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20892367 No.20892367 [Reply] [Original]

I want some esoteric knowledge that I can apply to my life but I don't mean self help. I don't know what this feeling is that I'm describing but I've read everything and haven't found it. I read through all the branches of philosophy. Epistemology, Metaphysics, Ethics. I've read Religious books. Occult literature. New Age. Mnemonic techniques, Somatic movements, Visualization, Meditation, Auto suggestion. None of it is what I'm looking for but I know it exists. I just can't find it.

>> No.20892393

The kingdom of heaven is within you.

Enlightenment is found with meditation.

I'm not much of a religion nerd, but do I know that it's a central theme in several religions that true enlightenment comes internally, not from an outside source. Spend time alone and learn to access the deeper parts of your mind.

>> No.20892451
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>he is not actively practicing all the fantasies in an lsd testing environment

>> No.20892951


>> No.20892962

Have you read the Gospels? You're just looking to sell your soul btw

>> No.20892969

I went a year where all I did was read The Bible, pray, and go to Church. I felt nothing at all so I don't really spend any time on religion anymore.

>> No.20893020

unironically read arthur machens "a fragment of a life." at worst it will be a relatable short story. at best it will show you what you are looking to achieve. breath in the mythology of your surroundings friend. imagination is the only way to break free from the mundane. feel the incredible mystery of all things and revel in its majesty and your part in it.

>> No.20893542

get into phytagorianism, not necessarily his actual beliefs (skip the beans for example) but the general as above so below application of music theory to everything. learn music theory. every "ultimate truth" from heraclitus to hegel can be found there.

>> No.20893550

> I want larp that works
Thats not how larp works

>> No.20893623

Did you fast, love your neighbor, and turn away from the flesh?

>> No.20893629
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Its not a larp if you force everyone else to participate under threat of death by fire. then its the play of life.

>> No.20893640

For if you live according to the flesh you will die, but if by the Spirit you put to death the deeds of the body, you will live.

Paul spells it out. Simple as.

>> No.20893655


>> No.20893819

Learn vedic astrology. Buy all of James Brahas books. Read them all five times each cover to cover. You canpredict the future then.

>> No.20894012

>muh hecckin feefees

>> No.20894024
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>> No.20895140
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You should try Christian wisdom, the soul is more fertile from having meditated on its condition than from having plunged into the abyss of speculation. I don't know if these are the best, but I can suggest some books that have worked for me.
- In the Bible, the book of Ecclesiastes and the whole New Testament, possibly with a small catechism for children (that of Pius X for example).
- Pascal's Pensées, meditating well on his remarks on the knowable and the discourse of the robot which is often misunderstood
- Petrarch's books, especially the Secretum and the little letter about climbing Mount Ventoux.
- Unironically a bit of René Guénon, not so much in the exposition of metaphysics as in that of traditional symbology and in the critique of the modern world (First half of the introduction, East and West, The crisis of the modern world, The reign of quantity & Symbols of the sacred science)
- The books of Jean Borella (Histoire et théorie du symbole, La crise du symbolisme religieux, Le sens du surnaturel) I do not know if it has been translated into English.
- Picrel is also interesting to understand the religious "paradigm".
- Especially read a lot of poetry, not necessarily religious poetry, in your mother tongue to develop new intellectual intuitions
- Read Christian mystics (St. Catherine of Siena, St. Dionysius the Areopagite, St. Therese of Lisieux for me but there are surely many other good ones)
- Eventually finish with a real catechism (Catechism of Trent or Catechism of the Catholic Church) and some basic theology (Bonaventure or Thomas Aquinas)
The list may seem eclectic, but if you read it all carefully, maybe you'll benefit from it like I did.

>> No.20895186

try reading nanavira thera, it sounds like what you are going through is similar to what he talks about


start with the preface to notes on dhamma for a taste of what I mean above, then the letters, then the notes on dhamma itself

>> No.20895211

Just do shrooms then

>> No.20895629

read 'Real Astrology' by John Frawley and then his 'Horary Textbook' to start practicing it

>> No.20895647

>Christian wisdom
Protip: if your Helleno-Alexandrian "wisdom" is condemned by every denomination as satanic occultism, then you aren't allowed to call it "Christian"

>> No.20895650

That book is endorsed by the catholic church.

>> No.20895652

oh no! dont put me in time out headmaster. Ill conform to your idea of what is and isn christian I swear! fuck off chud. Ill call it what I like and there isnt a single thing you can do about it.

>> No.20895674

Op have you read the works of Gurdjieff?

>> No.20896445

Meditation, visualization, mnemonic techniques, somatic movements are larps?

>> No.20896522

>he feefees arent all there is

>> No.20896538
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This book really brought a number of thinkers and schools of thought together for me and I can't wait to start on his other works. "If you die before you die / You won't die when you die." Other than that, seek stillness and silence, for this world is both a test/trick to prevent one from turning within where all that you're seeking awaits you.

>> No.20896608

>condemned by every denomination
that's how you know it's legit

>> No.20896642

>I felt nothing at all so I don't really spend any time on religion anymore
lmao are you a woman? london?

>> No.20896671
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Maybe you need something to do rather than something to take in.

I always recommend a good symbolism book, even a dream dictionary, and reading the meanings of symbols which recur in your life. Start piecing together your own story. You'll never find that in someone else's narrative.

>> No.20896672

What book is that?

>> No.20896678

Taschen's Book of Symbols is one I can always recommend, but really any you have on hand or available to read will do.

>> No.20896681

I think that's from a book called The Wander Society

>> No.20896760
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This is what you need anon

>> No.20897004

This book is perfectly Catholic and it is prefaced by a Catholic cardinal theologian who speaks well of it

>> No.20897597

How about something less fictional?

>> No.20898449


>> No.20898850

this post gave me deja vu