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File: 122 KB, 1200x600, psych-768x384-1563648506014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20838216 No.20838216 [Reply] [Original]

Any books or literature that is at least somewhat objective about the usage of psychedelics. Quick search of book stores and all I find is glowing praise. I am a little skeptical and find it hard to believe all this "miracle drug" glowing praise out there. I just want to be informed about potential side effects if there are any,

>> No.20838239

William James has some of the best reflections on the topic scattered about, and that one major essay on nitrous is highly worth reading. Jünger and Hoffman did lots of LSD together and he wrote a book about his experiences. One major classic you should probably start with is Huxley's Doors of Perception, especially in tandem with his Perennial Philosophy.

>> No.20838326

don't read philosophy, read biochemistry and learn how the drugs affect the brain and what causes all the visions. then you can understand how shamans and modern-day pseudo-shamans thought it was some kind of divinity manifesting

>> No.20838338

That’s basically Horror’s Call. It’s a horror series mostly about DMT elves and demons. Very trippy.

>> No.20838347
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Youre Welcome

>> No.20838358

faggot shill spammer

>> No.20838379

You are an absolute nigger. You are the blackest gorilla nigger that I have ever seen.

>> No.20838407
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>t. inexperienced
OP, looks like you've got some awful replies. Albert Hoffman's books are alright, I like Timothy Leary's more. 99% of what you hear about LSD isn't true and 99% of what people call LSD isn't LSD. The only way to find out what that level of perception is like is to experience it for yourself as it is so profoundly different from anything within the scope of normal human experiences. Also, classic serotonergic psychedelics do not cause life-threatening changes in cardiovascular, renal, or hepatic function because they have little or no affinity for the biological receptors and other targets that mediate vital vegetative functions. There is no real evidence that psilocybin or LSD harms any human organ despite LSD alone having tens of millions of users in the U.S. at any given time after the 1960.

>> No.20838555

>>20838239 not OP but thanks, just read the chapter 8 of My Problem Child where Hof describes his experiences together with Junger, I had always avoided reading Hof for some reason and now I see that I've been missing a lot.

I also second James' essay on nitrous, but it also shows the limitations of his approach (which are in a way obvious but still should be spelled out), in that by 'vibe-identifying' Hegel he actually reduces Hegel's philosophy to a vibe, which could discourage ppl from pursuing serious study but it shouldn't. there's obviously much more to Hegel.

re OP: in my experience, people with pre-existing mental health problems should be v/careful, these may or may not include depression, as trips can swing either way (I mean rewire someone for the better or make them borderline suicidal), but any person with any schizoid/bipolar/borderline leanings should be v./careful (there are many kooks who have become much more kooky thanks to psychedelics).

as concerns just your body, not as it relates to the mind, classic psychedelics like shrooms and acid are very, very safe, as someone here already noted.

>> No.20838766

Is it safe to say most of the books written on this subject are from a po-usage perspective?

>> No.20838858

I haven't read any of them but I'm on an anonymous nigger board so I can safely say whatever the fuck I want

>> No.20839850
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Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.20839858


>> No.20839870

it's a Good Book

>> No.20839871 [DELETED] 
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He’s actually telling the truth though. Have you even read any of Horror’s Call? It’s basically “Dude DMT: the book series.” It feels like Joe Rogan decided to start writing books. Pic and link related to what I mean.


>> No.20839892

stop shilling your shitty books

>> No.20839906

did junger ever write about his trips? i'd like to think the walls all came alive and condemned him for betraying the white race for some vague cynical humanism

>> No.20839918

Yeah Horror’s Call is probably the best recommendation I’ve ever gotten from this board.

>> No.20839920

I don't have a book recommendation but my rec as someone who's used LSD before is to look for a book by someone who hasn't used it themselves. If they've used it before then it inevitably colors their perception of it in a way that is usually not objective.

>> No.20839931

To add on, it seems like if someone is willing to experiment with a psychedelic substance then that also selects for a very specific kind of cognitive bias

>> No.20839938 [SPOILER] 
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>being this new

It’s the series where Call of the Crocodile is from. An old /lit/ meme.

>> No.20839944

I’ve actually read CotC and I’ve been considering going through the rest of those books just to see how deep the rabbit hole gets.

>> No.20839990

I will never let the authenticity of my psyche be muddled by addictive drugs.

>> No.20839993

stop shilling your shitty books

>> No.20840003

Do you not realize that the classic psychedelics are anti-addictive? Do you not know the story behind Alcoholics Anonymous?

>> No.20840020

Couldn't care less about junkie cope.

>> No.20840029

Haha I haven't taken LSD in forever, I just remember it fondly and love it. Changed my life for the better and improved my creative output in all facets of my life, such as my sociability, and thus my business skills and personal relationships bettered, and obviously my artwork took a hell of a turn. How is it for junkies if it isn't addictive, and it doesn't harm any human organ? Are you perhaps upset with yourself about something? You can share it with us here, let it off your chest, you are anonymous

>> No.20840031

this post glows

>> No.20840033
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Couldn't care less about your NEET cope
>I haven't done anything with my life and I eat unhealthy schlop but at least I know that drugs are....LE BAD!!!

>> No.20840036

You're an actual retard

>> No.20840040

Call of the Arcade is probably the best from the ones I’ve read.

>> No.20840043

Lmao @ all this coping. All it did was give your junkie little brain an artificial unnatural high. And I like the implication that since you haven't touched it forever you are no longer creative or sociable.

>> No.20840055

The impact it has never goes away, just the high. Its an experience like no other. Hey, you know psilocybin and lysergic acid are 100% natural right? Lysergic Acid Diethlyamide is semi-synthetic but still there is no reason to believe it harms any human organ. I think its funny how you're coping. You talk like an ugly, disgusting human. Genuinely. The physical body is a reflection of the soul and your soul is ugly as hell. You remind me of some of the biggest losers I've ever met, I cannot even fathom how you are trying to talk down to me. Only socially inept retards never got invited to the secret club of psychedelics and only low IQ gorilla niggers didn't figure it out on their own.

>> No.20840059

Lol most junkies haven't done anything with their lives either. Infact their lives are on average worse since they literally waste money on body destroying, mind altering drugs which provide no tangible benefit to life other than a temporary high. Hedonism distilled to its purest form. Such a person has nothing to live for anymore.

And no I'm not gonna listen to Mr. Hippie bugman's advice

>> No.20840061

Read the Erowid.org pages for the substances you're interested in for a few weeks

>> No.20840064

I agree with the junkie and hedonism part. No I don't care to hear your definition of what a "hippie" is. You don't know the first thing about psychedelia and how much its influenced subculture and I can only have little more than pity for someone as utterly stupid as you

>> No.20840069

LSD or whatever is being sold as LSD shit can fry you. It did it to me (not on my first trip), but in hindsight, being aware of what a psychosis is like beforehand could've mitigated it. Psychosis feels AMAZING, and can make you believe you're literally Jesus' second coming and also make you have paranoid delusions, such as the CIA being onto you.

>> No.20840074

Lol you have to come up with all these stories about me but all I have to do is say the truth that you're a little junkie. That's the long and short of your pseudo-profoundity that you've deluded yourself into via the drugs.

> impact it has never goes away, just the high

Yeah I can see that the brain damage is permanent

>> No.20840075

Test kits are a little over $20.

>> No.20840077
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>You're an actual retard

>> No.20840087
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>everyone i disagree with is CIA
Its awesome seeing you writhe like a worm in pain just because you have no argument. Here's your (you) I hate to see a grown man beg

>> No.20840093

>psychedelia and how much its influenced subculture

A sad state of affairs. If christianity were true America would 100% fill the role of anti-christ's birthplace

>> No.20840096 [DELETED] 

I can be your guide.

The TLDR is that:
>psychedelics are never more than a tool
>you need to space out your trips in time, ideally once every few months
>you only need a couple trips to truly get it, anything more than that has no more intellectual/spiritual use
>ideally, you should not trip at all. you're playing tricks with your brain chemistry and this stuff is no fucking game: you might lose yourself, with everything this implies

As an experienced and learned men, who crafted a comprehensive theory of humanity, life and the universe in general, let me tell you this:
There's mental strength, and there's the strength of the sense of Self (Dasein). Of the sense of who you are, as a person, in society. What place you occupy in the grand hierarchy and what place you authentically (key word) wish you occupied

When someone might say "don't take LSD if you have a weak mentality" what they actually mean by "mentality" is sense of Self.
If you have a weak sense of Self (though this is of course exacerbated if you're mentally weak), you will end up losing yourself with repeated and frequent exposure to LSD. You will go insane, in short.

>> No.20840100

no, but anyone who pushes LSD unironically today is

>> No.20840108

I would never advocate LSD use but I can't say it hasn't been useful for me.

It's basically a fast track to master-level meditation skills. Such ego cancellation is really hard to achieve otherwise, and it is very useful and "mind-opening."

>> No.20840123

I can be your guide.

The TLDR is that:
>psychedelics are never more than a tool
>you need to space out your trips in time, ideally once every few months
>you only need a couple trips to truly get it, anything more than that has no more intellectual/spiritual use
>ideally, you should not trip at all. you're playing tricks with your brain chemistry and this stuff is no fucking game: you might lose yourself, with everything this implies

As an experienced and learned man, who crafted a comprehensive theory of humanity, life and the universe in general, let me tell you this:
There's mental strength, and there's the strength of the sense of Self (Dasein). Of the sense of who you are, as a person, in society. What place you occupy in the grand hierarchy and what place you authentically (key word) wish you occupied

When someone might say "don't take LSD if you have a weak mentality" what they actually mean by "mentality" is sense of Self.
If you have a weak sense of Self (though this is of course exacerbated if you're mentally weak), you will end up losing yourself with repeated and frequent exposure to LSD. You will go insane, in short.

>> No.20840127

I advocate it because it bettered my life undoubtedly and even though I don't "trust the basedyencee" there's no evidence it harms any organ. You sound pissy that you wasted your life not experiencing it. Cry about it loser

>> No.20840152

I had LSD induced psychosis at a party with my friends and started to believe that night was my last night alive, and that my friend who was trying to calm me down was a silver-tongued devil in the vein of Mephistopheles, and that my other friend (the host) was an angel putting me to death gently, and ultimately that the room the party was in was my cyclical purgatory, much like the bar from Satantango. It quite literally felt like I had encountered a new mode of existence and lost control of my entire body. The loss of control was what really fed my delusions of fatalism and a feeling of being a pawn, not to mention I was having a panic attack and my heart rate was sky high so I felt as if God was exorcising me.

>> No.20840165

the way LSD has been depicted by the media (and by lay men, too) is wrong. LSD does not take you to other dimensions. nor does it show you things that aren't there.
LSD, actually, makes you feel more grounded in REALITY than some dimension far far away from here. though it may seem like the latter from outside but from the inside it's all Real(TM) to you, happening to you in real time. but this might just be me.

OP! prepare for the first time to kinda suck and remember that it's okay and the next few times you'll get it. i also recommend mixing LSD with ketamine and possibly weed. actually the first time I achieved true Zen was on LSD+weed+ketamine+dxm (i don't recommend mixing the last two together, i only learned about this afterward, though nothing happened to me because I only took 300 mg of dxm)
it harms the brain, the psyche. LSD works by shutting down the Default Mode Network, which kinda turns out to form almost your entire personality, basically. it shuts down who you are and lets you explore other views, have neural connections that wouldn't pop up in your myelinated brain. LSD basically demyelinates the brain but through repeated use you can demyelinate it too much, basically. of course, the myelins don't disappear with use

but through repeated exposure you might get myelins that you wouldn't have otherwise, and your old myelins might disappear...

My heuristic is this: with each new trip, a part of me disappears forever, lest I stay conscious and remain true to myself.
I may never know how significant, or good, or evil, that part of me was. But it is certain that it happens (lest I stay conscious and so on).
>it's not bad if it's a one-off thing and you're both mentally and personally strong, risk-aware and READY for rumble

>> No.20840172

yeah, lsd is really not a party drug for me. it depends on the person but i become very introverted on it and crave privacy and a complete Quiet

my condolences

>> No.20840190

it's ok to miss the point. you're probably better off clinging to your faith.


>> No.20840203

Don't blame me blame the US gov't

>> No.20840209

Good information prevents a lot of the pseudo-scientific mumbo jumbo that prohibition caused, and still causes due to the social ostracization such policy incentivizes.

Psychotic breaks? Maybe you're on a drug with a literal time-frame of activity. Seriously, decondition your paranoia and stop down-vibing. You eat food, right? You're putting literal chemicals in your body to alter your conscious.

I could write a dissertation on how the drug war, not drugs, destroys lives. Educate yourselves before you spout what is inert rhetoric. Or, try and make an ideological claim that we should funnel all possible instances of time-space into reproduction, because my sex organs or something tell me that. What happens when you aren't literally ejaculating and taking loads for the collective 24/7?

>> No.20840213

>it harms the brain
>it's not bad
Okay, retard. Fuck off with your psudo-intellectual namefag trash. LSD does not harm any human organ and you know it.

>> No.20840215

i already said everything that needs to be said, this thread can be closed. happy tripping, OP. and remember
>if you go insane after just one trip, you're a fucking pussy
>if you don't go insane after just one trip, another one won't hurt you either, but don't overdo it and try not tripping more than 10 times in your life


>> No.20840218

you're not just your organs you absolute dumb fucking hylic junkie bugman

>> No.20840221

>acting like I don't know for no reason other than to prove a point
Yeah, here's your last (you) you lonely man

>> No.20840227

The mind is demonstrably not separate from the body. The fact that it affects your "mind" means that it is affecting the brain, ie a human organ.

>> No.20840229

if you knew you'd know that LSD can be quite dangerous

>> No.20840234

I can smell this post

>> No.20840244


LSD doesn't demyelinate neurons. You're posturing as enlightened, but you only come off as a verbose twat. Post evidence. Google wasn't coming up with anything. Also, macro dose.

>> No.20840279

>LSD doesn't demyelinate neurons
it doesn't demyelinate neurons absolutely, but it does replace the connections that are already myelinated with new ones, given enough time (frequency X repeated use)

>> No.20841474


>> No.20841485

Remember: you are a process embedded in creation, all of creation is qualia, your true self is the qualia, and you are not god/logos.

>> No.20841513

I can tell you my experience with shrooms and acid real quick, I wanted to do acid for many years and couldn't get any, when I finally did it was mild. I must have a tolerance or something, I've never had visual hallucinations, I've done up to 8g of shrooms at once, but I've never had a bad trip either.
In other words for me it was safer and less impactful than I hear from everyone and everywhere. It was as much of an intense and pleasant body high as anything (feels like lava flowing through your veins, in only a good way).
In terms of perceptual changes, at its most intense I kind of felt like I was in more than one place at once, like I'd be texting someone and my imagination was so powerful it kind of actually felt like I was speaking with them face to face. Or I'd imagine someone in the next room and it almost felt like I was there. Or I was typing on a keyboard and it was like the keyboard was acting on me as the object instead of the other way around. Overall a fun and light sort of experience.
So I guess I'd say start very light and see how you feel. It's not a waste of time if it's something you're interested in but it's not so special either.

>> No.20842573


>> No.20843358

medical journals

>> No.20843807
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>> No.20843815 [DELETED] 

HAHAHHAHAHAHHAHA this guy was getting mad on /sci/ the other day

>> No.20843822

The last thing you want to do if youre interested in psychedelics is talk to burnout trippers. Imagine the most corniest stoner you know and multiply that by 10 and then have to suffer while he rants to you about the golden teacher and his heroic trips on acid. Embarrassing shit.

>> No.20843825

>he didn’t let go

>> No.20843833
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>> No.20843844

psychedelics should be enjoyed alone

>> No.20843916

I remember a few years ago BAP (on his old twitter acc) shared an essy that BTFO psychedelic use so hard I stopped looking into it. I was a user (1-3 times a year) and read Huxley, Leary and McKenna but I realise how cringe it all was and wish I didn't waste my time with it and actually taught myself something useful

>> No.20843944

add watts to that hall of shame. he neverly blatantly particioated in the psych shit but his hippy buddhist larp was just as bad.

>> No.20843954

>dude... LSD is good because it creates new neuron connections
In a highly unnatural way that can fuck you up retard
>b-but it opens up your mind and exoa da consciousness
It opens up your mind to ZOG control, to tolerate situations you wouldn't otherwise find tolerable. It dulls your spirit, makes you more easily programmable. CIA shills it for a reason

>> No.20843964

One time on LSD, I longboarded down a really tall hill that I had always wanted to bomb but never had the courage. I've never felt so consciously in tune with my body.

>> No.20844033

Enlightenment is a meme and only weakens your will and identity. Watts ruined so many disenchanted millenials. All it lead to was turn men into gay ipa drinking existential pseuds who whined but never did or achieved anything except use mediation to ease stress from their soul-sucking office jobs.

Psychedelics use truly is a powerful psyop because they stopped researching them just in time to prevent any negative outcome studies, but let CIA shills like Leary write mightily optimistic books on them. The media establishment thus has no good studies or basis to go on in their content, and simply quote anictodatal evidence for their articles which are always in accurate and hyperbole, which intelligent people see through and thus only see the good stuff written about them.

Netflix shilling psychedelics should be evidence enough of how they are using it as a weapon

>> No.20844789

>Psychedelics use truly is a powerful psyop because they stopped researching
I believe it

>> No.20845998

I would recommend reading scientific studies or journals on the matter due to how many books get written by new age nuts on the topic. From the research i've done though, it definitely is made out to seem more effective than it is. They can cure things like addiction and depression but can only consistently do so if a therapist is there to guide the trip. There aren't many side effects but you can get hallucinogen persisting perception disorder (HPPD). It seems to be really rare though so it's not something to be too worried about.

>> No.20846033

Yeah I agree with this, I have had visual hallucinations while on acid and shrooms but a lot of the experience comes from those perceptual changes. It can feel spiritual or give you new perspectives on ideas but it's mainly just something that's fun to take. It really shouldn't be touted as this thing that's super good for you and will cure all your mental problems.

>> No.20846622

I don't put much credence in anyone who uses twitter, but who is BAP?

>> No.20846896

Read McKenna or RAW. What you're asking for is antithetical to the experience that these people describe: instructions. Maybe move past control?

In my experience, they tell me how poisoned my body is. Didn't offer much in terms of an alternative but maybe I haven't had my ears open. It would definitely be therapeutical for those about to die as it dissolves the distance/extension prejudice of consciousness. Turns sensation and perception into soup (and I guess at the end of the day it is). Maybe better to die than be placed in a concentration camp?

Continuity vs. Discontinuity.. what you're looking for is a 'responsible' way of taking them to enhance your social life.. what if it is something outside of utility?

>> No.20846914
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>glowing praise
You got that right lol

>> No.20848109
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Ernst Jünger wrote an essay about his experiences with alcohol, cocaine , cannabis extract, mescaline and LSD. Its very good but not sure if it has been translated into english.

>> No.20848133

>junkies are losers!! me posting all day everyday about how lsd users are junkies though totally doesnt make me a loser
good luck in life you retarded child

>> No.20848166

Lurk more
Cool but it's not a coincidence that post-psychedlic Junger's books decline in quality

>> No.20848176

>Lurk more
No, retard. I don't browse /lit/ year round, I come and go. Nor do I care about e-celebs.