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/lit/ - Literature

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20858168 No.20858168 [Reply] [Original]

What do you think about this list of problematic authors? Is she right?

>> No.20858172
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Part 2

>> No.20858176
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Part 3

>> No.20858189
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Part 4

>> No.20858196

Who's she? Also this is bait. Must be.

>> No.20858200

Seems like I found my new reading list.

>> No.20858209 [DELETED] 

>1 Criticisms of Self-Harm are viewed as invalidating, affirmation models are preferred.
>2 How is Coraline transphobic?

>> No.20858230

Abookishdiaries on Twitter. Deadly serious

>> No.20858242

My name is Shaniqua....

>> No.20858245

>William Shakespeare
>misogynoir (misogyny against black women)

>> No.20858316

>mostly children's books and YA shit

>> No.20858333

>no Joyce, Pynchon, or DFW
phew that was a close one bros

>> No.20858343

Trips of truth

>> No.20858346

Burroughs got off easy.

>> No.20858386
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It was internalized misogynoir

>> No.20858390

>Roald Dahl
>Promoted child suicide
Holy mother of based

>> No.20858408

>spoke in gibberish to pass a a foreign dignitary
holy based

>> No.20858429

Doesn't matter how progressive you are because it'll never be enough for them

>> No.20858513

>repeatedly mispronounced names at the Hugo awards
Martinbros... How do we recover from this...

>> No.20858528

>only a murderer
>not a racist pedo

>> No.20858965

Surely this has to be bait

An antinatalist in the truest sense

>> No.20858996

>putting "complained of prejudice against authors with politically unfashionable ideas or ethnicities" IN a writeup of author oopsies
the balls on these broads

>> No.20859027
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>Dav Pilkey
>Captain Underpants

>> No.20859048

>no Nabokov
Thank goodness, I can keep reading with a clear conscience.

>> No.20859054

he was openly homophobic, so not kosher sweetie

>> No.20859083

>wrote about a kiss in Anne Frank's house
>named a black character "Shaniqua"
>convicted of murder in Africa
This is gold

>> No.20859110

One of these is not like the other

>> No.20859112

wtf I love Sarah J. Maas now

>> No.20859123

If he's not featured in the list then I'm afraid that's not officially accepted as fact.

>> No.20859125

His writing would be beyond them.

>> No.20859139
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>Supported child suicide
>Misogynoir (misogyny against black women)

>> No.20859143


Delia Owens apparently killed poachers in Africa. That's wild. I might actually read that book now.

>> No.20859149

From some light research it would seem that Delia Owens is a person of interest wanted for questioning in a murder in Zambia, but she has not been convicted of murder. Of all the shit on this list, this one is closest to outright libel.

>> No.20859160


>> No.20859163
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>John Green is problematic

>> No.20859177

I don't know why (made it seem like it's better to be dead than disabled) is so funny

>> No.20859195

Do you have a Twitter? Add fuel to the fire. Tweet her or DM her or however you do it on there. Andre Gide and Oscar Wilde were both gay pedophiles. Jane Austen was unwoke about slavery. Patricia Highsmith, Truman Capote, Jack Kerouac, Katherine Anne Porter we’re all antisemitic. Chesterton was antisemitic too. C.S. Lewis was transphobic in Pilgrim’s Regress. Herman Melville was a wife-beater. Philip Roth was a misogynist and treated all his wives terribly. Tolstoy raped his serf woman and was terrible to his wife. Dostoevsky abused prostitutes so badly they refused to sleep with him again. Hugo had sex with underage girls. Ann Sexton sexually abused her children. Pound was a nazi basically. The list is long

>> No.20859246

bait post
sage in all fields

>> No.20859316


>> No.20859328

>spoke in gibberish to pass as a foreign dignitary
Woolf herself did or a character of hers does? Qrd?

>> No.20859337
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wtf i love veronica roth now?

>> No.20859350

whats wrong with comparing Obongo to Hitler?

>> No.20859376
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Kind of would tbqhwy

>> No.20859402

>Is she right?
Now let me actually check the list
>95% is literal whos

>> No.20859409

>It was internalized misogynoir
>>Promoted child suicide

>> No.20859418

>Twitter. Deadly serious
Lol, Lmao!

>> No.20859424

>Dostoevsky abused prostitutes so badly they refused to sleep with him again.
Tell me more

>> No.20859437

>John Green
Has he stopped being a Whig-history turbo-faggot?

>> No.20859477

By far the funniest thing about this is how 90% are just bullshit calling anything and everything racist, but then there's just fucking
>attempted rape of a teen
>repeated child rape
Mixed in as if it's no different

>> No.20859482

Ah yes, "supporting an." Truly the most heinous crime of all time.

>> No.20859508
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>not on the list
How did he get away with it bros?

>> No.20859517


>> No.20859576

Stephen King says a beautiful line in IT, I think
I don't care about looking for the exact quote

Football Coach to Fat Kid: "Why? Why are you hiding the beauty of the body God gave you?"

>> No.20859603
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Holy fuck I forgot John Green made his characters kiss in the fucking Anne Frank house.

>> No.20859742

based authors

fuck niggers

>> No.20859787

The funniest thing is that many of these authors were soi if not extreme subversives.
You will never be woke enough.

>> No.20861530

>Emily Duncan
>mocking book bloggers
>Colleen Hover
Quite the amount of seethe.

>> No.20861532

Roald Dahl was a pædophile who sold his daughter for sex to other pædophiles. I think that's a fair way up the list over this shit.

>> No.20861537

raping his daughter

>> No.20861538

>you can't copyright ideas
Who writes this shit? Copyright is for fags.

>> No.20861541

>Problematic Authors
In my novel these are called IPIs. Wanna have a look at the idea behind the novel?

>> No.20861552

My exact reaction to seeing "Convicted of murder in Africa." I should add that the faggot who made this list exaggerates as the writer was never charged with anything and is "wanted for questioning." This isn't to imply that I don't think she wasn't party to the killing of poachers, but that sounds like a positive outcome to me.

>> No.20861554

>repeatedly mispronounced names at the Hugo Awards
Isn't that kind of an ablest complaint? He's got a crippling disability (being American) that prevents him from speaking correctly.

>> No.20861564

Only people are disabled. Americans can't be disabled.

>> No.20861577

William Golding South Africa'd a 15 year old? What did he do? Shoot her and steal her farm?

>> No.20861579

Where is Lovecraft? Where is Stephen King? Hello?

>> No.20861588
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Rate this idea I have started writing a novel about. I intend to publish it under the title given and enlighten readers with it through mass printing.
It will be a philosophically-inclined depiction of something that awaits us. A Hegelian synthesis of (supra-between) 1984 and the Brave New World, it will portray a plausible worst outcome for Humanity as it graduates from the 21st century.

>The novel starts in 2066, which is 10 years after the Modern System was launched and culminates in 2071, 100 years after Modernity started.
>The Modern System is led by the globe-spanning Representative Congress, which consists of Representatives: the Government, made up of Elected Representatives, and the Overseer, which is the Unelected Representative.
>The Overseer is a comprehensive AI program (and most crucially, NOT a strong AI) which forms guidelines, according to the Code.
>The Code was written by the Initiated—verified experts and ancestors of the Government—who were men in power occupying places from finance through politics ending on the military, with influence on the academia and broader education, and united by only one factor.
>You can trust the Overseer because the Code was written by verified experts.
>The Modern System was launched in 2056 by the Initiated in a planned response (following the Code which dictated the Past System) to the tense situation created by the low global birth rate, which was a natural human response to the Past System, which started in 1944.

>In 2054, the Second Cold War ends and the CCP makes peace with the Capital.
>This follows a global economic crisis that precipitated with the die-off of the Baby Boomer generation, and an intense political crisis between the younger and older generations.
>The value of Initiation rose as the number of the Initiated shrunk. Eventually the Initiated became a very small group, comprising only a few hundred people (and thousands of semi-initiated aspirants) divided into two camps: the CCP and the Capital.
>The Second Cold War thus ended with a compromise: The CCP and the Capital joined powers, adapting, and rejecting, some features of the other
>Thus the Modern System begins.

>> No.20861593
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Our Hero is certain Baruch Spinoza existed, and has now been set on a path to expose the oldest conspiracy known to Man. He calls this path his Prophecy.

The Hero was born in 2038 and was 18 when the Modern System began. He fit in perfectly but mentally he'd always been an outsider. In the Past World, he loved reading books, and at the end of the Past System he got into philosophy, although most texts had already long been out of print so he was forced to put his love of physical books aside and use his e-reader more. It still made him eccentric, as barely anyone cared for literature let alone philosophy in Modernity and beyond. Fast forward eight years, it was now the year 2064, late Winter, and our Hero was 25 years old, data science was his occupation, and he was good at it. So good, in fact, it was his third job already, and he was earning a lot of money. But there was something missing in his life, and he didn't know what it was. He struggled to name the specific issue as pretty much everything in his life had thus far worked out. He was agnostic and of secular, assimilated Jewish descent. After a year of contemplation he remembered Baruch Spinoza, whom he had read in his youth and whose views impacted him to a sufficient degree. He was now struck by a weird realization: he cannot find the name Baruch Spinoza anywhere, either on the Internet or in real life. This realization is weird because every other philosopher is there, in fact every other person the Hero remembers is there, except for Baruch Spinoza. He is now suffering a powerful crisis because he doesn't know whether he truly read anything by anyone carrying that name, or whether he just inaccurately remembered something, or whether it never happened at all and it was all just a figment of his imagination. This crisis was short-lived, though: he is certain Baruch Spinoza existed.

>Knowing the emptiness of data science and corporate work, he finally identified the issue following his metanoia (illumination). The System behind Modernity was itself the issue. The Hero had suffered another crisis, from which he did not recover so quickly this time. A tumultuous few months later the crucial year of his life had arrived. He had by now identified his goal: construction of a better system on the bones of the old one. He became frantic. He searched for Nietzsche, and he was there. Baruch Spinoza was not. He was again beset by metanoia, leaping from one field to the other, and the Hero was eventually grasped by an all-encompassing anamnesis one fateful spring evening: April 20th, 2066.
>The Lone Initiate is born, or what the Overseer would classify as an IPI: an Irreconcilably Problematic Individual. One who cannot be re-educated, can only be erased. And it is this knowledge that the Lone Initiate uncovered: Baruch Spinoza was one such IPI, and the Lone Initiate should watch his step very carefully from now on, or the thread of the Prophecy will be severed.
need it or keep it?

>> No.20861601

Needs more Posadism.

>> No.20861604

She has a link on her Twitter to some sort of profile about her:

>Hii, My name is Aaliyah. I’m 20 years old and an avid reader and F1 lover looking for moots. I love fantasy and romance books, but will read just about anything.
>Some of my favorite books/series includes: The Blood of the Stars Duology, Emily Henry books, Dreamland Billionaires, The Song of Achilles, & the Grishaverse books.
>Some of my favorite artists includes: Sabrina Carpenter, Reneé Rapp, Little Mix, Adele, Lewis Capaldi, Bazzi, CNCO, Kehlani, The Weeknd, & Reik.

Somehow I doubt this nigger actually read any of the writers she has dismissed in her list. Anyway, it's basically just pure seethe from a nobody lol

>> No.20861614

the book ends with the Lone Initiate giving up on his Cause and giving in to the rest of the Initiates who want to recruit him. he realizes power is all he yearned for all along
but then there's the epilogue. with 2071, Eternity starts, and sometime after 2071 Plato is about to get erased from memory, when Our Hero, now old, recounts his youth and tells the Perennial Wisdom to his grandchild

the book ends with a cliffhanger and a message to the audience. i'm going to aesthetically aim for a non-christcucked and actually life-affirming Tolstoevsky.

>> No.20861675

I would purchase and read this book

>> No.20861688

I would purchase and read your father as a sissy, aggressively.

>> No.20861697

I think she should be canceled for homophobia and ableism for attacking burroughs because he is a gay, a queer icon and neurodivergent and the “murder” of his “wife” was an expression of the homophobic patriarchy and an act of desperation

>> No.20861728

Shortly put, look into the Dreadnought hoax

>> No.20861733


>> No.20862039 [DELETED] 

If this stupid cow is real, on Twitter and soliciting additions to her BadThinkList, we should oblige her. Offer a few suggestions in the style of W.C.Fields. In the short film 'The Golf Specialist' Fields appears on a WANTED poster with a list of crimes (the last one is what really makes it):

Passing as the Prince of Wales
Eating spaghetti in public
Using hard words in a speakeasy
Trumping partner's ace
Spitting in the Gulf Stream
Jumping board bill in 17 lunatic asylums
Failing to pay installments on a strait-jacket
Possessing a skunk
Revealing the facts of life to an Indian

A few suggestions to get the ball rolling:

AUTHOR: Arthur Schopenhauer
CRIME: Pushing his housekeeper down the stairs every morning to demonstrate the folly of worldly desire.

AUTHOR: Friedrich Nietzsche
CRIME: Hiding at the bottom of Schopenhauer's stairs every morning and pushing his housekeeper back up them to demonstrate the will to power.

AUTHOR: William Faulkner
CRIME: Naming his second-best horse "Harriet Tubman".

AUTHOR: H.P.Lovecraft
CRIME: Taking a black felt-tip marker pen to Italian restaurants and while pretending to choose his food erasing all the letters on the menu except E, G, I, N and R.

AUTHOR: Jacques Derrida
CRIME: Donning blackface and forcing first-year philosophy students to laugh at his comic re-enactment of the death of Martin Luther King.

AUTHOR: Thomas Mann
CRIME: Sneaking into Franz Kafka's house in the middle of the night and replacing his shoes with slightly larger ones, making Kafka think his feet were shrinking and accelerating his emotional decline.

>> No.20862064 [DELETED] 

If this stupid cow is real, on Twitter and soliciting additions to her BadThinkList, we should oblige her. Offer a few suggestions in the style of W.C.Fields. [In the short film 'The Golf Specialist' Fields appears on a WANTED poster with a list of crimes:

— Bigamy
— Passing as the Prince of Wales
— Eating spaghetti in public
— Using hard words in a speakeasy
— Trumping partner's ace
— Spitting in the Gulf Stream
— Jumping board bill in 17 lunatic asylums
— Failing to pay installments on a strait-jacket
— Possessing a skunk
— Revealing the facts of life to an Indian

The last one is what really makes it.]

A few suggestions to get the ball rolling:

AUTHOR: Arthur Schopenhauer
CRIME: Pushing his housekeeper down the stairs every morning to demonstrate the folly of worldly desire.

AUTHOR: Friedrich Nietzsche
CRIME: Hiding at the bottom of Schopenhauer's stairs every morning and pushing his housekeeper back up them to demonstrate the will to power.

AUTHOR: William Faulkner
CRIME: Naming his ugliest horse "Harriet Tubman".

AUTHOR: H.P.Lovecraft
CRIME: Taking a black felt-tip marker pen to Italian restaurants and while pretending to choose his food erasing all the letters on the menu except E, G, I, N and R.

AUTHOR: Jacques Derrida
CRIME: Donning blackface and forcing first-year philosophy students to laugh at his comic re-enactment of the death of Martin Luther King.

AUTHOR: Thomas Mann
CRIME: Sneaking into Franz Kafka's house in the middle of the night and replacing his shoes with slightly larger ones, making Kafka think his feet were shrinking and accelerating his emotional decline.

>> No.20862183

based schizo

>> No.20862286

tell me more

>> No.20862294

One of the worst things about lists like these is that there are people who will treat this list as gospel and will simply use it to attack anyone who like these authors, without having read the authors themselves.

>> No.20862299

Sounds pretty similar to something else. Girl needs to check herself.

>> No.20862303

/lit/ just needs to start some kind of small press or publishing house. Nothing official or anything, pretty much no money involved, just some kind of team that will take manuscripts and typeset them and design covers and make them available on Lulu. I was thinking that one guy ("A Pnumatic" or something is his tripcode?) should just write a book and self publish it under /lit/'s imprint or something. Our own Library of America or Pliade.

>> No.20862322

If this stupid cow is real and on Twitter and soliciting additions to her BadThinkList, we should oblige her. W.C.Fields' catalogue of crimes on the WANTED poster in 'The Golf Specialist' would be a good start:
— Bigamy
— Passing as the Prince of Wales
— Eating spaghetti in public
— Using hard words in a speakeasy
— Trumping partner's ace
— Spitting in the Gulf Stream
— Jumping board bill in 17 lunatic asylums
— Failing to pay installments on a strait-jacket
— Possessing a skunk
— Revealing the facts of life to an Indian

A few more suggestions to get the ball rolling:

AUTHOR: Arthur Schopenhauer
NATURE OF WICKEDNESS: Classism, sexism
CRIME: Pushing his housekeeper down the stairs every morning to demonstrate the impermanence of worldly happiness.

AUTHOR: Friedrich Nietzsche
CRIME: Hiding at the bottom of Schopenhauer's stairs every morning and pushing his housekeeper back up them to demonstrate the will to power.

AUTHOR: William Faulkner
CRIME: Naming his ugliest horse 'Harriet Tubman'.

AUTHOR: H.P.Lovecraft
CRIME: Taking a felt-tip pen to Italian restaurants and while pretending to choose his food erasing all the letters on the menu except E, G, I, N and R.

AUTHOR: Jacques Derrida
CRIME: Donning blackface and forcing impressionable first-year philosophy students to laugh at his comic re-enactment of the death of Martin Luther King.

AUTHOR: Thomas Mann
CRIME: Sneaking into Franz Kafka's house in the middle of the night and replacing his shoes with slightly larger ones (which made Kafka think his feet were shrinking and accelerated his emotional decline).

>> No.20862423

Yes and no. Most authors probably have something "problematic" about them because people are people. But if you're going to throw out all authors for not being perfect, who do you have left? Do you really want to miss out on Dante because he advocated against the Cathars?

>> No.20862494

This would be worth doing and I would help if it ever looked likely to get off the ground in a serious way (which is massively unlikely).

As you say, it wouldn't have to be anything very grandiose. Just a name and a logo, and a bit of typesetting help perhaps. Output could be a mixture of anon-authored stuff (if it's decent quality) and our own editions of public domain authors (with non-woke commentaries).

One field that's really wide open is translation. I've translated a lot of poetry (Martial, Catullus, Dante, Li Po, Cavafy among others) simply because the English translations I've read are so terrible. But there are many possibilities.

>> No.20862500
File: 96 KB, 681x1024, 829e6308eba3d22f8e387d5bd1bdc900121a2238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw too massively based to be considered problematic

>> No.20862732

>As you say, it wouldn't have to be anything very grandiose. Just a name and a logo, and a bit of typesetting help perhaps. Output could be a mixture of anon-authored stuff (if it's decent quality) and our own editions of public domain authors (with non-woke commentaries).
This is what I was thinking too; we could publish stuff authored by the anons here, we could make re-issued and re-typeset editions of all of /lit/'s meme books, and start a series of "annotated editions" like we did with Moby-Dick. I have some experience with LaTeX (I knew the guy who helped (?) typeset the /lit/ Moby-Dick, before he disappeared), but I really want to get into InDesign because that's what all the professionals use. I'd also be willing to pay for some nice fonts too but I think some of them are included with InDesign.

>One field that's really wide open is translation. I've translated a lot of poetry (Martial, Catullus, Dante, Li Po, Cavafy among others) simply because the English translations I've read are so terrible. But there are many possibilities.
What would be the copyright situation on this? Sounds interesting but, as a small publishing house with no budget, we really wouldn't want to get slammed with some kind of lawsuit

>> No.20862799

>re-issued and re-typeset editions of all of /lit/'s meme books
No point doing this unless you can seriously offer something better than what's already out there. (Also you would run into copyright issues for a lot of stuff.) It would be nice to produce a decent anthology, something like "One Hundred Poems To Learn By Heart". (But again, copyright would be an issue I think. It would be too constricting to have to stop with authors who died 70 years ago,)

>like we did with Moby-Dick
The problem with the /lit/ Moby Dick was that it didn't know what it was trying to do. There was some decent legitimate commentary, some decent humour and an awful lot of rubbish.

>copyright situation on this?
All the authors I mentioned are safely in the public domain, aren't they? (Cavafy died in like 1925 or something).

>> No.20862851

>938 Following
>protected timeline
she's a nobody. move on.

>> No.20862854

that's a man

>> No.20862888

>O’Connor is mentioner
>McCuckers nowhere to be seen
O’Connor chads cannot stop winning

>> No.20862897

>racism thru adaptations
how the fuck is the author to blame for that??

>> No.20862902

>Hiding at the bottom of Schopenhauer's stairs every morning and pushing his housekeeper back up them to demonstrate the will to power.
holy kek

>> No.20862918

What does she even read? Seems like absolutely everything is problematic for her.

>> No.20862926

>No point doing this unless you can seriously offer something better than what's already out there. (Also you would run into copyright issues for a lot of stuff.)
The main point of doing this would be to have all of /lit/'s meme books easily available in print, kind of like how Dalkey Archive's initial goal as a publishing house was to keep the works of authors like Gaddis and O'Brian in circulation.

>The problem with the /lit/ Moby Dick was that it didn't know what it was trying to do. There was some decent legitimate commentary, some decent humour and an awful lot of rubbish.
I agree, Moby-Dick was a mixed bag all around. Thinking about it now, there was an anon in another thread talking about how he wanted to go through and make a "Selected Prose" edition; maybe we could do that for the meme books, going through and picking chapters and extracts and compiling those into a portable edition. Also, I'm fairly certain most if not all of the meme books are licensed under Creative Commons, so there shouldn't be a copyright issue there.

>All the authors I mentioned are safely in the public domain, aren't they? (Cavafy died in like 1925 or something)
I'm not sure; they might be, but we'd have to check before we go ahead and print anything.

Do you have a burner email address I can contact you at? we should keep in touch and discuss this further. I'm interested in going forward with this and would be open to discussing it further, if you're interested

>> No.20862931

>Mixed in as if it's no different
It's not. Racism is the biggest threat to democracy right now.

>> No.20862932

>Virginia Woolf
>Racist, anti-semitism, ableist, did blackface and spoke in gibberish to pass as a foreign dignitary
She just gets more and more wonderfully based the more I read her and learn about her.

>> No.20862935

nice bait

>> No.20862943
File: 37 KB, 553x100, wsb hit right.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's no saving Uncle Bill anon

>> No.20862959

Good idea, but there should be some standards, otherwise every other book would be a meme. Maybe we could start by publishing short stories collections.

>> No.20862966
File: 47 KB, 550x303, blake vs jews.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

add William Blake to the list

>> No.20862970

>Problematic is when you don't adhere to contemporary consumerism

>> No.20863025

>Neil Gaiman

this is obviously ragebait

>> No.20863056

Isn't his wife a terf?

>> No.20863060
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he wrote a story about a tranny getting btfo by a Moon goddess

>> No.20863070

He also wrote a thousand queer characters in The Sandman, none in a derogatory way.
I think he also won a prize for A Game of You
(I remember some interview in the absolute edition where he joked about Gaiman -> Gay Man)

>> No.20863079

doesn't matter how many good portrayals of the gays he's done, one lapse is enough

>> No.20863590

If people start banning Blake, that's when I might become violent
But I guess normies do not read him

>> No.20863600
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>> No.20863624

I like how William S. Burroughs is problematic just because he killed someone and not because he spent a decade fucking little boys and getting them hopelessly addicted to drugs in Tangier.

>> No.20863680

>just because he killed someone
well, I mean, there are not many things worse than murder
But I have to say that was an accident
>he spent a decade fucking little boys and getting them hopelessly addicted to drugs in Tangier
This is not an accident though
In a sense, I wonder how it was from locals POV
I'm sure poverty can push some kids to suck old white dicks, I'm not surprised
But the parents, the adults? I don't think they weren't aware of what he was doing. They accepted just for the cash he brought to the community? Or what? I don't think random pedos can act freely in muslim countries (inb4 that afghan thing of dancing boys)

>> No.20863710

>Dav Pilkey - Captain Underpants
Man, imagine actually being upset about a harmless children's author who wrote about a white and black pair of best friends, encouraging children to express their creativity, just because he drew some Chinese people with squinty eyes, twenty years ago.

>> No.20863744

Making racism innocuous through ubiquity. Nice.

>> No.20863808

Keked at Schop and Nietz

>> No.20864065

>I don't think random pedos can act freely in muslim countries
Muhammad was a pedo, the problem might be with the fact they were boys, but the entire Maghreb/NA is gay as fuck. This was already true in more remote history but 20th century North Africa was the faggot paradise. It spread even to Egypt when luxury accommodation could advertise themselves as "bed and boy". Authorities didn't care, if only because it was better to have arab boys bottom, and they were spread thin on other matters.

>> No.20864131

Is this true just for tourists or for local people too? That's what I'm asking.

>> No.20864135

Not bad.

>> No.20864139

>Roald Dahl
>Supported child suicide

>> No.20864166

Taking something in his books way out of context, I would assume.

>> No.20864250

>Do you really want to miss out on Dante because he advocated against the Cathars?
You're forgetting Dante was a pedophile mate.
Complete with waifu complex.
If they made painted blown glass Beatrice figurines he would have been repainting them every night.

Dante was a paedo.

>> No.20864257

>but I really want to get into InDesign because that's what all the professionals use.
So you are degrading from the sublime to the workaday. You sad fuck. LaTeX for life.

>> No.20864344

Need it, I hope this is not a shitpost because I want to read your book

>> No.20864357

>No Hitler

>> No.20864369

I've heard about underground prostitution (in literal caves) in Algeria so there must be some action for the locals. The high end stuff is for richer people, which will largely be tourists.

>> No.20864381

>writing your book in latex
Truly the most patrician of autists

>> No.20864385

I know this is bait, but I am serious intrigued in hearing the arguments for Gaiman, Pilkey, Pullman, and Butcher

>> No.20864401

Gaiman is literally the whiniest of progressive cunts. Every single thing he’s ever written is dripping in progressive ideologies. In one of his stories the trans character has something bad happen to them instead of the usual constant winning and that’s enough for them to turn on him.

>> No.20864432

>You're forgetting Dante was a pedophile mate.
>underground prostitution (in literal caves) in Algeria
>so there must be some action for the locals.
Well, if you're hiding in literal caves is not exactly something socially acceptable, I guess

>> No.20864442

>Lena Dunham
In her memoir, Not That Kind of Girl, Lena wrote about molesting her one year old sister, Grace. She continued sexually abusing her sister until she was 17 years old. She has also made. She's also made hundreds of racist tweets.
>Harriett Herman
A member of PIE (Paedophile Information Exchange), and sought to decriminilize paedophilia.
>Patricia Hewitt
A member of PIE (Paedophile Information Exchange), and sought to decriminilize paedophilia. Claims paedopilia is just a sexual identity, like homosexuality.
>Eve Ensler
Writer of The Vagina Monologues. In the monologue "The Little Coochie Snorcher That Could," a 13 year old girl is drugged, raped by an adult woman, and the event is portrayed as something positive and beautiful, not a horrific rape.
>Germaine Greer
In her book The Beautiful Boy, which contains pictures of "pre-adult boys... with wide-apart legs" and sought to "reclaim (for women) the right to appreciate the short lived beauty of boys." Also blamed male victims of rape as enjoying it, since they get an erection during their sexual abuse "then clearly it's his responsibility."
>Simone de Beauvoir
Leader of FLIP (The Pedophile's Liberation Front). Claimed 11 year olds were "sexual beings." Sexually abused her pupils with her lover Jean-Paul Sartre.
>Marion Zimmer
Writer of The Mists of Avalon, molested her own 3 year old daughter until she was 12 and able to resist.
>Prof. Adele Mercier
Dismissed reports that 95% of underage boys were raped in juvenile detention centers by female staff. Showed incredible contempt for underage male victims of rape and claimed that "It is not rape because the boys asked for it."
In addition to being writers, these are self described feminists, politicians, and teachers.

>> No.20864451

>Dante reveals he first saw Beatrice at … a party…she was 8.

>> No.20864618

His wife tho

>> No.20864622

>he first saw Beatrice at …
>a party
>a party
Holy kek
Who the fuck told you that? Lmao
>Dante said he first met Beatrice Portinari, daughter of Folco Portinari, when he was nine

>> No.20864642

>He met an 8 year old girl when he was 9! The pedo bastard!
kek american feminists

>> No.20864724

I fucking love how Colleen Hover has literally no reason for being on the list

>> No.20864758

she missed a lot of pedos but included William holding. i guess the list would have been to long if she were to include the classics

>> No.20864831

>Also blamed male victims of rape as enjoying it, since they get an erection during their sexual abuse "then clearly it's his responsibility."
source for this?

>> No.20864918

I’m not convinced this really needs a full-length novel. It might be better as a short story anon. Still, the premise is interesting enough for me to want to read. Start writing it, if only for yourself

>> No.20864943

no idea but google "I enjoyed being raped"

>> No.20864945

Wjw fetish?

>> No.20864961
File: 322 KB, 438x512, 1557439120187.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, but with money involved.

>> No.20864965

I mean source on where she wrote that.

>> No.20864970 [DELETED] 



>> No.20864986

the disc link doesn't work for me

>> No.20865981

Dav Pilkey being on there surprised me. Apparently his adventures of ook and gluk book promoted harmful stereotypes, and they stopped publishing it in March of 2021. I purchased that book when it came out in 2010, when I was 6 (I'm 18 now), and I still have it. All I remember is that it was about cave men kids and they had a pterodactyl as a pet. It's written in his comic book style that I really liked. Maybe I'll re-read it.
His books got me really hooked on reading as a young kid. I wish he would have stood by his work instead of caving to the mob. Oh well.

>> No.20866023

Gaimen is a racist? What did he say?
And George RR Martin too? And is that saying he's sexist just because he portrayed "sexual violence"?

>> No.20866025

What’s the problem? She’s singing one of the most famous rap songs ever written. Niggers are sensitive children that want to eat their cake and have it too.

>> No.20866070
File: 421 KB, 756x1008, ook and gluk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek I found the book and this is the first page
>Professor Gaylord M. Sneedly, midwit science fag
Meme magic?

>> No.20866120

prebunking btw

>> No.20866296

Do u want to create a telegram?

>> No.20866312

I agree with Burroughs being labeled a murderer, but they neglected to mention his pedophilia or his satanism.

>> No.20866313

Is this satire or meant seriously? I do find looking at older works through modern lenses to be meaningful, but this is just plain funny.

>> No.20866333

East African phenotype