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/lit/ - Literature

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20845837 No.20845837 [Reply] [Original]

I've tried but I just don't get Rimbaud. It's just some fag writing about his mood swings. His imagery isn't as good as Baudelaire or Claudel.

>> No.20845847

You have to understand le technique. He belongs to a slightly later generation than Baudelaire, the Symbolists.

>> No.20845850


>> No.20845855

What is it with anons stubbornly posting about getting filtered?
You're a retard, there are billions of other people like you, now unless you can actually say something worthwhile about actual literature, not "I didn't like it", "I didn't get it", or other similar retarded one-liners, realize that your opinion does not matter, no one cares, and you should feel ashamed of being not only stupid, but lazy, in public, anonymous or not

>> No.20845871

>You just got filtered.
Nice dodge, faggot. Tell me, what am I missing?