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/lit/ - Literature

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20833453 No.20833453 [Reply] [Original]

Your favorite book as a kid?

>> No.20833460

I did not read a book for pleasure until after I graduated high school.

>> No.20833466

The Cay

>> No.20833514

these are the kind of freaks that populate /lit/. is this really a place you want to waste your time?

>> No.20833527
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Are you on your period, woman?

>> No.20833532

As a toddler rotten island. That book is fucking weird.

When i started reading probably the redwall series

>> No.20833538

house of the scorpion

>> No.20833544
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These shits were fire

>> No.20833596

Kubrick posting wit my cock out

>> No.20833650

The complete Moomin books series
I just finished Jansson's Summer Book with great please bc it felt like that for adults

>> No.20833655

The percy jackson series but I liked telling my parents what they got wrong according to a greek mythology book I read in my school library.

>> No.20833945

Rory McCrory's Nightmare Machine. It's not famous, but apparently it's by a guy called Paul Stewart. I just really loved the plot, which as I recall is actually pretty similar to the film Inception, which came out maybe 15 years after I'd read this book.

>> No.20834187

The first proper novels I started reading I was 12-13, I really liked the Darren Shan Vampire series, shame its ending was so fucking horrible.

And some obscure book called Hellhole, I think there was a 2nd one never sure if a third came out. It had some evil clown demon called major music in it.

>> No.20834214

what do you do for a living?

>> No.20834267
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"The Phantom Tollboth" by Norton Juster

>> No.20834272
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>> No.20834279
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actually this was better

>> No.20834325

The first couple Artimis Fowls. Still mad what the mouse did to the movie.
This was the first book truly loved as a kid, what a classic.

>> No.20834336

mein kampf

>> No.20834347
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when i was a kid i wanted to read pic rel because I heard on a yt video that Adventure Time was slightly inspired by it, unfortunately, my parents didn't support me when it came to reading, and to this date I have got the chance to check 'em out

>> No.20834572

newspapers,magazines and disney comics

>> No.20834586

>disney comics
like duck comics? those by Banks and Rosa are kino

>> No.20834596

Animorphs was based as fuck

>> No.20834611

yes also Mickey Mouse Magazine

>> No.20834886

damn I forgot about that one

>> No.20834892
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>> No.20835438

please has anyone read hellhole but me does it exist

>> No.20835444

cute cat

>> No.20835561
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>> No.20835570

I am the Marketing Director at DB Schenker

>> No.20835637
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Amazing Mazes.
Thought I had an image but I don't so you get this.

>> No.20835853

wind in the willows. Thanks nan

>> No.20835858

Knights of the Crusades by Jay Williams

>> No.20835878

Pleebo's Regrets. Pleebo can never make amends with those he's wronged, and the guilt will always be within him. But he has to live with it, has to do the best he can. And that message has always stuck with me.

>> No.20835906
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oh man i totally forgot about the pleebo series

>> No.20835952
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Yeah they left a deep impression on me. My Austrian aunt would get me a new one as a Whitsun gift each year. Picrel is good too.

>> No.20835968

Mindelman was verifiably an ultra-creep. There's a reason these are out of print.

>> No.20836043
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>> No.20836056

the mysterious island by jules verne

>> No.20836078

Based. This is undeniably one of my favourite books they made me read at school.

I still love how The Wind in the Willows is a perfectly normal children's book about talking animals, but in the middle it has one chapter about ancient Greek gods which is completely unrelated to the rest of the story and none of the characters overlap with the rest of the book at all. That really elevates it as a classic for me.

My primary school teacher saw me reading these and asked to borrow one and then never gave it back lmao

>> No.20836167


yeah, redwall was dope.

>> No.20836173

Skullduggery Pleasant

>> No.20836195

Redwall is what got me into reading, extremely comfy world.

The Pleebo books freaked me out as a kid. Not a fan.

>> No.20837636

>never gave it back
I think she was taking it from you...because you weren't supposed to be reading it in class.

>> No.20837660

Weird...there seems to be no trace of "The Agonies of Pleebo" by Mort Mindelman, on either Google or Bing.

>> No.20838383

I was only reading some comics I tried once to read Harry Potter but I couldn't finish it
and This is ironic because I now read dozens of pages at least every day

>> No.20838413

The Recognitions by Gaddis. Then I turned 17, grew up, and stopped reading children’s literature

>> No.20838471
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This shit was my favourite to get read as a wee child

>> No.20838483
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Read it when I was 12 because animals as protagonists are cute.

>> No.20838510


the cartoon movie adaption scared the shit out of me though.
the second and third part are rather a good read, too.

also: what is /lit/s opinion on Pirincci, considering he is a raging racist?

>> No.20838524

Later in my life when I read all his books - especially the very first one he wrote - I already knew the guy was a ticking time bomb. Pirincci being a raving lunatic was also what made up half of his appeal. Kinda regret getting basically all his books though.

>> No.20838535

Harry Potter, I guess, though I came of age before all of it was done
>at a book fair with mom
>HP 1&2 are everywhere, 30+ yo people swarming the stands
>mom asks the vendor if it suitable for a young kid
>some 40-looking customer lady paints it as the greatest supernatural thriller ever written, as if Silence of the Lambs was a cartoon

I read Hobbit and liked it, didn't fall of LotR as much though. I fwwe are talking really early, it's Winnie the Pooh

>> No.20838537

Count Karlstein

>> No.20838597

Huh. Could be an issue with your browser.

>> No.20838847

Somehow I doubt that.
But hey, post a link to what you're talking about & maybe that'll work.

>> No.20839291 [DELETED] 
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>> No.20839536

I liked the magic tree house series as a young kid

>> No.20839555

have you read pleebo and the wet afternoon?

>> No.20839851

depends how young a kid.
> elementary school
The Myth-Adventure series
> middle school
Battle Royale
> High School

>> No.20840576
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>> No.20841441
