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20832209 No.20832209 [Reply] [Original]

Why did he regard French culture as superior to German culture?

>> No.20832223

Read his works and find out.

>> No.20832225

Why do you care?

>> No.20832227

Desu because he saw German culture as too acquiescent to authority and French culture as more intrinsically revolutionary

>> No.20832251

germans have no rabelais

>> No.20832256

It's always greener on the other side.

>> No.20832264

cope for stupid mustache and hairline

>> No.20832281

Germans are authoritarian sissies, Nietzsche tried to desissify Germany but failed. Can the germanic culture of freedom and lawlessness be revived?

>> No.20832313

>But of all evil results due to the last contest with France, the most deplorable, perhaps, is that widespread and even universal error of public opinion and of all who think publicly, that German culture was also victorious in the struggle, and that it should now, therefore, be decked with garlands, as a fit recognition of such extraordinary events and successes
> Everywhere, where knowledge and not ability, where information and not art, hold the first rank,—everywhere, therefore, where life bears testimony to the kind of culture extant, there is now only one specific German culture—and this is the culture that is supposed to have conquered France?
>Culture is, before all things, the unity of artistic style, in every expression of the life of a people...
>the very opposite of culture— barbarity: that is to say, with a complete lack of style, or with a riotous jumble of all styles.
> The German heaps up around him the forms, colours, products, and curiosities of all ages and zones, and thereby succeeds in producing that garish newness, as of a country fair, which his scholars then proceed to contemplate and to define as "Modernism per se"; and there he remains, squatting peacefully, in the midst of this conflict of styles. But with this kind of culture, which is, at bottom, nothing more nor less than a phlegmatic insensibility to real culture, men cannot vanquish an enemy, least of all an enemy like the French, who, whatever their worth may be, do actually possess a genuine and productive culture, and whom, up to the present, we have systematically copied, though in the majority of cases without skill.
he saw French culture as a cohesive whole whereas German "culture" was a mutt melting pot
read - David Strauss: the Confessor and the Writer

>> No.20832322

>cope for hangups that didn't even exist in his day

>> No.20832330

>he saw French culture as a cohesive whole whereas German "culture" was a mutt melting pot
lol I wonder what he would think of modern France

>> No.20832336

France still has a monolithic culture

>> No.20832340

it's a mutt melting pot, especially the big cities.

>> No.20832350

/lit/ is fucking stupid in that regard.

>> No.20832374

france has no culture lmao

>> No.20832381
File: 63 KB, 850x698, angloidsBTFO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NTA but he is talking about the culture not the actual physical population. France today still has laïcité as a main staple of its culture, i.e. French identity above all the rest.
Nevertheless, it will be interesting to see how long that withstands globalhomo from the anglo-germanic world

>> No.20832391

> Language is literally fine with a table being feminine and a female dolphin being masculine.
> trannies still have to raise a non issue.

>> No.20832407

They love negroes and let their women be fucked by them. That's pretty globohomo for me. A monkey acting like a Frenchman is still a monkey.

>> No.20832409

based Chang poster

>> No.20832413
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Lol, this is one of the few times Neetzche was right tho, up until the last century both Germany and England were downstream culturally from France.
Le eternal Anglo is truly going into overdrive lately what with Prey and The Woman Kang trying (and succeeding) to raising divisions within white people and playing on the anglo's eternal envy of the French.

>> No.20832423

You clearly haven't seen the state of modern France. It's the country with the most negroes in all of Europe.

>> No.20832454

Start up by breaking up the German federation

>> No.20832475

>It's the country with the most negroes in all of Europe.
Still less than the US.

>> No.20832796

>I'm polish btw not even a single drop of g*rmanoid dirty blood
>writes in German
What did he mean by this?

>> No.20832797

he was a degenerate faggot (literally) and french culture at the time revolved around being degenerate faggots

>> No.20832947

What is degenerate anyway?

>> No.20833169

he was anti-german.

>> No.20833192

>I'm half German and half Italian.
>No, I can't speak nor write in German or Italian.
>t. Amerimutt
Yeah, I wonder.

>> No.20833203

There's a passage, I forget where, but in it he describes the French as having successfully merged northern and southern European sensibilities, whereas Germans failed in this regard.

>> No.20833217

>men cannot vanquish an enemy, least of all an enemy like the French, who, whatever their worth may be, do actually possess a genuine and productive culture, and whom, up to the present, we have systematically copied, though in the majority of cases without skill.
>in the majority of cases without skill.
damn kek

>> No.20833247

Because he was a contrarian. He even says so himself.

>> No.20833254

He described a general principle of how clashes between cultures produces value but you can't extract from that forever. He would probably agree with the common sentiment that too much African immigration largely exhausted the French now. Not that the French can blame anyone else for that since they weren't having babies.

>> No.20834033

Because the culture of France is the matrix of all aristocratic values in Europe, while anglo and german cultures are irremidably stamped by protestant-democratic equalitarian values.

>> No.20834306

How did Germans go from being wild and free barbarians to chink like robots?

>> No.20834309

This is why I'm learning French and not German

>> No.20834346


>> No.20834638

The ones that loved freedom slowly seeped into France. I mean, even the word's etymology means "free".

>> No.20834644

Is it really over?

>> No.20834652

That's not a good metric lol

>> No.20834656

Dunno, I think there's always going to be hope for the white race.
At least I want to hope.

>> No.20834676

Nah I know, it just tickles me seeing all the burgers claim we must love our negroes while they have nearly twice our numbers.
The only civilizations glorious enough to criticize us are all plagued with the same issues.