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20874332 No.20874332 [Reply] [Original]

White women jumping on the hate train of this book online is literally so performative in my opinion. Like… not everything has to be a perfect black and white moral tale. Read something that will make you uncomfortable for once and allow your mind to evolve past your terminally online white saviorism for the love of god

>> No.20874345

Link me to some of that hate.

I quite liked this book. Not incredible but I felt it had something to it. I felt it really fucked with the typical chick lit formula and you kept expecting some sort of breakdown moment where it all turns out to be guilt and shame but actually she’s utterly unrepentant about her sttitudes

>> No.20874374

It is literally all over tiktok! Do you want me to send you the link to some of the obnoxious, embarrassing videos I have seen? And I totally agree with you, I feel that reading this book was a breakthrough for me

>> No.20874378

It's a good book, she's a good writer. Eileen was shaping up to be even better but the climactic twist is too retarded

>> No.20874386

inb4 the house schizo makes his appearance

>> No.20874406

Oh my god I have been wanting to read Eileen!! Is it worth it in your opinion or should I pass?

>> No.20874407

Seems like a pretty neat book, actually. I don't understand why someone would be uncomfortable with this book. From the summary I read, it reflects the lives and experiences of many. Middle class woman, Columbia University, little or no friends, lost in post-college life after several traumatic family events. Remaining indoors at nearly all times, except to see the psychiatrist. Sleeping a lot. Isolation.

>> No.20874409


>> No.20874410


I don’t tik tok. Will I need it? I will take ignorance over tik tok

>> No.20874418

Has anyone read Lampvona? Or whatever it’s called? It looked interesting. I really want to try her short story collection too, seems it could be really interesting.

>> No.20874428

95% is brilliant. The character of Eileen, the sense of place, the slowly increasing sense of dread and horror, all fantastic.
It's a bit like those David Lynch scenes where everything seems to coalesce toward some horrible anxiety attack.
But when it finally comes, 30 pages from the end, it's pants on head retarded.
Reminded me a bit of The Wasp Factory, where the payoff just can't live up to how grotesque and macabre the build up has been

>> No.20874429

Which one, the one who notices the Trooney spammer who also always makes these threads, or the one who notices you using /lit/ as your Discord all day and posting in every single thread? The former is at least two people and the latter is at least three

>> No.20874434

Well I get what you are saying except the main character is actually really wealthy and lives off of her inheritance and is on top of that super classist, racist and all types of fucked up really. I understand why people do not like her, I am just baffled to see the book being completely written off as being problematic. Whatever that even means

>> No.20874445

People are dumb. 'Problematic' and 'I didn't like the main character' are just dumb things for dumb people to say to make it sound like they have thoughts

>> No.20874459

Only limp-wristed DYEL men and pseudointellectual grifting women read this jewish industry plant

>> No.20874468

Shut the fuck up, faggot.

>> No.20874479

The short story collection is great.

>> No.20874488

> Moshfegh was born in Boston, Massachusetts, in 1981.[3] Her mother was born in Croatia and her father, who is Jewish,[4] was born in Iran.[5] Her parents were both musicians and taught at the New England Conservatory of Music. As a child, Moshfegh learned to play piano and clarinet.[2]

>> No.20874491
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>> No.20874503

Thanks for the single (You), troon

>> No.20874507

>inb4 most of the replies I get are variously opposed to this astro-turf bad author in ways to be expected on 4chan
What do you want us to do, celebrate her Fulbright Scholarship and while we're at it congratulate Kimchi Cohen-Weiss on her recent Nobel Prize for "Where'd My Cock Go"?

>> No.20874509

Would you recommend the summary? Is it good?

>> No.20874583

I honestly really enjoyed the book. I think it is worth a read for sure.

>> No.20876171

I liked it but it didn't click with me as much as Rest/Relaxation and Eileen, maybe i was expecting certain comfortable qualities from "a Moshfegh" or even being "chick lit," I'd be interested in hearing from people who read Lapvona first

Limp-wristed dyel bf and pseud grifter gf sounds like a comfy upper middle class life in New England to me

>> No.20876224

You type like a woman and you're a really, really stupid retard (in my humble opinion)
>It is literally all over tiktok!

>> No.20876233

Damn I'm reading this right now. One of the better novels I've read that are contemporary. Would recommend, I had high expectations because of all the journalist reviews and was slightly let down, but still good. Easy read.

>> No.20876341
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>literally all over tiktok
>Has anyone read Lampvona?
I almost did until I read the words "TikTok sensation".

>> No.20876362


Yeah, know what you mean. It is overhyped at this point. On reflection I think I felt a tiny bit let down though zi hadn’t got my hopes up too much. I think I maybe wanted it to do some more radical stuff but that probably would have gone against the chick lit satire aspect

>> No.20876399

>ottessa mossfegh
saicjjdiajfhd siciekbsaov ivccczait aidng
ckksncus fichbwioophhd mosfet btrfs gnus not unix

>> No.20876507

Chill out, if they made a thread about this book they're more than likely a woman anyways.
Do people actually complain about it because its about mental illness? From what i've seen people eat up the 'dark twisted' nature of it and are more so peeved about other stuff like the writing style or being try-hard.
Kinda funny when it's called the female american psycho though not gonna lie

>> No.20876531

>Chill out
Can't, I'm afraid. I'm doing the much needed job of gatekeeping on this site. tiktok using monkeys are welcome elsewhere. they shouldn't be welcome here.

>> No.20876570

good evening, or good morning- and now we'd like to present to you, for the first time in 's entirety
been about five, maybe even six years since I first read homesick for anutha & have been inserting hullo nursery bonnets for yr non-nonny nonny nonce in that manner. eileen builds a lot & has atmosphere, plus an interesting voice. strong voice. surprised how no one is talking about how 22 years ago was when the russians lost that submarine even tho Norway had to lead the rescue ATTEMPT. & here we are. a coupla ricky schroders. platoon & deerhunter,hoof,& john. won't tell you what i'm reading now.

but yeah. i like her writing & would totally read more of it.

also lets talk about AREOLAS

nuff o' me

>> No.20876574

> Lampvona
It filtered the plebs at Goodreads so it must be good.

>> No.20876595

I think the book reviewer for vulture did a "scathing" review for it where she said mosfegh is obsessed with fat ppl or something. I can't remember her name but she also gave a "famously" negative review of hanya yanigahara's most recent work. I'm using quotes because it embarrasses me to know this stuff and the reviewer's writing and criticism is really fucking awful and annoying

>> No.20876606

It's literally a book for women.

>> No.20876756

Eh, I don't think it's fair to lump people who scroll on it for five minutes while they're taking a shit to braindead retards who make it their lifestyle. Also not like 4chan is much better..
Shouldn't chicklit discussion still be allowed/encouraged on lit though? I look into both the whole booktok scene and here and think both communities should try out one anothers holy grail content. They should gain an appreciation for classics and people here need to humble themselves and have fun with a shitty romcom lol.

>> No.20876782

Not that anon but you need to go back.

>> No.20876855

My cousin wrote this book, she’s good people. I try not to be salty she’s a better writer than I am.

>> No.20877266

My wife loves it.

What other novels would any of you recommend for someone who likes a book like this?

>> No.20877315


Jesus, that must be brutal

>> No.20877571

Go back, fag. Just downloading that chink spyware should be grounds for immediate execution

>> No.20877663
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Shut up, chud. She is one of the good ones.

>> No.20877844

Lapvona is just okay imo. The first 30 pages are unremittingly bleak and then it becomes so exaggerated it turns into a cartoon. It’s sort of like Happy Tree Friends. It’s not deep at all but I never got the impression it was trying to be.

>> No.20877879

You don't get how this works. She is a women and Jewish. It doesn't matter what she writes. You are not allowed to like this.

>> No.20877892

Astonishingly based. I have some newfound respect for her. Her fiction still isn't very good though, and her brand of tawdry and salacious writing actually fits in perfectly well with the progressive worldview, hence it's enormous popularity.

>> No.20877914

Sally Rooney

>> No.20877919

Treasure Island!!! by Sara Levine.

>> No.20878022

I thought we couldn't sink any lower from twitter and all that garbage, and the chinks have found a way to drive humanity even deeper into the gutters they love so much to harvest for cooking materials. Even using plebbit is more forgivable than even considering using a chinese botnet application like that, that appeals to the most stupid among us. This isn't about "chicklit" discussion (which sounds stupid as fuck, by the way) because that is obviously fine on /lit/, but I'd like to think we're better than using words like "booktok".

>They should gain an appreciation for classics
well yes, they should, but they probably won't and it's not worth discussing those people here
>people here need to humble themselves and have fun with a shitty romcom lol
First, no they don't. Second, what makes you think they don't? It's simply not worth discussing. If someone comes to /lit/ it's for more serious literature and not the garbage they pump into the book section at safeway.
If I wanted to have fun with a romcom then I'll just watch a TV show, which I do, because reading a poorly written book romcom made to appeal to women has no appeal to about half the population

in short you need to do as the romans do when you're on this site, or, you need to go back.


>> No.20878142

dweebs, unaware that they're actually the ones who need to go back

>> No.20878230

lapvona was utter trash. literally 1/10. i wouldn't read anythign else by this ugly jewish cunt.

>> No.20878886

It's on my TBR, it's the only book of hers that seems interesting to me personally. I've read the negative reviews and it seems like a lot of people got filtered. If it's actually shit I guess I have to read it myself.

>> No.20878889

Is she your cousin?

>> No.20878895


>> No.20878899

>t. literal troon who spams instagram girls he stalks and "anon why doesn't your bookshelf include any black authors uwu~" threads
thanks for confirming every stereotype about you freaks, your relation to femininity is exclusively fetishistic and rapey

>> No.20878979

>It is literally all over tiktok!
what does that mean?

>> No.20878990

Masculine side profile
Receding hairline
Bony unfeminine male hips
All the "voice training" in the world and you will never actually sound like a real woman

>> No.20878996

Wrong on all accounts. I'm a normal man, retard.

>> No.20879008

You are a man and a retard, but you ain't normal.

>> No.20879009

Nigger detected

>> No.20879216

Plenty of people here "humble themselves" with schlockier types of books, it's just that guys in general don't really read romcoms. There's a scifi/fantasy general for a reason.

>> No.20879287

>we're dweebs because we're not terminally online tiktok using "chicklit" """booktok""" retard chicks
nah, KYS. probably over 99.99% of internet traffic goes to sites that are made for subhumans such as yourself, there's no need for you to be here.

>> No.20880092

do you construct this sort of elaborate fantasy for everything you don't like on this site, or is it reserved for people who discover books on social media?
>terminally online
that sure is an interesting phrase to throw around as a 4chan user

>> No.20880109

It be like that sometimes. At least if I ever finish writing something that isn’t complete shit I can shamelessly annoy her to help with it. It makes it far more bearable that she isn’t an insufferable midwit like Sally Rooney in person.

>> No.20880161

what you're missing is the fact girls are cancelling the author for being a terf. of course these are the same girls who couldn't shut the fuck up about this book for the past few months.

>> No.20880185

>for being a terf
oh no, what did she do?
feels like this was only a matter of time, since she seems disgusted by everything and trannies are the most disgusting creatures on the planet

>> No.20880208

>feels like this was only a matter of time
it was. as soon as someone becomes popular the Gen z vultures will examine every inch of their past to find something they deem problematic, and revel in the hate that the bullied person will get while feeling morally superior. I don't know what she actually did, but tiktok bitches especially like to throw around the word "terf" to anyone who has even a bit of critical thought or just simply doesn't suck tranny cock.

>> No.20881018

It was bad, but not the worst thing I've ever read. Doesn't have anything interesting to say. The ending couple of pages was particularly shit. Seems like a book designed to appeal to lowbrow people who thought they're midbrow people.

>> No.20881104

Oh fuck is this book really gonna attack me like this?

>> No.20881237

She’s trash. As an undergraduate whore at Barnard she sold her ass to a famous older writer on the east side and then years later wrote a tell all essay about it in granta. She’s as disgusting as Joyce Maynard. Another whore that wants to be praised for being one.

>> No.20881245

i'm a terf

>> No.20881250

actually i'm just te, trans exclusionary

>> No.20881281

She’s not Jewish, her dad isn’t Jewish, Moshfegh isn’t a Jewish name. Pretending to be a Jew is something iranian diaspora do for sympathy.

>> No.20881311

Historically Iran has had a considerable Jewish minority continuing to the present day. Moshfegh is indeed a Persian word, but Jews adopting foreign names is not unheard of. Freud is a German word, so is Einstein, Adorno is an Italian word, etc.

>> No.20881579
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moshfeghstacies rise up

>> No.20881588

kino cover

>> No.20882433

What the fuck is tiktok.

>> No.20882712

She’s jewish, you ugly recessed chin faggot

>> No.20882742

if you're a rich woman, yes

>> No.20882748

stop trip-fagging you fucking faggot this isn't social media

>> No.20882868


What a fucking slut

>> No.20882885

>year of rest and relaxation
Isn't this the entire life of women

>> No.20883955

Any theories on who she was talking about?

>> No.20883983

i think it was philip roth

>> No.20884027

He sounded like a real creep but also a pussy slayer. I never imagined Roth as a pussy slayer. It was definitely somebody who would have been 50+ yo man and upper east side based. Today he would be in his 70s or 80s. Isn’t Roth older than that?

>> No.20884031

>all types of fucked up
Where did you trannies come from, is this the discord thread?

>> No.20884053

>I never imagined Roth as a pussy slayer.
bro he is (was) the biggest pussy slayer in american letters, and a horndog till the end

>> No.20884063

>At thirty-six, I’m pretty fluent in irreverence and cynicism. My assumption that people are ultimately self-serving lowers my expectations and allows me to forgive. More importantly, it empowers me to be selfish, and to cast off the delusion that I’ll get what I want just by ‘being nice’. We are all unruly and selfish sometimes. I am, you are, he is, she is. Like Dicks, I have little patience for small talk or politesse. One has to be somewhat badly behaved to write above the fray in a society most comfortable with palatable mediocrity. One has to be willing to upset the apple cart. Apples go flying, people trip and fall, yelp, grab for one another. A street corner is transformed into a tragic circus. And everybody gets an apple, each one bruised and broken in a special way. That’s the kind of writer I have always wanted to be, a troublemaker. I can’t fault Dicks or anyone else for wanting the same.

uhh all you did was fuck some old guy

>> No.20884095
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>Middle class
Every day I pray for a new Pol Pot to come and wipe the """""middle class"""" (I'm not rich, my DAD is rich! And he's not really RICH, you see, he's SELF MADE! With just a little help from our grandparents! Only one of whom is rich! And not that rich, you see! We were poor as kids! My mom is technically a professor but it's not like you think!) off the face of the fucking earth

I call him Pol Pod because I imagine him hovering around college campuses like a ghost with a scythe, striking down everybody wearing air pods, except he sounds like Jeff Goldblum from Death Wish

What is wrong with these people? They destroyed the real left and usurped its name, so that they could destroy the middle class and usurp its name too? It's all diaspora expat richers too

>> No.20884117

who are you talking to and what are you talking about

>> No.20884143
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>Uh I'm not rich? I have a job lol? I work at the bookstore cafe

>> No.20885344

I found it dull, irritating, and unrewarding. I like tragedy and suspense and horror, but this was just kind of ugly and pointless to me. I don't think it's evil or transgressive just unpleasant and not worthwhile. I don't see what's good about it.

>> No.20885370

An incel being unable to see the beauty in ugliness. My God!

>> No.20885394

Seeing as how my last name is also Moshfegh (being a whopping less than 5000 of us in the world) and the fact I am physically related to her, I think I’m a better authority on the subject than some smooth brained retard on /lit/. But congratulations are in order, I’m sure your tepid attempt at masterbating your ego made you feel intelligent momentary.

>> No.20885433

Last name is kind of irrelevant. She’s only Jewish if her mother is Jewish. That’s how it works. Take it from a Jew.

>> No.20885463

Don't act like you're some kind of ugliness connoiseur. Aesthetic ugliness is huge in tragedy and horror. This ugliness was boring. The whole point of the book is that nothing has any consequences for her. Fine, I get the point, it's just not interesting.

>> No.20885535

Patrilineals are the first level of cryptos. They act as footsoldiers for the higher ups. They're ideal for it because they themselves think they aren't "in the club," but any time Jewishness comes up even slightly their yidichlorians activate and they become "culturally Jewish" loudmouthed anti-antisemites (aka only Europeans aren't allowed to have ethnic solidarity).

As whites stopped being self-negating liberals a few decades back as the writing on the wall became visible and the white middle class sank into poverty, Jews started breeding patrilineally with select upper middle class whites to produce a substitute army of useful idiots to continue acting like multicultural liberalism is the robust norm in elite reproduction centers (universities, publishing and media).

Patrilineals can be great people but don't have any illusions, they will vote for a century of January 6 committees to forcibly sterilize your dad for wearing the wrong hat, and in the end they will be all the commissars enforcing tranny and immigration compliance when the gloves are really off.

>> No.20885575

The middle stretch in this book about her friend's mom's funeral is amazing.

>> No.20885777

Yeah definitely Philip Roth.

So she wrote this shameless expose about him and he died a year later.

>> No.20886690

I'm unpleasant

>> No.20886721

Where is this from?

>> No.20887250

she didn't even fuck him
she literally didn't though

>> No.20887601

It was gordon lish

>> No.20888321

she has patrician taste. she blurbed my gary lutz collection too