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File: 85 KB, 626x800, Cioran_in_Romania.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20861934 No.20861934 [Reply] [Original]

Cioran said no, because you kill yourself later on anyways. But if we all are going to die one day, Is it really worth it to spend 70-80 years struggling? What is the award for endurance? Where lies the comfort of life?

>> No.20861948

Anyone have any tips for suicide? Feeling pretty bad lately, desu.

I mean mainly in the psychological department, btw, actually gaining the nadgers to go out and buy a rope, that sort of thing; though I suppose pointers on know tying couldn't hurt.

>> No.20861959

Best to do it on impulse, walk into traffic or jump off something high

>> No.20861963

A heroic death or suicide is highly preferable than being a whiny depressed antinatalist.

Get into shape, sleep well. Wretched people are afraid of both life and death.

>> No.20861967

I get this, but I'm the least impulsive person in the world and rarely leave my house. Where exactly is one supposed to stumble upon a motor-way thoroughfare on the arduous trek from one's bedroom to one's kitchen? Plus I want to minimise the time during the metaphorical, or in fact literal, 'falling time', as this is something I've pondered as I lay in bed often, and I always find in the most profoundly disturbing thing, on the level as a downed knight hearing the sounds of the systematic throat-slitting of his follows slowing encroaching on his position.

Whining about losers is just as pathetic as being a loser oneself, moreso in fact, especially when then aren't bothering you.

>> No.20862006

>Cioran said no, because you kill yourself later on anyways
He said no because, like Camus (an even worse coper), he didn't want to look like a hypocrite by remaining alive.

>> No.20862023

because they couldn't admit that it isn't life that sucks. It's humanity that fucking sucks. What a waste of intelligence, may my soul rematerialize on a better planet with better creatures.

>> No.20862113
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>Cioran said no
Nigger bitch was a fucking monster from the abyss who said many things

>Kill yourself because you are what you are, yes, but not because all humanity would spit in your face!

Emil Cioran, The Trouble with Being Born

For Cioran obsession with the option of suicide is a liberation like Stoics:

>When people come to me saying they want to kill themselves, I tell them, “What’s your rush? You can kill yourself any time you like. So calm down. Suicide is a positive act.” And they do calm down.

Emil Cioran, The Trouble with Being Born

And suicide obsession as hell:

>The obsession with suicide is characteristic of the man who can neither live nor die, and whose attention never swerves from this double impossibility.

The New Gods

>No position is so false as having understood and still remaining alive.


>Why don’t I kill myself? If I knew exactly what keeps me from doing so, I should have no more questions to ask myself since I should have answered them all.

The New Gods

>> No.20862117
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HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Cioran was a hack and a monster

>>We should repeat to ourselves, every day: I am one of the billions dragging himself across the earth’s surface. One, and no more. This banality justifies any conclusion, any behavior or action: debauchery, chastity, suicide, work, crime, sloth, or rebellion, … Whence it follows that each man is right to do what he does.

-Emil Cioran, The Trouble with Being Born

>> No.20862175

This, desu. Literally any 'pessimist' who doesn't off themselves is a coward, and it's even worse if they actually try to intellectually justify their position, rather than just trying to ignore it.

I have no intellectual or ethical qualms about suicide—quite the contrary—the only reason I haven't done it is because I'm shit scaredless and can't even begin to fathom how some lucky sods manage it, escaping this hell in a blink of the eye.

Fuck the demiurge.

>> No.20862280

pessimists, nihilists, antinatalists etc should just take meds or drugs and voila no more suffering

>> No.20862290

>just take these pills to become a zombie so you could stop thinking and questioning
Kys subhuman

>> No.20862316

bit ironic quoting Nietzsche in a Cioran thread innit

>> No.20862335

He talked about subhumans

>Encounter with a subman. Three hours that might have turned to torment, had I not continuously reminded myself that I was not wasting my time, that after all I was lucky enough to contemplate a specimen of what humanity will be in a few generations . . .

Cioran, Drawn and Quartered

>> No.20862342

>What is the award for endurance?
Why do you think there should be an award? What makes you think you are special? What's with the inflated ego? The Universe doesn't owe you anything.

Anyway, Philipp Mainländer was the only one, who wasn't a poser. He wrote his work and used a stack of said works to hang himself as soon as it was published.

>> No.20863568

the point is to find out for yourself

>> No.20864890

Thanks Dr. Peterson.

>> No.20865286

>>No position is so false as having understood and still remaining alive.
I felt that. Or going monk mode.

>> No.20865331

Don't rope. Buy large gauge shotgun and a box of SOLID SLUGS. NOT BUCKSHOT. SLUGS. Blow head off. Aim towards upwards middle back of head through mouth.

I'd prefer you tough it out like the rest of us, things can improve if you work hard enough but I understand how you feel. Don't rope, don't cut wrists don't jump or drug yourself.

Shotgun mouthwash is much more foolproof. Don't use a pistol, don't aim at clicheville side of the head unless you want to spend a couple eternal moments bleeding to death.

On second thought, I don't think there really is foolproof was to kill yourself. Plenty of poor bastards survive the attempt and live on as human vegetables.

You're probably better off just staying alive. Remember, God hates suicides and will send them to hell.

You're better off just living your life until it's natural conclusion.

>> No.20865333

Klonopin is useful for getting rid of the fear of death, fwiw

>> No.20865354

there's literally no point to reading cioran when schopenhauer exists

>> No.20865394

Just like there’s no point taking weed when H exists

>> No.20865413

Suicide is for pussy faggots, second only to atheism in its moral turpitude and wretchedness.

>> No.20865453

ever been to a old folks home and seen how your brave heroes live? Lol, no, because you know it’s the complete opposite and the weak desperately cling to life, living like shot out of fear and cowardice

>> No.20865479

And yet self destruction requires an absurd amount of courage just to commit the act. Overriding the inate drive to live is a colossal undertaking you judgmental faggot.

I'm willing to bet you couldn't do it.

>> No.20865514

The body, above all, is designed to feel pain. Normies are smarter than you might think - this whole time, Genius has been lauded such for their committment to transfiguring their own pain.
Pain is what drives us to draw blood like we mean it. Pain is what makes us realize the brutal trade off implicit to life. Pain is what our bodies gift us to remind us that when you drive your shiny hyundai, a chinese woman contemplates her suicide as she peers down into the net that has been set up outside her sweatshop to catch those who try to jump. The smooth veneers of personal technology isn't 'a good life.' It's not positive thinking to shiver as your arms reach into the fridge for your comfort food. It's passive fear. What active fear does best is automate suffering: instincts are the alpha and omega targets of the modern world. First, kill the fight or flight instinct, and allow a sense of displacement to incur the mind of the lost. Second, kill the instinct for nervous reaction, and send the lost spiralling down into a sterilized nightmare of claustrophilia.
I'm not advocating for maximizing pain, I'm advocating for an ecology of suffering and death - I'm advocating for realizing that your self-sovreignity is found just as much when you laugh as when you bleed. Why did young boys always sign up for service? Because they knew they had to get away from this increasingly ossified postmodern senility of urban existence.

>> No.20865522

When you get sick, it's YOU who gets sick, and as such, you accept the terms that it is YOU that dies. When you cop shrapnel, you bleed to death. Power for the war machine - deathconsciousness in the flesh. What medicine has a tendency of doing (the fact most people don't seem to talk about this FREAKS me out) is 'communizing' the disease - that is - healthcare is the great leveller par excellence - it has absolutely no regard for those who see the benefits of pain - crazies, for example. They are locked up and chemically lobotomized just before they break through the stratosphere. The healthcare system also despises those who nearly make it (to death) - the obese (who are suicidal.) They try to deflate them and in the process remove from them the dignity of being a freak. Their death shall forever remain in the service of a disinfected glove. Our bodies are designed to shit and piss themselves upon death as a kind of farewell anaesthetic. Truly returning to monkey in that most crucial moment is a blessing. It disgusts the observer, and so it should. Death is for the individual, not for the living. Horror movies follow the same pattern as pornography because neither can escape the weight of inheriting medical debt: where incest is prevalent in the latter, interfamilial destruction in the former (hereditary.) Death has been democratized to soothe the living such that they themselves become living dead. The more lively death becomes, the less people ever die, and the more the living become the dead, the less the living are ever alive.

>> No.20865686

you have to wageslave for 40 years because your parents wanted to have 40 minutes of fun. I wasn't born with a wagecuck instinct, because I fucking hate society, work, normies, women, everything.

>> No.20865693

god what pseud shit. Imagine writing books when you're a nigger pseud like Camus.
Uhh... no? I hate life but my self-preservation instinct doesn't allow me to kill myself. Have you thought about that, you stupid fucking retard? I guess I'm smarter than Camus, cool. I should write books.

>> No.20866122

>its comfort and not struggle that makes the man
perish weakling

>> No.20866131

He's got a few witty aphorisms, but at the end of the day, it's simply ignorant to argue that there is nothing enjoyable in life.

>> No.20866135

nicely written. altho surely its glory, adventure and camaraderie that young men enlisted for.

>> No.20866139

A lot of my anti-suicide thinking is caring about the 2040 american election, what the EU looks like in 2050, how many teams they shoved into the NHL by 2060, but I have too little that ties me to places and people

>> No.20866146

>the 2040 american election
Why this year in particular?

>> No.20866149

>Philipp Mainländer was the only one
Michelstädter would like a word with you. Oh wait, he shot himself after completing his book.

>> No.20866174

You're not obliged to do it. In the end, the answer to this question will always rely on desire and the life of the one who desires it

But for me, we put this question making a judgement about future: the future will always be bad(pessimism) or the future will always be good(optimism) and the future will be good and bad(realism), but the question is: I'ts the future worthwhile? and the answer is: you can't know. We can only know how things are know, not how they will be in the future. Then, thinking life from present's perspective erases the question and all the positions above. Suicide is an act of faith, or at least an illegitimate hopelesness

>> No.20866212

What a retarded question
take the ug krishnamurti pill

>> No.20866224

miss me with that germanic buddhism

>> No.20866229

Noo broo by killing yourself you will bring more misery and suffering to your family and/or chain of reincarnations. Also ultimately there is no self so suicide is wrong view that arises from an unwholesome ilusory mind state.

You reptile piece of shit, you live under the prevalent power of those that live like machines believing to be gods. Asleep in your conditioned existence you will take a stupid decision because you are a retard that can't access the unlimited power of observation.

Nothing has real ultimate substance but that has nothing to do with the impressive natural intelligence and wisdom of your body. LEAVE IT ALONE Don't use thought to masturbate your miserable ideas. And you haven't choose to be born so you are no one to decide when to die.

>> No.20866270


>> No.20866302


>> No.20866305

>my self-preservation instinct
People ended their life all the time when it aligned with their higher purpose. Samurai, vikings... The difference is you're not a man, you're not ready and suicide is just a shameful escape.

>> No.20866375

There are no universal values and so no universal reason to commit suicide.

>> No.20866377

>I hate life but my self-preservation instinct doesn't allow me to kill myself.
So you love life? Non-pessimists are able to commit suicide and overcome the life preserving instinct, surely you can too.

>> No.20866378
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You should only kill yourself when you are highly certain of your future (and it's bad), which is not common.

>> No.20866391

>So you love life? Non-pessimists are able to commit suicide and overcome the life preserving instinct, surely you can too.
Everyone on this imageboard wants pussy and money but very few people do anything about it. Which means there's more to it.
Think about how people end up in jail, homeless or tortured by criminals, or have to wageslave for 40 years and so on. They hate their existence but they keep doing it, because it doesn't matter whether you love your life or not, you're forced to live it.

>> No.20866393

Can we get some reading lists and charts for this thread anons?

>> No.20866411

Just because you know something is good it doesn't mean it becomes easy to do, stupid faggot. When you live, live sucks, but killing yourself sucks even harder. But that doesn't make life any better. Do you understand? HURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR.
It's like telling a guy in prison:
>dude just escape if you hate it here, I'm tired of your complaining
and then he says
>I can't, it's too difficult
and then you tell him
>so it means you love being in prison! hah... take that, faggot!

>> No.20866460

I don't think that's why. It's easier to die when your life has meaning. You're screwed.

>> No.20866498

You're romanticizing adrenaline and testosterone.

>> No.20866500

Why slugs? I've not heard that before and it seems counter to logic: surely more pellets can't be a bad thing? They'll surely sever the brain stem, which is all one really requires to collapse consciousness. Why do you urge an avoidal of the rope? I don't live in a free country and to get a shotgun licence would require three people to give the okay, and if I suddenly come out as an amateur clay pidgeon enthusiast to my family I fear, regardless of how slow they appear to be, they might work it out!

I do wish I could just buy a shotgun, though. Cioran wrote about the comforting effects of the ubiquity of implements of suicide in daily life; I'd feel far happier knowing had had a 1 minute ticket to eternity lodged at the bottom of the chest.

>> No.20866506

Based fuck existence.

I was born from a 42 year old mother. My god, what was the bloody point in such a nonsensical farce? Why would anyone think that they had the capability for child rearing when they'd so clearly failed in sorting out any sort of life priorities that they were flailing about for a sperm-injecter at such an age? Comic comic comic! I wish a had a friend with whom I could laugh at it all.

>> No.20866511
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Suicide is viewed negatively nearly all around the world, but the word itself gives me comfort and a peace of mind. There is always a "thing" which I cant describe that keeps me going, however little it is. Whenever I am talking to myself in my mind and imagination it is always this topic - "Relax, you can always die and you will die one day, it is inevitable so Relax and remember that the suffering will end soon".

>> No.20866520

>suicide is bad
>le atheism like it's still fucking 2006

>> No.20866525

Kek, utterly btfo

>> No.20866583

If you get ECT, it lowers your IQ after 40 sessions and erases your memory. Basically like being born again.

Redditors arent going to like to here this. Unless youre actually mentally ill, you feel this way because of money, or rather the lack thereof. As someone with a 160+ IQ that went from poverty to making $89k a year, I'll tell you 100% of my suffering in life was financial. Even now because I started from nothing it's difficult ( but not unbearable). All money related. All improved with money. If i was richer still, id be happier than a lark. If you can't get money you're screwed. I would fret and be upset about finances every moment. This is why you're upset and you think life isn't good.

If you can't get money, best bet is to lower your IQ and hopefully erase whatever existential scarcities from your concern. I see a lot of people happy making $14 an hour or less. That's because they have low IQs so their minds were never burdened with big desires or concerns. My advice would be to lower yours as much as is humanly possible. If I was stuck in a dead-end job still, I would get ECT to oblivion (never had it period) . Eventually you'll either benefit from it therapeutically or your IQ and long term memory would be optimally pruned, as is done with trees. Sure they could have been something greater but pruning it allows it to survive. You put a 145+ IQ in poverty, you put them in hell.

>> No.20866586

I highly recommend to everyone in this thread who hates life so much and thinks everything is terrible to please, please, please, please just kill yourselves. Do it. End your "suffering" and make more room on earth for people who appreciate it. Stop taking up space and breathing my air. Stop shitting up 4chan with your sob blogs. We're as tired of you as your families are. So please kill yourselves. You are not wanted or needed, you are a waste and the world would be that much better without you.

Now this thread better be pure silence in the next 24-48 hours because hopefully you'll have all taken a large amount of pills, hanged yourselves, suck-started a shotgun or jumped off something high enough.

Have a nice day and fuck you, pussies.

>> No.20866595

can confirm, I had psychotic rage attacks when I got fired because I knew I'd be farther from my goals of retiring young. Redditors can kill themselves. Being rich is the key to happiness. After that it's all up to you. But there's no fucking way you can live and be happy if you have to wage and deal with poverty, with a boss, with stress, with bills, with lack of sleep, with shit health and a bad neighborhood. Fuck redditors and fuck all stupid niggers that say "money doesn't bring happiness..

>> No.20866597

Hasn't school started back yet?

>> No.20866598
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>> No.20866600

who the fuck appreciates life? bro, most people wageslave until they die. What kind of life is that? Go tell the average wagie that "life is a gift" and he will look confused at you, like you're a retard. Then he will straighten his face and ignore you, accepting that you're a stupid, naive child.

>> No.20866618


>> No.20866630

Most wage slaves are conned into the idea that lifes good. They wage slave then they go home and coom or gayym, or teeveee, or drink or dude weeed as distractions. Day in and day out until they die. They convinced themselves that 2 hours of evening time and weekend time are worth the toil because they're low IQ first of all and are high time preference retards and actually feel like those 8 hours of work were nothing compared to those 2 hours of fun. In a word, they cope.

>> No.20866658

Isn't it easy for high IQ people to make money?

>> No.20866660

i think forest-anon is one of the few people who can say they truly appreciate life and are happy

>> No.20866678

That cunt is a fucking attention whore. He is there to get attention by uploading bs for retarded teens on YouTube. The vices of fame are no better than some dancing whore on Tiktok. What a pathetic little man, still hungry for civilizational cancer even in wilderness.

>> No.20866680

calm down lmfao

>> No.20866694
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Based. Was waiting for this one.

>> No.20866697

Stop shilling yourself junkie faggot

>> No.20866704

Take your meds, anon.

>> No.20866705

No, I won't smoke meth like you.

>> No.20866714
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Come on, just one hit.

>> No.20866718


>> No.20866730
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>> No.20866733
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>> No.20866741
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>> No.20866746

Is he your gayman?

>> No.20866755
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No this is gayman

>> No.20866761


>> No.20866763

>Cioran said no, because you kill yourself later on anyways.
That's not what he said. Didn't he say "You would always kill yourself too late, which makes suicide pointless"?

>> No.20866773

Damn, man, you ruined my streak of three pleasant replies. There's always gotta be that one person raging at me(?), though.
Anyway, yes, Camus mentioned this:
>I hate life but my self-preservation instinct doesn't allow me to kill myself
but it was only a small part of his cope. Here:
>In a man’s attachment to life there is something stronger than all the ills in the world. The body’s judgement is as good as the mind’s and the body shrinks from annihilation. We get into the habit of living before acquiring the habit of thinking. In that race which daily hastens us towards death, the body maintains its irreparable lead.

>> No.20866787

and we get the habit of crying before we get the habit of speaking, therefore we should just scream 24/7 instead of talking. I get it.

>> No.20866799

haha what a bunch of loser faggots in this thread

>> No.20866815

These threads bring out defeated scumbags who devote their time complaining and validating eachother's misery. It's pathetic.

>> No.20866986
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>> No.20867014

> Cioran said no, because you kill yourself later on anyways. But if we all are going to die one day, Is it really worth it to spend 70-80 years struggling? What is the award for endurance? Where lies the comfort of life?
There is no 'should'. You do or you don't. As long as you are alive, you have a duty to live it, not because it is good but because your other options ultimately lead to inaction and a further lack of satisfaction. You are essentially worsening your suffering by doing that without the act of suicide. As long as you are alive then it's wise to take the best course of action to improve your life simply because you are alive.
Struggling is a part of life and a big part of it but you act like you cannot find personal value in those years that you are alive or that you cannot find things enjoyable. If you view these emotions and ideas as fleeting, you can view sadness and despair the same way.

tl;dr It's a pointless question because you are not dead and have a duty to improve your life rather than to ponder over something you are not going to do that worsens the quality of your life.