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/lit/ - Literature

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20867134 No.20867134 [Reply] [Original]

Here is all you need to know about writing.

>Watch some Brandon Sanderson lectures on writing
>Pick a few of the books from the genre you want to write in that you enjoy
>create an original piece of work
>advertise the book on amazon with money (yes, you will not succeed unless you pay up, get over it. 1,100 books a day published to amazon)
>profit from your hard work
>write next book

This is actually how you'll do well, there's no secret sauce, it's hard work and being realistic.

Also, if you pick a genre like lit rpg where the best selling book is ranked 776,000+ (6 sales a month) in paperback sales, don't be surprised that you don't sell more than 5 books.

>> No.20867152

you should add, "read a lot" and "write a lot"

>> No.20867167

So should I just write self help books, children's books, and/or cookbooks only to sell books?

>> No.20867172
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When I edit, I find myself adding sentences instead of cutting them out

>> No.20867176

>didn’t read the OP even though it’s short
Yep, spotted a person that can’t even help themselves.

>> No.20867185

Oh I read it, bit it's well known the best selling right now are self help books and romance.

Or James Patterson.

>> No.20867194

>didn’t read the OP

>> No.20867202

>OP uses data from 2017

>> No.20867207
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Why didn't you include tik tok to advertise?

>> No.20867236
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Thoughts on how tenable it would be to self publish a "parody" novel set in a major franchise (Elder Scrolls specifically)? All original cast, completely ourside of a game story. I really like my book but skeptical how receptive the IP holder will be to it due to themes of alcohol/drug dependence and implied sex.

I'm also fine just polishing it an putting it out for free. But it occurred to me that I could theoretically make something back for my time with a few renamed cities/setting details.

>> No.20867239
File: 3.84 MB, 3518x1464, i know, it's pretty deep, it takes a while to.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to rewrite the dialogue of our three principal characters in meter, any advice?

>> No.20867257

>Also, if you pick a genre like lit rpg where the best selling book is ranked 776,000+ (6 sales a month) in paperback sales, don't be surprised that you don't sell more than 5 books
that may be true for paperback but digital sales are probably much higher (assuming the writing is at least decent)