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20857255 No.20857255 [Reply] [Original]

Books to cope for still being a virgin in my mid 30s? I feel like its over me.

>> No.20857263

Goethe wrote the defining work of romanticism as a virgin,
He only got laid later, at 40 or something.
You can only love women if you don't know them.

>> No.20857270

Starting strength

>> No.20857291
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I don't have an answer to that OP, I'm sorry,
but I want to use this thread to ask how can I stop this fate from befalling me? I'm a 21 year old virgin, I've only had a few conversations with girls. I'm an extreme social outcast and shut in. My friends from high school have all forgotten about me, but I suppose I should be grateful I had friends in high school. Don't bother trying to teach me the blackpill, I know it well and have made some effort at lookmaxxing - hopefully it can pay off. The issue is that I have no idea where to meet girls and how to be romantic and sexual. I can't get the notion that I am a repulsive creature that is incapable of being someone's object of desire or affection out of my head. My parents didn't really care for me so I have no accurate basis for how to express love. My conversational skills are lacking as well, I can't even build a platonic relationship. Is it over for me? I just can't imagine myself having a girlfriend. For some reason I've always felt that I was destined to die alone as a virgin. I've been aware of my status since childhood. I don't know if this mindset can, or even should, be changed. I don't think there was ever any hope for me.

>> No.20857295

Read femdom erotica

>> No.20857297

Stop worrying about it and just lift + cardio.

>> No.20857305

It's not that big of a deal. This idea that sex is some kind of magical panaceum completely fabricated. Just invest in one of those fancy pocket pussys that warm up and move on with your life.

>> No.20857319

There's people more unfortunate than you out there.

>> No.20857321

Im not gonna buy those. My parents will see it.
Can you give recommendations?
I cant even do a single push up

>> No.20857329

>Im not gonna buy those. My parents will see it.
get a shoebox, jesus fucking christ.
no wonder you're a virgin.

>> No.20857336 [SPOILER] 

just rayp a girl lmao

>> No.20857383

It's over.

>> No.20857399


ya it's called STARTING strength

>> No.20857430

>tfw 32 year old virgin

Feels bad

>> No.20857437

>30 years old virgin
Bad feels. Embrace 2D.

>> No.20857442

Im gonna try hot glue. Not using a shoebox.
Ok, I'm sorry

>> No.20857443

damn, those anime women have some pretty huge boobies. i wish i could touch them.

>> No.20857445

>I'm a 21 year old virgin
Lmao calm down

>> No.20857450

>Im gonna try hot glue
post vids :3 there is a very welcoming hotglue community that im sure would be a healthy outlet for any of your pent-up sexual needs!

>> No.20857454

don't apologize fucking lift already

>> No.20857455
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First step is to stop playing Genshin, it hasn't been any good in a long time.

>> No.20857459


>> No.20857465

most of you fags don’t even lift shut up

>> No.20857478

I dont think the jannies will like it
*lifts heavy weight*
Im not him

>> No.20857488

Not lifting isn't going to make it any better

>ahhhh why do women think I'm a disgusting slob I just spend 13 hours on the couch every day!!