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File: 63 KB, 790x527, kissinger-chomsky-find-common-ground-ukraine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20841320 No.20841320 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.20841324


>> No.20841338

The one on the left because he looks more based.

>> No.20841883

The linguist

>> No.20841947

Hmm, I think I'll go with the jew.

>> No.20841956

Hmm, I think I won't go with the goy.

>> No.20842022

Politics is about power and interests which Kissinger has been pointing out endlessly and this outlook leads him to making correct judgements about state affairs. Chimpsky is just a screeching moralist who gets flustered every time something happens that doesnt agree with his liberal sensibilities. Some of his journalistic work is pretty good though.

>> No.20842048

The jew who actually did something rather than the jew who just complains

>> No.20842055
File: 40 KB, 547x646, ISGP-superclass-index-2015-by-joel-van-der-reijden-Henry-Kissinger-George-Shultz-James-Woolsey-David-Rockefeller.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kissinger is one of the most influential and powerful Americans of all time. He ran shit and called shots that had massive implications for the entire globe. Chomsky just writes books and complains.

>> No.20842078


>> No.20842082

To ridicule and ban from academia? Any linguist, any day.

>> No.20842085

Meanwhile, Zizek: "Vote for Biden"

>> No.20842091

>hey look my jew was involved in the planning and execution of interventions, massacres and bombing campaigns - he's better than the other jew! JUST LOOK AT HIS INFLUENCE!!!

>> No.20842097

the question was "pick one" retard and I'd rather pick the realpolitik statesman than the sock puppet who is just instrumentalized by imperium

>> No.20842098

So Kissinger but you're afraid to say it

>> No.20842101

I'm sure that sounded a lot smarter in your head, kiddo.

>> No.20842103


>> No.20842104

You have nothing to say. You Are Going To Die.

>> No.20842105

Chomsky said that everyone should vote for Hillary because she is less imperialistic than every Republican

>> No.20842109


>> No.20842112

hahahahahaha was mentioned just for the meme anon
in reality no one of these circus monkeys deserve your trust

>> No.20842120

I wholeheartedly agree, kill all public intellectuals.

I am drunk off the wine from the winepress of the wrath of God.

>> No.20842123

>off topic
Pick one

>> No.20842130

They're both old senile jews minutes away from death who have written extensively on US foreign policy. It's a completely valid question. Sadly this board seems to be on the same level of retardation as /his/.

>> No.20842138

You can't choose between a pragmatist and an idealist in the absence of a third choice a realist besides all the joos are the same and they are here to serve one cause the continuation of the israeli occupation

>> No.20842147

>public intellectuals
you sad it
they are here to mislead the simpletons

>> No.20842152

I don't think i know of any intellectual who has more rabidly condemned Israel than Chomsky. He consistently calls it a terrorist state.

>> No.20842251
File: 54 KB, 600x450, chomsky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hezbollah doesn't seem to have a problem with him.


>> No.20842296

Chomsky worked for CIA. Kissinger was the CIA. Seethe harder Chomaky drone

>> No.20842300
File: 627 KB, 982x726, noam-chomsky.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chomsky is very much his own man. There are "ultras" who are left-wing, or right-wing, or whatever-wing who like to make a show about how they're "dissidents" who criticize him because he thinks the Republicans are worse than the Democrats, and then liberals will try to use him as a result of that to furnish themselves, and then feel betrayed five minutes later when he says that U.S. foreign policy is mafia gangster imperialism that's reponsible for the war in Ukraine.

"But... but... how could Chomsky say that?" as if they had never read anything he's written. People don't like to read or listen. There's a prevailing instrumental rationality.

>> No.20842595

>Chomsky: whiny bitch
>Kissinger: WW2 hero
choice is clear

>> No.20842626


>> No.20842962

Dunno anything about either. Both seem very smart, videos ive seen make Chomsky look like he's really feeling his age. Havnt seen anything recent of Kissinger

>> No.20843527

>Havnt seen anything recent of Kissinger
They're both pretty up there. This is from a month ago:


>> No.20843531

They both should be dead cause they're too old

>> No.20843579

How would a change my mind style debate go with crowder and prime chomsky?

>> No.20843585

It's actually kind of interesting how similar Kissinger sounds to Chomsky there talking about Ukraine. Here's Chomsky:
