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20892830 No.20892830 [Reply] [Original]

Dostoyevsky's best book.

>> No.20892858

Probably not the most enjoyable for me, but definitely the most profound and relevant to modern times.

>> No.20892866

Great taste. The real question though is, what's the best translation of it?

The penguin cover is undoubtably the best, too.

>> No.20892902

It has a slow start but picks up from there.

Don't know , friend. I read it in my native language.

>> No.20892918

Best for toilet paper.

>> No.20892955

I'm so sorry—is there anything I can do to help?

>> No.20893080

His only book that stands up, actually.

>> No.20893087

Nah. BK, Idiot and C&P are way better.

>> No.20893092

That's not The Double.

>> No.20893211

why is everyone shilling crime and punishment? All the women characters are so badly written , like shadows of a true person.Except the dive into raskolnikov's mind i dont see what could one get out of the book.Demons is great , havent yet another of his

>> No.20893295

dude, get lost...

>> No.20893328

sucj my dick

>> No.20893361

So they are like actual women

>> No.20893397

>its le heccin relevant in CURRENT YEAR!
Go back to whatever Jordan Peterson comment field you crawled out of.
Filtered. Don't even fucking talk to me.
Crime and Punishment fans are YA readers in denial.

>> No.20893454

Definitely not. Probably the worst Dostoevsky I've read.

>> No.20893486

Yh it's my favorite as well; I have only found notes from the underground to be as good. I'm reading C&P atm and it feels so much lesser. Will The Idiot be similar?

>> No.20893494

Idiot is dogshit.

>> No.20894069

I'm trying to read it but I'm getting nothing out of it. I think I'll have to watch some lectures on it or something

>> No.20894079

It took me three attempts to read it, on my third attempt I really enjoyed it. Give it 300 pages

>> No.20894085

Second best after Crime and Punishment.
My version was Magarshak, which was pretty good in my opinion.
I'll take the bait. Dunya's strong-headedness makes her an enjoyable character; Sonya's quiet desperation too; Katerina Ivanovna shines in her delusions and her terminal illness.

>> No.20894092

At least read through the chapters entitles 'Night'

>> No.20894122

The first half feels different from the second half. First part feels like a novel of social manners just hang in there and you will see what unfolds

>> No.20895152

Last two chapters are the best things Dosto ever wrote

>> No.20895191

If you're European, turn off your computer right now and go get some firewood
you're gonna need it

>> No.20895201

I got filtered early. I'm an ADHD zoomer who's not really used to this many storylines going on at once. I expected it to focus on one protagonist

Gonna try again th

>> No.20895365

I'm reading it right now and enjoying it. I don't really get whats going on but I like the dialogues.

>> No.20895378

Dostoevsky is worth the investment