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File: 43 KB, 500x500, moby dick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20864735 No.20864735 [Reply] [Original]

Let me guess, the big fish gets away at the end and then whitey cries

>> No.20864980

Ishmael basically spoils you the ending to the story a few times if you're paying any attention

>> No.20864983

The big fish IS whitey.

>> No.20865217

The great fish gets eaten by his mother, Maolin, over the course of six moons, and then it pulls him 600 km to the shores of the Kingdom of Heaven, that turns out to be a miniature vortex in the polar regions masquerading as a little town, where he sets down on the steps and weeps only to be reborn as a painting. Amen.

>> No.20865804

Ishmael was his sled.

>> No.20865826

Moby dick was a demon incarnate. Literally responsible for more than half the evil in the world

>> No.20865845

>>20864735 >>20864980 >>20864983 >>20865217 >>20865804 >>20865826
i will never read a book about dicks

>> No.20866736

uh it's actually a book about sperm

>> No.20866743

Whales are NOT fish

>> No.20866748

Ishmael disagrees with you

>> No.20866750

sperm whales have a lot of cum in 'em
the whores of rich men used to pay a lot of money for sperm whale cum barrels back then, during the time of moby dick and ishmuyel

>> No.20866760

the big fish were the friends we made along the way

>> No.20866786

>he didn't read chapter 32
Not all fish are the same, starfish aren't like salmon. Trout aren't like sharks. Tuna aren't like jellyfish. Hagfish are not sardines. Yet all are fish. Why? Because they live in the water. Animals that live in the water are fish.

>but whales are mammals
Proving that fish are mammalian.

>but whales have lungs and spout
Whales are spouting fish.

>but whales have horizontal tails
Whales are horizontal tailed fish.

They live in the water, therefore they are fish.

>> No.20866789

>>>but whales are mammals
>Proving that SOME fish are mammalian.

>> No.20866791

If I went to live in the water would I become a fish?

>> No.20866792

If the entire lifecycle of your species was in the water, then you would be a fish.

>> No.20866878

What about seals, crabs, sea slugs, coral?

>> No.20866882

Dog fish
Scuttle fish
Penis fish
Tree fish


>> No.20866894

Spend much of their life on land. Not fish.
Most crabs live in the water. Shell FISH.
>sea slugs
Live in the water. Fish.
An animal that lives in the water, isn't it? Fish.

>scuttle fish
Do you mean cuttlefish? They are fish.
>penis fish
Who even claims these aren't fish?

Spend too much of their life on land. Not fish.

>> No.20868070

did you know this is Melville's only boat adventure book in which men don't get raped in the ass

>> No.20868139
File: 441 KB, 1440x2560, IMG_20220729_170451_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not about dicks, I swear.

>> No.20868154

Not the wondrous cistern in the whale's huge head; not the prodigy of his unhinged lower jaw; not the miracle of his symmetrical tail; none of these would so surprise you, as half a glimpse of that unaccountable cone, longer than a Kentuckian is tall, nigh a foot in diameter at the base, and jet-black as Yojo, the ebony idol of Queequeg. And an idol, indeed, it is; or, rather, in old times, its likeness was. Such an idol as that found in the secret groves of Queen Maa chah in Judea; and for worshipping which, king Asa, her son, did depose her, and destroyed the idol, and burnt it for an abomination at the brook Kedron, as darkly set forth in the 15th chapter of the first book of Kings.

>> No.20868158
File: 77 KB, 550x840, ECD247C6-D02F-455B-B494-ACBB513B40AC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

“”””””fish””””””” do not exist. There is no such thing. All biologists and taxonomists are in agreement on this fact.

>> No.20868185

You're wrong, "fish" is a folk taxonomy for animals that live in the water. Scientists are not the arbitrators of language.

>> No.20868248

Crabs are not fish
Beavers are not fish
Otters are not fish
Frogs are not fish
Clams are not fish

>> No.20868253

You are Kanye west

>> No.20868254

>Crabs are not fish
Most crabs are, some crabs aren't though, I will grant you this.
>Beavers are not fish
>Otters are not fish
Both correct.
>Frogs are not fish
Yes, I believe most frogs are not fish. Axolotl are though.
>Clams are not fish
Of course they are. Shelled animals that live in the water are called shellfish. There is no doubt that clams are fish.

>> No.20868262

It would be extremely painful.

>> No.20868273

what about sea otters?

>> No.20868286

You’re a big fish

>> No.20868307
File: 126 KB, 777x519, 2F8BF793-2650-4E2E-B49A-5D57AC72BB3C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20868325
File: 240 KB, 1280x908, 1637197457291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As far as I'm aware, sea otters are capable of a fully aquatic lifestyle, from birth to death. If they actually follow through with that, they are fish. But if they choose to spend much time on land, as this one appears to be doing, then they aren't fish.

Sea otters seem like a genuine edge case, the first I've seen.

Platypus live in burrows above the water line. They're also known to travel on land fairly frequently. They aren't fish.

>> No.20868340

Lungfish can live on land for 4 years at a time

>> No.20868350

They do that by hiding in the mud and going into a coma until the water returns. This might be another edge case, but I'm inclined to call them fish.

>> No.20868363

Read Moby-Dick and find out why you're wrong.

>> No.20868381

That's implying he reads at all.

>> No.20868414
File: 124 KB, 930x508, 1639906414050.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, Melville explains that whales are fish even though they have numerous distinct characteristics which make them whales. All whales are fish but not all fish are whales.

>> No.20868498

maybe. Most accurate you can do is "vertebrates that live in water". Whales are fish.

>> No.20868623
File: 61 KB, 719x688, 36722ACA-7D6D-4A8D-BD97-3DB092502C4C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>jellyfish aren’t fish

>> No.20868630

they aren't, I'm sorry anon

>> No.20869158
File: 1.52 MB, 1314x964, otterdoggo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

otterchads rise up

>> No.20869181


>We call that the "Dennis Miller Ratio"

>> No.20869199
File: 64 KB, 314x500, 8D69A74F-5744-4E16-A5A7-3AE08880C058.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes that’s exactly how it goes

>> No.20869217

Good posts anon you convinced fish exist and that scientists are gay