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/lit/ - Literature

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20833657 No.20833657 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone here an English major? Worth or nah?

>> No.20833808

My gardener is an English major

>> No.20833829
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God dammit I need to do something with my life I'm just going to take the Shakespeare and writing class fuck it

>> No.20833860

Get a bachelors w/ teaching credentials to teach at schools, or get a phd and work in academia.

>> No.20833871
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M8 go ahead and do all the classes via online shit, there's a bunch of resources out there.

But DO NOT pay leftist universities a single cent and DO NOT go into debt either

>> No.20833930

>I need to do something with my life
you're doomed to wagecuckery. your life from 9 to 5 is already forfeit. at least get a marketable degree so you don't have to worry about money. unis don't teach; attending one in order to learn to write is as retarded as reading a book to learn to dance (not that i know how to dance (i'm white)).

>> No.20833933

Can I ask why it is you’re interested in studying English?

>> No.20833993

Reading the classics, writing analytical, and different types of essays is fun.

>> No.20834175

The problem with studying English in universities is that it is not at all what you think it is. First they teach you some pozzed postmodernist, freudian, marxist, and feminist frameworks and then force you to apply these frameworks to every book you read. It essentially takes the soul out of the books and their artistic merits.

>> No.20834382

i am not in any way a /pol/ tard but keep in mind that academic discussions of literature tend to get "unliterary" very fast these days


i would say about half of it was this stuff in my experience and it might be worse if youre in the states. having said that i wouldnt rather study anything else in particular academically and its been mostly easy with a light work load for me. and most importantly, free.

but with practicalities and the current state of academia aside, i still dont think it is a good place for artistic discussion. the value of a work shouldnt be determined by the amount of discussion it generates, and discussion shouldnt be generated out of nowhere. it should always be supplementary and therefore secondary imo. something between 4chan, jstor, goodreads and a fan forum like the nabokovian would not only create a better opportunity for back and forth communication but would also be unbound by the conventions of essays, papers, lectures... a very important literary detail could easily be pointed out and available to all without having to stretch it out to essay length with irrelevant or obvious observations and unnecessary plot summaries as fodder. it could house annotations and reviews and analyses for every work. it would do away with the self reverence of academia. whatever was the subject would remain the subject and not an excuse to talk about another subject. i dunno what the hell im on about here but i would like something like that more

>> No.20834468

You don’t need to formally study English to do any of that though.

>> No.20834488

Obviously. It's about more than that, getting into the economy and doing something of more value one day.

>> No.20834490

>I want to teach engrish lit to mongoloids K-12
Absolutely not.

>> No.20834505

People barely read the classics or read at all.
Fucking nobody cares what someone thought about a famous book.

>> No.20834506

It's true that they do teach you this stuff, though only the most activist adjuncts and grad students will force you to use it, most professors in literature classes I've had definitely prefer that you DON'T apply shit from outside and try your best to pull everything from the text itself.

As a literature major myself, who hasn't yet graduated, I can't say, most of my friends are very high achieving and of those who've moved onto graduate school, many are currently in top programs, and will probably get job placements if they stay in Academia. But unless you really have a hard on for Shakespeare and Joyce and Melville and Pynchon (not to say those authors are bad, they are some of my favorites), if you want to study literature solely I would actually recommend learning a foreign literary tradition, two or more if possible, as it will give you another skill alongside literary study. But I can't really speak to it, since I chose to focus on classical languages.

>> No.20834633

Why does anyone get an English major? How hard is it to read and write on your own time?

>> No.20834666

>read more crit than actual lit
>come up with a thesis
>read 10% of a book to find quotes that back up your thesis
>copy paste arguments/quotes from more crit for your essays
21st ce English majors are a joke