331

>Right, there has to be an uncaused, uncreated Creator.
The will.

>> No.20899334

And this is known as special pleading. Something can't come out of nothing, except God, because he's special. Makes no sense at all, and just demonstrates that God is the lack of an explanation, instead of an explanation

>> No.20899335

A system can have an increase in volume but still experience an increase in entropy. This is basic laws of nature.

>> No.20899340

It's agreed that God has a will.

>> No.20899344

The universe keeps expanding. The will to grow, that's reality.

>> No.20899349

The Myth of Sisyphus and absurdist existentialism is a good start, because it makes an important point about the futility of man as a created thing as a fragile, pained, mortal, suffering being existing in a universe whose God is either silent and indifferent and therefore contemptible or inexistent.
That first generation of atheists was much more sophisticated than the likes of Dawkins and Hitchens with a deeper and more literate understanding of what they were critiquing.

>> No.20899352

>Something can't come out of nothing, except God, because he's special.
I'm just operating based on definitions. A created thing has a cause, but being uncreated means there is no preceding cause.
>Makes no sense at all
You don't understand the above, I suppose.

>> No.20899356

God is the most insignificant will. The first and weakest will that exponentially grew with time into complexity. The farther back you go, the less there is.

>> No.20899394

The further back you go the more there is of potential and less of expressed specific potential. It all rests in pure potential, omnipotence, the potential for everything possible.

>> No.20899405

That's contrary to evolution. Go to Africa and see how grand they are.

>> No.20899411

From the smallest thing the largest thing comes to be.

>> No.20899423

Yes, definitions you made up and manipulate to get to whatever you've concluded in advance to be true. That's not how knowledge works

>> No.20899432

>That's contrary to evolution

>> No.20899435

>Yes, definitions you made up
It's a useful way to describe everything. Divide it into created and uncreated, which everything that exists must logically subdivide into.

>and manipulate to get to whatever you've concluded in advance to be true.
Do I look woke, anon? I'm not into manipulating language. That's what the devil does.

>> No.20899449

>more there is of potential
Look at this single cell amoeba - look at its potential!

>> No.20899477

>look at its potential!
Yes? It has more potential than if it's locked into a specific path like it will later.

>> No.20899501

The amoeba that remained amoeba will forever be amoeba. Why is it that some people grow and others wither? The will. Why are there winners and losers? The will.

That's evolution.

>> No.20899522

>The will.
Whatever you call it it existed before the thing. Calling potential will is even more theistic.

>> No.20899589

No, because the will comes from within. There is nothing that can touch your will, it belongs to you and you alone, unless you renounce it. Renouncing the will is slavery - it is Christianity - it is any religion or limiting belief.

But Christianity is especially nasty because it bounds itself to you through love.

>> No.20899601

>But Christianity is especially nasty because it bounds itself to you through love.
And Jesus doesn't exist, he's dead. You're forced to love something that doesn't exist. It's evil. Anti-life. Anti-vitality.

>> No.20899653

Are you ok, anon? The Lord and Savior is coming back soon, it's just a matter of us being ready when He gets here. He is giving time for the sinner to repent beforehand.

"But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.
The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance."
(2 Peter 3:8-9)

>> No.20899677

"Six novel aspects of Christianity may be significant for the emergence of schizophrenia—an omniscient deity, a decontexualised self, ambiguous agency, a downplaying of immediate sensory data, and a scrutiny of the self and its reconstitution in conversion."

>> No.20899683

Christianity is a mental illness.

>> No.20899688

Just be atheist

>> No.20899689

I'm just telling you what the Bible says.

>> No.20899697

And why do you believe it? Because you're mentally ill.

>> No.20899705

Because it's true. John 17:17 says, "Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth."

>> No.20899718

You blindly believe what some Jews 2000 years ago made up, because Christianity blinds you through love. Jesus dies for his own stupidity, for own sins.

>> No.20899721

>Jesus dies
Jesus died.

>> No.20899783

The best pagans can do is a book written by a LARPing jewish coomer

>> No.20899792
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>Books about overcoming Chri-ACK!

>> No.20899928

Moral Christianity is the cause of trannies. Equality and love of the meek are Christian tenets. Look at all the liberal Catholics and Protestants .

>> No.20899975
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>Equality and love of the meek are Christian tenets.
Sodomites aren't meek. And they are not born that way, they become that way. The only reason you see sodomy being mainstream is because Judaism has attempted to subvert our civilization since around the 1960s. It's the exact opposite as Christianity has never had such things, and Judeo-sodomy is absolutely antithetical to Biblical Christianity and the rule of law as such.

>> No.20899994

This. It's a much more difficult struggle to become Christian. Satanism is the norm today.

>> No.20900008

you type in such a gay way (BPD girl) but I must admit you have some good points

>> No.20900023

The sick equality that Jesus preached overwhelms everything else. All the SJWs and the people they protect are the meek, and what did Jesus say?

The meek will inherit the earth.

>> No.20900049

>All the SJWs and the people they protect are the meek
Sure thing, Chaim.

>> No.20900058

Homosexuals exist because of religion. Humanism and the acceptance of them is a direct consequence of religious notions of personhood, sanctity of life, muh forgiveness thinking abbarant defects and perverts are actually "decent people" deep down instead of there being something pathologically wrong.

>> No.20900062

Are they not the weakest, most pathetic humans?

>> No.20900073
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>Homosexuals exist because of religion.
It's because of Judaism, like I pointed out before. Do you get that?

>> No.20900074

Except Satan is the one who punishes and chastises the wicked. If he ruled the earth, they would suffer.

>> No.20900083

I’m trying to pinpoint the date that Christianity morphed into post-Christian secular humanism. It’s sometime in the 18th century, my tentative date is 1713 which is when the Puritans in New England started publically tolerating Christmas. Anyone know any books about the link between mainline Protestantism and social justice?

>> No.20900100


Humanism is Christianity.

>> No.20900104

Mental gymnastics and wrong.
Mosaic law commands for authorities to put them down.
Christian law commands you to love and forgive.

>> No.20900108

Humanism is basically the bible stripped of everything except direct quotes by Jesus.

It is the essence of Jesus. The core of the sickness.

>> No.20900109
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>I’m trying to pinpoint the date that Christianity morphed into post-Christian secular humanism.
That's way too simplistic. It's not like everyone in the world believes the same thing. There were always subverters within, since the time of Cain, and there are still Bible believers today.

>Anyone know any books about the link between mainline Protestantism and social justice?
Not sure, but mainline (and other kinds) Protestants are basically just spinoffs of Catholicism, so not really a good reference point for Bible believing Christians or biblical Christianity.

>> No.20900115

Humanism, aka secular humanism, is the globohomo religion that is based on talmudic teachings. It has nothing to do with Christ or with the teachings of the Bible (KJV). It has always tried to subvert Christianity, though. Because it's very destructive. So you may see the children of wickedness posing as Christians sometimes, when it serves their agenda.

>> No.20900121
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>Mosaic law commands for authorities to put them down.
Yes, I'm aware.

>Christian law commands you to love and forgive.
My enemies, not God's enemies. We had sodomy outlawed for good reasons in the past.

>> No.20900128

Also, modern Judaism isn't based on Mosaic law, it's based exclusively on talmudic, or rabbinic law. Huge difference, anon.

>> No.20900135

>My enemies, not God's enemies.

Total sophistry and not in line with the Bible at all, especially if you believe that Jesus was God

>> No.20900142

>Total sophistry and not in line with the Bible at all
Wait, you think having laws and punishing evildoers is against the Bible? What do you think we've been doing in civilization all this time? Like I said, we have sodomy, abortion and such things outlawed for very good reasons. I'm not an anarchist.

"And Jehu the son of Hanani the seer went out to meet him, and said to king Jehoshaphat, Shouldest thou help the ungodly, and love them that hate the LORD? therefore is wrath upon thee from before the LORD."
- 2 Chronicles 19:2

The only one here being a total sophist would be yourself.

>> No.20900152

>Wait, you think having laws and punishing evildoers is against the Bible?

Law and punishment is going to have any point with the end times around the corner? Aren't you supposed to endure all hardships and wait for the actual divine judgement?

>What do you think we've been doing in civilization all this time?

You mean that stuff that's 90% based on the polytheistic systems of law that preceded it?

>Like I said, we have sodomy, abortion and such things outlawed for very good reasons.

Maybe in third world shitholes

>> No.20900161

It's the opposite, It's just the teaching's of Christ stripped of everything else. The Old Testament is conservative.

>> No.20900168

>Law and punishment is going to have any point with the end times around the corner?
Yes. Romans 13:1-2.

"Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.
2 Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation."

>Aren't you supposed to endure all hardships and wait for the actual divine judgement?
Sure. This in no way means I support evildoers.
>You mean that stuff that's 90% based on the polytheistic systems of law that preceded it?
>Maybe in third world
Roe v Wade is history, and I am a complete abolitionist.

Nah, people just present a false version of our Lord which isn't based on the Bible. This image exists and is promoted because of subversion. If you stay with everything the Bible says, it is all internally consistent.

>> No.20900175

You moron, you're a Jewish slave!

>> No.20900179

>Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.

And how are fallable humans supposed to enforce God's law? Isn't he supposed to be the only one capable of that? Why are you writing and enforcing the law? Isn't that blasphemy?

>> No.20900181

I don't support evildoers. Sodomites should be tried and if found guilty then executed, and this is whether or not they claim to be Jewish.

Like it says in the New Testament, "Even as Sodom and Gomorrha, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire." (Jude 7)

>> No.20900191

Karl Marx converted to Christianity.

>> No.20900193
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>And how are fallable humans supposed to enforce God's law?
By studying the word of God, obviously.

>Isn't that blasphemy?
Nope, doesn't look like it is.

>> No.20900195


>> No.20900204

>By studying the word of God
God doesn't exist. Christianity survives because it attaches itself life a mental illness.

>> No.20900205

>By studying the word of God, obviously.

And how do you know which word of God is the correct one, and which interpretation of the one true word of God is the correct one?

>> No.20900214

You're not saying anything, like a religious zealot that can't think and doesn't understand anything he claims to believe, all he can do is repeat lines that don't reference any thought process. They're just words.
You're the one that related this idea of will to potential, as if the future of the amoeba is a result of "will". When I explore what you presented you pretend you didn't. Everything you say is braindead like blaming Plato for the fact that you're not omnipotent. Nietzsche understood what he was talking about, you repeat his lines with absolutely no hint of understanding.

>> No.20900215
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>And how do you know which word of God is the correct one
The one that is received unchanged from the beginning. "Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away."

>and which interpretation of the one true word of God is the correct one?
It says in 2 Peter 1:20, "Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation. For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost."

So we know that there is only one truth, not many individual truths. So if someone says that killing a baby is alright, for example, we know that violates truth and that person is a vicious liar. And the same goes for all the principles of God. There's no relativism to it.

>> No.20900219

>The one that is received unchanged from the beginning. "Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away."

So the Quran, then?

>> No.20900222
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Oh sorry, the first reference is Matthew 24:35. I quote that one so much I forget to include the verse number.

>> No.20900228

Pedo cube worshipping man please go.

>> No.20900230


Because it uses love to create a trauma bond between the crucified Jesus and the believer, it’s one nasty religion. Whenever you pray to this guy you’re deluding yourself further, strengthening the trauma bond, because you’re lead to believe he died for your sins - that somehow you’re responsible. My goodness, it is truly nasty.

>> No.20900267

I should have been more specific, I mean the 18th century was when Anglo-American intellectual elites dumped Christianity and turned into secular humanists. Think of how Harvard was Congregationalist at its foundation and compare that to what it is now, or what it was in the early 20th century even. The elite intellectual conversion is what I’m trying to pinpoint

>> No.20900270

I don't care much for mushirkun

>> No.20900280

"Secular humanism, often simply called humanism, is a philosophy, belief system or life stance that embraces human reason, secular ethics"

They're already falling into to Platonist trap. They're still slaves.

>> No.20900299

Humanism has a religious exemption from taxation. That should tell you everything. It's Christianity.

>> No.20900311

The only people protected from the madness of Christianity are the Jews. Makes you think doesn't it.

>> No.20900318
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>I should have been more specific, I mean the 18th century was when Anglo-American intellectual elites dumped Christianity and turned into secular humanists.
People have been under the delusion of various different false ideologies over the course of time. Some of them would be called ignorant today, but likewise stuff like secular humanism will be placed in the same dustbin one day. I don't think most of the "elites" were ever really saved, born again Christians. There have been phases, like the Catholicism phase where Constantine set the norms, then the Anglican phase, then the Puritan phase (Salem witch trials and church taxes type of thing, later repudiated by the Constitution). Meanwhile, you had Bible believers spreading the good word, that is the word of God's truth, during all ages, including today.

Supposedly though, the first person to become president of Harvard college was a genuine convert to the Baptists and lost his post over this conversion, and went on to establish one of the first congregations in Massachussetts, in Scituate, in a time when such meetings were still disallowed in that colony.

As for humanism, it's an offshoot of talmudism and the "Christian kabbalah" as studied by people like Marsilio Ficino and other groups later on. Look up where it came from, it's explicitly talmudic. It's blatantly corrupt and promotes all kinds of moral perversions today including "globohomo," of ignominy.

>> No.20900320
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>muh slave morality

>> No.20900335

Jesus was justly crucified.

"...Christus, from whom the name had its origin, suffered the extreme penalty during the reign of Tiberius at the hands of one of our procurators, Pontius Pilatus..."

No mention of injustice by Tacitus. He was justly crucified by Roman law for his crimes.

>> No.20900343

"Crucifixion was generally performed within Ancient Rome as a means to dissuade others from perpetrating similar crimes, with victims sometimes left on display after death as a warning. Crucifixion was intended to provide a death that was particularly slow, painful (hence the term excruciating, literally "out of crucifying"), gruesome, humiliating, and public, using whatever means were most expedient for that goal."

Crucified for his terrible crimes. Who knows what he truly did, all that survived were Paul's lies.

>> No.20900418

I have a proclivity to believe the apostles, more than yourself, because they were first hand witnesses. They were witnesses to the fact that Christ was falsely accused, that the accusations didn't make any sense, but that the Jews of the time demanded Pilate to go along with our Lord's crucifixion.

"And when Peter saw it, he answered unto the people, Ye men of Israel, why marvel ye at this? or why look ye so earnestly on us, as though by our own power or holiness we had made this man to walk?
13 The God of Abraham, and of Isaac, and of Jacob, the God of our fathers, hath glorified his Son Jesus; whom ye delivered up, and denied him in the presence of Pilate, when he was determined to let him go.
14 But ye denied the Holy One and the Just, and desired a murderer to be granted unto you;
15 And killed the Prince of life, whom God hath raised from the dead; whereof we are witnesses."
- Acts 3:12-15

>> No.20900423

I know it’s still “Christianity” in a sense. My personal belief is that the move from Protestantism to Progressivism was just a further radicalization of Puritan logic. Puritans wanted to wipe out paganish holdovers and any post-Bible innovations, wanted economic meeting houses and a “disenchanted” faith without miracles or rituals. Post-Christian Progressives seem to have continued this process by totally removing the supernatural (including Jesus and the Bible itself) from their worldview, seeing these as extraneous or incompatible with science. That’s why these people today are ethically Christian but spiritually nihilist

>> No.20900444

>Progressives seem to have continued this process by totally removing the supernatural
They preach the holocaust. And no joke, they think that they can change the weather by cutting back on carbon emissions. So they are literally like shamanists who believe in the power of a witch doctor (Al Gore) to "fix" the climate. They only follow woke progressive proclamations, rejecting everything else out of hand, even if it is based on science and the data. Just because their designated "clergy" sometimes wear labcoats that shouldn't tell you anything.

Also, I should add, they fully subscribe to new age philosophical ideas which can be found in the secular humanist worldview, which is predicated on talmudic ideas like "tikkum oleh" or "tikkun olam."

>> No.20900454

>ethically Christian but spiritually nihilist
Which is antithetical to life. It's a castration. The feeling of your own spirit is masculinity, spirituality is basically what you feel when in life and death situation. It's complete castration of men

>> No.20900467

>the apostles
You mean his brainwashed cult worshippers? Would you believe Charles Manson's followers?

>> No.20900498

>That’s why these people today are ethically Christian but spiritually nihilist
That explains SJWs. They still follow Christian morality but don't believe in God, so basically they believe they have to do all the work.

The death of God actually strengthened Christianity.

>> No.20900587

Guys if we don't stop this we're going to get communism. That's the end goal of Christian morality.

God is dead and not coming back, science is too advanced for that. Christianity has to be killed completely, this SJW madness is Marxism, which leads to socialism then communism.

Marx converted to Christianity, his philosophy is Christianity without God.

>> No.20900617

>Guys if we don't stop this we're going to get communism. That's the end goal of Christian morality.
What the fuck are you on about?

>> No.20900675


"...Christ is the intermediary unto whom man unburdens all his divinity, all his religious bonds, so the state is the mediator unto which he transfers all his Godlessness, all his human liberty" -- Karl Marx

>> No.20900683

I became communist because I was Catholic. I did not change religion, but I remained profoundly Catholic. I don’t go to church […] I remained a Catholic, that is, an internationalist universalist. I thought that inside the Communist Party there were more adequate means to realize universal fraternity.
—Louis Althusser

>> No.20900712

Modern science kills God but Christian values remain alive. Nihilism + Christian values = communism

>> No.20900724
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Not what you asked for, but perhaps what you need.

>> No.20900743

>I love Nietzsche but his solution of just living in pain is bleak and unacceptable.
That's not his solution... Nietzsche talks about pain the way a grand artist does, usually in the context of giving birth. Pain is a necessary part of birth. It's not about the pain, it's about creating. Atheists can overcome Christianity and the death of God through the act of creation.

>> No.20900834

Artists are the most miserable people on earth. Nietzsche talks about how they need alcohol to create.

>> No.20900844

If by artists you mean the conventional notion, then you're right. But creation is not limited to them. A stock broker can be a creator.

>> No.20901073

Why does creation have to cause pain?

>> No.20901102

The pain of Childbirth bonds the mother to the child, that's why it's felt. Why does a man need pain in creation?

>> No.20901152

hyper-collectivism and hyper-individualism are two sides of the same self-reinforcing coin. Return to organic socio-political relations, white man

>> No.20901159

>are extremely hateful
Hasn't read Nietzsche if you think Christians aren't extremely hateful. Pity and hatred are both related by necessity.

>> No.20901216

They hate themselves, that's the Christian condition. A sickly person has to pity others to feel better about themselves.

>> No.20901228

>They hate themselves
And others too, it's part and parcel of self-hate, just like socialists who also despise themselves deep down. Same phenomenon in socialists that you mentioned: "A sickly person has to pity others to feel better about themselves."

>> No.20901266

There is no creation without pain. That's why grand artists love depicting the pain of childbirth.

>> No.20901339

>everything wrong with the world today is Christianity's fault despite the fact that the powers that be are explicitly anti-Christian and bear no resemblance to the 2,000 years worth of examples we have of actual historical Christians
I have no idea how nietzscheans and "pagans" have mind-fucked themselves into this completely retarded postion, but it's amusing nonetheless

>> No.20901344

>There is no creation without pain.
But why? If it's unnecessary it should be possible to do it without pain. Why would it be necessary?

>> No.20901351

>But why?
Might as well ask why the sun burns. It's just what it is. In the act of creation, there's some element of sacrifice.

>> No.20901356

Pain is the body's signal that your life is in danger or that you're doing something wrong.

>> No.20901373

If we listened to that bullshit then we would have stopped reproducing a long time ago.

>> No.20901384

You have to work with your body to understand what's it telling you. I don't know why Nietzsche stressed pain. There is nothing more painful than being a Christian.

>> No.20901394

>I don't know why Nietzsche stressed pain.
Because he knew the common phrase "no pain, no gain" and wasn't interested in the lives of fat lazy last men whose lack of ambition would ruin the world.

>> No.20901408

Liberals claim to be anti-Christian, but they behave just like them regardless. They claim a universal moral high ground when they claim to be "pro-diversity" and "pro-multiculturalism." It's the same shit.

>> No.20901410

A blog by someone named Cesar Tort.

>> No.20901411

It's a moral superstructure which has been taken to its logical conclusion, the way the powers that be nudged Christianity into being another "faith-based organization" (as they would call it) that they can co-exist with suggests some similarities.

>> No.20901442

Satanism is Christian.

>> No.20901482

It is a bit unfair to judge a religion by its heretics I will give you that. There's just a lot of resentment because we know that much of what we despise could never have existed without Christianity paving the way. Inventing the Individual is a great read on this topic specifically

>> No.20901497

Nietzsche is a doctor. He purges the bad and helps you become who you are. He imposes no law.
>"no pain, no gain"
To get rid of Christianity is a painful process so maybe that's what he was preparing people for. Jesus is like a toxic bitch, the fucker is hard to get rid of.

>> No.20901513

>despite the fact that the powers that be are explicitly anti-Christian
I agree that Nietzscheans ascribe way too much influence to Christianity, but I don't think the powers that be are all anti Christian. Some powerful people are not religious. Some are. Trump's largest base of supporters were evangelical Christians. And Christianity still has a lot of influence in American politics in general.

>> No.20901536

SJWs are Christian too. All mentally ill people here are Christians.

>> No.20901603

Your statement is incoherent.
Christian means Christ-like, and Satan means Rebel (specifically against God's will).

>> No.20901622

>check sources from the talmud
>at least half of the quotes jump to conclusions or get things completely wrong
speedreader image

>> No.20901640

Not him, but he means that practicing Satanism is a remnant of Christian society. Wanting to maximize "evil" behavior is as Christian as wanting to maximize "good" behavior. The non-Christian behaves in neither way.

>> No.20901661
File: 350 KB, 893x653, 1460771582497.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, you wanted some more accurate quotations of what that wicked book, or rather, series of books teaches? Very well, I will post it here.

–Everyone has two kidneys, one of which inspires good deeds, and the other, bad deeds. (BT Berakoth 61a).
–A gentile who studies the Law deserves death. (BT Sanhedrin 59a).
–It is forbidden to teach gentiles the Law. (BT Hagigah 13a).

–Jews may use lies ("subterfuges") to circumvent a gentile (BT Baba Kamma 113a).

–Sixteen million Israelite children were wrapped in scrolls and burned alive by the Romans at Bethar. (BT Gittin 58a).
–Four billion Israelites were killed by the Romans in one city, the city of Bethar. (Some rabbis say "only" forty million were killed there). (BT Gittin 57b).

–A gentile must pay wages to a Jew, but a Jew does not have to pay wages to a gentile. (BT Sanhedrin 57a).
–If a Jew finds an object lost by a gentile it does not have to be returned. (BT Baba Mezia 24a. claimed also in Baba Kamma 113b).

–Property of gentiles is like the desert; whoever among the Jews gets there first, owns it. (BT Baba Bathra 54b).
–If an ox of an Israelite gores an ox of a Canaanite there is no liability; but if an ox of a Canaanite gores an ox of an Israelite [...] the payment is to be in full. (BT Baba Kamma 37b).

–He who gives of his seed to Molech incurs no punishment (Sanhedrin 64b).
–If a Jew is tempted to do evil, he should put on dirty clothes and go to a city where he is not known, and do the evil there. (BT Moed Kattan 17a).

–Women cannot conceive before they reach twelve years and a day, according to the Rabbis. When asked how it was possible that a gentile girl had conceived at age six, the Rabbi replied that gentiles are not human. (BT Niddah 45a).

–A man is not guilty of murder if he causes a poisonous snake to kill a man; the snake should be executed for murder, while the man goes free (BT Sanhedrin 76b, 78a).
–If someone ties up his neighbor and the neighbor dies of starvation, or if he incapacitates a man in the presence of a lion and the lions kills the incapacitated man, the man who was the perpetrator is not guilty of murder. (BT Sanhedrin 77a).

–Killing a terminally ill person is not murder. (BT Sanhedrin 78a).

–A Jew need not pay a gentile the proper wages owed him for work (BT Sanhedrin 57a).
–The deeds of Israel are righteous, but the gentiles are capable only of sin. (BT Baba Bathra 10b).

–It is permissible to cheat a gentile in court. (BT Haba Kamma 113a).

–If a gentile robs a Jew, he must pay him back. But whatever a Jew robs from a gentile, the Jew may keep. Some robbery of gentiles is disguised as "confiscation of an unpaid debt" (Bava Kama 113b; also Bava Metzia 111b).

>> No.20901688

>>A gentile who studies the Law deserves death.
>check source
>immediately followed by an objection

>> No.20901695

i'm the speedreader too because i only just realized the right half of the image is also quoting the talmud

>> No.20901757
File: 265 KB, 698x957, 32128c971c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are cleverly worded phrases that they use that are meant on the surface to mislead the unsuspecting into the impression that the book says one thing, when it really does say the opposite. They are just trying to hide that. This is kind of like how muslims will use taqiyya and refer to abrogated verses intentionally out of context, while ignoring the larger context which is that for some reason or another what they are citing doesn't actually apply in the way that you are supposed to think according to their internal logic. It's the same with the Babylonian Talmud. The "real" meaning of these passages, which has been mentioned so far, is not explained to outsiders (for obvious reasons if you've paid attention to this point), it's disingenuously omitted when explaining to outsiders, and decoy texts are placed in various locations as a means to misdirect and confuse those investigating this, who may not know any better. One famous decoy text used a lot in movies (made by talmudists incidentally enough) is the quote in the box of the pictured image. Other examples of the talmudic practice of pilpul in the modern day are, Dr. Fauci's redefinition of the word "vaccine." And the redefinition of what a "secure election" is (meaning their winning is secure, and NOT the integrity of the election or the votes). I'm completely on to them and their games in this regard.

>> No.20901791

what you explained is very Calvinist and very heretical. Traditional Christian thought is to maximize good and minimize evil. Your statement "maximizing "evil" behavior is as Christian as wanting to maximize "good" behavior" is ludicrous.
Satanism consists of three groups of people,
1 (the most common). Non-Christians who do it to spite Christians
2. People who hate God.
3. People who don't believe in free will.

Seeing retarded denominations partaking in "once saved, always saved" and "there's no free will, so i'm doomed to sin", I can see why some people have the misconception that Satanism is part of Christianity, but that statement goes against the entire Theological foundation of Christianity, because the satanic is a rebellion against truth, and that is anything that is not so called good.

>> No.20901799

>Your statement "maximizing "evil" behavior is as Christian as wanting to maximize "good" behavior" is ludicrous.
It isn't. Christianity doesn't exist in a vacuum, it has had an effect on culture at large. Any movement that focuses on worshiping Satan or conducting any anti-Christian behavior at all is a direct consequence of the popularization of Christianity in civilization.

>> No.20901807

do you have a source for the original talmud?

>> No.20901869

>but they behave just like them regardless
>don't believe in Christ, pro-gay, pro-abortion, anti-marriage
Again: the way liberals behave today bears no resemblance to the 2,000 years worth of examples we have of actual historical Christian behavior

>> No.20901882

>taken to its logical conclusion
Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 was the logical conclusion of the Wright brothers inventing the airplane

>> No.20901906

The trend for over half a century now has been the precipitous decline of the influence of Christianity. These trends aren't random; they're occur at the behest of powerful actors

>> No.20901916

>much of what we despise could never have existed without Christianity paving the way
see >>20901882

>> No.20902288 [DELETED] 
File: 233 KB, 1438x992, 1DDED2CB-A8EF-4F13-88DD-1EBB9D88A835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you’re saying Christians are the true immoral atheists for thinking you will never be a woman despite hurting your feelings?

>> No.20902310 [DELETED] 


So you’re saying Christians are the true immoral atheists for thinking you will never be a woman despite hurting your feelings?

>> No.20902325
File: 233 KB, 1438x992, C9EA69B2-7158-4469-ADF5-59F9D297B42F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


So you’re saying Christians are the true immoral atheists for thinking you will never be a woman despite hurting your feelings?

>> No.20902330


Just came here to say, fuck you for using that disgusting cancerous anime in your thread. Every time I refresh, I have to look at it all over again. Just, fuck you, OP.

>> No.20902338

> communist
> meek

I thought the whole point of communism was that there was suppose to be a violent Revolution?

>> No.20902350


You do know the concept of communism existed before and outside of Christianity, right?

> > One of the first writers to espouse a belief in the primitive communism of the past was the Roman Stoic philosopher Seneca who stated," How happy was the primitive age when the bounties of nature lay in common...They held all nature in common which gave them secure possession of the public wealth."[10] Because of this he believed that such primitive societies were the richest as there was no poverty.[10] Other Greco-Roman writers that believed in a prehistoric humanity that practiced communism include Diodorus Siculus, Virgil, and Ovid.[11] Similarly the early Church Fathers, like their pagan predecessors, maintained that humans society had declined to its current state from a now lost egalitarian social order.[12]

>> No.20902389

>Why do you think the most Christian girls are the biggest sluts?

Cause it’s bullshit made up in your mind. Statistics show otherwise. Devout Christian woman are the least sluttiest in the western world.

> Religious attendance: The “worships weekly” category contains the largest percentage of monogamous/abstinent persons. Approximately 42 percent of those who worship weekly had only one lifetime sexual partner, and 5.4 percent had no lifetime sexual partners (a combined 46.9 percent of monogamous/abstinent persons).

>> No.20902410
File: 103 KB, 800x800, 934A94A6-FA44-4CCA-8217-293FA267D566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ironic sense America is indeed one of the most Christian countries on earth

Really? Founding fathers sound otherwise.

>> No.20902416


>ironic sense America is indeed one of the most Christian countries on earth

That’s like saying Nazi germany was Christian just cause over 95% of its population was Christian.

>> No.20902441

That's not the point. The point is that Christianity insists on not just bringing back evil to a level where it doesn't harm you or can even benefit you, but completely abolishing it, so that comfort becomes a goal on its own. Constitutionally, America is of course a secular country, however, this insistence on comfort as the ultimate goal in life is deeply rooted in Christianity, and is an excellent explanation for some of the most horrifying aspects of America.

It's goodness itself that I question, and see the massive downsides of, and this goodness is still very much influential in American culture

>> No.20902501

Puritans were sometimes even more superstitious than Catholics though, considering their extreme belief in the existence of witches, which the Catholic church has rejected from the beginning.

> seeing these as extraneous or incompatible with science. That’s why these people today are ethically Christian but spiritually nihilist

So you’re admitting that Christianity was replaced with science in actuality? Also it’s not like Catholic countries have managed to remain significantly anymore religious than Protestants.

>> No.20902537

America is founded on the freedom and liberty of the individual (not exactly Christian concepts as they go back to Greece and Rome).

Not sure about America being all about comfort, considering its shitty healthcare in comparison to even many non-Christian nations.

>> No.20902556

>Moral Christianity is the cause of trannies

Oh yeah. That’s why atheists accept trannies far more. As shown:

Cause just like trannies, atheists must be the real Christians.

>> No.20902559

Trans existed among Scythians, Indians and even Romans (Cybele). Yet they’ve only come to exist in Christian societies only 1700 years after and once Christianity begins to suddenly decline. Strange.

>> No.20902583

Like almost every discussion on here this morphs into an obsession with transgenderism. *Yawn*

>> No.20902601

What do right-wingers on here think they will gain from complaining about Christianity in the 21st century? It’s the same on /pol/. It’s like they’re stuck in the past, thinking Christianity is something even worth arguing about anymore. It’s strange time to seethe about Christianity as it’s now dying or dead. It comes so late as to be pointless now.

Will those liberals and leftists you accuse of secretly being Christian suddenly drop their beliefs cause you criticised a religion they don’t even follow or care for anymore?

I’m an atheist liberal and I declare 20th century and after as being a post-Christian world. It don’t truly matter to me or to any liberal or leftist.

>> No.20902607

I know. I agree it’s annoying, but transgender people have existed throughout history across different cultures.

>> No.20902612

Patron saint of bearded ladies is 14th C? If you're going to worldbuild pls do basic research or stay in sffg

>> No.20902622

Epic of gilgamesh
Icelandic sagas

Song of Roland has martial morals more than christian ones

>> No.20902637

Real women with beards have always existed, idiot.

>> No.20902644

Yeah completely the same thing

> According to the narrative of the life of this Saint, set in Portugal and Galicia, a teen-aged noblewoman named Wilgefortis had been promised in marriage by her father to a Muslim king. To thwart the unwanted wedding, she had taken a vow of virginity, and prayed that she would be made repulsive. In answer to her prayers she sprouted a beard, which ended the engagement. In anger, Wilgefortis's father had her crucified.

Being made “repulsive” by a beard so you wouldn’t have to marry a Muslim sounds like trans acceptance

>> No.20902666

It relies on the Muslim trans acceptance that makes Iran one of the trans surgery capitals of the world. You're reading transphobia where you should be reading homophobia. Additionally
>trying to lecture people with the Wikipedia article you didn't know anything about five minutes ago
Miracle beards don't always exist. It's like trying to condense anorexia mirabilis with anorexia nervosa: the scenarios under which they exist are circumstances by which they are caused are so different in perception you might as well try to condense eating shit into eating home cooked meals.

>> No.20902700

Reading lots of history, I am merely sad to see Christianity go. It feels truly like the end of a world that began when the Roman Empire still existed.

I’m an atheist and I acknowledge Christianity can’t be revived or brought back in the modern day, so it’s best to let it die a peaceful die. I think the gloating hate towards it is unnecessary. I don’t understand it as I can only feel sadness at its demise as it makes me realise nothing lasts forever, so I see its death as just further victory for nihilism.

>> No.20902766

>think the gloating hate towards it is unnecessary
It might be time for you to read Nietzsche anon. The kind of gloating hate is a remnant of Christian ressentiment, which ironically means that a lot of the people it appeals to would have been some other kind of zealot in a different social situation: it's not that they're particularly attached to the position, but rather they crave that kind of imbalanced social power trip, and this is the current easiest avenue to bear forth that frothing rage.

>> No.20902799


My masculinity wonders if you might be extremely insecure about your own masculinity to feel so threatened by Christianity.

For instance, no knight or man from the Middle Ages would have felt the way you do towards Christianity cause they would have felt too secure in their masculinity. I think it reveals more about your insecurity than it reveals anything about Christianity.

>> No.20902902

It took a while for Christian morality to seep into European culture. Ironically this ignorant period was the high point of the religion.

>> No.20903057

Nice cope. Medieval Europe had far more monks and monasteries than it does today and orders like that literally lived in poverty, had no possessions and begged for money. They were just as “morally Christian.”

Just admit you’re insecure about your masculinity like the little bitch you are.

>> No.20903111

> 1000 years of Christianity
> feudalism, absolutely hierarchical
> Renaissance reintroduces Greco-roman works and larppaganism
> gay enlightenment, muh liberty and freedom shit from gayreeks, much religious freedom, French Revolution, rebellions and fags everywhere in less than 500 years.

>> No.20903184

I think I have basal cell Carcinoma

>> No.20903664

truth trips

>> No.20904132

That wasn't true Christianity, people didn't have access to the bible. What we have now is true Christianity.

>> No.20904219

They didn't read the bible.

>> No.20904239

>Post-Christian Progressives seem to have continued this process by totally removing the supernatural (including Jesus and the Bible itself) from their worldview, seeing these as extraneous or incompatible with science. That’s why these people today are ethically Christian but spiritually nihilist
Yet they follow Jesus to a tee. I know Catholics and Protestants who are progressives. They are socialists. Jesus was a socialist if not a communist.

This religion has to die from the root. Jesus has to be see as a liar and his values as lies.

>> No.20904435

"Owing something to God: this thought becomes his instrument of torture. He apprehends in God the most extreme antitheses that he can find to his own characteristic and ineradicable animal instincts, he himself gives a new interpretation to these animal instincts as being against what he "owes" to God (as enmity, rebellion, and revolt against the "Lord," the "Father," the "Sire," the "Beginning of the world"), he places himself between the horns of the dilemma, "God" and "Devil." Every negation which he is inclined to utter to himself, to the nature, naturalness, and reality of his being, he whips into an ejaculation of "yes," uttering it as something existing, living, efficient, as being God, as the holiness of God, the judgment of God, as the hangmanship of God, as transcendence, as eternity, as unending torment, as hell, as infinity of punishment and guilt. This is a kind of madness of the will in the sphere of psychological cruelty which is absolutely unparalleled:—man's will to find himself guilty and blameworthy to the point of inexpiability, his will to think of himself as punished, without the punishment ever being able to balance the guilt,..."

Is this not today "white guilt"?

>> No.20904488

"We modern men, we inherit the immemorial tradition of vivisecting the conscience, and practising cruelty to our animal selves."

Modernity is true Christianity, the very essence of Christianity without the superstition. We live in the most Christian times ever.