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20865846 No.20865846 [Reply] [Original]

The book that destroyed atheism...

>> No.20865881

Stop bringing this subject here. This the literature board, not the one book club

>> No.20865889

Your jew who died on a stick, resurrects himself, and walks on water among other things never happened and never will

>> No.20865906
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Jesus did not die on the cross he was raised up to Allah before the Jews could kill him

>> No.20866153

Is he roughly in agreement with the Traditionalist school more or less? That is my impression from what I read and from that Nasr reviewed his book

>> No.20866170

Yes, he cites Yockey and Schuon.

>> No.20866220

t. seething reddit gaytheist

>> No.20866294

There's a lot more of them here than there used to be. The sōy tides are turning, fren.

>> No.20866307
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Nah, He was always an Emanation, he never died and never left us.

>> No.20866308

>That is my impression from what I read and from that Nasr reviewed his book
Can you post a link to the review?

>> No.20866361
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Reminder: no book that argues that a God *might* exist and that atheists can't be certain there is no god can prove the Trinity or the miracles of Christ.
In other words, these books are just cope for religious larpers without faith.

>> No.20866390

Let me guess, the book

>shows no conclusive evidence for the existence of God.
>Makes a case against materialism strawman instead of atheism.
>Repeats Aquinas' proof as if it hasn't been countered 100 times already
>Doesn't mention which particular religion or tradition is the right one.
>Limits its scope to unfalsifiable metaphysical mumbo jumbo which doesn't mean anything.


>> No.20866394

t. hasn't read the book

>> No.20866396

>m-muh positivism
Atheist midwits getting filtered yet again.

>> No.20866424
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where is the atom that has the value of the number 1? positivist are now at the same level of talmudic jews on doublethinking
>No metaphysics since it will results in sky daddying
>but metaphysics is real if it appeals to my emotion/situation

>> No.20866439

Reddit is incompatible with atheism. They attempt God building through humanism. Feuerbach and Marx throughly refuted the metaphysical. If you reject humanism, there is no problem with the state eliminating everyone who engages in homosexual activity. All religions make allowance for it at end of the day and are just copes. They're fine if these people "repent", they unironically believe God endowed everyone with an immortal soul and each person deserves some sort of innate sanctity of life, especially if they say to make amends or to be making amends. Humanism is secular Christianity as Althusser said.

>> No.20866472

>Feuerbach and Marx throughly refuted the metaphysical
kek no, all they did is criticize certain problems with Hegel

>> No.20866531

But am I wrong?

>get their new bs book accused of attacking strawman
>literally do the same thing in defence

Lmao no matter how many times you screech "le materialist" or "le positivist" it won't change the fact that there's still zero evidence for God. Infact by using these labels against your opponents you are basically admitting that your God exists purely in the realm of imagination and doesn't have any bearing in the real world.

>where is the atom that has the value of the number 1?

What is this new kind of brainletism

>> No.20866538

>What is this new kind of brainletism
where is the atom that has the value of the number 1? Since metaphysics isn't real or retarded. You ask the theist of a physical evidence for god, this question can also be ask to you, positivist.

>> No.20866542

>But am I wrong?

>> No.20866589

>get their new bs book accused of attacking strawman
You haven't even read it retard, you made a bunch of completely incorrect and baseless assumptions and declared victory

>> No.20866593

If you've read it, you can summarize its arguments that BTFO atheists once and for all. Stop being lazy.

>> No.20867046


>> No.20867054

>Summarize this 250 page book for me in a 4chan post
How about you kys?

>> No.20867218

After searching and not finding it I think he actually reviewed ‘Reality’ by Kingsley instead and I confuses it with this book

>> No.20867228
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>Ctrl+f 'The Holy Bible'
>Phrase not found

>> No.20867451

Are the posivitists in the room right now with us?

>> No.20867863

Never post again you subhuman cancer.

>> No.20867959

t. did not read it

>> No.20867976
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Turn the other cheek, my son.