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/lit/ - Literature

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20838355 No.20838355 [Reply] [Original]

Now, If you're listing to book on an audiobook, You will never in a b-trillion years experience the book.
You'll think you have experienced it, But you'll be *HHRM* CHEATED.
It's a- such a sadness that you think you've read a book on a fffFUCKING headset.
Get real!

>> No.20838362

Wrong, David.
Books were meant to be experienced via oral recital. We must go back. Printing was a mistake.

>> No.20838364

The fact that you included the "b-trillion" gives me a laugh.

>> No.20838469

Get real!

>> No.20838474
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>> No.20838575

Didn't he say this back when the highest quality video you could get on a phone was like 240p-360p?

>> No.20838891

I would like an audiobook narrated by him

>> No.20838911

Catching the Big Fish is available as an audiobook. It's quite fun since it has lots of little stories but beware when he gets preachy about meditation.

>> No.20838945

he's an example of someone who is too handsome to ever be a serious writer or director. he's tall, with good hair and obvious pretty privelege. he thinks he has something worth saying because people kiss his ass and give him opportunities because he's good looking. his entire filmography amounts to less than nothing of worth. i don't give a fuck what this pseud has to say.

>> No.20838957

>entire filmography is about how good donuts and coffee are

>> No.20839008

You have a "complex" of some sort don't you?

>> No.20839013

I feel so fucking cool that I hate David Lynch. Here's a director cocksucked by the members of every spectrum of pretentiousness and cinephilia, the universally liked Master of True (tm) Arts, a man who became a cultural symbol itself. And I just fucking hate him, can't stand his wheezy high pitched voice, his faggot kpop hair, his beady eyes and the stupid shit he says, and ofcourse his shitty, overbearing, pointless, desperate, impotent movies and tv shows. Thank you, David Lynch! You complete me.

>> No.20839147

>no dude his lack of ability means he's actually NOT pretending to be intelligent
Sure what is it?

>> No.20839175

His looks play a big part, but he also grew up in the right time and place. He's genuinely down to earth and helped capture some key elements of American culture especially with his movie Lost Highway I feel.

>> No.20839235

do people on /lit/ really say they've read a book when they've actually only heard it via audiobook?

>> No.20839271

audiobooks are fine for a lot of fiction. the big lovecraft audiobook yt channel is a superior way to experience lovecraft than just reading him, at least for me. for philosophy though, you gotta actually read it with notes. channels that make heidegger audiobooks and shit are retarded.

>> No.20839540

What “lack of ability” does Lynch have?

>> No.20839557

He’s part Fingolian, that’s why he has all those asiatic traits.

>> No.20839563
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Ironically enough the only audio I’ve listed to was Laura Palmer’s diary because it was narrated by Sheryl Lee. If you’re listening to some narrated by the author or by the actor who played the character I guess that’s fine.

>> No.20839568

For average or below average fiction, yes. I'm not wasting my time and undivided attention with mediocre books. But listening to them as audiobooks while doing other things like drawing is fine.

>> No.20839656

i listen to kafka on audiobooks, and only engage with him via audiobooks

>> No.20839760

Speech and writing are different mediums.

>> No.20839790

>his entire filmography amounts to less than nothing of worth

>> No.20839942

>/lit/ is filtered by David Lynch

>> No.20839975

the only good part about lost highway was the soundtrack

>> No.20840216
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>> No.20840243


>> No.20840264
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you're all a bunch of niggers and I'm tired of your shit. it's time you listened to your elders.


>> No.20840267

The strange and wonderful

>> No.20840500

I just finished listening to Genghis Khan: Emperor of All Men. Wasn't bad at all. Makes time exercising more enjoyable with a good audio book. Sometimes I listen while playing mindless vidya like Flight Simulator.
Tomorrow I will start listening to something new. Reading from pages is okay, but I get distracted easily so it takes me longer to read that way. I simply prefer to read from ears I guess.

>> No.20840919

He's absolutely right. Audiobooks become background noise.

>> No.20840922

This is the type of thing you'd see on Vsauce's 'img' series.

>> No.20841230

imagine getting so LYNCHED that you can't even get over his hairline

>> No.20841257

full cast bbc radio dramas are great. i do agree that some audiobooks are trash, looking at you librivox. overall it's a niche and respectable hobby compared to wasting time watching anime or listening to mindless podcasts

>> No.20841454

I sometimes listen to books I have read before. It's very comfy and doesn't matter much if I stop paying attention for a bit for some reason. LOTR is the prime example, I've read it many years ago, and I think I've listened to the full audiobook 3 times since while walking the dog, mowing the lawn, painting walls etc etc

>> No.20841589

The question is whether you read them or not, and you didn't. You had them read to you like mommy reading you bedtime stories. I'm not against you spending your time well but you have to admit the truth.

>> No.20841590

I've never seen someone that is LYNCHED so bad

>> No.20841597

But the real question is: Does it make a difference in what you take away from the experience? You can skim a book and retain nothing and you can absorb an audiobook and remember every detail. It might not be "reading" in that sense but you're definitely getting the material into your brain.

>> No.20841690

I would argue that Shakespeare audio play adaptations legitimately enhance the reading experience. Not all of us can afford to go to theatre, and film adaptations often take tons of liberties. I especially enjoyed listening to Julius Caesar being performed on audio while reading through it. I plan to do so for other plays as well

>> No.20841727

Based. Some plays are on YouTube but the quality varies. I've seen the most boring Shakespeare adaptions by big theaters and then seen student theaters pulling off amazing stuff.

>> No.20841742
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Has Lynch been getting more or less attractive with age?

>> No.20841749

No, the only question is whether listening to an audiobook is reading and it isn't. Why is this so hard for some people to cope with.

>> No.20841752

This is the only question you're asking yourself? Why?

>> No.20841761

Not him but I think the rest is pretty much personal preference, so it's not really worth thinking about too much.
Personally I find audiobooks hard to focus on.

>> No.20841790

With every day that he gets closer to corporeal nonexistence, his joy grows at the coming astral freedom his spirit shall conquer.
I fear the day his chains are broken, for with that break the demise of the real is spelt. Surrealist superconsciousness will consume us all.

>> No.20841815

I guess people with blindness and no touch are just being sad by relying on sound. But in all seriousness, why would looking at a sentence against hearing it make a difference?

>> No.20841907

that's beautiful anon