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File: 112 KB, 900x900, ben stiller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20872249 No.20872249 [Reply] [Original]

>bridges the is-ought gap

>> No.20872259

he doesnt do that, but I do

protip: noumena dont actually exist, only phenomena do

>> No.20872274

Reminder his mother created the Golden Girls and his father was an actor. Dude is controlled ops. It is said a lot, but it's actually true in this case.

>> No.20872275


>> No.20872284

>doesn't bridge the jew-human gap
yeah, that's a drop from me dog.

>> No.20872320

Remember how he said that he doesn't care if Hunter Biden had dead kids in his basement

>> No.20872336

What was his best kino apart from Zoolander?

>> No.20872486
File: 145 KB, 857x1202, pleasure intrinsic good.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Utilitarianism is the objectively correct moral philosophy.


>> No.20872508

*commits mass murder and turns the survivors into miserable machine-men slaving away for the greater good*

>> No.20872509

If so you should stop focusing on specific results and become generally virtuous without expectations of getting anything from it, because that gives the best results.

>> No.20872518

This pseud could never clearly define the is-ought problem

>> No.20872607
File: 63 KB, 723x623, 27C42D9B-419B-4269-AA75-F4750F8FCAC5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*blocks your path*

>> No.20872667

He and his people are good at playing semantics to sound intelligent. It's the curse of having a very high verbal IQ and low everything else.
Very eloquent yet retarded.

>> No.20872668

imagine being a republicuck
back to your containment board, poltroon

>> No.20872677

The "problem" is the science gods refuse to tell their followers what to do.
Some monkeys discovered a treasure map, it says "treasure here". The is-ought problem is the map doesn't tell them if they should go get the treasure. They obsessed with the map so much that they think nothing matters but what this map tells them so the fact that it doesn't tell them to get the treasure is a huge problem.

>> No.20872685
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>bridges the is-ought gap

>> No.20872745
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>pleasure is the only intrinsic good

t. pic related

>> No.20872938


>> No.20872949

>bridges the palestine-israel gap

>> No.20873138

Bridges your mom's gape

>> No.20873221

Niggas be think the eternal jew rules the world but even the jews kneel before the eternal anglo. Locke Hobbes Mill Federalists Darwin colonized the minds of everyone on earth

>> No.20873233


>> No.20873877

Nice homework Nigel, now bend over

>> No.20873918

the statement "the statement 'free will is an illusion' is an illusion" is an illusion

>> No.20873977


If you're a white man you should commit suicide out of shame

>> No.20874041

>implying republicucks don't want more immigration

lmao, that's why you retards are the laughing stock
you're too dumb to realize you're being played

>> No.20874060

It's said about a lot because it's pretty much true every time. People can't even become public figures without some form of selling out.

>> No.20874061
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>> No.20874072

>People can't even become public figures without some form of selling out.
That's a good point. It's just so obvious with Sam that he only has his position because of his upbringing and tribe. I'm starting to doubt he's a neuroscientist.

>> No.20874088

>disingenuously brushing over the fact that literally hundreds of thousands of illegals are crossing the border every single month because democrats refused to let Trump build a wall and because they actively incentive illegal crossings

Are you paid shills or something? Maybe ask yourself why you have to argue in bad faith when presenting your position.

>> No.20874174

Trump literally said we need more immigrants. His "wall talk" is irrelevant and it's not a real solution (and he probably knew it won't actually get built).
Whether they come legally or not makes no difference in the end. White people get replaced either way.

All mainstream politicians in the west, left or right, have the same idea: more immigrants, because of the aging population.
There are no legit nationalists left. Maybe Orban, just maybe. But that's it.

>> No.20874239

>not a real solution

It would undoubtedly help at least a little though, which is what I dont get about you people. Trump is and was our best bet at at least maybe curbing the problem a little. An actual fascist or someone who outright states that too may nonwhites are coming in and replacing whites will never come in to power. The system is too rigged and the people are too brainwashed. It simply can't happen. Trump was our only hope really. So what is your point exactly?

>> No.20874251
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>> No.20874255

I’m sorry, but Israeli apologists are subhuman.

>> No.20874286
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*negative utilitarianism

>> No.20874426

>Trump is and was our best bet at at least maybe curbing the problem a little.
And you don't think that's tragic and comical? He's a reality TV star. I think he's funny sometimes, but come on.

Even if I conceded that Trump/Republicans actually want to reduce immigration (big if), their other policies are mostly dumb. Like environmental issues, abortion, guns, Israel...
Do Republicans even care about marriage anymore, or have they completely accepted faggotry by now?

It's just cringe watching people take sides with a party like that, thinking they're getting anything good out of it, and get all worked out over stupid distractions like Hunter Biden. And don't even get me started on all that other 80IQ shit, like QAnon, pizzagate... It's a joke.

>> No.20874475
File: 243 KB, 680x709, yes chad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20874555

Republicans are pretty much a complete joke and Democrat policies are generally better in a vacuum, since the environment and social services actually matter. But their open disdain for white people, calling you a bigot if you think it's weird that grown men cut their cocks off, worshipping "migrants" and minorities, #believeallwomen, calling voter ID laws racist, economically displacing and demographically replacing the middle class, shitting all over American traditions and historical ideals, is too much to overlook. It really boggles my mind that a reasonably intelligent person can side with that stuff.

>> No.20874585

That's why Trump was the best president we've had for years. He wasn't actively, deliberately, harmful.

>> No.20874704

I get that, but a lot of that SJW stuff is really inconsequential, since it doesn't affect real life until it's made into law (and even then it might not be a big deal). For the most part it's just a shit test, it's trolling. You're supposed to laugh it off and ignore it. If you get worked up over it, you lost.

As long as you live in a liberal society (which is probably what you want), nothing is sacred. Not confederate statues and not white people. But not blacks or troons either. So it comes down to who has more "social power" and who's willing to put in more work.
Conservative stories are usually stale and boring. Progressive stories of, say, noble brown people and new oppressed minorities are exciting (to an extent). In a way, progressivism is easier, because society is always changing and that's even more true with rapidly changing demographics.

Anyway, I don't have much faith in current mainstream politicians, because they're basically too slow for new ideas and too powerless to change anything. Occasionally you get someone like Trump who can say what you want to hear, but in the end it doesn't amount to anything real. It's political porn.

If you want change, you'll have to come up with a new movement, which is gonna need some people who read books and shit. The typical fatass magatard crowd won't do it. People like that get manipulated with porn.
And it doesn't have to be a new party. Both Reps and Dems can be redpilled. Taking sides between those two is narrow-minded.

>> No.20874721

>His "wall talk" is irrelevant and it's not a real solution

The wall is not a solution, and no one ever suggests it is; it's merely an attempt to deter/prevent. The only solution is cutting off immigration entirely, but even then snakes find a way in.

>> No.20875725

his solution is just to say that when we say "we ought to x" we're really just saying "x tends to improve well being". but this is really suspect because "we ought to x because x tends to improve well being" seems like a coherent causal attribution and not an uninformative tautology

>> No.20876298

>bridges the eugoogly eulogy gap

>> No.20876303

The most retarded take of all time besides the part where I agree he doesn’t Bridge-manjango the gap

>> No.20876317


>> No.20876356
File: 172 KB, 867x821, horace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a lot of that SJW stuff is really inconsequential, since it doesn't affect real life until it's made into law
absolutely false. the social conditioning precedes the laws and continues on, whether or not laws are put into place. This should be obvious: there once was a time when being a deviant tranny was so far beyond the pale that it was not countenanced by the vast majority of people, and when portrayed, it was not in a flattering light (see Dog Day Afternoon, etc.). Now, in the city I live in, there are shops that prominently fly the tranny flag outside their business, with nary an American flag to be found. Companies like Starbucks will celebrate Pride Month with all manner of gay promotion and are silent about Independence Day. Information sources like dictionaries, encyclopedias, and news articles are stealth-edited to support scientism, falsehoods, and leftist narratives. I quit my last job in part because my superiors tried to pressure me into hiring a tranny because she was a tranny.
Let Horace tell you why it matters.

>> No.20876390

Undoubtedly the dumbest member of the Intellectual Dark Web, so dumb that he probably was the one who came up with the name

>> No.20876649

>Is a stupid fucking kike who peddles his garbage pop tier books and apps for the good goys to swallow whole
>Unironically voted for Biden

>> No.20877086
File: 26 KB, 549x346, obesity_trends_in_us_cdc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tranny flags mostly show that people are easily conditioned. Acknowledge that fact and use it to your advantage. It doesn't mean that tranny stuff will still be hot 10 or 20 years from now, so there's no need to get demoralized.

There should be more focus on the fundamentals: the biological structure of the population (genetics, but also the current physical condition), environment/pollution, the essential laws and institutions...

Pic related means that most people are so out of shape that they can't think clearly. They have no self control, no energy, no long term goals and deep down they probably hate themselves and are full of resentment. If you want a sane society you should fix this first.

>> No.20877098

literally refuted on /lit/ back when it posted was on twitter.

>> No.20877099

Your priorities are fucked then

>> No.20877109

Valuing "well being" in the first place is at the end of a normative process, and it's made objective just because most people don't question it.

>> No.20877556
File: 42 KB, 835x503, Screenshot_20220822-040740_Firefox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fails to bridge the will-be gap

>> No.20877572
File: 21 KB, 220x351, 220px-Herma_of_Plato_-_0042MC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Actually bridges the is-ought gap and also benches more than you

>> No.20878464

>and it's made objective just because most people don't question it
this is using "objective" in some special sense

>> No.20879077

If you want to reach a certain goal the rules you need to navigate to get there are objective.
You were born to serve the goals of life, that's also objectively true. The relevant rules are objective.

>> No.20879220

my sides

>> No.20879998

what do you take "objective" to mean

>> No.20880722

If 2+2=4 is objectively true then this is too. I don't particularly like the term but it's the term Ben Stiller uses.

>> No.20880855


>> No.20881234

back to discord faggot

>> No.20882003

to be fair those people probably had like 70 IQ

>> No.20882029

Why is this "gap" even a problem? My oughts are my own, I'm a psychopath, a Pepe. Is this "gap" only real in the minds of academicucks, who are collectivist, submissive bugmen who have no internal monologue? I have a feeling we could execute every academicuck "thinker" on earth and get rid of their books and we wouldn't lose anything of worth. Who cares about this shit? Word salad about normie problems.

>is ought
these are FAKE NORMIE BULLSHIT ISSUES that don't exist.

>> No.20882070

>ben stiller

>> No.20882194
File: 55 KB, 500x500, eren.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see no problem.

>> No.20882199

The virgin 20 minute long tangent vs the Chad “you ought to take your hand off the hot plate

>> No.20882228
