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/lit/ - Literature

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20854860 No.20854860 [Reply] [Original]

Is Moby Dick really that good?

>> No.20854869

I like that they used "García Márquez" instead of simply "Márquez" like uncultured swine. Based chart makers.

>> No.20854928

is the dumas version of count of monte cristo the preferred?

>> No.20854939

what do you mean? he's the writer

>> No.20855040

my mistake. i meant to ask gutenberg project vs the penguin publisher version that removes victorian era language.

>> No.20855093

Both Moby Dick and Crime and Punishment are atrociously terrible. That chart is the product of "selection by commity" and as such you get stuff which is only popular because of pseuds proping up works which fall into the category of "the emperor has no clothes"

>> No.20855303

do you have a better chart then?

>> No.20855317


>> No.20855335

imo it's very good

>> No.20856785

It's a great book, but definitely not #1. Probably not even top 5. It's just frequently the highest voted because it's the best American novel and commonly assigned reading in the US education system, and most people here are mutts who have not read since high school.

>> No.20856872

>atrociously terrible

>> No.20856885

Moby Dick is better than your favourite book

>> No.20856898

Moby Dick gets mogged by Anna Karenina. Sorry bucko.

>> No.20856925

Tbf I never read Moby Dick I was just baiting you

>> No.20857008

I'm pretty sure 75% of /lit/ posters have not read the meme trilogy and 60% of /lit/ posters have never read a book.

>> No.20857024

I haven't read Moby Dick either. Or Anna Karenina.

>> No.20857082

Moby Dick is actually the only book I have read

>> No.20857093
File: 13 KB, 298x272, D24C9D09-AC6F-4D3E-8380-A58E3486664C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This can't be real. Moby Dick is a bloated embarassment. It's the "being afraid of covid" of the literature world.

>> No.20857287
File: 23 KB, 720x405, 118943333_961309931033563_4868619851206987792_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is. I loved the bromance between Ishmael and Queequag.

>> No.20857782

Do other people think C&P wasn't that good too? I thought it was just alright, was kind of a slog towards the end. Did I get filtered or what

>> No.20857945

Moby Dick is my favorite book and I don't care what anyone says.

>> No.20857950

Ok Martin

>> No.20858457

the very end is pure kino though?

>> No.20858461

AK is better I agree but it doesn't "mog" Moby Dick

>> No.20858488

What will happen to me if I read all these books?

>> No.20858591

Never met anyone who was assigned Moby Dick in high school

>> No.20858855

It would be extremely painful

>> No.20858970
File: 189 KB, 472x475, Screenshot 2022-08-18 132345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20858974


>> No.20859668

Why is Lolita always in these lists? Is it actually good or are you fuckers memeing it into top 10 all the time?

>> No.20859701

it always appears on classics lists on reddit and tumblr and wherever so unless all normies are ironic pedophiles it has to have something going for it

>> No.20859732

I don't think it's "top 10 all time" good, but it is a good novel.

>> No.20859840

No... Remember who is the overwhelming majority that vote in these...



>> No.20859881

It's one of the best novels ever written, unironically. You'll see it on non-4chan lists just as frequently.

>> No.20859978

yes. also
>crime and punishment above TBK and anna karenina
awful list

>> No.20859997

known him as Marky

O'L Marky, that one latino.

>> No.20859998

looks like it got spammed by russian bots

>> No.20860122
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>> No.20860266

If you know about the history of literature it’s an even greater accomplishment. Absolutely no other novelist in the 1850s was even fucking close to Melville in how advanced they were at writing novels (especially in the English-speaking world) other than maybe Flaubert. But I’ve always thought Madame Bovary was somewhat undercut by its need to send a social message, while Moby-Dick doesn’t really concern itself directly with social agendas. The only other semi-contemporary book published before that that comes close to creating its own fictional universe I personally think was Hugo’s Notre-Dame de Paris

>> No.20860305

It's the only good part.

>> No.20860339

This bromance fades fast like 25% into the novel, in terms of how much airtime it gets. If this is your favorite part then how did you finish it?

>> No.20860347

What’s the point other than Nabokov showing off how good he is at prose? There is no point. It’s nice to read and an entertaining story, but has nothing of value to teach its audience.

>> No.20860585

It's a novel, not a fable.

>> No.20861363

Because its a good primer into getting to the rest of the novel? If the bromance was all it had then it would get stale fast.