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20871891 No.20871891 [Reply] [Original]

He tried to save our generation

>> No.20871913
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Normies have no religion but also have lingering puritanical busybody syndrome. Even the ones who don't have the puritanism have a painful hole where meaning used to be in their lives, which is easily colonized by the post-puritanism of the others, in the same way people would gradually convert to nearby religions and cults as they seeped into their culture in former times.

Being an "in the know," news-watching busybody has become the new religion of people who have nothing else going on in their lives. Middle class people who have been economically compressed and forced into lower class status since the '50s, lower class people seeking more meaning in their lives than working part time at Starbucks, upper and upper middle class people who have money for leisure but nothing to do with it except raise nouveau riche trash and buy minivans.

It was already happening in the '90s, which were proto-reddit. Reddit only weaponized and routinized the snarky '90s "tone" of being "in the know." Even that '90s tone has a prehistory, punks and hippies have always wanted to be like "bet you think I'm just some crusty hippie punk huh? Does it BLOW YOUR MIND that I actually know about DARFUR?" This tryhard LARP behavior just metastasized in the '90s as all the elements came together, grunge and performative ennui etc.

The early Internet was just a miscellaneous chatterbox, lots of boomers, but sites like SomethingAwful pioneered being a '90s style, perpetually late 20s/early 30s "cool guy" sarcastic faggot with a heart of gold, whose subversive irony is only a tool for critiquing the squares who are stifling him. Not all of these types are petty moral busybodies, but just like in the '90s, it's easily weaponized for that purpose by people unconsciously seeking an identity and purpose to fill the void inside them, or seeking power to push people around.

Once it reached a critical mass of being the default "concerned citizen" archetype, snarky rich faggot with a heart of gold who I bet you thought was just a PUNK huh but did you know I've actually read books *mic drop*???, retarded ordinary people in every class started imitating it and it spread to every level of society like a cancer.

Naively ironic sincerity (pre-90s) was followed by naively sincere irony (90s-00s), the next phase will just be sincerely sincere mass murder since zoomers are fully animals without any cultural memory. You can only corrode and repurpose culture with irony to extract dregs of meaning from it for so long, eventually the target culture is fully exhausted and all you have left is the absolutist spirit of puritanism plus an insatiable empty void of meaning plus bitterness and neuroticism from years of low-yield irony acid-bathing things.

>> No.20871971

You complain about normans yet you use the most norman word for normans. I am very intelligent.

>> No.20872054

I'm just tired of Redlettermedia/Sam Hyde style bullshit. It isn't cool be be detached, insincere, or ironic.

>> No.20872122

Yes it is

>> No.20872126

This video is terrible, reduces modernism too the grand narratives of there is one true god, history is progress and peace on earth, which is a joke and not modernism at all; and reduces postmodernism too its tools, irony, cynicism, etc. This video is insincere and no better than what it advocates against.

>> No.20872173

On the internet, sure. If people act like that in real life, they need therapy.

>> No.20872662
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I'm sure he was saying "like" and just gave examples so people got an idea what it was about. It's a 8 minute video essay, please.

>> No.20873449

If anything, the prevalence of the "bro I don't care about anything" shows that zoomers are on some level aware that something is wrong with their societies. They need detached comedy to help detach themselves from their gut feeling that the world is about to collapse, and that their lifestyles are not sustainable.

>> No.20873525

>on some level aware that something is wrong with their societies.
I don't think it's that deep. It's just a way of avoiding criticism, like the fat guy who jokes about his weight because he'd cry if anyone else said anything.

RLM are insecure faggots incapable of making a sincere film because he requires hard work and knowledge about film they don't possess. Sam Hyde is not a funny standup so he plays it off like he's doing it to mess with people. Insincerity is a defense mechanism.

>> No.20873537
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Does anybody have the interview he did with I think a Boston radio producer which was recorded but not broadcast where DFW says he is a platonist? I've been looking forever and can't find it again.

>> No.20873539

Sam Hyde is one of the most hilarious, you’re just not in on it Mr Eurofag

>> No.20873614

watch an inconvenient anime or the one MDE video where Sam is in a brooklyn showspace hosted by the chapo trap house guys before they did their podcast and he's just reading off a bunch of damning statistics about homosexuals and tell me that he's insincere

>> No.20873615
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RLM and Sam Hyde are both funny. You're just a gay boring buzzkill.

>> No.20873643

Fuck Kevin Smith and fuck Gen X

>> No.20873656

Youre fucking gay

>> No.20873676

RLM is fine, they are shit filmmakers and aware of it. They are critics of pop and just above pop level film and good at that because they genuinely love the craft, even if they have no artistic vision themselves. Their vision is a sort of comfy out of place boomer nostalgia and naivete about film, they are mentally stuck in the 90s and early 2000s before everything got weird but they aren't worldly enough to understand why everything sucks and have an edgy take on it like Hyde. The resulting equilibrium is a fun hangout vibe that seems to straddle two incompatible eras in a way that fits the schizophrenia of the times.

Hyde is maybe the only great and truly original comedian of the modern era. There are good comedians but they all just subvert the 90s-2000s New York comic format while still fundamentally living inside its husk and not being able to transcend it, they can't fundamentally change the form of their comedy to fit the times, so they "address" the times from within the old forms. Hyde is maybe the only one that broke out completely and made timely art out of his comedy, by making content fit form and vice versa.

The only people doing formally similar work are milquetoast Los Angeles "creatives" who have no content to fill their formal creations except enabling and propping up the psychotic status quo, and the only people with similar content are unfunny conservatives who can't handle formal innovation. The closest thing to Hyde's actual union of form and content in modern day comedy is the overall experience of browsing 4chan in the rare times when it's good, boards like /tv/. And for every one of those moments there are a billion cringey imitators on shit spaces like Twitter that really have the soul of Los Angeles "creative" wannabes.

>> No.20873691
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Shut up queer. I'm tired of you gay nerds shitting on everything fun because you desperately want to appear as this deeply troubled, intelligent, sensitive genius. You're so boring and tedious.

>> No.20873705
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>> No.20874578

>I'm sure he was saying "like"
Did you even watch it? Having a "like" before those examples of modernism does not help anything because modernism was a rejection of those things, it is when literature turned in on itself and began exploring the interior world and questioning those very grand narratives. The video is a joke, 8 minutes is more than enough time to cover the topic but all he is more interested in making a thinly veiled trad values video. The things he is talking about ultimately do not have much to do with post modernism, irony and cynicism in society are not reliant on what is ultimately a minor movement in the societal sense and more about a society reacting to things like WWII and the cold war.

Beyond that he takes DFW and his message out of context to serve his own needs, post modernism is not too blame, people taking it out of context is just as much a part of the problem which DFW spoke of. Fake altruism and absolutely insincere.

>> No.20874599

Really sad how even a board supposedly about the intellectual pursuit of knowledge can't look beyond the same biases each and every generation repeats on loop.