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20891604 No.20891604 [Reply] [Original]

This book is wrong. Pretty much everyone is wrong. Liberalism being unable to fulfill its promises isn't evidence of its failures, it's actually the entire reason that Liberalism has succeeded so much in modern history. Liberalism doesn't create freedom and democracy, it only requires that the masses believe in those abstract concepts. People like Francis Fukuyama are able to admit this but conservatives like Deneen are still hopelessly obsessed with creating "true" freedom and democracy as if they even mean anything.

At some point we need to stop pretending as if the West has reached terminal decline because the people in power have betrayed the values of modernity. It's the polar opposite. We are witnessing the pillars of the modern world reach their pinnacle of power and success, but this success will bring nothing but decay because modernity is evil. It's that simple. Liberalism hasn't failed because liberal countries are atomized imperialist police states, atomized imperialist police states are exactly what liberalism seeks to create in the first place. The West is still winning! And it's bad that it is.

>> No.20891621
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Thoughts on pic rel?

>> No.20891625

im not sure whats the point of these books. its such a bluepill.

get into pneumatics, bitches