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20892861 No.20892861 [Reply] [Original]

>Lady Damaris Masham in the (1600/1700's) "on the vertuous (or christian) life," on the need of women to be educated as their education as being mothers and stewards of the house is more important given their vital station in parenting the children and managing the household.

>The burping and monkey-swaggering woman who lowers herself to emulate a common drunkard is the exact opposite of this.

>There are others, Mary Astell springs to mind, but Damaris was the first. Coincidentally one of the first humans, regardless of sex, to write logically and rationally about the Virtues, without fraudulent appeals to religion, probably since the Roman Republic.

I said this on anther smiliar "best feminist authors" thread but, you know what, I don't think anybody actually knows who Damaris even is anymore. The later "feminism" of tricking Women into becoming dumb-minded factory drones couldn't be further from what "feminism" was.

Anyways, let's discuss her book, if you like. I find it odd that she's not even listed as a "feminist" author and is listed instead as a "christian theologian" when nothing in this particular book relies upon religion. She's moreso like a Michel Montaigne, in my opinion. A highly underrated British author, technically should be very famous due to being a Woman, but is completely ignored because she highlights Virtue and Intelligence as a prerequisite to and of the goal and maintenance of Liberty.

>> No.20892933

>Virtue and Intelligence as a prerequisite to and of the goal and maintenance of Liberty.

things are only a certain way because some one wants them that way and will kill to make them that way
Liberty to do what. Purpose comes from desire and desire is ultimately just a consequence of circumstance.
There is no understanding of morality without understanding of history, any discussion of morality without a detailed history is fanciful retardation.

While this dumb bitch might have written things better than most that are written today, she is still a dumb bitch that should have shut the fuck up

>> No.20892982

>Liberty to do what
Liberty as in political social and economic; obviously this requires intelligence in the first place to comprehend virtue as opposed to vice; to be able to intellectually understand the consequences of idiotic actions in order to avoid them, at the very least. It's not 'circular' but the're mutually supporting each other, that's not the same as circular, or is anyway not "circular" in the sense of a fallacy if that's where you were coming from.

>While this dumb bitch might have written things better than most that are written today, she is still a dumb bitch that should have shut the fuck up
Hmmm. I don't know about this, I disagree with nothing she has said and I think the "later feminism" where you have women lowered to the level of factory drones (like men) to be a sort of astroturf effort to mitigate the danger of Women, as well as Men, advocating for education and intelligence.

>any discussion of morality without a detailed history
eh it's been done and it doesn't work; 'history' fairly subjective and easy for somebody to ignore.

Logic itself is the only solid irrefutable way to get to a working grasp of Virtue without needing to rely on the errors of pathos or ethnos to "pretend" to have morality when not being sure whether one is moral or not.

>things are only a certain way because some one wants them that way and will kill to make them that way
Not really. If all the politicians today went away and the war propaganda (for example) stopped you'd still have stupid citizens doing stupid things and causing problems for themselves. I don't see any real intent or purpose behind
these sort of things that isn't already better explained by emotionalism and stupidity on the part of the society.

e.g. Hitler didn't steal power, he was voted in.

>> No.20893916

aw jumpin' jesus on a cock

You see what I mean?
>dead silence

Nobody is really interested in figuring out feminism, men just want to bitch about women. Oh well, let's call this a bump.

c'mon girls, surely a Woman has something to say on this subject..

>> No.20894023

On what topic? The evils of feminism? The inherent misogyny in so much of its activism?

>> No.20894033

Yes! This also!

Modernist feminism is terrible, my point is at it was not supposed to be about this nonsense in the first place and that authors exist to prove this.