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/lit/ - Literature

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20842756 No.20842756 [Reply] [Original]

It's over. I'm turning 26 soon. My only friends since high school started have been books. It's clear this is my life now. Don't fall for the /lit/ meme. It ruined my life. Don't let it ruin yours. I don't live life. I read fictionalized accounts of life. All my life experience has been garnered from books. I have no lived experience. I hope my warning can save some of you. Don't end up like me at 26 with only books as a testament to having lived.

>> No.20842774

What the fuck? How much do you read, that you claim it leave you no time for anything else?
I read quite a lot, a few hours a day, and I still have time for a complete and fulfilling life.

>> No.20842799

>I read quite a lot, a few hours a day, and I still have time for a complete and fulfilling life.
I don't claim to not have time for anything else. I have no social life and reading is all I have. Now that I'm 26 I realize there is no repairing that. It's too late. The best I can hope for is to make work friends. But work friends aren't real friends.

>> No.20842822

Where are you based?

>> No.20842831


>> No.20842836

The library

>> No.20842840

Not to be that guy but try religious groups. Christianity might not be trendy or your thing but my God will they be your friend at least.

>> No.20842860

It truly is over. It's impossible to make new friends in your mid 20s. Lack of proper socialization in your adolescence will turn you into a social outcast. I spend my free time gardening while my colleagues are out having fun with their lover and their friends.

>> No.20842866

You can read and have friends and a life lmao, you are just an antisocial weirdo

>> No.20842871

I am based in my heart and my soul.

>> No.20842880

ngl pretty based

>> No.20843185

OP here, I went to get groceries. I was driving in the far right lane and some basedcuck was mad I wasn't immediately going 40 miles an hour after the light turned green. He couldn't pass me on the left because there was one of those Church buses, and both the bus and I were going the same speed. Dude honked at me like the cuck he is just so he can accelerate at 40mph to the next red light. The road widens adding a new right lane, so I merge over. The cuck revs his engine by me and accelerate to the red light. As soon as he passed by me I laid on my horn continuously until I got up to the red light where I would be making a right turn. I looked over at the cuck with a shit eating grin on my face, still laying on the horn, and his little cuck face is all shriveled up in an unamused wojak frown. He gives me the finger and I turn, releasing my horn. The little cuck had a basedbeard which made it obvious he had no chin.

>> No.20843230
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It's not about being impossible to make friends, it's about not enjoying social situations. Just now, my friends have asked me to go to an annual event at some village near our town. I refused to go because those events suck. I just feel like a terrible autist being around the villagers. They're close knit and enjoy loud things. I just have to emulate normal people, but I can't do it properly so I look like a prop. There is nothing enjoyable about society.

>> No.20843237

You guys made the opposite decisions as I did but we all ended up in the same place. The grass is always greener and life is a no-win situation more often than not.
In my youth, (now 27) I came to a point where the choice was between doing what you guys did or socializing with people that I the had no business knowing, because those were the only people around and I knew that I was still developing and being a hermit would probably be bad for me and my life. So I hung out with degenerates and lowlife criminals and people that were just fucked in the head in one way or another. Now I don't know anybody and I was thinking how I wasted so much time and cost my mental health and wellbeing for nothing and if I had just decided to isolate myself and read, maybe I would have been better off. But reading what you guys have to say gives me some perspective; I'd probably just be thinking what you guys are right now had I made that choice.

>> No.20843243

eh, im 28 and i wouldn't change anything. i had a bunch of friends growing up but i almost always would rather just stay in and chill or read, i think its just my nature

>> No.20843485

Have you considered monastic life, anon?

>> No.20843488

He's not based.

>> No.20843496

How did you do that lol? I’m probably more well read than you, only 24, have a girlfriend and friends, and am going to start a masters at a prestigious university next fall.

>> No.20843566

>I’m probably more well read than you
What makes you think that? Because you did an undergrad in Gaylosofag and are now doing a masters?

>> No.20843588

Because you only read trash fiction, judging from your OP. But keep trying to deride me while your life withers away and you have nothing to show for it ;)

>> No.20843616

>he reads gaylosophy
Oh no...you're definitely not well read at all.

>> No.20843632

But the alternative for you guys like us isn't between 'has no friends and read books' and 'has friends and doesn't read books', it's between 'has no friends and reads books' and 'has no friends and can rank his top 10 youtube let's play channels'.

>> No.20843660

You must be some kind of dummy if you think reading books has to interfere with your social life. Fix yourself and make lifestyle adjustments rather than externalizing and displacing blame onto books.

>> No.20844313

What a waste of life.

>> No.20844343

Oh no, that’s not the only thing I read.

>> No.20844435
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This OP. Everyone wastes time, you just suck at making friends and waste your time in a less-normie-friendly way. Or is this an advanced level of cope and self delusion?

>> No.20844456

no it’s not too late. Find some friends who share your interests, go hang out at a cafe, join a group, some church there are literally a million things you can do to have a social life so stop whining like a little bitch

>> No.20844478 [DELETED] 

I'm willing to bet spending too much time reading books is a symptom of something, not the cause, you may as well have hyper-focused on some other thing

>> No.20844489

At least you read. I'm a friendless virgin at 27 and I've only read 2 books this year.

>> No.20844508

>Now that I'm 26 I realize there is no repairing that. It's too late.
Books have nothing to do with your problems. You have psychological hangups preventing you from living.

>> No.20844512

drop the books and hit the gym

>> No.20844525

Your only response to this thread was "I'm better than you"?

>> No.20844602

Yes. OP is a loser and is blaming books for being a loser, making him even more of a loser.

>> No.20844603

People desperately looking for meaning through reading or socializing or whatever else are looking for validation not meaning, something external to force themselves on, and it doesn't work for me either to simply ignore meaning and just cope through the "glamour's" of society. I'm becoming more and more convinced that meaning comes form within. This >>20843237 is 100% true, either path would have brought OP to the same place.
I've been trying more and more to view the world internal < extrenal and not extrenal < internal and to not obsess over what categories I don't or do fit in. Everyday a semi monastic lifestyle generally following that principle becomes more and more appealing, but i need a bit more self discipline to fully achieve something like that.
Its seems people want to learn/get advice from success but not from "failure", and i find failure to be a lot more helpful.

>> No.20844606

Books alone won’t make life worth living. But I’m not convinced friends would either.

>> No.20844610

>testament to having lived
no one gives a fuck about you or your bread thief bloodline you sentimental faggot shut the fuck up

>> No.20844992

so? why do you need people? are you still human enough to suffer for that?

>> No.20845001

you want friends? get a woman. her friends are now your friends

>> No.20845305

I have never seen that work that way

>> No.20845357


Are you under 28 and/or American?

>> No.20845380

Man zoomers are truly pathetic

>> No.20845395

This is a terrible idea. Even if it's not working, you'll be desperate to make it work because you'll go back to being friendless if she leaves you. Her friends are her friends first and yours second.

>> No.20845407

Name 5 favorites right now you dumb larping faggot.

>> No.20845431

1. Both works of Homer
2. Submisison - Houellebecq
3. The Trial - Kafka
4. Aeneid - Virgil
5. Book of Virigns - D’Anunnzio

>> No.20845512

Similar story. I tried really hard to make friends in high school and ended up hanging out with a bunch of criminal scumbags that dragged me down even further.

>> No.20845519

I often feel like my life would be improved by spending time with people, I still have friends who would be more than happy to hang out with me, but socializing results in nothing but anxiety. Beforehand, not always during but often, and always very strong, almost unbearable afterwards.

Doing nothing but reading, trying to get good at art, and sometimes drugs is more tolerable than incessant anxiety.

>> No.20845527


Having lots of "female friends" is a homosexual trait. Nice to know you gypsy slaves are also turd stabbers too

>> No.20845561

You need to meet people with similar interest and/or similar temperament.

>> No.20845568

I'm 27 now and hadn't had any friends in years, until I met some last year. There's always hope my dude, you just need to get out of your comfort zone and message people or something. I met my friends through playing fighting games, they play a lot better offline than over networks, but there are always online communities and people you can meet irl if you share any common interests.

>> No.20845619

I'm 23 years old. The only contact I have with human beings are in shops and even that is a rarity. I stay inside my house all day and have been like this my entire life. I don't know what to do. I just read books.

>> No.20845666

How is it that the banalities and inherent superficiality of social interaction is so important to 95% of people, in such high frequencies? If the coofvid lockdowns were good for anything it was to expose the social butterflies as the fragile people addicts they are. They are complete slaves to other people, and if they are cut off, even for just a few days, their lives would in the very least be diminished.

Learn to use people when you need company, and retreat when you don't. This doesn't mean you have to be machiavellian or mean about it, but it means you can learn to be honest about it with yourself. There is very little of ACTUAL VALUE to be gained from dealing with people, but alas, you are an animal and your desires are not controlled by intellect. But you can help guide your animal self through whatever it desires, such as social interaction.

>> No.20845675

>promoting instrumental rationality
Like clockwork lol

>> No.20845696

What's bad about it exactly?

>> No.20845701

or, what is bad about what i said in my post?

>> No.20845702

Based Rilke-pill here. Socialization is good just to find out what the normalfag world operates on—but all great works of art are in the end done in solitude.

>> No.20845707

I think you’d benefit from taking people as they are instead of trying to extract gain from them. You’d probably find it more rewarding, at least when you meet interesting people. And people that might come off as boring at first will become more interesting when they open up more to you.

>> No.20845712

How is enjoying their interesting traits any different to "extracting gain"?

>> No.20845715


>> No.20845732

So what's the issue, retard?
If you don't enjoy "society" then why lament?

>> No.20845736

You're essentially looking for entertainment but try to make it sound more virtuous than what I had to say.

But yes, I accept your concession.

>> No.20845742

Same here, I'm completely content relaxing at home
Shame i can't marry you
Seems like everyone I meet likes going out and seeks group validation.

>> No.20845756

tl;dr reading the greeks + incelcore literature gets you laid. Obviously books about real life are shit and I need to read poetry about gay superheroes from the mediterannean.

>> No.20845760

What are some good incelcore bookes

>> No.20845783

Well it did get me laid so… Also curious what your top five are

>> No.20845798
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>> No.20845899

I'm nearly 40. Don't worry OP, it gets way fucking worse

>> No.20845903

Most people (normies) are egoistic machiavellians who will use you for their own benefit or coax you into doing/becoming something that you don’t want to do - hence peer pressure into fucked up relationships, sex with people you hate, drug abuse and crime

>> No.20845911

Any books for this feel?

>> No.20845918

A rebours, Huysmans

>> No.20846044

Sums it up nicely.

>> No.20846215

You didn’t miss out on much.

>> No.20846288

All great works of art and all great inner transformations are achieved in solitude.

>> No.20846295

>tfw all my friends turned into books

>> No.20846307

Oh my god are there more books like this ?

>> No.20846312

26 is a very young age. Don't be so sad. Just go to the nature, just avoid ghettos.

>> No.20846325


>> No.20846329

I lost my based under the basement, please help me find my based again

>> No.20846348

Yeah champ, I think it all has more to do with you having no social life, rather than the foul influence of books. If anything, it looks like you desperately you need to blame something other than yourself for your complete inability to adjust.

>> No.20846356

wagmi dreamerbro, wagmi

>> No.20847204

i also want friends and a social life but the couple of times i've tried to make friends it felt really hollow...idk. even when i try to talk about books with others it's clear they dont give a shit and it makes me feel like a pretentious jerkoff. maybe i just give up too easily but it's certainly an easier and comfy path to just keep to myself.

>> No.20847233

Nice idea for a short story

>> No.20847318

nah, the reason, I suspect, that a lot of people don't have a social life here is because a lot of socializing is extremely tiring and shallow, and socializing with these people paradoxically makes you feel more socially isolated and alienated when you realize people don't care about you but want you to hear all their insipid bullshit and lick their balls for their self-validation. People are socializing to dominate you and make you subordinate to add to their status, not cause they actually want you around

>> No.20847331

Sorry to break it to you mate, but it isn't reading that has caused this. You are putting the blame on that because you don't want to face the fact that it is still in your control to change your fate. 26 is not even old. Go and join some club related to literature or culture. Even if it is full of retarded progressive art hoe types, at least you'll build up some confidence from interacting with people and showing your own knowledge and analysis of literature. Join a gym as well. But be sure to scope out one in which the people seem sound and you see most people chatting to one another somehwat regularly. You literally have years left before your situation gets dire enough to lose hope.

>> No.20847365

Faggot I am ten years older than you and your life hasn't even begun at 26. Pull yourself together and you might not be a complete pussy by your 30s. Go outside, have a run, lift some weights, eat good food, pray, go to church, stop coming here, etc.

>> No.20848024

fuck off schizo cultnigger

>> No.20848501

i dont have any indepth knowledge of literature or movies, i just like to watch it and read it. My opinions redditor tier, i can say what i like but i would struggle to justify why i like it. I feel back when i was unemployed i actually had more confidence to talk about philosophy i am reading at moment or whatever, no matter how stupid i can look. But now literature for me is all in background, its all i do my free time, but free time i have is not much and whatever i do there is dissapointing to me and i imagine to other people. For example i took up amateur writing recently, i struggled to continue with my story, so i decided to write memoir of last several days (lot of happened there, at least relative to most of my life), but after writing for hour it hit me how meaningless this is. My writing is shit, and my life is not interesting even to me. This saturday i lived through some of best moments of my live (candyflipping peak) and i can't express what i felt in writing, because its all carnal pleasure, no insights, really cant make it sound good, even if it felt so good back then. I guess pleasure is not good topic to write novels about, but my life is not tragic enough either.
I guess my point is, that i am embarassed every time i open my mouth to talk with someone, how is my life going. Its just so mundane and uninteresting. I dont go anywhere, i dont write anything good, job sucks and i feel not comfortable to talk about it etc. Or shit i feel is interesting is hardly legal

>> No.20848675

Then shut the fuck up and let greater men, such as myself, speak instead.
In fact, I shall take you in as a disciple, but I do expect some form of monetary compensation. After 1 year of being my disciple, you will finally become a real man and cease being a stupid bitch.

>> No.20848787

ill be friends with you bro

>> No.20849304

You didn't fall for any meme nor took one wrong turn. This kind of trajectory doesn't happen by chance. You would be at the same point more or less whatever decision you made.

>> No.20849570

You've got bad energies. Seek God.

>> No.20849785

How much?

>> No.20849932

how do you know the books are about real life if you have no lifed experience?

>> No.20849994

It's only too late if you think it's too late.

>> No.20850004


>> No.20850142

Im gonna chime in and say that i just turned 28 and realistically i have 2 friends. Even them i see once every couple of months and i am okay with that cause they can get on my nerve ( HC catholics, i am cath too but not that hard)
I stopped hanging out with my best friend of 15 years this spring, cause hes an abusive bully. Somethings not right with him, we had fun but his /pol/ act, autism and superiority complex went too far. He has couple of friends who he smokes weed with and the best part is that i never have to see those assholes ever again.
For years now ive been losing friends. People just dont care if they dont have some essential benefit from you. Nowdays i realize i dont miss them and im better off alone, like some anons here i realized i like to chill at home. Contemporary friendships arent for me and in my experience are shallow. I dont understand normies, never will. Women also.
Ah well, it could be worse.
Cheer up op, pick up some sport or creative hobby, get a job and do what you gotta do

>> No.20850183

boo hoo nigga

>> No.20850312

Incubated individuals of this type also tend to feel like they are perpetually vilified, when in reality they have never engaged with anyone enough to care about them to that degree, and only receive contempt at worst.

>> No.20850328
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It all comes down to being a pussy. You were a pussy, I was a pussy and now we must live with our choices. We had our chance; now it's gone. In the Map and The Territory, Houellebecq says:
>Life offers you a chance sometimes[,] but when one is too cowardly or indecisive to seize it, life takes back the cards; there's a moment to do the things and to enter into a possible happiness, and this moment lasts a few days, sometimes a week or even a few months but it only comes about once, and if one wants to come back to it later, it is quite simply impossible; there is no more room for enthusiasm, belief and faith; there only remains a sweet resignation, a sad, reciprocal pity, the useless and accurate feeling that something could have happened, that you quite simply showed yourself unworthy of the gift being offered to you.

>> No.20850349

I sometimes think about this.
I often consider this moment to be a moment when i couldve asked a girl i was in love with out. But in that moment..something was off. I felt like it was a trap, i felt like it was...just not for me. At first i felt like a pussy but then that girl changed 4 boyfriends in a span of 4 years whilst being a drunk club ho.
So in a way i dodged a bullet

>> No.20850489

im 35, live with my mom and about to be laid off

>> No.20850634

I don't beleive you.

If you spent your time reading you definitely wouldn't allow yourself to squander the philosophical understanding you gained by rotting away in your room. Either that or you're a massive coward.

Cringe post.

>> No.20850717

You'd be even worse off without books. It does not sound like books are the problem here.

>> No.20850752


>> No.20850767

CIA thread?? very possible

>> No.20850836

Sounds more like a >you problem. Besides, you're really not missing anything OP. It's fake and gay out here.

>> No.20850913
