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20845277 No.20845277 [Reply] [Original]

>finally start reading the New Testament
>tfw it’s just primitive socialism
>keeps telling me to give up my possessions

>> No.20845281

Maybe instead of shitposting about what you vaguely heard about it, you could actually read it?

>> No.20845320

>moments before disaster

>> No.20845643



>> No.20845676

Just keep reading.

>> No.20845685

>Jesus does some basic cold reading
>Oh, I see you are truly the messiah. I will now completely give up my entire life to follow you because you knew I was sitting under a fig tree

Were ancient people just retards?

>> No.20845845

He was trying to warn us about capitalism

>> No.20845853

Ancient people did not read. Just like /lit/

>> No.20845900

Yeah he looks adorable. Man I wish I could find a nice lady so I can summon some of these things in her womb and be A dad. But women these days....absolute state.

>> No.20847426

it supports altruism not complete socialism because its 5e mode of being which works in relation to a society rather than simple egotism

>> No.20847503

Get a dog or a cat, they are far better and more useful

>> No.20847508

Is this how materialists really understand the NT? Yikes.
He was a charismatic man

>> No.20847529

>socialism is when you give things to the poor

>> No.20847597

Acts tells us that, if somebody wanted to join the group of Apostles, they had to give all their wealth to the group. The group gave to its members what they needed. Socialism in a broad sense is a way to organise the means of productions and labour conditions. Acts doesn't speak of producing goods. Some of them were fishers by profession.

>> No.20848394

Who? The baby?

>> No.20848411

You are an Apostle?

>> No.20848447

Deboonked by parable of the talents. Jesus was pro capital.

>> No.20848462

> Matthew 19:21 Jesus answered, “If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.”
>Matthew 19:24 Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.
Have YOU read it?

>> No.20848542

you're not supposed to actually read the bible lol, it's only purpose is to be used as a shield and rallying banner for those who seek tyranny.

>> No.20848579

Wrong, it's supposed to be used to smash those bumps on your hand or wrist

>> No.20848890

See you pick verses out of context by looking up “Bible verses promoting socialism.” Maybe reading the New Testament beginning to end, that’s Matthew 1 to Revelation 22, will be more beneficial than funposting on /lit/ about books you haven’t read?

>> No.20848928

Become a Worm.

>> No.20848949

Theres a difference between voluntary charity and an economic theory.

>2 Thessalonians 3:10

>> No.20848970

Additionally, the socialist supports his economic theory because they seek equality of power and wealth. The Christian recognizes the futility and danger of the fixation on wealth and power that the 21st century economic theorist is infatuated with.

>> No.20848982

Bro, that whole part is about someone coming to Jesus and asking what they must do to enter the kingdom of heaven and Jesus DIRECTLY and PLAINLY says "sell all your possessions" MULTIPLE TIMES. Not my fault you don't like what Jesus has to say.

>> No.20848998

I love what Jesus Christ has to say. I hope someday you read it, though I see you’re refusing to now

>> No.20849014

Also the atheist cannot have it both ways if they actually are trying to argue in good faith (they aren't). There is a common claim against Christians that there was some type of conspiracy by roman officials or people in power to instill Christianity in the poor so that the poor would remain in that condition. But the atheist also claims that Christianity supports socialism, an economic theory that the atheist believes is vital to helping poor people. So which one is it?

>> No.20849036

idk maybe "the atheist" isn't a one person

>> No.20849060

The athiest here is the retard trying to argue that a religion they view as the opium of the masses is also socialist.

>> No.20849062

>Anon is a pseud who only only recounts enough details in the story to make his argument
Are you people just retards?

>> No.20849063

Agreed I want to put my seed in an unsuspecting woman

>> No.20849094

Provide an argument or stfu, larper

>> No.20849099
File: 49 KB, 550x543, Christcucks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Christcucks have to twist themselves into pretzels to avoid the direct, unambiguous "what should I do Jesus" "Do this" that is literally, as in word for word, written in their Holy Book as the exact, verbatim word of Jesus Christ. Never change you glue sniffing mental reprobates, you are an endless source of comedy!

>> No.20849108

He turned water into wine and did other very visible miracles. If some dude who claims to be a magician starts doing real magic in front of you, you should probably believe he's supernatural.

>> No.20849117

This nigger goes to a magic show and sees an illusion and instantly believes the performer is supernatural!

>> No.20849157

It’s weird how nothing surrounds that story, it’s the beginning and ending of the entire New Testament
I’m being sarcastic of course, you should read the New Testament sometime

>> No.20849168

>"Y-yeah he said that b-but.. uhh... there's like... uhh other stuff too.... let's just ignore this overt lesson and.... uhhh, just read other parts!"
lol lmao

>> No.20849233

You are getting filtered, OP. This is what is called a "stumbling block." It's not about giving up your possessions, it's about realizing they bear no weight on salvation.
Another example of a stumbling block is when Christ told a crowd they had to eat his flesh and drink his blood. While that is what he meant, he meant it in a way that is deeper than the worldly meaning can capture. If you keep reading and believe then you will have the lens to interpret what he is talking about.

>> No.20849280

Selling all that you have is best understood by reading Philippians 3. Paul had a lot of things in his life that he could have counted on to believe he was going to heaven but you see starting in verse 7 that he had thrown all of it away in that he counted them as worthless regarding salvation. That means he even denied that his bloodline had anything to do with salvation.
Paul didn't quit his tent-making business or anything, he still made money. The whole point is that if you say "I am saved by Christ...but also this other thing" then you can't have Christ. That's why you have to abandon "all that you have", because you can't have two masters.

>> No.20849288

I just don’t understand the point of your OP. Why would you larp reading a book? Just read the book

>> No.20849301

>Jesus said to sell your stuff
>That's exactly the same as seizing the means of production!

>> No.20849343

Primitive socialism =/= "seizing the means of production"

Also, I'm not even OP, but the fact remains that Jesus pretty definitively states that, if you are a Christian focused on entering the kingdom of heaven, you should not seek to own anything in this life and instead build your treasures in the heavenly kingdom. I would further suggest that your desire to protect your ownership rights over the explicit word of Jesus Christ means you are allowing demonic forces to influence you more that The Lord himself. Sad.

>> No.20850308

Selling your possessions was an ideal, which the apostles were expected to be. Having material possessions doesn't condemn you to hell or something, it's just another thing that can make the spiritual path and connection to God difficult.

>> No.20850355

Christianity is a cope for poorfags, losers, the deformed, etc. The whole point is to pray on vulnerable losers by telling them that they're actually privileged and blessed by being losers, and therefore they get to be in a secret supernatural club which isn't available to the guys who bullied them. Heaven is literally a pathetic isekai fantasy for society's most disgusting rejects. And look what's come of the western world by letting these people band together and take power: hideousness and deformity. These people should have been snuffed out while it was still possible. But hopefully Islam finishes the job eventually.

>> No.20850362

There is something about this baby's face that is making it hard to look away.

>> No.20850364

I feel the opposite way.

>> No.20850371

most Christian economics are third way, give to the poor but do not covert property that is not yours, ipso facto.

>> No.20850420

You should re-read that text, because you are completely misinterpreting it.

Matthew 19:
>16 Just then a man came up to Jesus and asked, “Teacher, what good thing must I do to get eternal life?”
>17 “Why do you ask me about what is good?” Jesus replied. “There is only One who is good. If you want to enter life, keep the commandments.”
>18 “Which ones?” he inquired.
>Jesus replied, “‘You shall not murder, you shall not commit adultery, you shall not steal, you shall not give false testimony,
>19 honor your father and mother,’ and ‘love your neighbor as yourself.’”
>20 “All these I have kept,” the young man said. “What do I still lack?”

>***21 Jesus answered, “IF YOU WOULD BE PERFECT, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.”
>22 When the young man heard this, he went away sad, because he had great wealth.

Yes, if you would be perfect, sell all your possessions, and join a monastery, which is designed to accommodate people who believe Jesus is calling them to be perfect.

But He does not call everyone to meet that standard, He does not set up selling all your possessions as the sine qua non.

Here is how the Catholic Catechism explains it:
>2052. "Teacher, what good deed must I do, to have eternal life?" To the young man who asked this question, Jesus answers first by invoking the necessity to recognize God as the "One there is who is good," as the supreme Good and the source of all good. Then Jesus tells him: "If you would enter life, keep the commandments." And he cites for his questioner the precepts that concern love of neighbor: "You shall not kill, You shall not commit adultery, You shall not steal, You shall not bear false witness, Honor your father and mother." Finally Jesus sums up these commandments positively: "You shall love your neighbor as yourself."

>2053. To this first reply Jesus adds a second: "If you would be perfect, go, sell what you possess and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me."

>This reply does not do away with the first: following Jesus Christ involves keeping the Commandments. The Law has not been abolished, but rather man is invited to rediscover it in the person of his Master who is its perfect fulfillment. In the three synoptic Gospels, Jesus' call to the rich young man to follow him, in the obedience of a disciple and in the observance of the Commandments, is joined to the call to poverty and chastity. The evangelical counsels are inseparable from the Commandments.

The "evangelical counsels" are explained in paragraphs 1973 and 1974, here: http://www.scborromeo.org/ccc/p3s1c3a1.htm

>> No.20850875

So you acknowledge that Jesus has told you how to be perfect, but you respond by saying "yeah but I don't wanna" and you proceed to maximum copium. Once again, SAD.

>> No.20850896

>>keeps telling me to give up my possessions

Anti consoomerism and voluntarily giving away possessions and money to those who need it is not socialism, you fucking retard.

Socialism requires theft and violence something Jesus is against.

>> No.20850914

Every organization of society requires violence you braindead troglodyte. Also taxes are not theft.

>> No.20850927

The baby looked at you?

>> No.20850948

What does it mean if I look at a baby and feel nothing but disgust and contempt?

>> No.20850952

You're an edgelord.

>> No.20850976
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>> No.20851135

Thanks commie, but I actually don't care what someone without a penis thinks about literally anything

>> No.20851195

So you don't care what you, yourself, think?

>> No.20851214

Possibly the worst comeback of all time

Communists are mentally retarded

>> No.20851218

The cold war red scare was a psy op that, almost a full century later, you are still falling for. lmao.

>> No.20851392
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Only trannies want communism

>> No.20851403

The actual point of that passage was that Christ knew the man's would not allow him to sacrifice all there is if he were to be called by God (which he was) because he was too covetous and blinded by greed.

>> No.20851409

man's *nature* would not allow

>> No.20851705


>> No.20851709
File: 254 KB, 1036x1000, a2eb0199ce4c24ae05fc7d7a1b45aed8j.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Socialism is a materialist philosophy, something Jesus warned us against many times. Socialism requires taxation and other non-voluntary means of "distribution of wealth". Thus, socialism and all coercive politics are intrinsically against Christian morality. Liberty is essential, as God gave us liberty aka free will. Without the respect of this gift from God, all else is in error.

The Anabaptists created a sort of proto-communism formed on this sort of interpretation of the NT, interesting stuff.

>> No.20851722

Good point lol
>religion keeps people in an illusion!
>don't you know Jesus was the first socialist?

>> No.20851726

Render unto Caesar. Jesus literally tells you to pay your taxes.

>> No.20852045

Yeah and "Render unto Caesar" is literally the opposite of "seize the means of production"

>> No.20852708
File: 46 KB, 700x591, me and caesar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont think that you have to have a strictly materialistic and heteronomous view on it. like just doing stuff for optics or half heartedly out of wordly fear (if i dont do this i wont get that). rather it should stem from genuine understanding and love for God. thus, someone giving away all of their possesions, whether immateiral or material (wordly power, lots of money, status, egoistic empty things) would be out of genuine disgust for those things as you would now seem them as worthless as the true nature of these already dead and hollow things were to begin with

extreme riches are different from just owning a home or making do with what you have, hes not saying give everything to some cracked out nigger. it helps you more than other people

>> No.20852760

understand Jesus by reading the interpretation of everything contrary to Jesus in his worst “disciple”.
If you want to read Jesus, stick to the Evangelions. If you want to read any church’s view on Jesus, read Paul.

>> No.20852781

everyone please shut the fuck about christ we need to find this babys ears

>> No.20852786

ayyy dis nigga boutta worship at harry houdini's grave

>> No.20852788

Communism itself is a jewish psyop. 150 years later and you still worship it.

>> No.20852790

POV: You are a lego brick

>> No.20852982

>did a preacher from 2000 years ago agree or disagree with these modern economical theories
I seriously hope you guys are only discussing this only as a funny thought experiment

>> No.20853003

how is a cat useful?

>> No.20853015

>tfw it’s just primitive socialism
Socialism is primitivized Christianity.

>> No.20853020

>Get rid of your attachments.
I did this. Didn't turn me into a communist, even though I owned nothing. Now I'm beginning to own stuff again, but I don't really get all that attached. Starting over is too much fun.

>> No.20853359

"Seize the means of production" is a statement associated with communism. You do know the difference between communism and socialism... right anon? Right?

>> No.20853367

I'm not a communist. The psy op was to brainwash people so they don't know the difference between communism and socialism, and by the looks of this thread, it's still massively successful.

>> No.20853368

>socialism is charity
Read das kapital

>> No.20853381

>Get rid of your attachments.
Where does Jesus say this? He plainly says to sell your possessions, and follow Jesus (in other words maintain an attachment to Jesus). What you're speaking of sounds more like Buddhism.

>> No.20853387

I have. It's main criticism of capitalism is that those who own capital use it in a greedy manner to exploit those who own no capital. Jesus is instructing those with capital to sell it and not own anything. What would a society look like if everyone followed the word of Jesus? No one would own any property.

>> No.20853426

Look, moron. He is not saying everyone needs to sell their possessions. He is saying that one particular guy is more attached to his possessions than to Jesus. To other people he says the problem is they are more attached to mother and father, husband and wife, etc. The message is "put nothing above God" not "have the state confiscate people's property and murder millions."

>> No.20853461

>Jesus literally teaches that to be perfect, you must not own possessions
>Christcuck engages maximum cope and desperately justifies a way to ignore this lesson
I swear you guys would make the Olympic team for these mental gymnastics.

>> No.20853482

I see you are not addressing anything anyone says and instead just repeating your same talking point over and over.
Literally that story is about a rich young man who is in love with his possessions who wants to know how he can serve God better. Jesus is giving him specifically advice particular to his situation. Never does he imply it is a rule general to everyone. What he does say is a rule general to everyone is they must value God above all else. Different people have different stumbling blocks to this.
But you act like some teenage midwit who thinks he caught le christians in some epic hypocrisy and keeps repeating his dumb single talking point over and over and not listening to what people who actually have a clue say in response.

>> No.20853502

lol you could say that of every single word Jesus said. "Oh, he was just teaching how to exist under Roman rule, we don't have to take any of his teachings seriously because we live in a different time". You're basically blaspheming Christ, The Lord. lmao. Imagine saying "that lesson doesn't apply to me since I don't love my possessions more than God" while also desperately trying to slither your way out of adherence to God so you can keep your possessions! I wouldn't expect a Christcuck to have enough self awareness to see this hypocrisy though, so I will just laugh at you instead. LMAO!

>> No.20853516

Okay so if I read the rest of the New Testament, from Matthew 1-18 and Matthew 20-Revelation 22, will it reinforce this message?

>> No.20853535

The Bible is full of direct contradictions, which is why you should go to the definitive, unambiguous, clear as day verbatim words of Jesus Christ. But by all means, if you can't live up to his teachings just pretend the fault lies in the teaching itself, not you. LOL

>> No.20853562

Materialists should never read any kind of scripture, you'll always be to stupid to understand it, even though it's written in such a way that even an infant can understand 95% of its spiritual content. The more esoteric 5% can be elusive, but wholly attainable to anyone with the will to decipher it.

>> No.20853574

>And the Lord was with Judah; and he drave out the inhabitants of the mountain; but could not drive out the inhabitants of the valley, because they had chariots of iron. - Judges 1:19
Yeah, otherwise you'd know that iron chariots are more powerful than God lol

>> No.20853581

Okay so if I read all the gospels, from Matthew 1-18 and then Matthew 19-John 21, it will reinforce this message?

>> No.20853600

Enforce that you should listen to Jesus's teachings and take them to heart and not desperately try to find a way where you are exempt so you can continue doing the very thing Jesus is saying not to do? Yes.

>> No.20853603

They're not, but I can understand why this was written. I can also understand why God is portrayed as doing many supposedly cruel things in the Old Testament, despite His omnibenevolence, just as I can understand why the Greek myths portray the gods as committing many misdeeds even though every one knows they are supremely virtuous. You, on the other hand, will remain confused for some time. It is a pity to see a man continually falling under the weight of his own power.

>> No.20853609

No I’m asking if it will be reiterated and reinforced in other passages that you have to sell all your possessions to follow Christ. Will it?

>> No.20853642

25 Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than meat, and the body than raiment?

26 Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are ye not much better than they?

27 Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature?

28 And why take ye thought for raiment? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin:

29 And yet I say unto you, That even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.

30 Wherefore, if God so clothe the grass of the field, which to day is, and to morrow is cast into the oven, shall he not much more clothe you, O ye of little faith?

31 Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed?

32 (For after all these things do the Gentiles seek:) for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things.

33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

34 Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.

>> No.20853660

You have bought wholesale into a cult's distorted view of events. A material view is that this tribe needed a God concept to justify their tribal, self interested actions (territorial expansion, fighting with rivals, etc.). The Biblical stories are EXACTLY what you would expect from primitive humans creating a religious structure to have a utility in their society. The sad thing is people are still actually believing the patently bunk claims after millennia have passed. It's actually quite the sight to behold!

>> No.20853673

Huh, doesn’t quite seem to be saying the same thing at all, really. I’m not seeing anything about selling possessions, or anything even close
That’s weird, the gospels are full of repetition and parallel passages. They can retell the cursing of the fig tree three times, but only tell Jesus Christ’s core message in nine brief verses? That’s odd

>> No.20853710

It's called biblical discussion. Your personal interpretation is not the final and absolute word. And just repeating your superficial, biased interpretation over and over is not a discussion. You are wasting everyone's time. Just repeating your 15 year old communist brainlet ideas is not productive.
Also, you pretending to care about Christianity so you can stick it to Christians is disgusting. You are being "that guy" right now.

>> No.20853714

>Science good, religion bad.
There. I simplified your post for you, without taking away any of its content. I haven't said much either, but it would be improper for me to do so. But I will say this; if I am reading a history book, I can certainly doubt everything contained within, and claim it's all fantasy. But once you know enough about the world, you'll quickly realize that it doesn't make sense unless the book does as well. Even the Koran is true in a perverse sense, as all scripture is. The road to discovering why is open for all with the will to find it.

>> No.20853739

And Jesus never told his followers to sell their possessions. He told one guy. So you are the one bastardizing his words, to fit your biases. He never made it a general rule or suggestion, but you are saying he made it the rule for all Christians. Which is a lie.
So obviously that isn't what he was talking about. So what was he talking about? Other clues suggest my interpretation, that he was using it as a lesson for valuing God above all else. Repeating "no ur wrong" over and over isn't an actual counterargument. Present some evidence that is stronger than what I have said or stop talking.

>> No.20853747

The amount of Theist doublethink in the thread is HILARIOUS. Jesus said "It's easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of Heaven" and one anon tries to say that's just a specific lesson to one person and not a general rule. Bravo you collection of retards, you have been putting on quite a show!

>> No.20853766

>The amount of Theist doublethink
Wait I thought you were a Christian who cared about Christianity? Oh you are actually just making the same 90 IQ teenage atheist arguments that have been made one million times before

>> No.20853769

You realize the meaning of those verses is saying "Don't bother saving or planning for the future, be like the birds of flowers and just rely on God to meet your needs". It could not be any clearer and you still persist in denying the plain and obvious meaning in order to protect your own selfish desires which are in opposition to the word of the Lord. Keep going anon, this jig is quite entertaining!

>> No.20853782

As long as Jesus said these things, YOU'RE the one stuck with them. It's endlessly amazing how much Christcucks will wriggle to escape the crystal clear direct word of Jesus but still claim they follow him. This whole thread has been very fun!

>> No.20853786

>>keeps telling me to give up my possessions
Don't worry, Paul reversed that

>> No.20853799

You just outed yourself as an atheist, stop with the "more Christian than you" routine.
Your interpretations are something teenagers come up with. Taking the lilies of the field speech and thinking that means "don't bother saving" is stupid. If you think Jesus doesn't advocate saving the what about the parable of the rich man who gives his servants money to take care of?
Pointing out supposed contradictions that you think you see isn't new or interesting, especially if you will not listen to people who actually know what they're talking about. Telling Christians what they really believe and what their religion really is about just shows your own childish stupidity.

>> No.20853808

>i-its the materialist!
All mentions of heaven as an afterlife are later additions
Jesus wanted to make Heaven on Earth, "Verily I say unto you" in a short time. Not in the afterlife. Here, not in Heaven.

9 And he said unto them, Verily I say unto you, That there be some of them that stand here, which shall not taste of death, till they have seen the kingdom of God come with power.

Mark 9

>> No.20853826

Okay, when Jesus said " Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are ye not much better than they?" what exactly do you think he was talking about since you're so wise?

>> No.20853834
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>All mentions of heaven as an afterlife are later additions

>> No.20853844

Wow are theists ever retarded. It's not someone else interpreting the phrase as "don't bother saving", IT'S LITERALLY WORD FOR WORD what Jesus was saying! "Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on." Are you braindead? He is straight up saying don't worry about food, clothing, money or anything, for God will provide all that. It's not an interpretation, it's right off the page!

>> No.20853846

socialism is based anyway.
You should be aware that capitalism was not always standard. Its pushed as "normal" by governmnent, because gov is the same as porkies.
Before capitalism there was serfdom where serfs actually owned means of production and subsistence they worked on farm with their own tools, and they also lived on farms. But some serfs got more capital and they hired more helpers then they got greedy and turned into porkies.
Basically porkies (capitalists) got into government and they wrote shitton of "legal" laws that helped them to expropriate capital from workers.
What it means? One day people lost they farms, they lost place where they lived, and prices of things got artificially inflated just so they would be ENFORCED to apply for wage job.
Marx writes about colonies - basically what is difference between colony and goverment and why in colony there is no capitalism. Basically at the beginning USA was colony (not capitalist) - land was free, houses very cheap, and then NO ONE worked for wages, its innatural to work for wages. They only started to work when prices of housing/food got artifically inflated and they got thrown out of their land.
Marx writes about all this at the end of Capital part 1. There is one very interesting quote it is like that (citing from memory) "eliminating private property, killing capitalism and giving back means of production/subsistence to producers (workers) is easier than reverse process, because process of work is always social and its just return to natural order of things". There was ALWAYS shitton of communes and coop farms when farmers worked together without boss (or bailiff who was himself serf) in accordance to mutual aid rule, IT WAS NORMAL, it only got OUTLAWED when capitalists got power in goverment.
In short: expropriation of private property from capitalists is wrong term, because THEY ACTUALLY EXPROPRIATED IT FROM US.

>> No.20853856

Taxation is theft.
>Thou shalt not steal

>> No.20853862

>Render unto Caesar
Pay your taxes, Christlet

>> No.20853870

He's saying literally not to worry about it, not that you shouldn't work to provide for yourself. But your worry shouldn't be over the material, it should be over the state of your soul.

>> No.20853871

you do not own anything, because it is owned by many people (all of them your neighbors, family). Jesus was pro-coop

>> No.20853877

Jesus' reasoning was that the money was already owned by Caesar, not that theft was moral.

Not even Christian btw

>> No.20853887

Wrong again my pretzel twisting little friend. He says the lilies do not toil and God provides for them. Therefore you do not need to toil and God will provide for you. O ye of little faith, you seem to be relying on your own industry to provide for yourself, and not letting go of this toil and spinning with the knowledge that God will provide.

>> No.20853894

Are you trying to say the modern day dollar isn't owned by the state, our modern "Caesar"?

>> No.20853899

He was saying God looks after his children

No, that is your interpretation.
>He is straight up saying don't worry about food, clothing, money or anything, for God will provide all that. It's not an interpretation, it's right off the page!
Is not a quote.
You interpreting that to mean "Jesus says money doesn't matter" is not exactly obvious, especially considering he says differently elsewhere.
This is your main problem. Acting like your reading of these things, from your communist teenager perspective, is the only possible interpretation is stupid, especially since you clearly don't know the bible at all, and probably just heard of these few passages recently which is what blew your mind that le christians could be so stupid and hypocritical. It is stupid and embarrassing and you should stop.

>> No.20853905

What I'm saying is that the quote of the Bible you provided wasn't even quoted completely.

>Render unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's, and unto God the things that are God's

>> No.20853914

>He was saying God looks after his children
Again, He says the birds don't plan or sow or gather into barns and are looked after. He says the lilies don't toil or spin and are looked after. Then He says you are more loved than either of those things, and your reading is "I still have to spin and toil!". Amazing analysis, anon, truly spectacular.

>> No.20853919

>Render unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's
This means taxes. He is literally referencing taxes here, like, specifically.

>> No.20853934

No, taxation is theft. I own my own things, not Caesar or whatever. If Jesus said the government literally owned all of my crap, then I would take socialism into account, were I Christian, but Jesus' reasoning is different.

>> No.20853938

So he is saying don't bother working, saving, or planning for the future? Really? You think that is the message? People should live like birds?
No, the message is God is in control and will look after you. You still have to try, you still have to plan and work and save. There are innumerable examples of this.

>> No.20853939

>No, taxation is theft
This is your own idea, and Jesus plainly does not agree since he was advising people to pay their taxes according to what they owed Caesar.

>> No.20853945

Check Karlheinz Deschner "The Cock Crowed Once Again"

>> No.20853946

Jesus literally told his disciples to quit their jobs and follow him. 100% he meant directly that you should cast off all work other than that of following him. He was quite a radical you numbskull, that was the whole point!

>> No.20853952


>> No.20853956

This is what I love about the Theist. He catches glimpses of exactly how extreme the message of Jesus was, but it's too scary to his materialistic life that he will reject Jesus in favor of the material comforts he enjoys. Ironically this is exactly why Jesus was teaching that you should sell your belongings and that it's impossible for a rich man to enter heaven.

>> No.20853960

Do you think he intended for every Christian to give up work, saving, and planning and to live like a bird?

>> No.20853967

Ok, so finally we are getting to the crux of your argument. You think Jesus taught that every Christian should live like a bum. Because of a couple passages you extrapolated way too far, where the main point was spiritual, which you completely missed.

>> No.20853971

>This is your own idea.
No it isn't.

>Jesus plainly does not agree
This is your own idea.

>pay their taxes
He didn't even actually endorse it to begin with. Did Caesar actually own the people's money? No.

>> No.20853980

Once again, with every reply you reinforce the fact that, when it comes to following Jesus or clinging to your material possessions, you will choose your possessions every time. Sad.

>> No.20853982
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>You know dude, if you want you can come and read the Bible with me, after work. We kinda have a study group each Wednesday 18-20

>> No.20853987

Fuck pets. Especially dogs. Why would I want a money pit that needs constant attention and live in a stinky house for what? So I can pick up shit? At least my girlfriends can actually love me not fake love from a dog.

>> No.20853991

Paul was Jewish.

>> No.20853999

Jesu also said the same thing about families, for instance. Do you think that means he wanted every Christian to leave their families?
No, obviously. And he never meant every Christian has to leave his possessions.

>> No.20854016

Does he also say that "it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than it is for a family man to enter the kingdom of heaven"? No? He only said that kind of thing about money and possessions? Oh right, the things you wouldn't ever give up, even for Jesus.

>> No.20854017

I'm going to go for a walk, now. If you have any ideas of Jesus liking Rome and how Romans were treating his people, and wanted everyone to just give them everything they had, I disagree. If you have anything different to say, I'll respond later on if I remember to. Bye.

>> No.20854021

You don't even know the context of that quote. The eye of a needle was a market gate. So hardly impossible to pass through.
He didn't demand his followers sell all their possessions. He did tell them to leave their families. So yes, probably a stronger case for saying Christians should leave their families than for saying they need to sell everything.

>> No.20854026
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>You think Jesus taught that every Christian should live like a bum.
> Because of a couple passages you extrapolated way too far,
>where the main point was spiritual,
>which you completely missed.

4 Do not take a purse or bag or sandals; and do not greet anyone on the road.

>a sandal is spiritual

Picrel entered a NATO base with an hammer and damaged military planes (5 millions euros of damage)


This him barefooted (as he always is), notice how they drag him and he doesn't resist, he just lets his feet grind against the concrete

I'm not even a Christian, but this guy is truly something else when it comes to accept Christ into your life

>> No.20854033

>Behold, one came to him and said, “Good teacher, what good thing shall I do, that I may have eternal life?”
>He said to him, “Why do you call me good? No one is good but one, that is, God. But if you want to enter into life, keep the commandments.”
>He said to him, “Which ones?” Jesus said, “‘You shall not murder.’ ‘You shall not commit adultery.’ ‘You shall not steal.’ ‘You shall not offer false testimony.’
>‘Honor your father and your mother.’ And, ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’”
>The young man said to him, “All these things I have observed from my youth. What do I still lack?”
>Jesus said to him, “If you want to be perfect, go, sell what you have, and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me.”
>But when the young man heard this, he went away sad, for he was one who had great possessions.”
(Mat 19:16-22, WEB)
Have you?
Interesting how people like you always seem to leave out the preceding verses, I wonder why that could be?
Perhaps it's because you're a liar, and take great pleasure in sowing discord wherever you go.

>> No.20854035

>You don't even know the context of that quote. The eye of a needle was a market gate. So hardly impossible to pass through.
This is the best cope so far! You keep outdoing yourself, anon, good show!

>> No.20854038
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Just tell them they might burn in hell for eternity (problem of evil paradox), watch them stutter and fail to argue god is loving

>> No.20854044

>You don't even know the context of that quote. >The eye of a needle was a market gate

>In addition to the lack of archeological evidence for a gate, there is no textual support for it.

>> No.20854045

Ok, I am not going to respond to you anymore.

>> No.20854047

What do you think that proves? Among the virtuous things you must do, there is a list. One of which being that you must sell your possessions. Quite the "gotcha!" you have there???

>> No.20854052

>"Bu-but.. uhh, Jesus didn't mean the eye of a needle... he.. uhh, he meant the market gate! Yeah, he meant it's super easy for rich people to enter heaven! Uhh, yeah, that kind of makes no sense whatsoever, but it's a cope and I'm sticking to it!"
C'mon anon, keep going!

>> No.20854054
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Neither of those are socialism. Especially for the first point, since that's a followup. The questioner first asked what he must do to be good, and Jesus answered just to follow the ten commandments. It's only when the guy asked for more guidance that Jesus gave that advice. So it's pretty cut-and-dry that "selling all your possessions" isn't meant as a universal government program, nor is it even meant for all disciples of Christ. Context, faggot.
Besides, it makes sense pretty plainly that this is not about liberating the oppressed class from tyrannical capitalists or nobles. When he says it's difficult for a rich man to get into Heaven, all that means is that such a person is more motivated by attachments to wealth, food, sex, etc. than attachments to God. So it stands to reason that his soul would have a chthonic, gloomy fate in Sheol instead of the glory of joining the Heavenly Father. There's no political project whatsoever in all of it; you're just projecting your politics onto a religious manual.

>> No.20854062

>Jesus says "sell your possessions and you will have riches in heaven" and "it's impossible for rich people to enter heaven"
>Retards like you "Yeah, well, I can have my possessions and riches and still enter heaven!"
I really think there is no hope for someone so twisted up in their thinking that they will do absolutely any mental gymnastics so they can choose their material possessions over Jesus but still claim they follow Jesus and will get into heaven. Sad!

>> No.20854066

>it's impossible for rich people to enter heaven
Jesus Christ never said that, what are you smoking?

>> No.20854072

This nigger thinks a camel can go through the eye of a needle!

>> No.20854074

No, that isn't something you "must" do unless you were in front of the Lord Himself and asking what more to do than what he explicitly said for all to do.
>"But if you want to enter into life, keep the commandments.”
>He said to him, “Which ones?” Jesus said, “‘You shall not murder.’ ‘You shall not commit adultery.’ ‘You shall not steal.’ ‘You shall not offer false testimony.’ 19. ‘Honor your father and your mother.’ And, ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.'”
(Mat 19:17-19, WEB)
Nowhere in this list is what you claim.
I find your disingenuousness revolting.

>> No.20854090
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Maybe I used too many big words. I literally explained why rich people go to Hell.

>> No.20854094

It's like you can't even read the whole passage. He says he has done all that but wants to know if he is lacking anything to be able to enter heaven. THEN Jesus answers “If you want to be perfect, go, sell what you have, and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me.”. He is ANSWERING what the person is LACKING in order to enter the kingdom of heaven. It couldn't be more straightforward, but you must purposely misrepresent it because your selfish desire for material possessions is stronger than your will to follow Christ.

>> No.20854096

Oh I see, so you extrapolated an interpretation from a verse, and then said Jesus Christ said your interpretation, and not what He really said
Jesus Christ did say “It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of heaven,” He never said “it's impossible for rich people to enter heaven”
Let’s read two verses further, shall we?
>It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of heaven.
>And when they had heard this, the disciples wondered very much, saying: Who then can be saved?
>And Jesus beholding, said to them: With men this is impossible: but with God all things are possible.
Ah, that immediately casts a lot of doubt on your interpretation of the needle eye verse

>> No.20854099

Yes, you repeated the same thing over and over and ignored everyone who responded to you. We understand your argument perfectly fine.

>> No.20854104

So you're really sticking with the "a camel ackhtually CAN pass through the eye of a needle"? lol. lamo even.

>> No.20854110

>And when they had heard this, the disciples wondered very much, saying: Who then can be saved?
>And Jesus beholding, said to them: With men this is impossible: but with God all things are possible.
It’s just what the Bible says, as a Christian you just have to accept it

>> No.20854114

Ah, so you accept that to be perfect, you must sell your possessions? Or have you found a laughably perverse way to excuse your own selfish desire for possessions?

>> No.20854139

Sounds more like the line is saying "no matter what you do it will never be enough, so rely on God."
Which kind of goes along with everything else Jesus said. Implying you aren't actually expected to sell everything and live off locusts and wild honey.

>> No.20854154

Bro, did you just invalidate all of Jesus's teachings and basically end up saying "do whatever you want and God will sort it all out anyway". Seems to be defeating the whole point!

>> No.20854158


>> No.20854163

Lads: We've reached a conclusion. Everyone here is going to hell except for me. All of you are subject to eternal torment and suffering forever. Except me.

I'm afraid to say anon, you are actually going to hell for your rudeness here.

>> No.20854164

Deuteronomy destroys the NT anyway

>> No.20854174

>And when they had heard this, the disciples wondered very much, saying: Who then can be saved?
>And Jesus beholding, said to them: With men this is impossible: but with God all things are possible
It’s just what the Bible says, as a Christian you just have to accept it

>> No.20854175


>> No.20854178

hasn't read the Gospels

>> No.20854182

Why are you fixating on that over letting someone literally slap you in the face?

>> No.20854184

>"All things are possible"
>This means I can be selfish, materialistic, greedy, ignore Jesus, and then God will scoop me up into heaven because, hey! It's possible!

>> No.20854185
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>I'm afraid to say anon, you are actually going to hell for your rudeness here.

>> No.20854189

I guess you're right, more Christcucks haven't and just rely on the twisted words of priests or sunday school teachers.

>> No.20854191

>The whole point is to pray on vulnerable losers by telling them that they're actually privileged and blessed by being losers, and therefore they get to be in a secret supernatural club which isn't available to the guys who bullied them. Heaven is literally a pathetic isekai fantasy for society's most disgusting rejects.
Amazing that they somehow dominated the strong, right? How does that work?

>> No.20854196

I will explain.
Jesus doesn't expect anyone to be perfect. Maybe to be perfect you sell everything and live like John the Baptist. Sort of like celibacy. To be perfect you should be celibate, but that isn't to be expected.
So I think this solves the issue. Telling Christians they are fake for not being perfect, when they aren't expected to be, is wrong. In fact that's kind of what Jesus came along for. To make up for that imperfection.

>> No.20854198

i can almost smell the /pol/ in this thread through my screen

>> No.20854201

Nice man! Hope you don't miss the school bus tomorrow!

>> No.20854208

Who are you quoting?

>> No.20854209

I really respect that you are using the right standard for ignorance versus faith but please use it to yourself in isolation and not with yourself relative to others.

>> No.20854212

you're really making a strong case for christianity

>> No.20854219

I only seek to establish that owning possessions is an imperfection, and that, correspondingly, if one wants to move in a positive direction, one would decrease the number of possessions and the amount of wealth they own. Yet, because of our current consumer society, even the more fervent Christians seek to reject that it is even a virtue, and instead pursue even greater levels of wealth in direct opposition to Jesus's teachings. This is not mere imperfection, it is hypocrisy.

>> No.20854260

Damn this is such a midwit take.

>> No.20854267

It's not a take. It's the overt meaning of the passage. How much more clear does it need to be than "Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on."?

>> No.20854268

>5Walk in wisdom toward them that are without, redeeming the time. 6Let your speech be alway with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man.
I do actually appreciate this so I want to respond properly. What you are used to for morality is something called "permission to masochism," which basically that it is nicest to let people do what they would like, up to and even including hurting themselves. My response was bullying, I concede that fully and I hope you will forgive me, but permit me to address the broader context that is ensnaring this discussion: The belief that letting people do what they want if you believe, in your core, that what they are doing is hurting them is wrong. This means that not criticizing hideous tattoos, not telling homosexuals that their lifestyle literally kills them (life expectancy drop of 20-30 years), and letting young people fornicate when they are just using each other's souls as inconvenient tissues without rebuking them is all ignorant. The highest form of this is allowing people to have no religion or to even have bad ones. I actually care about you enough to tell you that you are dangerously wrong and will hurt yourself. The difference here is fundamentally satanic where Satan wants to use people as masochistic hosts, that the untalented may be made embarrassing, the beautiful ugly, and the articulate confusing. At any rate, I do hope you will permit a rosier view of Christianity.

>> No.20854286

>The aim of our research was never to spread more homophobia, but to demonstrate to an international audience how the life expectancy of gay and bisexual men can be estimated from limited vital statistics data. In our paper, we demonstrated that in a major Canadian centre, life expectancy at age 20 years for gay and bisexual men is 8 to 21 years less than for all men. If the same pattern of mortality continued, we estimated that nearly half of gay and bisexual men currently aged 20 years would not reach their 65th birthday. Under even the most liberal assumptions, gay and bisexual men in this urban centre were experiencing a life expectancy similar to that experienced by men in Canada in the year 1871. In contrast, if we were to repeat this analysis today the life expectancy of gay and bisexual men would be greatly improved. Deaths from HIV infection have declined dramatically in this population since 1996. As we have previously reported there has been a threefold decrease in mortality in Vancouver as well as in other parts of British Columbia.4
source for this

>> No.20854289

>anti-Pauline Christianity
That is literally Messianic Judaism bro. It's borderline not Christian at all. Calvary was for nothing unless it was once and for all. You got filtered.

>> No.20854296

Bart Erhman gives a lot of context to the bible.

>> No.20854297

That doesn't follow.
Celibacy is the highest sexual virtue, but do you need to move towards celibacy to be better? No, you need to move toward sexual morality. But you do not need to try to become celibate. Likewise possessions. You should be moral in what you do for work and money but that doesn't mean you should try to be poor. If you want to completely dedicate yourself, become poor and celibate and get rid of all worldly attachments. But that isn't expected, and Jesus is there to make up for the shortcomings.

>> No.20854310

>What you are used to for morality is something called "permission to masochism,"
stopped there, continued, went back. your entire assertion is based upon your perceived understanding of MY idea of morality.
>The highest form of this is allowing people to have no religion or to even have bad ones.
I agree

>> No.20854318

He also told people not to sell the perfume used to anoint him in order to give the money to the poor.
How do you reconcile this?

>> No.20854323

"This" in that second quote is "permission to masochism"

>> No.20854344

>"permission to masochism," which basically that it is nicest to let people do what they would like, up to and even including hurting themselves.
>The highest form of this is allowing people to have no religion or to even have bad ones. I actually care about you enough to tell you that you are dangerously wrong and will hurt yourself.
is that supposed to make a point?

>> No.20854348

No. It did make the point and your lack of affirmation towards an alternative morality is concerning.

>> No.20854351

it's clear you get your kicks by making assumptions about others in order to somehow feel intellectually superior. i hope that helps you with your goals

>> No.20854354

Pure cope. You just want to be immoral and ignore Jesus's teachings. Approaching celibacy is moral, that's why Christians only have sex for the purpose of procreation and nothing else.

>> No.20854362

>Christians only have sex for the purpose of procreation and nothing else.
Sometimes I think Islam is wacky and then you go posting things like this

>> No.20854376

He's not a Christian and doesn't know very much about Christianity or any real life Christians.

>> No.20854394

>He's not a Christian
99% of "Christians" arent either. you can call yourself a real one or them not real or that they don't understand - doesn't matter. your interpretation of the canon is your interpretation and the mainstream one is catholicism which is tantamount to the christmas holiday for the 99%. it's unfortunate that this isn't the case for islam and they have an extreme amount of true-to-quran mongrels.

>> No.20854410

>it’s not me, it’s the entire world that’s wrong
Lol, lmao even

>> No.20854419

Why? Because they are imperfect? We went over this. You obviously don't even think of yourself as a Christian.

>> No.20854431

>intentionally missing the point
you're right, I don't consider myself a christian, and 99% of christians don't consider you one. it isn't my problem whether you accept it or not because I am not christian.

>> No.20854432

There has only been one Christian to ever exist and he died on the cross. You modern day fags are just larping.

>> No.20854455

It is peculiar because you're doing something very subtle - you are looking at the motion of assumption as wrong without directly speaking about the contents of the assumption. Even in writing my post I purposefully changed "ensnaring" from being about you to a general fugue that envelopes all contemporary discourse because I didn't want to conflate the two and unduly make an assumption which felt due though not accurate per se.
>it's clear you get your kicks by making assumptions about others in order to somehow feel intellectually superior.
I have been on /lit/ for going on 8 or 9 years (I really don't know anymore) and was led through the rabit-hole of Plato, Nieztsche, Schopenhauer, Kant, Hegel, and Cioran and none of them helped. I traveled, wrote, learned, and burnt my way through life in a wanton obsession a la Byron or Shelley and at the end of the dregs I had learned nothing, given nothing, and my works were built on the worthless sand of my own depraved ego. I am here so that there is a Christian alternative to the drudgery of the writerly MFA spending his well-paged eyes' life in pondering one's own situation in mysteries which masquerade as creativity but are really just the self-willed ignorance to transcendence itself.
>i hope that helps you with your goals
Intelligence is vanity but at the end of the day this is /lit/ and we are warring over ideas and as such prose is the law of the land. St. John Henry Newman was not afraid to indulge in his own intellect and fast from the mere simplicity of faith in order to demonstrate that the Faith is not solely justified by a coterie of old and kindly church ladies in inarticulate supplication, but by the manifest achievements of Its followers.

>> No.20854458

Isn’t intentionally missing the point the entire purpose of this thread?

>> No.20854645
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Bros I wish Jesus was here today so much. I wish I could sell all my possessions and follow him.

>> No.20854673

This is your brain on Reddit

>> No.20854684

Please no one tell this dude what a metaphor is. I want to see how long he goes before becoming self aware

>> No.20854690

>"jesus says be a socialist"
>no, he's saying get rid of your attachments to the material world and follow his way
>"m-muh socialism! you can't own anything!"
> >>20850420
>"y-you're all christcucks!"
Bunkertroons have gotten way too goddamn comfortable here the past few years.

>> No.20854693

>stick with Jesus
>can conjure food out of nothingness
>turn water into wine
>travel at will
what the fuck do you need money for?
sell your cloak and buy a sword

>> No.20854703

>Here is exactly how you should live your life
>Christcuck: "Ohh! It's a metaphor for doing the exact opposite thing!"
Who is the unselfaware one again?

>> No.20854714

So you agree Jesus is explicitly teaching his followers to forego owning possessions and accumulating wealth? That to follow Jesus is to acknowledge that you should sell all your possessions and not own anything? Your only disagreement is that this isn't socialism?

>> No.20854716

The Bible is almost entirely metaphors. That's why Jesus always speaks in parables. If Jesus really wanted everyone to sell everything they have, literally, he would harp on that point a lot. Because it's kind of important. Instead, basically every single thing he says is a reference to the spiritual, told in the form of a parable or metaphor.

>> No.20854720

It gets better
>use that sword on your family

>> No.20854744

You mean like saying "take no thought for your life" and "if you would be perfect, go sell your possessions" and "I say again, it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter heaven"? That kind of harping on it?

>> No.20854748


>> No.20854777

No, for the reasons already mentioned a hundred times.

>> No.20854782

34 “Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. 35 For I have come to turn

“‘a man against his father,
a daughter against her mother,
a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law(A)—
36 a man’s enemies will be the members of his own household.’[a](B)

Matthew 10:34 - 36

>> No.20854794

>"Do not suppose that I come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword" - The Prince of Peace
Lmao Christianity is such a hilarious religion

>> No.20854802

>If Jesus really wanted everyone to sell everything they have, literally, he would harp on that point a lot.
Oh man, are you going to have a rough time when you finally crack open that Bible gathering dust in the corner.

>> No.20855472

Jesus had a job and ephesians tells reformed thieves to get honest work. besides, in the end we all have to lose our possessions anyway. it's going to happen whether we like it or not.

>> No.20855514

the implication of pointing out caesars face on the coin was to imply that caeser defacto had claim to the money by force. it's the same today. the state may not deserve your money or outright legally own every cent of it, but they can and do take it in the quantities that suit them, and in that materialistic sense "own" all the capital in the country.

sales and income tax, eminent domain etc make it hard to argue against the fact that we only really own what the government allows us to own. you can be imprisoned for having certain firearms or moving around with suspicious amounts of money. the contrast between money, the material, what is owed to caesar etc and God's spiritual claims on you is intentional. by might, this money is caesars, and by a greater, more real might, your soul is God's.

this just loops back to the idea that money should be fairly low on your priority list in contrast to following Christ. you're hung up on a point of pride: that government shouldn't have a claim on your possessions. i hate to break it to you, but they do. they rob people blind constantly.

>> No.20855543

You are fueled by fear not love. You may burn in hell for eternity for even replying to this

>> No.20855665


>> No.20856377

Ever noticed how in the Old Testament, god does all these great things like wiping out entire civilizations, while in the New Testament, Jesus just heals a few single sick people and only does shit witnessed by a selected few? The reason for that is that is that the Roman’s keept tabs on everything and every big claims would’ve been btfo immediately
I mean, the Old Testament also gets btfo because there are no Egyptian records of the Jews ever being there, even though Egypt was also relatively good at record keeping, but it was much harder for the ancient person to proof

>> No.20856719

>T-theyre totally different things!
Fuck off gaslighting leftist, nobody is fooled

>> No.20856753

I keep asking anon to explain me your post on Omegle

>> No.20856914

But capitalists are the most generous when it comes to charity, so in other words capitalists are the true Christians. Also Jesus was saying “give up your stuff and follow me” to his literal followers, he was telling them to physically follow him. Giving away all your shit and being homeless doesn’t make you Christian.

>> No.20856924
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>> No.20857057

LOL retard