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20873255 No.20873255 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>finish work on Friday evening
>binge on junk food for the third day in a row
>waste evening, didn't even go for a walk
>woke up on Saturday morning
>browse internet in bed, sleep again, get out of bed at around 1 pm
>read book, waste time online
>go for an almost 3 hour walk while listening to podcasts
>waste time online
>go to gym
>lifting goes ok
>have fast food binge (still within my calorie limit)
>sleep at 3 am
>wake up at 7 am on Sunday
>browse internet for 2 hours
>sleep for a few more hours
>get out of bed
>do some chores and then work related to my job
>went to store to buy more pepsi max
>listening to music
>will now go for a walk and then probably have another fast food binge (but less than 2500 calories)

I weigh 4 kg less than I did two weeks ago. I still need to lose around 3 kg before I'm comfortably lower than my regular weight range but things are looking good.

This is a very mundane day. But I'm relaxed because this isn't a quiet period at work is coming up and my manager is going on holiday for 3 weeks.

Summer is ending in the near future and I took it all for granted, again. There weren't a lot of kino moments. Some of my early year dark evening walks produced some fine nostalgiakino. I even produced some memorable walkkino during midweek evenings. You could say I adopted the darkness.

My main sources of nostalgia from the past few years:

>some video games I played: that really fucking engrossing RPG I played in spring and summer; that platformer during Christmas
>some walks I had, during summers in particular

I've said it before but a really kino feel is that intermediate stage between hard work and relaxation or holidays. Some of the kinoest feels are found during train stations, bus rides, airports, and walks home.