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/lit/ - Literature

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20869675 No.20869675 [Reply] [Original]

Write what's on your mind
WOW edition

>> No.20869682

Since OP didn't link to the previous threads:

>> No.20869688
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Women are wonderful. Talk to them and have sex.

>> No.20869692

What movie is this from? It looks familiar to me

>> No.20869694


>> No.20869695

thank you

>> No.20869702

Name one book

>> No.20869705

I don't know

>> No.20869724

So she can abort the baby? If you're not fucking to reproduce don't fuck at all.

>> No.20869730

S*x is the biggest scourge of the planet, the greatest trick of the demiurge and samsara, and if you have s*x you should be banned from publishing anything for as long as you live.

>> No.20869733

If having sex was as easy as you make it seem, would I be spending my days on an anonymous imageboard for literature? No, I would be having sex you dumb fuckwit.

>> No.20869739

this is probably that gay guy who posts nudes of himself rubbing an evola book against his cock, lmao


>> No.20869742





>> No.20869745

A week ago a woman in my scuba diving group flirted with me. I just laughed but then went home thoroughly disgusted.

>> No.20869746

Sex is very easy. It's what comes after that sucks. Either abortion or she keeps it and sucks in you. There is no winning.

>> No.20869747

I've tried to get into Uplink but could never really make it far. I never seem to get enough money to get the upgrades I need and it's only a matter of time before you get traced, it just all seems unfair.

>> No.20869750

Gay s*x is just as disgusting as any other s*x. Not more disgusting and not less though, all holes carry diseases and secrete foul fluids.

>> No.20869753

>sucks in you
kek sucks you in. Or you pay her. It's all bullshit.

>> No.20869754

You don't belong here normalfags. Go back to TikTok or whatever

>> No.20869758

ever heard of a condom, genius, i ya i forgot in rural christian schools they don't teach sex ed cuz that would be grooming lmao

>> No.20869761

Gay sex is especially preformative. It has no function. It's the pinnacle of decay, or as Nietzsche would say: of decadence.

>> No.20869769
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>sex havers become more frequent on /lit/
>the quality of /lit/ goes down
Really makes you think

>> No.20869774

i-is that latex ohhh i'm coooooming

>> No.20869776

Sex is only for having children, otherwise it's a waste of time. Or are you decaying?

>> No.20869780

>cretinous rural christians and people from backwards third world cultures finally get online
>quality of /lit/ goes down due to the lack of sophistication of these newcomers
really makes you think

>> No.20869789

Sometimes i wonder if i am autistic. I havent had friends since middle school. But I'm not innately bad at reading people I just lack social skills due to being isolated so long. I usually know what I should say in a given situation, but sometimes i don't anyway cause I don't feel like it.

>> No.20869791

The Western man is as corrupt as any.

>> No.20869801

Way to misunderstand my post. I was saying that /lit/ is becoming shit precisely because degenerate sex-havers are now here.
I'm an athiest incel from a suburban community who went through sex-ed. A majority of influential philosophers and writers were not degenerate normalfag sex-havers, if anything they were incel. Only people who have gone through suffering can truly appreciate literature. You are not here because you care about literature, you are just a degenerate who wants to use books to impress women. Please leave this place, you do not belong here.

>> No.20869810

not a movie, it's a soap opera

>> No.20869813


>> No.20869818

It's remarkable how a board dedicated to literature has posters with some of the worst reading comprehension on all of 4channel.

>> No.20869822

I have genuinely refused sex from older and less accomplished women than me

>> No.20869824

Not an argument.

>> No.20869838

I think I’m finally on my way out of /lit/. I don’t come back as much as I used to, but every time I do, I see more effortposts and posts in general about how women suck, liberals are ruining the country, trannies, and right wing politics in general than I see posts about writers and books. It’s a shame what’s happened to this board. Many of you should be ashamed. I bet at least half the board has never read a book outside of assignments in high school, which I feel a lot of these posters are. Anyone who’s here and doesn’t read needs to stick wet cement up their ass. Fuck you all

>> No.20869842

That stopped me for a long time too and I only just recently gave it another shot. There is definitely an initial hump but it's not as bad as it looks. The main thing is to know what missions you can and can't do with your first set of gear, wait for like 10 of those to appear, re-talk to the mission giver until they agree to give you the cash upfront so you get 10-20k, and then go grind out all those missions. They will be the delete a file / copy a file and send it to us ones at first.

Then you unlock the "edit someone's academic/social security record" missions - you need a proxy monitor for that, which requires the 20k HUD thing. That's the biggest money hump that makes no sense to me. But I just did the same thing and took 10-20 of those fuckers (and any of the earlier ones) and demanded the money upfront (keep saying no thanks and re-talking to them) until I had enough for everything to grind good mid tier missions indefinitely.

Everything you need for early game seems to be >HUD (20k)
>max level decrypter
>max level proxy bypass
>max level monitor bypass
>firewall bypass seems rarer at this stage - you can maybe skip it but I get it anyway
>the best gateway processor
>voice copier thing (to call people's phones and record them)
>some extra memory for those missions with tons of copying/decrypting/uploading

I haven't gotten to the LAN stuff which seems to be where the prices

>> No.20869844

I disagree. The functionality of straight sex makes it inherently more evil. One is simply pleasure and degeneracy, the other is forcibly dragging souls through Samsara.

>> No.20869850

"Incel" gets thrown around as an insult a lot and it's expected that roughly 1/3 young men are incel nowadays, and yet a majority of normalfags can't understand incels, not because it is something completely alien to them (it is) but simply because of their own ignorance and sociopathic conformist behavior. The truth is some people are just unfortunate and have physical features that don't make them sexually attractive in anyway whatsoever, making them unable to have sex through conventional means. This can have debilitating psychological effects. Normalfags don't want to admit this though, because it would ruin their narrative that they "worked hard" to get where they are and it would expose grave injustices and inequality in society that normalfags have an active part in perpetuating.

>> No.20869858

It's gonna be alright

>> No.20869868

Simply saying something doesn't make it true.

>> No.20869874

The thing that gives incels a bad reputation is instead of bettering themselves, they turn their angst towards women often. They try to rationalize and justify a lot of their beliefs. They think they aren’t the issue, but women are. Everyone hates someone who points fingers while brushing off their own poor tendencies and qualities. It always makes me laugh that apparently every women is a massive whore and yet they still can’t get laid. If they believe that, their self esteem must be in the gutter, which it often should be

>> No.20869878

In my original post I state that normalfags refuse to understand incels, and then a normalfag replies to my post with his shitty understanding of what it means to be incel.
Like pottery.

>> No.20869887

All ugly people are liars.

>> No.20869892
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>40 posts
>7 IPs

>> No.20869896

are you mental challenged?

>> No.20869918
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>> No.20869927

i criticise ideas by reacting to them like a guido
>negative charisma, positive charisma? what's that t? you telling me theres morality to charisma now?

>> No.20869929

Why do incels deserve love and women?

>> No.20869931

Made plans to propose to my girlfriend and I know she’ll say yes. Feels good bros. Other than that been sort of struggling with eating fucking bad food and feeling burnt out at work. I got halfway through 2666 and haven’t picked it up In two weeks, the part about the crimes with all the dead women really wore me out both In the material and the endless passages of death. I’m loving the book but just needed a break. All in all things are very good—if I can make it any of you can. Godspeed boys.

>> No.20869968

You can win if you want, if you want it you will win

>> No.20870000

> who you are at 25 is in some sense who you always will be
True or false?

>> No.20870007

Only if you stay inside

>> No.20870012

Depends on a lot of stuff

>> No.20870026

The things I wanted often turned out to be bad for me

>> No.20870027

>ever heard of a condom
If you're fucking with a condom why even have sex? Literally a fleshlight is better.

>> No.20870035

This. Most girls are on BC anyway. Only disgusting people pass STD’s around to other disgusting people

>> No.20870056

In the age of everyone trying to identify themselves with a label or group, it is more important than ever to take the Emerson pill. The individual > the group

>> No.20870057


>> No.20870061

imagine actually making that post... fuck off retard, I hate babies
if you want to change diapers go to a fucking nursing home
stupid fucking diaper fetishists
why should another person have to work for 40 fucking years just because you have an impregnation and diaper fetish? stupid loser

samsara, yes, stupid, retarded, wageslave-shitting pussies gonna seethe and be mad
sed is really easy
>I read because I'm a loser
lmao... you and 90% of "intellectuals" (who are midwits)
do you want to be one of those 90% intellectuals who are midwits? you can do better anon

the only thing that sucks after that is having to deal with fucking FEEFEES and a stupid person called "a woman" and the inevitable crotch spawn. Fuck changing diapers, fuck creating an new WAGESLAVE that's gonna have to work for 40 fucking years, fuck all that. I'll read a book, I'll take care of my plants, I'll take a walk in the park, anything except that shit.
>waaaaaaaaaaaah waaaaaaaaaaah
at 4 am while you're trying to sleep for your wageslave job
bro... have you ever seen a wagecuck? have you seen how utterly destroyed and hopeless most wagies are? why would you want to do what they do? let them fuck and procreate, while we enjoy a quiet, beautiful life

>> No.20870065

rainy nightwalk

>> No.20870068

normies who "breed" like animals should fuck off from 4chan. Fuck all normies who breed, fuck having to work for 40 years just because 2 morons wanted 30 minutes of fun. Fucking stupid shit.


having children is a waste of time. Can I eat children? Can I make them work for me? No, that would be unethical. But stupid illiterate normies like you are gonna say:
>hnnnn *masturbating* I'm hnnnn I'm having kids because I have a cummy fetish... I love cumming in women and hnnnn *burp* oahhhhh woahhhh hmmmmmhmmmm mmmmmm ahhhh AND I WANT OTHER MEN TO HIRE MY KIDS AND WAGESLAVE THEM FOR 40 YEARS UNTIL THEY DIE!!!!!!!!!! *cum everywhere*

>> No.20870077

sex havers are satanic
imagine dooming a fucking human to 40 years of wageslaving just because sex feels good for a few minutes
fucking hell, man... fucking hell
the most sadistic shit ever
parents are the real biblical satan

>> No.20870086

It's amazing how many problems can be solved by simply lying about things

>> No.20870097

Is it just me or has this board gotten more soi the last couple of days?

>> No.20870181

>last couple of days
It's been on the decline for a couple of years now.

>> No.20870207

Soi is better than chud

>> No.20870210

Soi is reddit. Chud is pol
Neither are /lit/

>> No.20870223


>> No.20870232

Is there literally any point in going to college if you aren’t good at anything STEM related? You cannot possibly land a decent job otherwise.

>> No.20870282

My thoughts. Where are they?

>> No.20870297

if you even have to ask yourself "should i go to college?" you're a pleb.

>> No.20870307

I don't even want sex I want love.

>> No.20870328

Years of putting myself out there have only led to regret and humiliation. I'd love to have an actual social life outside of my mom, but I just can't do it. It's like asking me to run a marathon in 3 minutes, it's a complete nonstarter. I'm just going to read, play video games and watch cartoons until I die.

>> No.20870345

>complaining about "breeders"
yep it's a monkeypox case

>> No.20870353

>be me
>be 33 years old
>meet 16 year old girl at restaurant I frequent
>get her number and hook up with her
>hook up with a bunch of her friends
>friends, family, and members of the community find out and freak out

Why are people like this?

>> No.20870378

we are LIT

>> No.20870384

breeders should stay in their normie containment systems aka offices, cuckboxes, wifey's bedroom (porking her pussy to help her generate new wageslaves for ꜱoyciety). Bro, fuck off with that disgusting shit. We're literate. WE READ BOOKS HERE. We don't squirt pussy juice, blood, cum, piss, spit and sweat over our books. Begone, retard!

>> No.20870390

they are goyim
you should've waited at least a few more months before punching her gash, and fornicatin with her WetCrevice, bro... listen to my advice

>> No.20870399

I'm realizing that leisure time is for people with relationships, I should be working constantly. Because I'm by myself, my life has no meaning except what I can create or make myself. Relaxing is for people who have other people to make their lives meaningful, or for monks who are just glorified neets.

>> No.20870410

I'm leaving my old life in 4 days. New apartment in a new city and new university. I'm going to leave because I need to get a very specific degree that's only available there.

Feels weird man. I didn't expect all of that to get real so soon and definitely not like that. A year ago I had a 5 years relationship ongoing and it was unimaginable for me to drop everything and travel alone.

I'm going to do my best to be the man I wanted to be all those years. I'm going to learn boxing and read all sort of stuff on religions. When I come back in two years, I want to be pious and jacked like a bull.

>> No.20870419

Idk. It’s working out good for me so far. It’s like I met one teen girl and from her friends a whole other bunch of friend groups. I’m kinda community dick for teens. It has caused some drama though. They catch feelings way too quick. I’ve had some people give me stern looks and one of the girl’s father tried to intimidate me. “I’ve got my eye on you”. Like I’ve already got your daughter climbing out her window at night. I should say something to him and knock him down a few notches

>> No.20870425

How do i get good at math if im not naturally attracted to it?

>> No.20870438

if you mean real math, then don't, you have to be autistic, and also a certain type of autstic (not the predominately verbal or visual autists) and you have to have an iq of at least 145, and if you mean high school algebra and calculus, then just use khan academy bro

>> No.20870455

>Because I'm by myself, my life has no meaning except what I can create or make myself. Relaxing is for people who have other people to make their lives meaningful, or for monks who are just glorified neets.
Odds are that nothing that you will make will make it paste a 100 years, and even if it does, people won't remember you. Solely anchoring your existence on material objects or concepts (a home, job, family, love) will only bring you great despair when said things are inevitably taken away from you. What you don't understand is that life is finite and very short. I understand your train of thoughts because I was the same as you but now I can only advise you not to put all your eggs in one basket when deciding your life propose.

>> No.20870463

Anybody can go calculus, analysis, linear algebra etc. Get up to that level ASAP just get the books or whatever khan academy shit works for you and grind, and then when you get to that level, if by "good" you mean real high level math like the other anon said, you will know where to go and whether you like it or not. Beyond that level you really do have to love it for reasons other than normal ones, even if those reasons are simply "I'm preternaturally good at it and I have nothing else"

If you just mean getting good at using it up to that standard college math major level, it's 100% just doing a lot of it. Problem sets until you absorb it and its patterns become part of the way you parse the world.

If you don't inherently like doing problems you probably just don't have an autistic puzzlebrain like most math naturals. In that case try doing it for a reason, like Physics. Math is unreal and boring to me so I tell myself I'm doing it to get at Physics, which is real

>> No.20870467

I said math nigga

>> No.20870473

it's more about working than the product of the work, I don't have any eggs, let alone a basket, I was happiest when I was 9 and spent all day working outside for my grandfather

working is the only thing that doesn't make me hate myself. it's probably genetic. if i waste my time i will regret it, but if i do something with it i won't, that simple. the only people who can afford not to work are people who aren't alone precisely because for them not working doesn't mean wasting time because they can spend it on the people around on them, for me if i'm not doing something i'm not doing anything.

>> No.20870483

kick his ass bro, and since we're on /lit/ maybe you could read a book about improvised explosive devices or martial arts and kick his ass. Fuck fucking older women. I hate old women (above 23). Old women are nasty, stinky, their skin is like pig meat. Nasty!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.20870494

nice tiddies but her face is absolutely terrible.
is this the american ideal of beauty?

>> No.20870497

This isn't reddit

>> No.20870499

Collected 4chan and 4channel Posts, by me (officially unpublished)

>> No.20870509

>just solve 1000 math problems every day and it just werks!!!11! you'll just get better
nope... that's called rote memorization
why are normies so stupid? get out of my board NORMIE! I bet you're a breeder too
you disgust me

>> No.20870517

that's how normies learn calc, i only said to do that if he was just talking about normie math, did you even read my post? retard.

>> No.20870519

Are you talking about the 1999 demo for Half-Life?

>> No.20870532

No it isn't, it's called applying what you've learned in a ton of different situations until they overlap and you have holistic knowledge of how to solve problems and notice patterns

>> No.20870580

>[repeatedly] applying what you've learned
>Rote learning is a memorization technique based on repetition. The method rests on the premise that the recall of repeated material becomes faster the more ...
You're telling me that the secret to becoming an Olympic marathon runner is to keep using your legs. While technically true, it's shit advice that doesn't help anyone. I think any retard knows that Olympic marathon runners use their legs a lot. Prostitutes use their pussies a lot, etc. But a good prostitute will tell you how to work that thanggg.

>different situations until they overlap and you have holistic knowledge of how to solve problems and notice patterns
That happens by default, by having a brain, and I'm sure everyone ITT has a brain.

>> No.20870601

Ah. I understand. Yes, your time shouldn't be wasted on doing nothing.

>> No.20870603

I like older women too. Just having fun fooling around with girls half my age at the moment. There are a few younger siblings and their friends of those girls who make me very nervous though

>> No.20870611

>shitty understanding of what it means to be incel.
Enlighten me

>> No.20870613

how is the pussy compared to older women? I remember my first gf (back when I was in high school) had a very hot, very tight pussy. I never had that feeling again. Do women become cold inside? Their pussies are icy cold right now, and I fucking hate it man. It's like eating your food cold. Not cool.

>> No.20870621

normies are so easy to predict and control, man.
I bet if I say some anti-natalist stuff I'll get 10 replies from seething normies who feel the need to defend their wagecuck life and their right to reproduce and create more wageslaves, like fucking amoeba dividing into more amoeba. Stupid fucking disgusting world. I hate normalfags.

>> No.20870636

Especially shortstacks with vigorous eyebrows

>> No.20870639

I wish I wasnt a midwit and had a 130+ iq

>> No.20870640

No one gives a fuck about your views. What disgusts people about incels is they never shut up about their issue and women. At least on this site. Often people will try to help you to get girls and incels will just cope, seethe and rationalize. Very few incels are deserving of pity. Many of them stew in their bitterness and become vile people. Most of the incels I see on this board don’t deserve a women, they deserve the rope

>> No.20870661

No difference really but I suppose I prefer younger because of the psychological factors. On the other hand, younger girls just lay there with their legs spread or their ass up and don’t do much else unless you tell them to

>> No.20870666

I agree with that, incels are annoying too. But normies are just as bad. I miss the time when this imageboard (and other forums too) was about humor or having decent discussions. I'm not saying it's completely dead, though. There are still some decent anons here.

>> No.20870671

I missed out on a lot of sex back in college. I'm afraid I'll become like you, chasing young pussy all my life. I need to get it out of my system. I really hate how short life is.

>> No.20870680

Remember when this board used to be about literature and have a culture around it?
I’ve been with more girls in their 20’s and 30’s than teens though

>> No.20870698

>Remember when this board used to be about literature and have a culture around it?
It's almost completely dead and the fact that decade old memes are still being posted means this imageboard is as stale as reddit and facebook. Every board used to have a lot of culture, I agree. The internet is dead... normies won... NSA won... the kikes won.... it's over man. It's over.

>> No.20870706

Based and semen retention pilled.
Onanists and fornication and even marital sexual excesses leave a man drained and his mind debilitated. Only purity of mind leads to freedom and true intellectual discovery.

>> No.20870736

Whats up, link?

>> No.20870743

Accidentally told a girl I get my romantic advice from Leo Tolstoy novels and now she has stopped replying to me

>> No.20870759

I did a test in college and got 110 IQ points. That was 4 years ago

>> No.20870820

I think the internet has just become too mainstream in the last 10 years. Young adults now have grown up with it always in their lives. I wish people could just stick to the subject matter on whatever forum and not shoehorn in their opinions and biases with everything. I’ll never understand why people who don’t read are posting on this board. I don’t go to other boards so is it this bad everywhere on 4chan. Mainstream internet went in the opposite direction and is equally bad as /lit/ for the same reasons

>> No.20870848

That's a good point, the one about shoehorning. I think it explains a lot, because most people are more political nowadays for some reason and they feel the need to express their bullshit opinions and complain all the time. Perhaps this issue is cultural and maybe it's exacerbated by social media addiction.
>I don’t go to other boards so is it this bad everywhere on 4chan.
/g/ is full of people that don't care about technology, programming, hardware, etc. Most people complain about programming languages by attacking extremely basic aspects of them. It's almost as bad as judging a book by its cover or preface.
/sci/ is full of people that are obsessed about IQ, race theory, "what is consciousness" and don't know anything about math.
/v/ is full of people who don't even play video games anymore.
/fit/ is full of people who larp as lifters but give the worst advice possible.

I always try to find the decent posters and sometimes I even look through the archives, which has been very useful for me.

>> No.20870891

To be fair we literally have no idea what consciousness actually is

>> No.20870898

the quality of a board is inversely proportional to the amount of frogs and wojacks you see in the catalog

>> No.20870900

That’s what I thought. Sad times. Too many people don’t know how to express themselves without talking about politics. They build their identity around them, regardless of what side they are on. There are still good people out their with genuine interests, insight, experiences, etc but at a certain point it’s hard to have a good conversation with someone when you are in a roach infested room. I’m not one of those “zoomers bad” anons. I genuinely feel for them and think they have it rough, but I also think they share blame for the degradation of the internet, at least 4chan. They grew up with the internet being a big part of their life and that’s how they express themselves. Many will look back on what they posted when they are younger and cringe. I think a lot of this board is younger now and how many books can a young person have read and understand? The internet has largely destroyed subcultures and is too mainstream to ever go back. I wish there was a place to discuss books with people who like reading. I wouldn’t even care if they joke around or aren’t smart as long as they were enthusiastic about reading

>> No.20870903

The opposite of /biz/ i see

>> No.20870963
File: 27 KB, 347x556, ulysseanadult.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where can i get a copy of this?

>> No.20871121

i'm retiring from posting on this site. i don't care about politics or ideological bs.

>> No.20871128

Traveling has made me appreciate what a monumental accomplishment, and historical anomaly, a safe neighbourhood is.

>> No.20871130

Smart choice. I’ve been inching my way out for a while and will take the plunge soon. So many great litizens have left in disgust. Unironically, no one here reads anymore. Best of luck to you

>> No.20871133

What are some things you care about?

>> No.20871137

I thought you weren't able to see or read sentences and words when you dream. But I ended having a dream where someone whom I knew long ago sent me a heartfelt letter and I could read every sentence.

>> No.20871145

NTA but literature

>> No.20871152

So many philosophers say friendship is essential to happiness, but I don't have any and I'm happy.

>> No.20871165

Should I read the biblical apocrypha to get the full experience? Or skip it?

>> No.20871176

Oh, I thought liquid lunch meant soup.

>> No.20871180

You are not happy, you are content.

>> No.20871181

Because you are a degenerate and aren’t ashamed of yourself for being one.

>> No.20871185

>in a state of peaceful happiness
So the "happiness" that philosophers talk about is when you're not at peace?

>> No.20871189

Happiness is bliss. Like when you blow a thick load in a beautiful girl’s pussy or in her mouth as she is staring into your eyes

>> No.20871192

You don’t want what I have.

>> No.20871203

See you tomorrow

>> No.20871215
File: 6 KB, 168x300, pepeorthodox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Eastern Orthodox conception of sin is superior to that of the Western sects of Christianity. Protestantism and Catholicism both are alike in viewing sin as a kind of spiritual crime whereas Orthodox Christianity views it as spiritual sickness or corruption. The nuance is essential. For if sin is a crime against God's law, God is equally guilty of entrapment: otherwise, how to explain why God created beings full sinful desires, which arguably outweigh holy desires? In some extreme, in certain varietals of Protestantism any earthly desire is sinful and only the desire to love God is good. The legalistic conception of sin makes man a wicked, even despicable creature who knowingly does wrong.

The corruptive view of sin, however, is more benevolent. Sin here is a kind of wrong done to us; a perversion, affliction, which must be cured by God's grace. Indeed, the Biblical Greek word for sin, amartia, means "to miss", it is a sign of imperfection, of misalignment, imbalance, which can be corrected through the proper medicine.

The legalist idea of sin leads to moral incongruities. "Love the sinner, hate the sin" always sounds halfhearted, as if whoever professes it doesn't truly believe it. We may tell ourselves to love the criminal and to hate the crime, but human nature doesn't work that way. On the contrary, it makes perfect sense to love the ill, and to hate the illness.

The Orthodox view of sin emphasizes spiritual and moral wellness, a much sounder project than the Western emphasis on a self-loathing guilty conscience.

>> No.20871230

I fear that all my desires are mimetic, that I have no real original desires of my own. The job I want, the city I want to live in, the school I wanted to go to, the profession I have, the kids and family i want, I think it's because people very close to me, or people I admire, have them. I'm trying to figure out what I would want if I didn't have these people influencing me and I'm struggling. I don't want to make big life decisions because I want to be like others. But I also don't want to stall my life overthinking things.

>> No.20871238
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>> No.20871258

you look like you engage in vestigial grooming habits

>> No.20871289

elliot page?

>> No.20871319

What was the best thread on /lit/ ever?

>> No.20871327

Depends what your favorite books are

>> No.20871337

Made for BBC

>> No.20871339

I loved that one where everyone posted a female author, her picture, name and highlighted major works. Thread went on really long if not 300 pages.
Swell group we had

>> No.20871359

one where /lit/ bothered a qt timid booktuber into deleting her channel

>> No.20871364

The Tumult of the Nigger.

>> No.20871367


>> No.20871368

Women try to flirt with me sometimes. I just don't give a hoot desu. Women are retarded beyond belief.

>> No.20871371

are you really asking why does a person want to feel loved? why he wants the company of another human and that when he doesnt get that he becomes angry and destructive to the community that shunned him?We all understand that inceldom is not about the sex but the debilitating loneliness.What is the point of living if you havent felt love.
>25 khv dont consider myself an incel, just a traumatised individual

>> No.20871373

Any links?

>> No.20871385

and if one leaves what is a good alternative?As a newfag of 2 years i also expected a lot more from 4chan when i first found it but reddit now seems insufferable .Is there another imageboard that the oldfags went to?

>> No.20871390
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>says women are beautiful
>posts a man

>> No.20871395

Listening to tame impala rn
Feeling my dick getting smaller every second

>> No.20871398

Enjoy lil nigga

>> No.20871411

It's remarkable how a board dedicated to literature has posters with some of the worst reading comprehension on all of 4channel.

>> No.20871414

Jannies should just ban these threads already. They're off-topic and invite low-quality discussion. "Containment thread" my ass, everything posted in these threads can just be moved to /adv/ or /r9k/ and the posters would leave this board and improve it's quality.. I regret ever posting in these threads. The worst part is that these threads have literally always been the same. See: >>/lit/thread/S10823947# Over 3 years ago. I don't understand how these threads relate to literature at all, I doubt a majority of the posters in these threads specifically even bother to read. The here discussion is completely unlike anywhere else on /lit/, it's not even comparable to the rest of the board. If these threads were to be removed these posters would have no choice but to go back to /adv/ and /r9k/, then /lit/ would be more on-topic and intelligent.

>> No.20871428

why does /lit/ hate /tv/ so much? we used to be frens. What changed?

>> No.20871440


>> No.20871444

are you some sort of nigger? an animal?

>> No.20871451

You are a pathetic faggot. lol you coudbt even becone a tranny janny.

>> No.20871460

If you are defending these shit threads you are most certainly a pathetic faggot. Half of the posts in these threads are just whining by retarded losers who don't know how good they have it in life. Tranny mentality
And fuck tranny jannies for keeping these threads up

>> No.20871538

why cant i cry? im stressed and sad. women talk about crying all the time when theyre stressed and sad. why cant i?

>> No.20871539
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>Thirty-two new emails are far too many for a Wednesday morning.

>> No.20871547

Because you are not a woman, and you never will be.

>> No.20871548

>tfw using rsync to manage files in parents house as a old neet
>tfw could never attain the life of the independent rebellious hackerman

>> No.20871549

well yeah, but i want to let my emotion out and crying seems to be the way to do it

>> No.20871559

have you tried aggression try breaking something

>> No.20871560

i dont want to break anything. ive tried working out and it just serves to further bury my feelings. but i dont want them buried. i want them gone.

>> No.20871567

feeling based
feeling robust
i wish you could feel as i feel right now

>> No.20871573

my head hurts like a bitch

>> No.20871582

just beat somebody up then that's how men release stress

>> No.20871634
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>> No.20871840

>punch myself in the head full strength
>hand hurts like hell
>head feel nothing
what mean?

>> No.20871903

my aunt is scared of dogs
and i think, that's a reasonable fear
lotsa dogs are large and aggressive by nature
but im bigger and stronger and more aggressive than any dog, so i feel comfortable even when i'm with a a boy trained to hunt and kill
but my aunt is small and old and weak, and she'd be in big trouble if a large dog turned on her
i attribute it to her being greek, i hear greeks don't like to keep domestic pets
a dog is a large and dangerous animal that should only be kept by people who are confident in their understanding of them. i'm glad i know how to keep a dog

>> No.20871922

I'm trying to write 3 pages a day. Just random thoughts coming from my head with no clear plan or even editing in mind. I found a simile that I quite like, but I think it might be too reddit to put in my writing. I'll stick it in anyway. No one's gonna see it anyhow.

>> No.20871934

Death to america

>> No.20871939

I fuck ex models regularly for less than 100 € in my cunt
Why are you posting a man though

>> No.20871955

>Tiny dick
Checks out

>> No.20871956

Models are weird man. Do you know what you have to do to be a model? Put some clothes on and let people take pictures of you. Maybe (MAYBE) walk down a runway. Anyone can do it. I think its ridiculous that the profession is so glamorized for some reason. People think it's a huge flex when they say "Ooh I went on a date with this girl and she's a model," but half the time I'll look at these girls and they're fucking dogs man. You can find prettier girls walking down the street. Anyway, I'm sure you have good taste in girls so I don't even know why I'm telling you this.

>> No.20871960

Story of O is the only good book written by a woman

>> No.20871963

No not runaway models, just the pretty ones that do various ads or are instagram shills
Most russian escorts we have here are like this

>> No.20871974

This website has always been shit but these days... Jesus Christ its embarrassingly pathetic. Pull your heads out of your asses you bitter little faggots.

>> No.20871980

I took my shirt off at my friend's bachelor party and I got shamed for my inverted nipples.

>> No.20871984

Most women are normal desu. It's old (30+) women who are gross and hate sex

>> No.20872152

Jesus Christ looks like me

>> No.20872166

Men are bad too

>> No.20872168

You look like a levantine/arab brown manlet?

>> No.20872172

Lindy walk

>> No.20872177

likewise it’s amazing how many can be solved by simply telling the truth

>> No.20872181

The tennis wwoym was chad ay eff

>> No.20872182

Jesus Christ looks like a lot of people
more than i ever could

>> No.20872227

You are not the beach bum

>> No.20872344

I wish I didn't so much time playing vidya.

>> No.20872355

I feel my country is becoming a "let them eat cake"-country, where anyone middle class and up is just trying to maximize pleasure, not realizing that the part of the country that is falling apart completely is growing at a very alarming rate. The "LET THEM EAT CAKE" response only intensifies.

>> No.20872364

I wish I had time to play vidya.

>> No.20872378

tell God about it. Crying is very healthy. It'll come when it comes.

>> No.20872399

Imagine if all movies geared toward teenagers where a boy and a girl eventually do meet and so on ended with a marriage. You could shit the zeitgeist in a generation or so

>> No.20872400

I wanna be done with vidya. I've already played all the games that interests me. Nothing new pique my interest.

>> No.20872414
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Psst kid, bored and looking for a manga with psychologically complex characters and deconstruction of sports manga?
Read Shamo

>> No.20872418

these are the games worth playing:
The Talos Principle
Mario 64
the original Deus Ex
Stalker Shadow of Chernobyl
the original Doom
Hollow Knight
Pathologic (I played the "HD" release of the original with the fixed translation)
Honorary mention: trying to 100% Advance Wars for the GBA without a guide is a very chill time.

Those are the games.
Disco Elysium is probably worthwhile but I messed up a choice and didn't want to go back a bunch of hours. Also I found it very stressful getting grilled by the union boss whlie jonesing for a fix or whatever they call it and decided to have it more chill.

>> No.20872426

I've played all the games you mentioned besides Talos Principle and Disco Elysium. If the game has been semi popular or even have a bit of niche in /v/ then I've definitely played it. The only series I haven't touched is Monster Hunter and that seems like a commitment I don't want to undertake.

>> No.20872436

seems you're about done then. Only thing I've got for you is grinding online FIFA

>> No.20872539

did you play hades? did you play grim dawn?

>> No.20872700
File: 92 KB, 1586x1095, blog_suicide_15_19_1975_2017.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're worthless. Even you know it. So why haven't you done it yet?

>> No.20872708

I should kill myself for what I did to my friend whom I loved

>> No.20872727

I finished Hades. Got the true ending and did upto 11 heat. I'm not really interested in ARPGs tho, or any diablo like games.

>> No.20872730

where are these numbers from? this seems like a significantly larger gap than I've encountered before

>> No.20872735

If you're worthless you're free. You're not invested in your worth and compelled to take specific paths by wanting to preserve it.
If you don't like being free get invested in something that demands something from you.

>> No.20872736

I don't think you should, that doesn't seem sound.

>> No.20872751

I don't want my mother's blood in my hands and I know she will do it after me.

>> No.20872768
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>> No.20872780

We'd slept together a few times and we were quite affectionate. One night she told me to sleep on the couch since she wanted some rest, but then I said I'd really just like to be next to her and she said yes. Nothing happened. But in the morning she was shaking and slammed and locked the door behind me. She has since blocked me without an explanation everywhere.
Did I rape her? I feel as if I raped her and I don't know how to live with it. I hate even that the guilt becomes less visceral with time. I want the first flame to bite just as hard as the second, tenth, and millionth forever. I don't know how to live with this person that I am, having done this. Perhaps simply I shouldn't.

>> No.20872782

Regret is repentance.

>> No.20872799

I don't want it to be. My flesh and soul alike are tainted. I want all the wrath of heaven to burn me to a crisp in an instant that lasts all eternity, and never lessens in agony.
God I hope she's okay

>> No.20872808

It is certainly not worth dying for. I think you should probably try to understand better what led there, but not worth dying for and not worth giving up on yourself over. But you don't actually remember the event? Or is it more like you can tell that there's something off with how you don't remember, that it will perhaps come back? How long ago was this?

>> No.20872830

I remember it all very precisely. I think being next to me at all, I think even me asking was a kind of assault. I knew she'd say yes. It scares me that I knew. It scares me that I knew something was off and yet asked anyway. And I cannot keep a person who would do that to someone I love alive.

>> No.20872834

So it was fated for you to know that you are a horrible man. All men and women are horrible alike, but many never know. It is not an excuse but in some ways it is good to know. It's probably best to leave her alone, but everything you do from now on to try to give back for what you've done, to anyone, will be witnessed. Know that God can forgive you. God does not forgive men for what they do, He forgives because He forgives. None of us are redeemable.

>> No.20872857

It goes without saying that she'll never hear of or from me again. But it just seems so unfair. Why did someone I loved have to suffer to bring me here? If I do some good, isn't that good tainted by association with me? I wish I could be struck dead on the spot and simply burn. To live as this person is far worse.

>> No.20872859

I'm not going to kill myself just to fuck with you. I'm worthless, I'm a net drain on society, everyone wants me gone, but I'm staying here anyways. Fuck you.

>> No.20872929

>If I do some good, isn't that good tainted by association with me?
As is you are clearly repentant. You can't change what you did but at least you live with it honestly, in front of yourself and God. I think trying to redeem yourself is the only possible honorable course. I do not believe you should die for this. I do not believe you should give up on the possibility of you doing good. I don't know why she had to go through this. All I can say is I believe if you ask God for help you will not be denied it, no matter your fate.

>> No.20872941

Varg had the comfiest channel on YouTube and it'll never come back.

>> No.20872965

show tits

>> No.20872982

I like to think that he would have adapted to the Youtube meta and become a racist Mr.Beast

>cut to shots of basedfacing neopagans climbing a paper mache mountain on a sound stage with Varg officiating from the top

>> No.20873114

I can't fucking finish a book. Help me. I've tried classics, litcore, depressing lit. I haven't yet tried greeks yet, I might have to take the Greek pill.

>> No.20873267

>tried classics
>haven't tried greeks
anon 20th century novels are not classics

>> No.20873276
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This is the zoomer hero?


>> No.20873282

Prostitution is based and only ugly hags dislike it

>> No.20873291

What is it like only seeing the "social facing side" of things?

>go to young hegelians meeting
>they're all carousing and bitching about the prussian bureaucracy
>"Jesus you guys care so much. Ffs your lives are fine. Just relax ugh"
>go to suffragette meeting
>they're all commiserating and sharing utopian anarch-feminist literature
>"Jesus you all care so much. Men aren't THAT bad. Just be middle of the road like ugh"
What is the spiritual function of people like this? Are they just the nameless, formless glue that holds the actual blocks of human civilization together? The necessary but mindless pablum that acts as a base for real things?

>> No.20873307

I think of these threads are removed we would see even more “books for this” threads, which are obviously not about books 99% of the time. If jannies did their jobs these off topic threads wouldn’t exist. Any thread should be deleted when not even 25% of the posts mention a book or writer

>> No.20873500

A 14-15 year old girl kept exposing her panties and popping her booty in front of me at church today. I think she was doing it on purpose because she kept looking back at me. At the end of service she literally turned around, put her leg on the pew, hiked her skirt up and rubbed her leg while staring at me. I'm twice her age. Is this what young girls are like now?

>> No.20873531

no. a lot of prostitutes are controlled through drugs. they lead unbelievably horrible lives. prostitution is not based.

>> No.20873564 [DELETED] 
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>> No.20873666

Prostitution is legal here and they all get properly employed and taxed, cope and seethe

>> No.20873686

What's it like, is it affordable
Are the women young and attractive or is it all dumpy chicks doing it for way too long

>> No.20873706

These are 90$
140$ is for two fucks but you can get outcall to your place too

Hookers are cheaper, 50$

>> No.20873711


>> No.20873739

> love my brother
> realize he is complete poison for any and all ambitions of those around him, the kind who relentlessly critiques everything and maintains a veneer of irony while achieving absolutely nothing and indeed striving for nothing in particular

>> No.20873754

False. 50% of black women have herpes. 100% of gay men have AIDS.

>> No.20873757

Just be busy and in a different place geographically and don't see him often

>> No.20873759
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>> No.20873761

do we have the same brother?

>> No.20873763

Shitdick is instinctively repulsive because of shit + diseases. Anal with women is gross too but slightly less disgusting because women are also attractive while homos aren't

>> No.20873765

I guess it was comfy but that doesnt change the fact that varg is retarded

>> No.20873772

Some of the music on his minor videos was so nice and I can never get it now

>> No.20873778

That's my biggest problem actually. At the moment, I have literally nothing going on and am living at home, with him and have been for the last year. I really do not know what my next move is yet.

>> No.20873803

Sometimes she looks like a regular cute girl and other times the irish ogre phenotype comes out

>> No.20873820

Pretty interesting that it was higher in the 90s, maybe the reason everyone glorifies it is because all the people who didn’t like it are dead kek

>> No.20873825

I gutted some fish today to go with my curry. It probably would have been way less gross if they hadn't been thawed sardines, but still, it was pretty damn satisfying.

>> No.20873850

Its disgusting what they did to Dugin. The American regime is evil

>> No.20873857

his daughter just died in a carbombing

>> No.20873864

I cant stand him desu
Fucking barbarian

>> No.20873874

He's an actual, legitimate danger to society. He's turning 11yr olds into incels.

>> No.20873879

Oh that sucks
Take a trip to south america I guess, maybe look for work overseas or another state

>> No.20873882

Thats what I'm talking about

>> No.20873889

oh. then why did you say Dugin and not Dugin's daughter?

>> No.20873902

Some hags here seethed at him, I checked out a few of his stuff and he sounds like a life coach, not sure why roasties seethe at him
Iirc he said women just want attention on social media so they seethed at him for saying they're shallow? which is true
Maybe he just exposed their hypergamy which although a natural mechanism and good, is a huge nono for women

>> No.20873903

You /lit/cels are hilarious trash. Bitching about a profresional troll.

>> No.20873908

He said "what they did to dugin" (killed his daughter)
Although I think he was the target

>> No.20873920

Little kids don't think he's a troll, dumbfuck. You can't set a building on fire and go, it was just a joke, bro! And suddenly the fire isn't happening.

>> No.20873922

What's wrong with little kids listening to tate instead of being bombarded with pornography and MSM?

>> No.20873996

have you ever listened to what tate says?

>> No.20874000
File: 88 KB, 904x584, suicide-rate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are americans becoming more suicidal?

>> No.20874018

Stop being a pussy and get laid. What exactly offends you femboy.

>> No.20874028
File: 144 KB, 621x499, 1513709455001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ive been deprssed for years because of the world, but i realized if i cant change the world i could at least change myself and through that the world around me might change

The first thing im doing is non ironically cleaning my room

>> No.20874042

The best thing you can do for yourself is fucking a woman. Its easy as fuck. Thots are stupid.

>> No.20874049

Equally unironically, read the Analects, and Eliade's book on Yoga and maybe Evola's books on Buddhism and/or Tantra, to create a repertoire of overlapping and mutually relating ideas that all fundamentally relate to detaching from your unconscious attachments to the world and then reattaching to it mindfully

Also start doing some easy as pie meditation like 1-2x15 minute session of non-sectarian TM a day, like Acem, and if you want even more secular just get it from Herbert Benson (look him up on youtube or get his books)

>> No.20874059

what my philosophy for change is is im going to change a little thing day by day, im going to clean my room, take showers regularly, learn something new, each day, until the little things add up

>> No.20874068

im an obese neet/hikkimori, im equivalent to a prisoner i feel. im an abomination no woman wants. i have given up on women. But i have not given up on life

>> No.20874085

I already figured out the truth of things.

>> No.20874093

Yeah, stop wasting time on useless women and stop being a sad cunt
Pretty solid advise. What's the problem

>> No.20874110

My nigga are you fucking serious. Are you tall and have a decent cock. Thats all you need to fuck bitches.

>> No.20874115

1/10s maybe. For others he will have to actually talk to them, if he's autistic he'll have to take communication classes
90% of incels have autism

>> No.20874123

Good post, I want to do the same

>> No.20874128

Read Lord of the Rings.

>> No.20874151

Just buy his last albums

>> No.20874170


>> No.20874193

Andrew tate is the most based romanian

>> No.20874197

Silence is a virtue.

>> No.20874200
File: 445 KB, 954x1362, latest-98781539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blocks your path

>> No.20874210

I cannot imagine a single reason why prostitution shouldn't be legal.
>i-it's le immoral!
ok Jew

>> No.20874211

>christcuck larping as wehrmacht
>also irrelevant

>> No.20874216

Older women hate it because it takes away pussy power
One more reason to have it legalized

>> No.20874242

Post nose

>> No.20874267

Is reading philosophy any useful for writers of narrative fiction?

>> No.20874276

No, you're much better off reading poetry and theology.

>> No.20874344

4 years ago I made a huge career mistake that I don't think I can overcome now.

>> No.20874366


>> No.20874385

I've always felt that I was destined to do something great, now that I am nearing mature adulthood and confront the fact that to this point, nothing much has prospered for me, the only thing I feel is despair.

>> No.20874388

Just bang hookers m8, automatically a better life than 90 percent of people who ever lived

>> No.20874389

> write what's on your mind
This is my anonymous and yet public diary, the counterpart to not anonymous and yet private diary

>> No.20874412

What's mature adulthood?

>> No.20874422


>> No.20874435 [DELETED] 

Joji sounds so depressed. Are Asians a psyop to make whites as feminine and defeated as the great yellow race?

>> No.20874447

You have it backwards. Being a "mature adult" according to convention isn't what makes you great. It's being child-like, through humility, understanding of your smallness, and in trusting the higher power.

>> No.20874457

You need to be both the Father and the Son

>> No.20874465

That's called being a weak gullible retard

>> No.20874481

>being a strong intelligent person means being a suicidal atheist too scared to kill xerself

>> No.20874483

>understand your abilities is gullible
No, it's people who are peddled that they can become godlike and do anything in the world that are gullible.

>> No.20874532

other way around. he gives advice on how to get laid so you wont end up an incel freak

>> No.20874546

>schizo babble
I'm so glad america and europe are dying desu

>> No.20874551

Don't forget your SSRIs

>> No.20874572

I downloaded a new book. It is called Ongoingness: The End of a Diary by Sarah Manguso. It is about her diary. Here is the opening:

>I started keeping a diary twenty-five years ago. It’s eight hundred thousand words long.
>I didn’t want to lose anything. That was my main problem. I couldn’t face the end of a day without a record of everything that had ever happened.

I have kept a journal myself, for 2 and a half years, and my journal is 900,000 words long. Her statement, I know, was supposed to be impressive, as though her diary had taken the place of her life as her obsession to include every event and every thought, feeling and sensation, took over her life. But I must doubt her obsession if all she wrote in 25 years was 800,000 words. If I had kept my journal for the same length of time and kept my current output I would have written over 12,000,000 words. Perhaps I should write a book myself. Ah, but on second thought, is it really impressive for a man to outdo a woman?

>> No.20874733

Old enough to be a father

>> No.20874742

Autism is a power only males have access to.

>> No.20874744

So 25?

>> No.20874751

angle.wtf (I didn't get it right. I was 2 degrees off.)

>> No.20874788


>> No.20874806

I don't understand people who reject the hard problem of consciousness. I once even saw one type out a long winded explanation about research into neural correlates of consciousness that gave up the whole game and he didn't realize. It was something about how it was established that some neurons being activated meant the experience of seeing a woman, but this was established by asking the person what they experienced. That's the hard problem, the fact you couldn't reach into the person's experience, you had to ask them, otherwise, you would never know.

>> No.20874825

Because it was already solved by Jesus and the only ones left outside of the light are not very bright

>> No.20875519

Im hungry

>> No.20875524

I have surpassed the Wisdom of the ancient of ancients.

>> No.20875541
File: 298 KB, 1200x1188, 1650606190245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What book(s) are you currently reading right now, Anon? If you can't answer you need to leave this board right now. For me, it's The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck.

>> No.20875574
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>> No.20875626

Excuse me, this is my blog

>> No.20875748

Have you found out why the grapes so angry?

>> No.20875805

Since no one linked to the next thread:

It is time to migrate, brethren.

>> No.20875813

Yeah, the grapes are angry because a bunch of people were forced off their farms by the big banks.

>> No.20876768
File: 714 KB, 1315x2630, FEA64212-C03F-416D-860F-D8959F2FAA3D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20876772
File: 1.08 MB, 2662x2729, 6B3C39F5-8911-4D2B-8D7D-6ADB7953A9F0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20876969
File: 1.62 MB, 719x908, 937A0843-7C19-4D61-B65E-523647180D17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20876972
File: 1.88 MB, 839x956, 3FF6B508-6D7B-4CD2-B316-C3E1740937EE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20876976
File: 185 KB, 918x1200, 96A1EB5E-B202-4E92-A1A0-A951D6194DB9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20876979
File: 602 KB, 598x1200, 3664BF97-F8A8-4053-B51B-145F5BF0C847.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20877034
File: 129 KB, 1200x1200, 490D8DEE-3E18-43BC-9CC2-2F168C42B06C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]