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20837043 No.20837043 [Reply] [Original]

What are some books explaining queer theory to the average privileged straight male? How did this movement based on ritualized self mutilation child abuse/indoctrination and censorship of dissenters gain so much support so quickly? Are queers even sentinent?

>> No.20837056

This bitch looks like she's about to rate my gender a strong 7 to light 8.

>> No.20837084

Whats wrong with teaching children about empathy and basic human decency and science and diversity and inclusion? All kids are trans kids sex work is work white lives matter way too much.

>> No.20837090

Back to your contaiment board.

>> No.20837099

No, sweaty. You, parroting talking points and asking to be spoonfed even further, you are the only sentient being on earth.

>> No.20837100

straight men aren't privileged, they want to be snuffed out by the elites (which are all pedophiles) which is why the left simps for the elites so hard. they crave that neutered, bug eating, pod dwelling lifestyle so much they hate when someone who actually thinks for themselves and says "no, I enjoy being free" which is why there's a strong correlation between a communist, bioleninist freakshow and wanting to project your misery on everyone else, even if it takes dishonorable means to do so. makes sense why women are the same way and have no concept of duty and honor themselves.

>> No.20837116

Beware the World to Come has a lot of material on the androgynous agenda

>> No.20837121

ha! I just bought that the other day

>> No.20837125

Please think about the poor lgbtbbqmaperinoos the poor groomerinos the fact we are not allowed to teach children on the qn about the wonders of our diverse and vibrant culture of sex work fisting bugchasing fursuiting and sex reassingment is literally genocide

>> No.20837135
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>> No.20837138

Oh and you aren't?

>> No.20837141

These “people” are so fucking ugly lmao

>> No.20837145

>Anglophone world be like
*laughs in Chinese*

>> No.20837162
File: 35 KB, 523x586, images (1) (6).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


screeches in furry avi BLM ACAB hashtag pronouns land acknowledgement and link to onlyfans in bio

>> No.20837168
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>All kids are trans kids sex work is work white lives matter way too much.


>> No.20837185

Le cancel culture is not real and its also a good thing and the fact normal people dont want us to molest and indoctrinate their children proves conservative far right nazis are the real cancel culture

>> No.20837206

you need to be raped

>> No.20837217


>> No.20837266

Lgbt is just the blue party version of evangelical christianity a fundamentalist paedo cult designed to funnel votes

>> No.20837291

I believe in "cancelling" lgbt with fire if neccesarily. Theyve spent the last decade gloating about "freeze peach" now you can see the fear in their eyes they are begging for mercy but the white man has caught on to their dirty tricks we wont fall for it again.

>> No.20837297
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I bet this bitch is just aching to get a hard cock in her ass. Bald whores go against all my aesthetic preferences but somehow every time I come across them I get really horny

>> No.20837316

Tfw no unwashed autistic transwoman i can rescue from the marxist cult and turn into a sundress tradcath waifu