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File: 659 KB, 1512x2016, hitchen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20871654 No.20871654 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a bigger Chad living

>> No.20871801


>> No.20871817

I love following him on twitter because he gets in week long arguments with various children's authors about random shit.

>> No.20871832

I love how he debates random twitter users who reply to him, I had to stop following on my main accounts because it just got spammed with his all twitter debates

>> No.20871836

Also the fact that he thanks everyone who supports him. Very sweet

>> No.20872105


>> No.20872187

>please use lifts halfway up the stairs

All right

>> No.20872230
File: 122 KB, 785x1000, 1582573018085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>WORDS ON STAIRS IS 1984!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.20872239

no, just Kafka

>> No.20872253

It's infinitely worse than that because it's gay.

>> No.20872272

It is tyranny, proof the British have forgotten the magna carta and bill of rights

>> No.20872867

a reminder that he took the jab so he could go on holiday

>> No.20872907
File: 57 KB, 500x700, EC44478C-9D37-4975-A380-AEC339C18F88.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We may seem cold or we may even be
The most depressing people you've ever known
At heart, what's left, we sadly know
That we are the last truly British people you'll ever know

>> No.20873029

Why even complain about an instruction that can easily be ignored if one chooses?

>> No.20873044

Can I get a rundown on Peter Hitchens? I've seen the Hated posts but I never read his writings. I'm not British so I have no exposure to him. Is he just a classic stodgy English conservative who whines about everything?

>> No.20873078

He's your standard "objective moralist." i.e.
>if we ever question our augustinian prejudice people will literally eat each other
I don't know that he has anything more to offer than any other pundit of this stripe, but they may be more of a rarity in Britain.

>> No.20873096

Well, in the time from my first post, I discovered a website called "youtube" which allows a user easy access to past videos on near any subject with a simple search. I just watched a Hitchens video and it is the same 'moral crises' talk so there is nothing unique there but, I will give him this, he has an excellent voice to listen to. Reckon I might put a few interviews on in the background but probably wont pay too much attention

>> No.20873104

Progressives fucking love degrading the aesthetics of everything with the excuse of making things "safe" or "inclusive".

The deaf person sign language interpreters for political speeches is a prime example of this. The main purpose of those is to signal a disrespect for the institutions/offices that built Western societies.

You can see this in newly pedestrianised streets in the UK as well. They strew the places with tacky shit which is more of an eyesore than trucks passing by.

>> No.20873107



>> No.20873109

He's novel because he doesn't advice voting conservative as a 'it's better than labour' option but goes full throated 'it's all over and it doesn't matter what you do'. Which is rather based.

>> No.20873113

>Please use lifts
>Please use lifts
>Please use lifts
>Please use lifts

Why? Are there not enough obese people here yet? Do my functioning legs scare people?

>> No.20873116

he actually told young people to emigrate out of the uk

>> No.20873129

Very based. The question is to where? It's not like there are any countries that would welcome whitey with open arms—I suppose India if you can paradrop to a high position and can put up with the shit wages, at least you'll be treated as a living god.

Where did he say that? I've not heard it; vid please?

>> No.20873132

i dont think he said

>> No.20873174

okay, off the strength of that video, i am moving peter into the based category.

>> No.20873204

>"I would not encourage in your minds that delusion which you must carefully foster in the minds of your human victims. I mean the delusion that the fate of nations is in itself more important than that of individual souls. The overthrow of free peoples and the multiplication of slave-states are for us a means...the real end is the destruction of individual souls. For only individuals can be saved or damned..."
>"[God] wants men to be concerned with what they do; our business is to keep them thinking about what will happen to them."
>"We want cattle who can finally become food; He wants servants who can finally become sons."
—C. S. Lewis, The Screwtape Letters (1942)

>> No.20873209

>rebel against the stairs
Bravo bongs!

>> No.20873218

You need a walking licence.

>> No.20873279
File: 241 KB, 1656x1242, 84B4EEF7-E341-48BA-8DBA-8038D202D572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The main purpose of those is to signal a disrespect for the institutions/offices that built Western societies.

>> No.20873338

He refers to himself as an obiturist and that's exactly what he is. Britain is a rotting corpse. He warned people years ago that the Conservatives were just Blairites in disguise that would oversee the death throes of what was, in his youth, still a truly beautiful and morally upstanding nation. Now it's all over and Hitchens is one of the very few journalists to chronicle its pathetic descent into a 3rd world police state in an honest manner.

>> No.20873374

Yup, just talk to the average British person. Most likely they will care little for liberty and be quite conformist.

>> No.20873455

>The deaf person sign language interpreters for political speeches is a prime example of this.
I think it may simply be so that deaf people can understand what is being said.

>> No.20873493


The ones that remotely care (working class boomers) sit around doing nothing but moan on Youtube comments sections for GB News demanding that something be done. The rest of the nation are too busy slaving to pay the mortgage on their Deanobox, denying their worsening alcoholism and engrossed by the grotesque spectacle of Love Island. Still, at least the migrants get 3 star hotels and brand new apartments.

>> No.20874314

Based Moz poster

>> No.20874326

Does he even have his Local Government Critique License?

>> No.20874357

>itt: faggots who have never heard of subtitles

>> No.20874381

shiiiiiiiiiit got the neurons having a fireup

>> No.20874419

>Morally upstanding

Britain has only ever twice been morally on the right side;
1. Napoleonic Wars (but not in the early French Revolutionary Wars)
2. WW2

>> No.20874552

the stairs are just calling you manlets

>> No.20874611

You are exactly part of the problem. I have no doubt you are a middle class country bumpkin with zero spine. If you went to my school, I have no doubt I would have tormented you. The Working Classes, in London at least, have started businesses, (trade companies and the like) or own property in their gentrified areas. You, an outsider, see this as nothing but 'grotesque'. You called it grotesque when the popular boys started to get girlfriends, neglecting the fact that you wanted one too. Again, not claiming the working classes aren't brave enough to complain about immigration - you just sound like kind of a fag

>> No.20874645

>>"We want cattle who can finally become food; He wants servants who can finally become sons."
This goes hard

>> No.20874661

>mmm perhaps it's about time we rebelled...
By writing passive aggressive articles about stairs?

>> No.20874681

>out of my arse an air that kills.

>> No.20874756
File: 83 KB, 600x600, 1478839218655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's amusing enough, but very far from being a "chad." He displays the nauseating tendency of many on the right to worship the power of their enemies. Reading his (obviously unfounded) predictions of an Mohammedan takeover will immediately reveal his masochistic tendencies. He doesn't want anyone to fight for anything, he merely wants to live out the last of his days lecturing others. It's hilarious, but hardly anything to build a movement off of.

He's basically the last real conservative; in the proper use of that term. How many true Burkeans are really left on this planet? But even he doesn't quite hold up against 19th century standards of conservatism. His most radical opinion is by far his total indifference to democracy, which is incredible, but he is still a little naive when it comes to women and corrosive races like the Yids. The man is in desperate need of a slight injection of Evola into his thought, and a return to the True Church.

Withal, England will need stronger stuff than him, if it is to ever be saved.

>> No.20874765

wow so courageous told people putting directions on stairs are stupid

>> No.20874771

Nobody on planet earth is in desperate need of a slight injection of Evola. Nobody.

>> No.20874775


>> No.20874795

It's the idea behind it that's worthy of criticism. And besides there is no reason we should be bothered by beaurocrats in every fucking thing place and that we should have to make the effort to ignore them

>> No.20874801

Why not? yOu sOmE kInD oF pUsSy?

>> No.20874810

You only say this because you don't understand the sort of regime he lives under. Hitchens does. The schoolmarm-state is everywhere, and by criticizing things you see as utterly irrelevant, he attacks it.

>> No.20874902

I could use a little bit of Evola. Stick it in me already

>> No.20876335

Jewish tranny is afraid

>> No.20876622
File: 43 KB, 460x535, morality hitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20876652

>>"We want cattle who can finally become food; He wants servants who can finally become sons."

That must be why he demands totally mindless obedience

>> No.20876714
File: 71 KB, 900x354, chiles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The virgin grouch vs. the chad life-enjoyer

>> No.20876839


Fuck you and your projections you worthless melt. I'm working class and spent my entire life in the West Midlands.

>> No.20876870
File: 67 KB, 634x470, 31988516-0-image-m-73_1597519631534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Peter *pic related* Hitchens

>> No.20876956

Am I supposed to be impressed or something? I have no doubt in my mind that you haven't turned eighteen yet

>> No.20876995

Your total lack of effort to engage with their theology is sad and pitiable.
I am not a Christian, but it's not hard to understand that what is desired is not someone kept in line by the pittance and the lash, but instead someone who knowingly chooses the good; who sees the value of and wishes to embody justice, fortitude, temperance, and prudence—in other words, someone who, through training and service, can be fashioned and can fashion himself into a worthy inheritor, a full human being who can detach and think and judge for himself, instead of an animal, who grunts and toils unthinkingly and is led to perdition by others.

>> No.20877003

>just ignore it bro
what a retarded mentality

>> No.20877013

Do britoids really?

>> No.20877221


Yet more projection from an uppity incel. I'm almost certainly older than you.

>> No.20878277
File: 174 KB, 417x425, smug hitchens.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see him sometimes around Oxford seems nice

>> No.20878410


>> No.20878434

Ya. Your mom.

>> No.20880050


>> No.20880769

Why not? Why do anything? It'd be pretty convenient to shoot myself, after all. PRAISE our hateful human delirium, CONDEMN the pragmatic infantilism.

>> No.20880786

What are you two even arguing about? Literal retards.

>> No.20880791

sorry meant to reply to >>20876839

>> No.20881683

Pretty sure Magna Farta didn’t say anything about writing on stairs you schizo.