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/lit/ - Literature

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20878449 No.20878449 [Reply] [Original]

Absolutely based. First Rushdie, now him (indirectly). Writers, authors, intellectuals, philosophers, men of letters - let this be a warning to you. You are accountable for your writings. You are not safe and neither should you be

>> No.20878477

You are retarded
A message to terrorists of the world
You are accountable for your actions, you are not safe and neither you should be

>> No.20878549

The only message I take from that is that cuck warfare doesn't pay. If you're going to invade another country, go balls-deep, or don't bother.

>> No.20878565
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Now Ukrainians are "denazifying" Russia!

>> No.20878566

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes
Also not /lit/ related so fuck off

>> No.20878572

Gooood I can already feel this shit show of a thread reach bump limit. Does anyone know a good alternative to this board?

>> No.20878574


>> No.20878595

Read your books

>> No.20878600

Reddit might be more your speed

>> No.20878608

>You are accountable for your writings.
Kek, no I'm fucking not. Go dilate, tranny

>> No.20878650


>> No.20878679


>> No.20878687

On a serious note, Russians are really obsessed with their "WWII victory" and become vitriolic when someone disputes the role of the USSR. There was a nation-wide scandal when one of the Baltic nations, Estonia, decided to relocate the statue of the Soviet soldier away from the city center.

>> No.20878700

Very witty you two. Can’t wait for your summer holiday to be over

>> No.20878711

Which is honestly fair, they lose more people at Stalingrad and Kursk alone than most nations did in the entire war - but if they wanted to keep that glory, they had to remain Communist, the current loose network of gas-pump owners won't cut it.

>> No.20878765

Amerikkkan CIA coup aided by nazi paramilitary groups. This is what ukr*nians defend as peace btw.

>> No.20878772

Is literature dangerous again? It is surely not in the so-called first world, it has been thoroughly sterilized. But in the third world, in the world which still resists the liberal project, it might be.

>> No.20878903

>Now Ukrainians are "denazifying" Russia!
They actually really are, HIMARS blew up a good chunk of the Wagner Group's leadership a week ago or so. Wagner was essentially like the Russian Azov, extreme Nazi Larpers, except that they were also one of Russia's main mercenary group, they had recently been used in Somali to try and frame the French troops recently deployed there with warcrimes (they got caught committing the warcrimes, so it didn't work).
In fact both sides pretty much successfully denazified each other at this point. Weird how that works.

>> No.20878918

Nah. It's been overtaken by podcasts and yootoobers

>> No.20878932

Lol. Fucking "intellectuals" in their ivory towers getting BTFO!

>> No.20879265
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What is GAYTO's excuse, that innocent white woman was coming right for us?

>> No.20879308

>What is GAYTO's excuse
Excuse for what? Killing civilians? They've been doing it for almost a century a now, this is not some illicit drugs they're not used to.
>There was a nation-wide scandal when one of the Baltic nations, Estonia, decided to relocate the statue of the Soviet soldier away from the city center.
бeчнaя cлaвa гepoям пaвшим в бoякх нeмeцкo пaшиcтcкими зaкхвaтчикaми зa cвoбoдy и нeзaвиcимocть coвeтcкoгo coюзa, btw

>> No.20879328

now all Russia needs to do is bomb the Bandera statues and the Ukrainian Neonazi paramilitaries that are littered across the country and denazification will be complete

>> No.20879380

The most prominent CIA hit in a couple of decades. Dugin is probably in shambles right now, goes under extreme prejudice I guess. I wonder why he was targeted and not some general. Is dugin really that important to the war effort?

>> No.20879432

sl*vshits aren't white. Ukrainians get an Aryan pass from us Germans for helping us in our struggle against the polack, kike and bolshevik menaces though

>> No.20879445
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It probably wasn't even a political hit, Agent Dasquarius just had the day off for Juneteenf and played the knock-out game with the nearest honky he saw so the Queen of England would promote him to the next degree

>> No.20879453

>You are accountable for your writings. You are not safe and neither should you be
This, all journalists politicians and bankers should be killed on sight desu

>> No.20879460

Russia is currently btfoing hohols at kherson and pushing forward
Cope and seethe

>> No.20879468

>russia is attacking ukraine
>ukraine is democracy personified
>russia is evil
>russians are in russia
>russians are evil
>she was russian

>> No.20879476
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how is the british crown owning all assets in the anglosphere and spending them on socially engineering everyone into an 85 IQ mulatto chattel slave "democracy," you retarded redcoat?

>> No.20879492

>>russians are evil
>Zelenskyy grew up speaking Russian
I know, even more reasons to not consider him a Ukrainian """hero"""

>> No.20879511

>Is literature dangerous again? It is surely not in the so-called first world, it has been thoroughly sterilized.
I never thought literature written with 'red ink' as something safe, even in contemporary first world countries.
For a while, you could lose your job and be hated by the general population;
the bets are only escalating.

>> No.20879521

That's the "reasoning" western media use anon

Is that kike even liked in ukraine? Lmoa

>> No.20879546

>But in the third world, in the world which still resists the liberal project, it might be.
Real journalism is, just look at MX

>> No.20879588

>Does anyone know a good alternative to this board?
Bleach and ammonia.

>> No.20879590

CIA really are a bunch of evil cunts. You’ll get yours

>> No.20879872
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Begone, shill.

>> No.20879880
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>> No.20879887
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he's right. russia is currently annexing area west of kherson

>> No.20879896

suspect has already been identified and she's an azov member that entered russia recently

>> No.20879903

Russian resistance to putinism (Formerly CIA)

>> No.20879912
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Natalya Vovk
Immediately fled to Lithuania or Estonia, can't remember

>> No.20879919
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>> No.20879928

Jordan Peterson

>> No.20879931
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> trusting Russians to pontoon

>> No.20879941

Looks like a gay man, are all ukrainians soldiers trannies? lmao

>> No.20879942

>OP being a flaming faggot

>> No.20879951
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> color maps

>> No.20879972

Sounds like the war has been a resounding success.

>> No.20879975

Do you have this joke one with a billion arrows and a bunch of funny shit someone posted on /pol/ once, I fucking couldn't stop laughing

>> No.20879976

>daughter's surname: Dugina
is this really a thing in russia?

>> No.20879981

>some literal who tweet overrides basic deduction

>> No.20879986

No, not saved, but it pops up every now and then on /k/, I'll go look for it.

>> No.20879990

But your basic deduction is retarded anon.

>> No.20879994

Based. So the only people not being held accountable are politicians. Epic.

>> No.20880004

Ah yes, the classic mistake of dropping your Azov membership card at the crime scene. Really, would have been a perfect crime without this one blunder.
Jesus fuck you retarded cunts.

>> No.20880009

Dude was today years old when he discovered inflection.

>> No.20880027

Who is he?

>> No.20880034

According to Russian reports, the "suspect" was already under surveillance by Russian operatives. CCTV facial recognition cameras are mounted all over Moscow, the police is everywhere. Yet they let her easily escape to a foreign country. Something doesn't add up.

>> No.20880077


Your misinfo/disinfo is already out of date dumb fuck. CIA and Ukraine killing innocent people, joy to the world

>> No.20880090

>potato bugs

>> No.20880098
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> innocent people

>> No.20880103

What crime did she commit?

>> No.20880123
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>> No.20880128

redditors seem to be quite happy with shadow organizations murdering their political enemies. very democratic.

>> No.20880141
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> mfw the blue smurfs shilling a denazification 'special operation" are confronted with Nazi getting blown up on their own side and pretend it didnt happen.

>> No.20880196
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Many such cases.

>> No.20880206

That is not a swastika, that signifies apollo

>> No.20880213

Lol no it's a crypto swastka you fucking farm shill.

>> No.20880319

Victory in WW2 became an alternative raison d'etre for the USSR to the failure of actualising full communism, historically backward and dead rather than alive and forward-orientated, "we did a grand project once" rather than "we are doing a grand project":

>> No.20880332

Drive your cart and your plow over the bones of the dead. All nostalgia is idolatry and death, an escapism for things no longer living and producing.

>> No.20880338


>> No.20880342

Russian political philosopher Alexander Dugin

>> No.20880391

Lmao chinkshills and israeli mutt subhumans are absolutely seething ITT rn. Wonder what they're so afraid of? Oh that's right, strong white men who will dominate them again, i.e., the NATURAL ORDER.

>> No.20880394

A meme philosopher /ourguy/ keith has a video on the matter

>> No.20880398

Take your meds inferior commiecuck

>> No.20880404
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>A message to terrorists of the world
I think gramps got the message.