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/lit/ - Literature

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20874272 No.20874272 [Reply] [Original]

I have just uncovered some important information about one of /lit/'s most shilled authors. Uncle Ted engaged in sodomy with a Jew.

>jewish sounding last name
>interested in middle eastern studies

How is this going to impact his legacy?

>> No.20874289

nothing has changed for me. I wasn't swayed by the trooning and deaths. So him engaging in buttplay with jew changes nothing for me.

>> No.20874319

Ted was a troubled man. Brilliant, but troubled.
Separate the thought from the thinker.
Also, can I get a source for the upper right?

>> No.20874513

The UNABOM collection was posted online earlier this year. Lots of juicy information in there.


>> No.20874528

Anyone remember when Richard's friend put the bedpost up his ass, and Richard told Anthony?

But why was Richard watching his friend put his bedpost up his ass? Why did Richard know?

Why did Richard know?

>> No.20874910

David Skrbina takes the best elements of Ted and refines then in a more realistic anti-industrial plan.
They were both friends too but have some disagreements.

>> No.20874924

>sodomy with a Jew.
when you're autistic as ted, you take love wherever you can find it

>> No.20874975

>ted was a vers top and the fed jew was a bottom
Based ted

>> No.20874993

Doesn’t matter. F Gardner is a cockhungry homosexual and he’s shilled all day here. Do you think this will really change /lit/‘s perception of Uncle Ted? It won’t.

>> No.20874996

Any evidence besides a "Jewish sounding" name that guys a Jew? Remember, they stole a bunch of German names and both follow abrahamic religions.

Outside of that, I'm not surprised if Ted had butt sex.

>> No.20875059
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>hippie was into sex with men
wow im shocked bro

>> No.20875125

He was a genius so iguess it should be no surprise he did that stuff. Why does he have to write about it though? Where did this come from?

>> No.20875276

now that he's about to die they're going to keep making random little nonsense up and ted won't be around to deny it and it'll seem real since he was a private secluded dude

>> No.20875298

He was just trying to bust a nut, can't even nut in industrial society.

>> No.20875358

Not as much as his speaking voice sounding just like Chris-chan's.

>> No.20875373 [DELETED] 

even worse he has some weird hill billy accent. i thought he was supposed to be some ivy league patrician.

>> No.20875437

It literally says that is just his agp fantasy

>> No.20875445

He just thought about it. Uncle Ted is right, but at the same time he's a retard that bombed people instead of empty research buildings.

>> No.20875490

>empty research buildings
Why even bother at that point?

>> No.20875501

Maybe I worded that poorly, check out his letters about what would make a good target.

>> No.20875655

Any evidence that Ted wrote this?

>> No.20875674

>i imagined myself dominating him

he was the dom, by ancient rules of home sexuality he still the man

>> No.20875677


>> No.20875759

Computer scientists and academics are not people

>> No.20875765

>guys the terrorist had gay sex!!
People who were ok with him will be ok with him no matter what
>thinking /lit/ of all places would care about homos

>> No.20875798

>David Skrbina
What should I read?

>> No.20875817

How can i try gay sex if i am curious?

>> No.20875818

what a chad. buck breaking jews and sucking his own cock. miring

>> No.20875821

Glow harder faggot.

>> No.20875884
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>he doesn't know
everyone knows that trannies are high iq...

>> No.20875887

Philosophy of Technology

>> No.20876010

>Philosophy of Technology
$50 freedom bucks. As a leaf, I gotta pass.