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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 439 KB, 828x718, C3C9B646-DE71-4100-AC9E-021BFFB172A2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20888471 No.20888471 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.20888490

is this meant to be a letter? why does a typewritten letter have cursive?

>> No.20888565

Out of curiosity, how old are you? Also, is English your first language? No insult is intended.

>> No.20888576


>> No.20888620 [DELETED] 

My question was about typewriters. The text is possibly meant to be a 1940s typewritten letter but an Italic font is used, something that would be impossible as typewriters did not have Italic or bold types. Is this another quirky thing by Pynchon? I know he uses a film's release year every time is mentioned in dialogue. And yes I meant Italic nor cursive.

>> No.20888633

My question was about typewriters. The text is possibly meant to be a 1940s typewritten letter but an Italic font is used (in "ever"), something that would be impossible as typewriters did not have Italic or bold types. Is this another quirky postmodern thing by Pynchon? I know he uses a film's release year every time a film is mentioned in dialogue. And yes I meant Italic, not cursive.

>> No.20888665

I can guarantee that you’re German.

>> No.20888678

read it and find out!

>> No.20888711

Because Thomas Pynchon is in actuality a collective of writers employed by the CIA/some other nefarious organization we don't have the displeasure of knowing the acronym of, not a single individual. Further, they use the books as soft disclosure under the guise of "that wacky pynch, what with his jokes and his paranoia!" in order to absolve themselves of karmic debt.

>> No.20888725

good post
also kek

>> No.20888834

Good point.

>> No.20888837

holy fuck

>> No.20888875 [DELETED] 


>> No.20888884


>> No.20888889

this thread is cursed

>> No.20888891

oh my

>> No.20888933 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.20888959

>immediately sidetracks every thread

>> No.20888969
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>> No.20888975 [DELETED] 


>> No.20888987

ok I have tried

>> No.20889043
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>> No.20889060
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And you achieved. Thread is definitely cursed. Farewell

>> No.20889273


>> No.20889284


>> No.20889307

Were it typewritten it would be underlined for emphasis. But books, in serif typefaces, don't do that (because, it can be argued, they can do better); so underlined emphasis from hand- and typewritten docs are rendered in italics.

>> No.20889486

glowies are warning us not to investigate further

>> No.20889505

This is actually true. He is a spook in more ways than one.

>> No.20889869


>> No.20889943

>The text is possibly meant to be a 1940s typewritten letter
No, it is meant to be the mind of someone who was just injected with that sodium amatyl.

>> No.20890061

Yes. This is a "keeping walking, kiddo" post.

>> No.20890096
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>> No.20890136
File: 950 KB, 960x626, cia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For what it's worth I believe Pynch encountered spooky stuff during his time in the Navy, and is a recluse because he's hiding from them/it, but there's definitely stuff going on.

>> No.20890137
File: 219 KB, 669x480, huh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20890159

One hint that I've personally noticed yet have never seen mentioned elsewhere: reread the chapter in Gravity's Rainbow written from the perspective of the Japanese admiral (or whatever his position was). It reads incredibly similarly to translated Japanese prose: Pynchon must either be such a stylistic master so as to be able to imitate that, or it was written originally in Japanese and then translated to English, which would require Pynchon to know the language. Not impossible, but very unlikely, especially when taken in concert with the breadth of knowledge demonstrated in his body of work, which approached levels almost impossible for a single individual. Less concrete is a personal feeling of mine that the stylistic departures within the novel just feel like they were written by separate people, which again may just be praise for an exceptionally talented individual, but may be something greater. There also exists the apparent dichotomy between Pynchon and "Pynchon-lite", in which there are significant differences in thematic complexity, style, and mastery of language between his novels; a plausible explanation for these discrepancies are that they were in fact written by different people.

Additionally: Gravity's Rainbow was written and released in the 60s/70s. While many of the references within to military/industrial collusion between the nations of WW2, supernatural phenomena, and other conspiratorial elements may be common knowledge (or, at the very least, much easier to research) nowadays, to have such knowledge then implies membership in certain circles, which have historically and continue to this day share significant overlap with intelligence agencies. What little we know of Pynchon's life already suggests a level of likelihood for involvement in such agencies: a stint in the Navy followed by employment at Boeing are two red flags. Being able to achieve such a successful level of hermitage, even in the Internet age, may suggest help from above as well.

>> No.20890230

Pynchon vs Pynchon lite could be explained by effort put into the work, as well as his age when the pynchon lite shit was written. The thing that really makes me think Pynchon had a glowie encounter or is a glowie is the MKULTRA stuff in Gravity's Rainbow, which would have been impossible for him to know without direct knowledge in some way because MKULTRA wasn't declassified until after GR was released.

>> No.20890252

because their are a bunch of overeducated nerds

>> No.20890253

what does that symbol mean

>> No.20890259

I'm not sure why that schizo colored it and spun it ninety degrees but its a coded message for trystero

>> No.20890268

read the filename dinguses

>> No.20890283

So its supposed to be a coded CIA? Why? Why not just call out the CIA directly in the novel?

>> No.20890287


>> No.20890293


>> No.20890304
File: 2.40 MB, 628x534, reactionmonkey.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20890332

>MKULTRA wasn't declassified until after GR was released.

>> No.20890338
File: 44 KB, 771x675, EZFwVuZXQAAyvDa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20890342

>MKUltra was first brought to public attention in 1975 by the Church Committee of the United States Congress and Gerald Ford's United States President's Commission on CIA activities within the United States (also known as the Rockefeller Commission).
Gravity's Rainbow was released in '73 and written during the sixties

>> No.20890350

>Being able to achieve such a successful level of hermitage
you can literally find out where pynchon lives with the OSINT framework

>> No.20890358

>Pynchon must either be such a stylistic master so as to be able to imitate that, or it was written originally in Japanese and then translated to English, which would require Pynchon to know the language
It only takes knowing grammar at a level better than basic prescription, not that hard. Anyone who has taken a college level grammar class can probably manage it. You should put a little more effort into the concrete aspects of writing and less into the schizo/hero worship. Pynchon is a solid writer but not some untouchable god, start studying grammar (descriptive) and structure, much will be revealed to you regarding his writing which is heavily dependent upon the technical aspects of writing.