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File: 273 KB, 700x983, Aleksandr_Dugin_13981126000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20869494 No.20869494 [Reply] [Original]

What could someone have to gain by attempting an assassination of Dugin? Was his ideas this dangerous - is the pen truly mightier than the sword?

>> No.20869500

They want to destroy the brains. Globohomo will always play dirty tricks.

>> No.20869503

mightier than the sword but not the carbomb

>> No.20869507
File: 201 KB, 654x1478, 1661035758863913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>write a book
>you become target
Are you going to put the pen down, anon?

>> No.20869508

another russian false flag

>> No.20869512

>why would the glowniggers fake an assassination of one of their extremely obvious assets that no one cares about despite endless shilling

>> No.20869544

Surely the point is just to suggest that they can get that close to highly placed people in Moscow.

>> No.20869584

He is a writer, not a joint chief of staff.

>> No.20869673

Yeah, and those people probably have actual state-level security, unlike an academic who the president just happens to like.

>> No.20869727

Dugin said that people who identified as Ukrainians needed a genocide for the greater good. His daughter was slightly more liberal on this matter, she said western Ukrainians were okay but the eastern half of the country needed to be taken back and reeducated by force if necessary.

>> No.20869767


>> No.20869790

you think Dugin is a CIA asset? are you retarded or a paranoid schizophrenic?

>> No.20869795

I think they mean he's an FSB asset.

>> No.20869833

that's understandable

>> No.20869885

it is incredibly obvious that the Western glownigger agencies are desperate to raise the profile of this faggot at every opportunity. they try and tie him to all their fake and gay "alt-right" glow OPs as well. only shills can't see it

>> No.20869953

Realistically, who could have done it?

>> No.20869988

Why is that date 2021? Does Russia really think it's 2021?

>> No.20870001

I think it's pure retaliation at this point. Dugin was a massive advocate of a military take over of Ukraine.

>> No.20870030

Are you retarded?

>> No.20870037

Christopher Bjerknes said both sides are evil

>> No.20870059

In all honesty, he may have been targeted by domestic operatives because of some internal power struggle or unsettled dispute. Kremlin has been long known to take out its loyalists just the same as enemies.

>> No.20870072

>Kremlin has been long known to take out its loyalists just the same as enemies.
this is such a reddit board nowadays

>> No.20870078

That's stupid, the kremlin have been distancing themselves from Dugin, the last thing they would want is to make a martyr out of him. This has wall-street stink all over it.

>> No.20870104
File: 43 KB, 976x477, 21-23-50-62f699b683d8c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love the present

>> No.20870130
File: 3.56 MB, 370x224, 23-16-25-tom-baker-creepy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20870135

Why would someone post a screencap of a post exactly one year old?

>> No.20871198

The screencap is legit from exactly one year ago

>> No.20871209

Anon, I really hope you are just drunk.

>> No.20871218

>all the annoying writers being targeted but none die
good trend but sad results so far.
I say Moldbugs next

>> No.20871221
File: 68 KB, 708x531, 1653856434223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah meanwhile anglo-saxon masonry would never kill an innocent white woman

>> No.20871252

I'm watching through Curb Your Enthusiasm for the first time and got to the Fatwa arc and Rushdie episode in particular the other day and it was truly a stunning, borderline surreal moment for me in the aftermath of his attack.

>> No.20871265

White women will and never have had geo-political use. They seethe at they're inrelevance, they WANT to be targeted by the government. I mean Jesus, it isn't even that hard, even chomsky got put on a list.

>> No.20871528

his "foundations of geopolitics" was literally the program for putins foreign policy. Look it up, they achieved a good part of the goals outlined there. Plus, no desk murderer should feel safe, theyll be targeted like they should, their kids will be collateral damage.

>> No.20871536

>This has wall-street stink all over it.
Lmao. They probably don't even know who this buffoon is