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20858197 No.20858197 [Reply] [Original]

What are the most important books on the topic of suicide?

>> No.20858252
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>> No.20858254

Hume's essay on suicide

>> No.20858260

Paul Ludwig Landsberg's

>> No.20858267
File: 47 KB, 888x1185, 1588960072702.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My diary desu

>> No.20858270

>only lefty atheists write about suicide
Gets your nogging jogging

>> No.20858277

kokoro by soseki, natsume

>> No.20858286

Hume's is basically the primal circular logic of modern leftist views on suicide so yeah

>> No.20858307

Rightoids don't think deeply about these things. At most they'll sum it up to a character fault and curse God when it happens to them.

>> No.20858321

Religious people don't need to think about these things as often. Right wingers are more often religious.

>> No.20858327

So you mean they're more mentally healthy?

>> No.20858328

Rightoids usually just lie to themselves, before also doing it

>> No.20858332

Haven’t read it myself but Emile Durkheim has one that’s apparently held in high regard.

>> No.20858335

They most certainly aren't. Most right wing religious countries are filled with drug use, violence and abuse

>> No.20858341
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40% is quite high my dude are you alright?

>> No.20858348

If your only parameter for mental health is the amount of time one spends thinking about suicide, then yes, though I think that's incredibly reductive.
The religious have in god a crutch. The non-religious have no such luxury.
Ignorance is bliss, after all.

>> No.20858354

What's the source of that?

>> No.20858356

You know it's true on all metrics

>> No.20858368

>whines about materialist lefty atheists
>defends his beliefs with 'it's because a recent study said so'

>> No.20858370
File: 59 KB, 500x430, Screenshot_1mental_he.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the source https://slatestarcodex.com/2020/01/20/ssc-survey-results-2020/

Pic related shows you that it gets replicated anytime

This post >>20858356 shows you religious people are less mentally ill than atheists on all metrics

It's over for atheism, it's always been.

>> No.20858372

>denies reality
The last refugee of the lefty atheist

>> No.20858375

Proving my point exactly, thank you. When you have a surefire way to dismiss any of these terrifying existential doubts with impunity, you are less stressed out, you are happier, you are more carefree, you are reassured that your efforts will be rewarded in the afterlife, you are convinced of what will happen after you die and you're not worried. You are, one might argue, mentally healthier for it.

>> No.20858385

Cool, so we both agree atheism is correlated with mental illness.

>> No.20858394

Yes, I agree that the non-religious have a harder time coping with reality, since they have no divine truth to rely on for an easy cop-out.
Ignorance. is. bliss.

>> No.20858395

Which religious people, specifically?

>> No.20858396

sorry, the religious, not non-religious. i misspoke.

>> No.20858399

>Yes, I agree
Cool, thanks

>> No.20858407

if bait then 3/10. if not, then you really gotta work on your existentialism bro. dyer?

>> No.20858411

Enlighten me

>> No.20858446 [DELETED] 
File: 41 KB, 350x569, radicati.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A Phliosophical Dissertation Upon Death by Radicati

>> No.20858451


>> No.20858484


>> No.20858559

Why would anyone that votes for politicians that defund mental health initiatives actively seek diagnosis or treatment for mental health conditions?
Why would anyone that thinks they're inherently diminished by having mental illness seek confirmation that they are "less than?"
If you yourself had something a mental illness, would you even seek treatment when you're putting so much stock into the idea that it's a purely "liberal" or "atheist" problem? Would you even identify it as such?

>> No.20858616

This is what I mean. No real thought. Your reacton is no more impressive than the reaction a pupa has to being rattled. Try replying with something that isn't a simple sensory-motor reaction. Take your time if you need to.

>> No.20858618

Leftists kill themselves more because they don't swallow propaganda that life under capitalism does not sucks and that capitalism is natural state (its not)

>> No.20858687

>killing yourself is ACTUALLY a good thing
The absolute state of lefties

>> No.20858698

Call it sacrifice then

>> No.20858700

>I-I'm sure there's an explanation l-let me do some mental acrobatics!
This entire page debunks you >>20858356

>> No.20858709

Atheism is a suicide death cult. I call it that.

>> No.20858710

The far left. Not all the left. You just decided to ignore all the bars to the right of it.
Also not super surprising since the left is more open to talking about mental health whereas it's more taboo on the right. If it wasn't I bet youd see parity on both the far left and far right as both extremes in my experience tend to be the most unhinged.

>> No.20858716

No, that would be Christianity, quite literally

>> No.20858719

Debunked >>20858700

>> No.20858730

>shows you religious people are less mentally ill than atheists on all metrics
>It's over for atheism, it's always been.
Man you religious retards will really grasp at the smallest of straws: " religion makes me feel happy feels therefore it true"
You're using hedonism to argue that your religion is true, which is hilarioualy ironic given that its you tards that are always whining about it.

>> No.20858735

I'm not joining your suicide cult bro stop being creepy

>> No.20858749



>> No.20858773

Skimmed through it nothing debunked what I said. You are conflating religiosity with political orientation. There are more atheists on the left, but there are also plenty of religious people.
I'm not denying that being highly religious makes people feel good. My only point was that the table showing the very far left had more diagnosed mental disorders likely just reflects the fact that people on the left are more open and willing to seek out a diagnosis.

>> No.20858782


>> No.20858790

Far left is literally anti religion my dude, you're delirious

>> No.20858829

Most people on the far-left tend to be more atheistic. The far-left is not all of the left though. Outside the internet the far-left has basically zero political relevance.
I know plenty of people broadly on the left, moderate liberals that are also very religious.
As for the high diagnosis notice as well that it is only the far left that's significantly higher. Which really doesn't surprise me. Extremists tend to be pretty deranged. My only point was that it being somewhat higher on all the left has more to do with how taboo it is. It is more taboo on the right than the left to get a mental diagnosis.

>> No.20858840

Sure, but last post you were defending far left
>My only point was that the table showing the very far left had more diagnosed mental disorders likely just reflects the fact that people on the left are more open and willing to seek out a diagnosis.
Yeah moderates are whatever.

>> No.20858871

I'm not defending them. I'm explaining why it is higher in comparison to the far right.
You seriously think far right people are more mentally sound? Take a look around this place, or at the qanon people. I'm not in any way defending the far left. I've known far leftists irl and they're insufferable. I'm just explaining why the percentage diagnosed would be higher. Which is because it's less taboo.

>> No.20858913

>I'm not defending them. I'm explaining why it is higher in comparison to the far right.
Yes, and your explanation is wrong because you're ignoring that far left is anti religion and claim that there's an independence between politics and religion.
>You seriously think far right people are more mentally sound?
Yes. What's far right? Being a white Christian who is against mass immigration is enough to be far right.
>qanon people.
Red herring. Far right are not qanon people, you're dishonest. I'm not dishonest when I say far left are communists, because it's literally what they are.

>> No.20858995
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Funny you mention straws when you're making giant strawman out of the whole argument.

>equating not being mentally ill with being and being a purely hedonistic creature

Cope, seethe and dilate more you blue haired mentally ill weirdo.

>> No.20859087

>We reviewed published studies, meta-analyses, systematic reviews, and subject reviews
>Relevant articles were identified by conducting a MEDLINE search (1970–2000)
>Thanks to the 8,043 people who took the 2020 Slate Star Codex survey.
>8,043 people

>> No.20859097

>t. scientifically illiterate

>> No.20859113

Seethe more scientivist, hope your dated meta-analysis is up to snuff for your professor in your CC statistics class

>> No.20859118
File: 528 KB, 3840x2160, 6366510-H-P-Lovecraft-Quote-The-most-merciful-thing-in-the-world-I-think.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have to look at it in terms of degree, not just religious/not-religious.

If you take your most Dawkins-Nye-DeGrasse Tyson materialist, even they are somewhat religious. On a certain level they accept the horror that a material reality implies, and also they don't. They replace old theological terms with "beauty, wonder, nature, stardust, the joy of knowing things," and conveniently edit-out disease, suffering, war, basically any bad thing that hasn't happened to them directly/they do not deal with on a day-to-day basis.

They even have their own heaven in the "nothingness," while conveniently forgetting that even a strict material belief system doesn't omit certain forms of hell. Quantum Immortality could be hell, so could an AI that gains control of the universe and replaces all matter with sentient suffering, or just some unknown unknown. Even death wouldn't save you, as a sufficiently advanced AI could employ quantum archaeology to turn the arrow of entropy backwards, recover you (the actual one, not a copy, as your death will only lead to entropic forces of decay that can by the laws of physics be reversed with sufficient power) and torture the shit out of it.

So I would call ignoring the worst implications of science a sort of religion by omission. So really the most honest atheists and materialists belong to antinatalism or efilism because at least they're not delusional about the true nature of reality.

>> No.20859228

You sound like a woman on the verge of breaking down into histrionics. Stop being a damn pussy, pussy.

>> No.20859248

Ah yes, the death cult that preaches living a good virtuous life and loving your neighbor rather than wallowing in resentment towards factors completely outside of your control.

>> No.20859277

I think he got it conflated with American Protestantism, easy mistake

>> No.20859279

>wallowing in resentment towards factors completely outside of your control.

Again, you're quite literally describing Christianity

>> No.20859282

atheism is a religion too. it has priests, dogmas, persecution, symbols.
It is one of the worst religion ever because it doesnt even have a theology lol.

>> No.20859284

why do people hate this book so much?

>> No.20859292

>you're ignoring that far left is anti religion
I've known religious leftists. I used to have a roommate that was devout Catholic and a Marxist. Probably not the norm, but they do exist.
>and claim that there's an independence between politics and religion.
There are religious and non-religious people on the left, though there are more non-religious in comparison to conservatives.
>Far right are not qanon people
Not saying everyone on the far right is a q anon person. But I think most people would see it as a right wing political movement: i.e q anon people tend to take conservative positions. I'm not trying to lump you or anyone in with them. My point was that there are plenty of crazy people on the far right too, & the disparity between the far right and far left in mental health diagnosis could be a result of it being more taboo to seek a diagnosis on the right. The graph was just the percentage of people who received a mental diagnosis. For all we know there could be plenty of people with mental problems that are undiagnosed on the right. Which would explain the disparity.

>> No.20859299

>it has priests, dogmas, persecution, symbols.

Can you name some of them, and why they would qualify as such?

>> No.20859301
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>its just like...so deep bro you just dont get it

>> No.20859398
File: 244 KB, 1000x563, frontiers-in-ecology-evolution-pe-human-bonobo-muscles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Different anon, also atheist, but you know, we have lots of dogmas.

The myth of progress.
The myth of human equality.
The nature = good dogma.
Nothingness after death.
Basically any atheist that thinks life is an inherently good thing is somewhat practicing religious dogma.


>> No.20859405

Does ego death count?

>> No.20859468

>Christianity is about blaming Satan
You didn't read the Bible.

>> No.20860662
