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/lit/ - Literature

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20829202 No.20829202 [Reply] [Original]

/wwoym/ Air Well edition

Previously >>20818922

>> No.20829212

I miss the old board.

>> No.20829213

having sex and crushing my enemies. everything in my life is motivated by that. I don't feel love or passion, I just seek self affirmation through nihilism.

>> No.20829221

Fascism is great, thanks for teaching me about it /lit/

>> No.20829225
File: 38 KB, 640x360, victory.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the profound mystery: in 1272, 126,000 english soldiers were killed by an unknown force, and only one man witnessed it from a far away hill top. What he saw has been passed down through the generation to the chosen ones.

if you can interpret the meaning of this mystery, you will achieve enlightenment

>> No.20829233

Boring snd stupid.

I hear that.

>> No.20829234

What is /lit/s consensus on women?

>> No.20829238
File: 496 KB, 1782x2745, 3D9084B3-065A-4D74-A56B-2D13AF302EF4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this you?

>> No.20829242

Kind of a contrarian opinion on here but I quite like them

>> No.20829244

Same as every philosopher and pretty much everybody in general through history, women are children who are nice when given structure but agents of chaos and selfish spoiled hedonists when given freedom.

>> No.20829245

>what is /lit/'s consensus on a unicorn
probably something contrarian and esoteric

>> No.20829249

They’re generally lovely. Stop rattling these sad sack boys

>> No.20829251


>> No.20829252

Love them. Better than men

>> No.20829253

>and pretty much everybody in general through history,
Lol no.

>> No.20829257

Most societies have been patriarchal. Even matrilineal ones usually.

>> No.20829267

what do you miss about it?

>> No.20829271

Better and more literature discussion. More anons that read. Better quality anons. The old inside jokes, culture and vibe of the board.

>> No.20829275

When butterfly simped for a guy thinking it was a girl for a year and then the guy accidentally revealed he was a man and never posted again

>> No.20829281

It's about the Templars. What was Edward doing all those years? I can't tell you everything or Nixon will kill me.

>> No.20829282

Literature discussions. New books coming to the surface and people showing interest in THEM instead of the bait twittercap threads.
Enthusiasm for the Greeks, not the various Abrahamics. A secularist board.

>> No.20829283
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On the behalf of lust, the common man tends to separate from this the emotionality that one would expect from someone sensitive. while the common man or (normie) lives his sexuality with easy recreation, the sensitive man or (incel) links his sexuality to his emotionality and ends up waking up from the dream of life to fall into the pathetic. the sensitive man, despite the fact that he is an observer of experiences, never gets to experience them in a substantial way and that leads him to the most exuberant alienation.

>> No.20829285

>Salman Rushdie
Surely there has to be some middle ground between just letting Islamists take over and the Xinjiang Solution when it comes to Muslims. The Saudi guy seems to be trying to drag Islam to the 21st century, hopefully it works.

>> No.20829290

Chud, HALF of the world’s population have been women. Just because many of the other half kept them as cattle, or pretty dolls for their pleasures, for a lot of that time doesn’t make your generalization true

>> No.20829295

Religion needed it’s own board years ago. Probably philosophy too

>> No.20829300

False flag post

>> No.20829302

>HALF of the world’s population have been women
And most of them have and still would agree with his assessment. Women and children are grouped together, they live in a protected world.

>> No.20829306

Feminister just left. Suspicious, anon crowed that she was a he. The anon always does.
Butterfly is much older and just liked his/her contribution

>> No.20829311

You are a literal child

>> No.20829323

in 1272, 126,000 English soldiers would surely be more or less the entire army, no?
they weren't generally (ever?) assembling forces that size were they

>> No.20829324
File: 260 KB, 2316x946, riplit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did the corona boom and corresponding bust ruin the board? Seems to me it brought a horde of /pol/, /v/, and /tv/ illiterates who lowered the signal-to-noise ratio below the threshold where quality posters found this place valuable.

>> No.20829328
File: 263 KB, 2000x1358, nixon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh god oh fuck

>> No.20829334

I've learned how to make good quinoa. feeling pretty unstoppable.

>> No.20829346

The board was still hanging on them. I’ll always maintain the Russian invasion was the point of no return. It lines up with /lit/ bottoming out in the beginning of the year. Anons started taking the culture war seriously

>> No.20829345

Didn't he chop up a journalist he didn't like?

>> No.20829357

My grandmother knew this, like basically everyone in history yet you know better because the paid TV man told you everyone is an equivalent worker unit.

>> No.20829360

Basically true, but women should respect men only if they’re worthy of respect. Modern man is increasingly less worthy of respect. Therefore I think it’s stupid to harangue women into respecting men again. If the man does that that marks him a bitch people laugh at. Men should simply take on more responsibility & be uncompromising but not fanatical & annoying in their traditional values. Women naturally respect a man like that.

>> No.20829362

I agreed to go to a party and now I very much do not want to go to a party

>> No.20829371


>> No.20829380

So? The problem that needs to be solved is religious fanaticism. Political violence can be resolved later. Honestly sometimes I think the communists are right, just do a Cultural Revolution when religions get too powerful. Much of the Islamic world could use one.

>> No.20829384

get off the internet anon, sinking into your own head in front of a screen isn't going to make you happy, but getting wasted at a party might, even if fleetingly

>> No.20829386

Summer has never been this long or caused such a steep decline in board quality

>> No.20829390
File: 412 KB, 1979x1148, 30178D5A-34A9-4EAF-98BC-4A469C22ABE0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys ever write walls of text in your phone notes? Post them

“Naturally” we don’t want to forgive. We want to retaliate & destroy others who have slighted us. This “human nature” embedded in biology is a lie of Satan though. Ultimately it’s a worldview that can’t maintain coherence. Then idolators fill that gap through mystery. This is empiricism or skepticism or pragmatism. The true solution to this gap is God who fills the gap through Revelation. Naturalism attempts to deny Revelation (Satanic) but it’s Revelation that constitutes self-consciousness which makes the thought of Naturalism possible. The human is not natural, he is made in the image of God & transcends beyond the natural. He negates the given. Revelation grants Faith which allows us to negate the given. It’s Faith that constitutes the human, Faith in something beyond the given.
Faith comes through Revelation. God grants us covenants & our Faith in them allows them to manifest. God comes to us through narrative, through language. Language brings us out of static Void consciousness by narrativizing or making rational reality. But where does language come from? It’s hard to say because it is reality (John 1:1). It can only come from the Void Outside. A transcendence that is immanent.
We exist in the world. The Symbolic gives us Faith in the Human Project. Faith brings New innovations previously unimaginable. We forgive others by placing Faith in them for no reason in line with “human nature.” We believe in time our Faith will result in reformed human morality.
Lacan’s Trinity of Imaginary-Symbolic-Real. I don’t know how it corresponds to Father-Son-Spirit. Each person of the Trinity seems to me able to occupy any of Lacan’s three. That speaks to the Trinity’s potency as a symbol. It’s relationality between different consciousnesses makes it a flexible symbol. Flexible & therefore good. That means it can accommodate the fullness of reality.
It truly is accomplished as Christ said. It’s already all there. That apocalyptic mindset is it. People obsessed with the positivistic, one-sided closed system just have that unhappy consciousness! It must suck! Being Buddhist might make more sense. It closes the loop by letting the mystery gap consume all. Christianity is overcoming the Buddhist Void by speaking the Void through Revelation. Creation ex nihilo. The buddhistic cosmology is consistent in itself by denying even consistency. Christianity overcomes by filling & deleting buddhistic consciousness from the world.

>> No.20829398

christ. chatting like a 40 year old man doing horrible talcum powder blow in my hotel room at 6:30. don't you ever get tired of yourself

>> No.20829405

I was taking the piss. don't get the obsession with trying to pinpoint it. 4chan is shit 24/7/365
the only meaningful boom being 2016 ig

>> No.20829407
File: 942 KB, 1546x2036, 5BEC1E73-61AB-4DB4-B7BE-A290A1889FE9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The wonderful paradoxes. Apocalypticism is correct. There we realize how truly fallen we are. & how God’s complete destruction of us is justified. Only if we realize the pit of that Total Depravity can we find complete reliance on God & not our natural selves. Only that complete reliance on God can wholly transform humanity & make people’s past Faith justified. That “someday we’ll perfect ourselves” must come. But we also must never tell ourselves we’ve achieved it cuz that would be to deny our fallenness. Faith is a rational irrationality that somehow must make sense it the future. That making sense is not some glorious positivistic sealing of the Concept. It is simply saying the paradox is sensible while being insensible. Apocalypticism “ends” with a total proliferation of apocalyptic hermeneutics. All of humanity always on the brink of destruction. All of us ready to obliterate our organic selves for Truth. That is the fullness of fiery reality promised to us as Heaven. That is the Human Project’s telos. That makes this all worth it! That is bliss & joy.
That is the total human transformation apocalypse promises. If we always lived hyper-apocalyptically our being would be transformed! That’s it. Beautiful. Apocalypse should refine itself, always become more real! Through stuff like Lacan’s refinement of the Trinity & nuclear standoffs. We always must be ready to risk everything. That’s joy, that’s Heaven, that’s humanity.
The pagan says we are “animal nature” is good & inherent. Good is the Truth of us. It’s not there cuz we scientifically come from nature. It’s there cuz we’re made in the image of God. That divine spark means we must CHANGE. Pagan nature justifies the way things are. Attempts to freeze human development (the work of Satan). But the human Spirit denies these limits cuz self-transcendence was given to humanity by God.
The Revelation I just gained. (Through pushing premises to their end so that they break & in the gap left in their break nothing opens & speaks Revelation.* Dialectics.) That “completion” of apocalypse is total apocalypticism because that is what radically, more than anything, transforms human being. & radical transformation of human being is what Alocalypse’s goal is. <—There’s Hegelian circularity. Tautology, paradox being the only ground— Truth. The question being recognized as the answer!

>> No.20829420
File: 484 KB, 1098x1000, 4EACCD63-A1E4-4277-8A64-4C15533A4428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*That’s how you gain knowledge of course. Go as far as you can & see how long the concept maintains coherence. I always think about how Christ simply took the human Spirit’s potential to its absolute. He’s like yea, we’ve transformed the world, gone from the first stage of civilization (Sumer, Egypt) to the second (The jump from the Neolithic to civilization’s second stage is less palpable because like growing up you exist as a baby not knowing there was a time you didn’t exist. Then as an adolescent you realize there’s a Void Outside before you were born.) & we’ll continue to transform till everything is remade. Duh!
Anyway, apocalypticism is what makes avant-garde societies. Utopias with new alien norms.

>> No.20829439

You should be heeding that man’s words!

>> No.20829446
File: 660 KB, 2034x1554, schizophrenia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they're not to be read but i post
>It seems the idea of truth rests entirely upon the fact that we can’t conceive of it being any other way. We proceed from things that we are most certain can’t be any other way, that we can’t even begin to perceive being another way, and derive from them things that perhaps could be another way, but then would force the more basic things we know can’t be any other way to be another way, so conclude that it must be this way. But all of scientific and philosophic history is nothing but people finding new ways to conceive of things, thus proving the old ideas wrong because the old ideas were only based on the fact that it couldn’t be conceived of any other way. Kant says that logic does not tell anything about what truth is, rather truth is simply defined to be what follows all these logical rules or axioms. But in that way we require a definition of truth external to the science of logic, since the logical rules used to determine truth must themselves be proven to be “true” axioms. But when you ask why “a is a” is true you are left completely speechless except to say that it can’t be any other way, which is to say you can’t perceive it any other way. Similarly for the law of the excluded middle and of non contradiction. Ancient philosophers argued about how compounds are created from elements and this creates a paradox as sextus empiricus says because to create compounds the elements must blend or combine but how can two indivisible bodies combine? And how could their attributes combine without their bodies combining? Therefore it must be impossible for elements to compound. But the conclusion is a non sequitur to our modern minds because we can imagine fields and electric charge and discrete quantities small enough to appear continuous to us and hence to appear compounded when merely juxtaposed. Yet it was not at all a non sequitur to him because these are ideas were simply inconceivable, and hence it could not be conceived any other way and therefore it was that way. Our own modern ideas are just as flimsy. We cannot think of any way in which the universe is expanded if not caused by dark matter, therefore dark matter exists. We cannot conceive of anything happening without a cause, therefore causality exists. And we cannot conceive of something being a way in which we cannot conceive, therefore if we cannot conceive of something being some way it is not that way. And I cannot conceive of any other way truth can be absolutely defined than by that what is true is what we cannot conceive as being any other way, therefore that is the definitive criterion for truth, and it will be until I conceive of a new way to conceive of truth. So only difference between truth and falsity is the difference between it is impossible to conceive and it is possible to conceive but I cannot conceive of it. But still we assume that it all is a way. And we should more trust the way it is even if we can’t conceive of how it is that way.

>> No.20829448
File: 518 KB, 1170x2532, 4AEC2DFF-5C2F-48C6-B6E3-6E7BD0783115.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these from when I was really really wired doing loads of coke & they’re the worst possible vibes

>> No.20829455

true, the one constant on this site is anons moaning that it isn't what it used to be

>> No.20829462

Not obsessed with it in the slightest. I just noticed the quality dropped seemingly overnight and became unbearable. 2016 was definitely the beginning of the end though. I wouldn’t even consider new /lit/ sfw now. Imagine if coworkers saw you looking at some of these threads during office hours

>> No.20829468

meant for >>20829390

>> No.20829487

>going on 4chan at all while at work
extraordinarily foolish

>> No.20829489

>work from home
who's the fool?

>> No.20829490
File: 263 KB, 415x510, a2a87c0bfb30a6dfa4a1e70b008942bf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how long can one go being a pseud?
really wanna write non-fiction, politics and philosophy, but i haven't read *enough* to put anything on paper besides a base level understanding of what i'm trying to say, that has already been put forth.
should i wait and try to grasp the people before me, or keeping on writing such baseless schizo rambles will suffice until i get there?

>> No.20829496

what coworkers then?

>> No.20829505

They work at my house

>> No.20829510

once we transition off oil and all these hardline assholes are broke, things will reform. that's the real push behind all the environmental hoohah but they obviously can't say it.

>> No.20829512

>how long can one go being a pseud?
It’s not like there’s a set amount of time. You just keep going until people respect you. Or you give up. & even if some people respect you it’s not like most people care

>> No.20829521

I dunno, Taliban are as broke as it gets, hasn't stopped their autism one bit

>> No.20829530

There doesn't need to be a solution. Mankind isn't homogenous and there are no good guys

>> No.20829531

Should I force myself to have casual sex with a man that I don’t love (or even know very well) just for the sake of losing my virginity and gaining sexual experience? Part of me thinks that it makes logical sense to do it, but part of me thinks that it’s morally wrong and will screw me up emotionally and destroy my ability to pair bond in the future. Maybe I should stay abstinent, but I’m at an age where people start to think that there’s something wrong with you if you haven’t had sex yet. I don’t know… the thought of fucking some random guy who doesn’t even know me or care about me just makes me feel nauseated. But I’m too terrified of heartbreak and vulnerability to actually try forming an emotional connection with anyone at this point, so what other choice do I have?

>> No.20829543
File: 14 KB, 250x231, 1655689215370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My new roommate's favorite book is Atlas Shrugged and he listens to Christian nu-metal

>> No.20829549 [DELETED] 

oh shit that sounds like a breath of fresh air. most roommates are either potheads of current-thing libs.

>> No.20829554

Knew you couldn't resist revealing yourself. Liar, you simped for a tranny. Just because newfags don't remember doesn't mean it didn't happen. Get a girlfriend.

>> No.20829556
File: 31 KB, 600x570, 166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy cringe
when did these street preachers take over /lit/

>> No.20829558

oh shit that sounds like a breath of fresh air. most roommates are either potheads or current-thing libs.

>> No.20829560

Every day is a blessing.

>> No.20829561

>knew this
This? You know what patriarchal misogynists have said and done. You study and agree with the bookish misanthropes who never married and only knew the thin stock cattle these impoverished “civilizations” produced.
Women in the dark ages were drowned or burned for knowing things like medicinal plants or for getting too devout that they write some poetry showing how much depth they actually have. Oh and the male poets! The troubadours. Women have been adored and treated well too.
But you’ll bring up your children comment again. Taking child brides also stunts a girl’s maturity. Ah, but you continue and say they marry in their 20s and 30s now and they’re still immature! Well so are the men you know. You know why this is?
Factory style mass schooling which is designed to make dutiful cogs in an economic machine. Consumerist whores and worker drones. The Christmas spirit

>> No.20829565

you actually read that shit? lol i see a wall of text i scroll the mouse wheel.

>> No.20829567

Who else is waiting for the next BLM riots?

>> No.20829572

No because I’m done with politics

>> No.20829579

could be neat but they usually save them for presidential election years so prob won't be much until 2024.

>> No.20829580

As fun as it was to watch streams of the chaos in real time, life in America is much better when niggers aren't in the spotlight.

>> No.20829581

I don't mean to engage with them, I mean to laugh at them while they burn down their own neighborhoods

Tranny talking to himself

>> No.20829586

so get to the know the guy first?

>> No.20829588

I couldn’t care less about the riots. I live my own life in my own lane

>> No.20829589

i'm waiting for literally anything that can kill me, i haven't asked god to do anything but kill me for a while. economic collapse, global drought, natural disaster, world war 3, anything. i'm waiting for anything that can accelerate the collapse

>> No.20829593
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Just remember that you are a monkey

>> No.20829594

Security state control group, like DSA, Green Party and from what I’ve heard a bunch of Trotskyist groups.
They sprang them on us when the labor movement was grousing over the lockdowns. Measures are taking place to prevent even that. Large crowds of idiots still might not fall for it a second time, so they bide their time. Wait for the Depression to kick in and everyone pushes for actual changes

>> No.20829597

the idea that you have to have sex is in your head. it's an idol, it's made up

>> No.20829614

I do wonder about shitposters who waste away their lives here.

>> No.20829618

I'd usually rather room with boring and uncontroversial than cringe and brazen

>> No.20829623

>Women in the dark ages were drowned or burned for knowing things like medicinal plants
Good example of propaganda, ignoring the whole and focusing only on a part you want to emphasize despite how dishonest it is. More men were violently persecuted for similar and other things. Which is how it should be since violence and exploring is for men while running a house is for women, they want to feel protected like the children they protect. Men have strong urges that women don't tend to have nearly as strongly and vice versa.
Yes men in your degenerate culture are also retarded, partly as a result of pretending women think like men. Doesn't change anything I said.
If you acknowledge your culture is worthless why do you defer to it and its propaganda that was made up recently based on nothing?

>> No.20829643

After all these years i’m still haunted by the time i ran from a fight as a teenager, i can’t get it out of my head. Guy had like half a foot on me and it was just instinct, i didn’t even think about it. I’m small and weak, don’t really even know how to throw a punch, should i invest the time to learn boxing and work out just so i can go out and get into a fight with some random dude to regain some semblance of pride?

>> No.20829645

Your original dishonest blanket statement post is what leads to this?
Fuck off now

>> No.20829647

ya that's true tasteless cringe dudes get tedious fast. does he have an opinion on linux?

>> No.20829651

I don't think he would know what linux is. Remember that this is a guy who listens to Christian nu-metal

>> No.20829666

lmao i competed in combat sports for years, i'd still run unless somebody puts their hands on me. there's no point risking getting shot or arrested if you can just dip out of there. but you should definitely do boxing because it's a great sport. getting in the ring and going toe to toe with another athlete is an experience most people won't reach.

>> No.20829669

What do you mean?

>> No.20829673
File: 664 KB, 1536x2048, A9282037-0FF4-4D2E-A30D-0D29300A0F35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are the chuds posting their porn again?

>> No.20829682

damn i guess they're all get ready for a fap sesh

>> No.20829683

Not a chud

>> No.20829710

>dishonest blanket statement
Notice the difference between true generalizations and dishonest propaganda.

>> No.20829715 [DELETED] 
File: 289 KB, 1242x2208, 40406726-F1F8-4BE6-960C-FB0C75054FF3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Incels will never know this feel

>> No.20829731

The feel of having $50?

>> No.20829805

One day I will wake up and my tears will have dried. I would feel no hate, no apprehension towards the future and no sadness.

>> No.20829807

Unless it’s a woman incel

>> No.20829811

…because you will read and accepted Epicurus

>> No.20829815
File: 49 KB, 272x404, B21F4730-42F6-4104-881A-8F46C266FEDD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone at all familiar with Ron Foster?

>> No.20829825
File: 69 KB, 778x586, 09d9a19ebad6d3adb8b4c12919f73fcf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Degreed up in baka I ended up disliking, plus can't get a fucking job.
Should I go back to 9 to 5, or become a teacher?

>> No.20829843

Teacher of what, and to whom?

>> No.20829844

baka is to be understood here as a job

>> No.20829866

No, the Taliban make their money on opium/heroin.

>> No.20829869

My bad. By teacher I mean taking up a philosophy major, which would take 3 years, and see if I can get some work at the local uni
To further clarify my situation, I'm 23.

>> No.20829874

This is why democracy fails.
You never know what people are voting for.

>> No.20829889

that's why the deep state makes sure your choices are both moderates.

>> No.20829921

If that was true, they failed miserably in the last three Presidential elections.
Obama was a commie, Trump was a bull in a china shop, and Biden is a senile influence peddler.
No one is in control of this mess.
Democracy died when more than half of the people voted their hands into the wallets of less than half of the people.
Sure hope you learned to prep during the pandemic. You're gonna need it.
Followups to >>>/pol/ .

>> No.20829922

don’t become a slut

>> No.20829996
File: 833 KB, 1200x1195, a2071509398_10 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fascinated by mythology, mysticism, and all things occult
>read feminine love stories and nerdy books about US foreign policy instead
I'm not the only one like that right?

>> No.20830045

yikes and cringepilled

>> No.20830076

why are gremlins so mean spirited bros?

>> No.20830090

An obsolete thing.

>> No.20830095
File: 32 KB, 391x480, Lisboa_January_2015-49a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is my belief that the Age of Discovery and Colonization was the worst mistake in human history. In a perfect world, walls dividing each civilization from each other would have been erected and everyone would have proceeded on their independent path, forever.

Instead, every civilization was destroyed. Every last one. Native American and Australian Aboriginal civilizations were practically erased from the Earth. East Asian civilization destroyed itself in reaction to Western philosophical ideas like Marxism and imperialism. African civilizations were strangled and the continent became a ruin, with much of it remaining in that state today. Indian civilization was looted and rebuilt in a Western image. Much of Africa and the Americas faced the same fate.

And this Western civilization was similarly destroyed. Look at the rich tapestry that was Europe in 1491. Look at the smoldering remains of a culture which exists there now. Everything is in ruins. It is a culture which was used as the embryo for capitalism, the parasite which destroyed it and through it, Asia and Africa and the Americas.

The question we must ask now is: How can we rebuild what was lost? How will we turn back the time?

>> No.20830099

I think that globalization (americanization) is even worse.

>> No.20830103

It's the 2nd or 3rd or 4th wave of the same rot. It all started with the Age of Exploration. I don't see how it can be fixed, but it must be fixed.

>> No.20830104

Hmm.... Let me think.

>> No.20830113

Do you hold the same opinion about upcoming space colonization?

>> No.20830117

Well, I think that space colonization to uninhabited planets is fine. But if there is even a chance of alien life, we should not go there.

>> No.20830125
File: 495 KB, 500x376, evanshinj.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I arrive at your grave toothless, skeletal, and mad
collapsing into your casket,
holding you in the dead winter night
our bodies intertwine and freeze together

time passes over and over again
until we are just bones and dust
they discover us one day
a yowling wind blows the both of us away

>> No.20830163

I've never been in love.

>> No.20830169

Above the earthbound mundanities of any human community, the arts have floated in cloud-like beauty. Music and dance, painting and sculpture, song and poem have always been the crown of the crown of creation. Deep like love, the arts have the merit of a more communal feel, the warmth of an open hearth rather than a private bed. My favorite artist is Bukowski.

>> No.20830170

Apparently reading books makes me look like a hipster

>> No.20830241


>> No.20830250

People don't like Christianity because it exposes their imperfections instead of praising their defects.

>> No.20830254


>> No.20830326

No no it’s not cringe, you just don’t get it…

>> No.20830328


>> No.20830369

You can’t turn back time. Time is a fire that consumes everything. When a civilization is destroyed or lost what was superfluous in it dies. Any Truths in it that are lost or suppressed by colonization will eventually resurface if they are worthwhile at all. I don’t care about the burning of the library of Alexandria. Any relevant ideas stored in there would exist elsewhere. No doubt most of what was destroyed there was repetitive pap no one would have use reading even if it survived. Destruction is good sometimes. Sometimes people are enchained by the past.
& man will not stop fighting. Man will not stop conquering or striving for greater power. Nothing but universal dominion over the Earth will stop man. This is the telos of humanity. Our most fervent desire is for absolute Truth & that comes at the expense of the destruction of all particular, relative truths. This is the only way.

>> No.20830375

is christianity borderline

>> No.20830377

Me, I want some nice chaos. It’s been pretty boring as of late

>> No.20830386

Maybe just do it so as to destroy the idol you seem bothered by like this guy described >>20829597

>> No.20830395

The more you worry about it the more afraid you’ll be of it which’ll cause you to worry about it more. Break the cycle. Don’t worry about if it’s awkward. It’s always awkward the first time

>> No.20830426

No. People don’t like it because it’s stupid

No. It was /lit/ - Literature. A slow moving board where the user base read books and the trolls were banned

>> No.20830428

Go back

>> No.20830438

I’m already here. Go read something

>> No.20830440

>No. People don’t like it because it’s stupid
True, Christ said we must think like children to understand him. But what is most simple has infinite depth. & simplicity confounds the try hard midwit

>> No.20830462

Dear, there’s give and take with the clear child’s mind. A child knows no gods as a Christian knows nothing of this long passed carpenter who may have never existed. Knowing a few parables and and how to be nice is good and all, but people kill in the name of religion.
So by stupid I mean there’s no meshing the OT and NT, besides a million other inconsistencies it’s just not believable for what it claims to be. It’s a nice fiction. Stop treating as a word from a wrathful bull headed demon who’s as his own son he had to rape and kill to deliver an inconsequential message for the short lifespan in the middle of a desert, and now today shows no signs of traction in reaching everybody. It isn’t real.

>> No.20830464
File: 972 KB, 1115x1260, theyism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop using singular 'they'. Tell your mother you love them.

>> No.20830467

You do sound like you're 12, so Christianity should be right up your alley.

>> No.20830482

And yet, I’m a well adjusted adult. Don’t hate people, like women, no mental problems or suicidal thoughts. One of the only people around here that thinks logically.
You have a touch of schizophrenia is all. Or are you terribly infantile? Some of the autistic neets are, don’t want to assume too much.

>> No.20830488

In this post I recount my many excruciatingly embarrassing memories:
>taking class. For extra credit we can recommend relevant songs to play at start of class. I send the professor a very explicit rap song ("Darkweb") . Suffice it to say he didn't play it
>in same class write long deranged post for an online discussion post asking how we feel about how the internet has changed. Don't remember what I wrote exactly but it was unhinged.
>later on in college decide to access mental health services provided by college. Schedule screening call where they ask you how you feel on a scale and all that other bullshit. Am extremely awkward don't even know what to say or what I want. And generally act like a pathetic worm seeking to milk sympathy. I checked sexual assault on the online screener for some reason though that has never happened to me. Have to walk it back. I tell her at start that im shaking all over. This one especially makes me cringe.
>go through Marxist phase freshmam to sophmore year of college. Won't stfu about how people just haven't read him and how he's le misunderstood. My poor parents are forced to listen to me rant
>student job. Piece of cheese falls on the ground. My coworker jokingly says $5 to eat it. ...... I take him up on it. I put it in my mouth but immediately spit it out. Still got $5
>freshman year. Taking out my recycling. Girl walks in and sees the wine bottles and cough syrup bottles
. Gives me a deep pitying look. I walk out and I hear her say quietly to the guy out there "I think .." while looking over her shoulder at me.
>summer of 2017. Finished junior yr high school. Brother throws a party while parents are gone. Get extremely drunk and make massive fool of myself. Yell at my brothers friend " so you're a JEWW huh?" At one point everyone leaves in a car to go to a different party. I run out barefoot yelling "take me with you. I can go in the trunk no problem". They leave. Im left with my brothers friend with some girl. Im a obvious their wheel as they clearly want to get in each others pants. People return. I end up lying on a couch with some girl who I think wants to have sex with me but I'm honestly scared of her. She is asian and for a girl quite jacked. I evasively answer all her questions about who I am friends with (because I had none). Keeps asking me how sober I am and keeps changing positions. I am largely unresponsive
.She wants to go upstairs with me. Says we don't have to do anything if I don't want to. I mumble "I'm good here". She goes upstairs with my brother (i don't think they did anything but still stung)....

>> No.20830491

You have narcissism and self-delusions btw

>> No.20830497

I want to meet interesting strangers and befriend them, but instead Im sitting at home boring myself with youtube videos because I cant muster up the will to do anything else.

>> No.20830499

How are you doing now?

>> No.20830500

>interesting strangers
Liberal fantasy

>> No.20830503
File: 563 KB, 827x1742, 9CFBC486-0ACD-4492-9CEC-6F4A54AC9CEA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna nuke the world

Also post your wallpapers

>> No.20830506

Im sure they exist

>> No.20830508

Yeah but you won't meet them

>> No.20830509

You want to sit around at home, watch youtube videos and complain about how you're not meeting interesting strangers. You're doing precisely what you want to do.

>> No.20830516

I might, but I do feel my time is slowly running out.
Then why do I derive so little pleasure from it?

>> No.20830533

You’re really demonstrating your own ignorance if that’s all you can get from the Bible. The book the smartest men of all time find most insightful you claim to be near worthless. You could learn a lot by humbling yourself & acknowledging that Dante, Shakespeare, Joyce etc. are vastly smarter than you, that they hold wisdom unimaginable to you now via their Christianity.
You say it’s not believable. I say it’s totally believable & sensible. It is the key that makes all things sensible. You say it’s just a “nice fiction.” Well fiction or narrative— mastery of language— is that which articulates reality itself. It’s not “just a story.” Again that merely demonstrates your own pitiful imagination.
I also years ago had this skeptic phase you’re in where I listed off these same talking points. Then I read more. I don’t believe in ghosts or supernatural entities in the sky. What you’ll find upon close examination of the Bible is far more subtle if you have the modesty to silence your prideful doubt.

>> No.20830535

>Then why do I derive so little pleasure from it?
Why you don't get much pleasure from it, I don't know. But your preference for small pleasure is probably connected with your reason: small certain pleasure seems more reasonable than a still undetermined pleasure.

>> No.20830561

>The problem that needs to be solved is religious fanaticism.
I'm genuinely curious: why do you think that? Why is this the highest priority? Terrorism?

>> No.20830566

I wonder how they design Mario Kart stages.

>> No.20830568

I'm doing this more out of habit than actually seeking it out. It's just stale stimulation, I'm postponing living because I'm afraid of failure. My habit is more akin to self-torture than seeking small, safe pleasures.

>> No.20830576

He personally hates religion for his hidden reasons (he doesn't know them himself because it's just emotinal) and he projects that onto his political viewws.

>> No.20830581

it's weird that they're particularly blamed for that. the epidemic started when Afghanistan was a puppet-state, no?

>> No.20830610

You are a failure, objectively (i.e. in your own eyes), but by being aware of the failure and the inanity of your pastimes, you can elevate yourself. Your self-torture is the machine that produces your happiness. That's why it's hard to stop torturing yourself. The rest is despondency. In your case, it would probably be better to leave the decision-making to a coin. Do I go out today and look for interesting strangers or stay home and watch videos? Heads or tails. By the way, these don't have to be the only alternatives.

>> No.20830647

>objectively (i.e. in your own eyes)
The absolute state

>> No.20830680

Relax bro

>> No.20830684

What are some easy to read novels that I can finish in a 3-4 hours? I've been lurking here long but I barely read. I've read one book this year.

>> No.20830699

Hideo Okuda - Lala Pipo
go read it, it's funny

>> No.20830706


>> No.20830743

>these don't have to be the only alternatives
Yes, I'll add that this is a major part of my problems, I'm unable to truly believe I will enjoy an activity eventhough I've enjoyed it before. Or, I will not look forward to a previously proven enjoyable activity. I might still participate but the impetus to do so comes from my reason ("I will probably come to enjoy it") and not from any enthusiastic feeling.
The future happiness I'm able to believe in always lies within a dream, i. e. meeting these interesting strangers, never in my actual options (or rather, in the options I'm able to recognise).

And to be honest I'd rather do away with the decision-making altogether, so maybe I'll embrace your coin, but I guess the possible outcomes should be what I want to want to do, since what I want to do is either to remain in stasis or chase a dream.

>> No.20830765
File: 210 KB, 1200x675, B37C4300-1D06-4AA5-A661-992150BBDBB9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A year ago I started memeing to my gf about Jews and blacks and trannies etc just for a joke. She was visibly uncomfortable at first and then she got used to it and joined in herself. Now I think she’s genuinely begun to be a fascist. She always talks to me about how women need to be submissive to their man and have many children to propagate the race. And just today I made a joke saying “I’m so frugal I must have Jewish blood” and she responded “be careful what you say I’ll fucking leave you”. I don’t think she was joking. I’ve turned my gf into a Nazi through memes.

>> No.20830801

I am a bag of genetic defects, I will never have any woman say "I love you", I will lead a depressive and pointless existence until the day I have enough and hang from a rope around my neck.
I was never meant to be born in the first place, I am a mistake.

>> No.20830807

Take some SSRIs or shrooms

>> No.20830832

Ya’ goshdarned it, ya’ really did

>> No.20830896

Thoughts on immortality.
Immortality is undesirable because it leads either to boredom or to losing one's identity. Rather choosing how long you want to live is a desirable option here i.e. extending your own life till you get bored. Some objections to undesirability of immortality might be: changing is a good thing, boredom is OK.
If you think for a minute, what makes you you? Are you the same person you were 10 years ago? So yes, changing might actually be a good thing. The boredom however...
I guess, since you might trancsend to being something other than a man you have a good chance of overcoming boredom.

>> No.20830898

that's literally just a poor man's take
who the fuck has ever actually killed themselves because they were bored. euphemistically my friend,.

>> No.20830915

How about losing one's identity? Would you consider it a death?

>> No.20830923

I'd rather "lose my identity" as you said, have my memory wiped out, atleast the conscious knowledge, so that I can taste new, fresh experiences for ever

>> No.20830926
File: 31 KB, 500x401, d77ee4058091d3f49f08c09bd45a4f76.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made a lot of good eyecontact yesterday. More than I have in I don't know how long. Maybe ever. God is taking care of me.

>> No.20830931

I've been eating very healthy recently, more omega 3 and stuff, & feel like I've gotten smarter in a very sort of basic, pedestrian way, e.g. if I come across something new I learn what it is, I make sure I fully understand it, looking up what bits I don't, then if I think of a question regarding it I get that answered, until I could explain it to someone else in simple terms. obviously nothing new but in the past I'd stop at a basic description (if that) for new things.

>> No.20830935

I wonder how evo biologists would explain that a person grows tired of food that is otherwise excellent, and is tasty when he begins to eat it. Which does cover all nutritional needs. What can be the benefit.

>> No.20830956

that sounds quite based

>> No.20830959

I know this feel.

>> No.20830960

What does lit think about Dracula by Bram Stoker

>> No.20830961

I'm feeling great :)

>> No.20831007

Its to force variety in the diet. This is pretty obvious. Your brain and body don't have sensors to determine if food is nutritious immediately upon consuming it and I'd love to hear you explain why you think they do.

>> No.20831022

I hate games where they let to choose but it all leads to same scenario later in the game.

>> No.20831037

who here knows about metabolism and stuff? or more specifically exactly what cocaine does to it? I know you lose weight doing it by not eating and it being a stimulant but does it change something more permanently?
the last 5 days I ate McDonalds everyday and was doing at least 3k calories daily (probably over 4) but I haven't gained any weight or fat

>> No.20831045
File: 74 KB, 600x750, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I took a book and some chudsnax to the beach this afternoon. I read almost a whole chapter.

>> No.20831046

they do though. you get cravings based on what you lack. how could these be accurate if there was no foreknowledge?

>> No.20831071

>you get cravings based on what you lack
not sure if that's true you know

>> No.20831076

what are chudsnax?

>> No.20831095

well you see... i had the bugsnax song in my head but i changed it to chudsnax
the snacks in question was a small bag of crystallized ginger

>> No.20831118

that's not how idols work. the more you pay attention to them and the more you believe in them the larger they get

>> No.20831127

Anything with corn syrup

>> No.20831151

That's zogslop.

>> No.20831166

The fact that you even are asking this question shows how low Western society has sunk. Being a virgin doesn’t mean there’s something wrong with you; it makes you infinitely more valuable as a prospect for marriage than the 99% of women who have already whored themselves out to countless men. The part of you that is saying it is morally wrong, will ruin you emotionally, and will destroy your chances to pair bond is correct. On an instinctive level, you already know that you should not do this. Save yourself for your future husband, and God will reward you.

>> No.20831173


>> No.20831174

she's going to be a cat lady and you will never have sex. that is the truth of the matter. good day.

>> No.20831350

"they're not even shallow" - nietzsche
anyway why not input the tomboy meme? (submissive women are boring; all of them naturally are.)

>> No.20831374

The entire universe is alive.
Always has been.

>> No.20831385

Vampires were a stand-in for gays.
They couldn't write directly about gays, so they took some artistic license.

>> No.20831519

i just realized what it means to be a true master of reality

>At that time the disciples came to Jesus and asked, “Who, then, is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?” He called a little child to him, and placed the child among them. And he said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever takes the lowly position of this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.

Cultivate the soul and embrace unity,
can you keep them from separating?
Focus your vital breath until it is supremely soft,
can you be like a baby?
Cleanse the mirror of mysteries,
can you make it free of blemish?
Love the people and enliven the state,
can you do so without cunning?
Open and close the gate of heaven,
can you play the part of the female?
Reach out with clarity in all directions,
can you refrain from action?
It gives birth to them and nurtures them,
It gives birth to them but does not possess them,
It rears them but does not control them.
This is called "mysterious integrity."

>> No.20831544

>tfw no gf to meme into femdom

>> No.20831558

All women are boring.

>> No.20831656

The default state of nature is pretty savage

>> No.20831730

I'm wondering if the world is mostly good or mostly evil. Of course nature has no part in it, good and evil are are directly rooted in sentience. Without living, thinking beings, good and evil ceases to be.
So the real question is if humanity is mostly good or mostly evil.

>> No.20831740

I love women so much. All the women in my life have been the most wonderful people. I feel like those who think otherwise either don't go outside or have just been unlucky with their women.

>> No.20831748

the mind of a pseud

>> No.20831767

Mankind is basically good, but their desires have led them into evil.

>> No.20831826

I miss the old board.

>> No.20831837

>you get cravings based on what you lack.
no you don't. That's pseudoscientific at best and a retarded old midwives' tale at worst.

>> No.20831854

I know it's stupid but watching news footage of 9/11 makes me think this way.

>> No.20831870

I love women.

>> No.20831885 [DELETED] 

sometimes i do, but there were too many communist idiots back then. the main appeal of /lit/ is being able to talk about literature with undergrad leftists blabbing uninsightful marxist and identitarian takes unlike literally every other place on the internet. that said, the religious people lay it on way too thick sometimes. it gets tedious. i think a lot of these uptight freaks are from conservative cultures in the third world though, so by putting up with their shit we are being open, diverse, and equitable which the old /lit/ would have wanted.

>> No.20831903

But not totally. The big jumps in power tend to not be from having big teeth or something "savage" like that. The single biggest jump was sex, something cooperative and fun.

>> No.20831904

Why do only musky boys want my chicken mcnuggies?

>> No.20831905 [DELETED] 

i'm old enough to see the smoking ruble of the wtc with my own eyes. i was stuck in class until the towers dropped. there were a lot of leftists and religious nuts who smugly felt it was deserved and i bet you can still find those types around here.

>> No.20831929

post tits or fuck off to /adv/

>> No.20831946

shameful. our culture has warped you and made you pathetic.

>> No.20831953

Are YOU a musky boy?

>> No.20831970


>> No.20832007

A woman should be pure and should save herself for her husband. Premarital sex is a sin, honey.

>> No.20832021

I think one of the major sources of suffering in myself and others, is this feeling that there is really nothing worth doing that can also be done. And I personally feel trapped in this sort of system where I have to like be ambitious, but only for things that don't really matter or need to be done at all because that's just where civilization has trapped us. What I really want is something necessary, something worthwhile. This is what we all want.

>> No.20832033 [DELETED] 

>our culture
you're obviously some dude in uzbekistan or some other backwards place where women have their male relatives check their virginity before getting married. i don't know what "our" culture you're talking about, since you obviously aren't american.

>> No.20832052

Moving out of your parents' house, and becoming self-sufficient, is necessary and worthwhile.
Why not start there, NEET.
And if you feel trapped by civilization, move somewhere where there isn't any.
There are plenty of third-world crapholes.

>> No.20832062

>Moving out of your parents' house, and becoming self-sufficient, is necessary and worthwhile.
I dont see any benefit from it besides addition headache over work and money.

>> No.20832067

Excruciating memories continued
>asian girl from party tries to become friends with me senior year high school. Says shes determined to be my friend. Every day in class she sits next to me asking me questions. I am very unresponsive. Don't even say hello first. Eventually she gives up. "You know what I think your spirit animal is?" "A roach?" "No I think you're a sloth ... You don't care about anything. You just let life pass by"
>everyday in high school would go to lunch at my house with my brother and his friends. My presence is not wanted, and I purposely make myself an annoyance. One day one of my brothers friends tells me that he has a stepbrother in the geometry class Im in. Says with mocking eyes "and you know what he says .... He says he's never heard you say a word" And proceeds to laugh with knowing eyes, like he's outed me.
>at party thrown by someone i work with at shitty student job. Wasn't invited only got in cause of someone else there told me. Anyways everyone from work standing awkwardly in a circle. She goes around to each one saying their name and hugging them. She comes to me last. I reach in for a hug awkwardly. She steps back "im sorry Im not sure I know you" End up taking an insane amount of shots that night and passing out. Wake up in an emergency room. Apparently I pissed in the corner. Nurse has an australian accent & is pissed. Security guard looks at me shaking his head.

>> No.20832085

>I dont see any benefit from it
Because you're deluded. Do you think children understand the benefits of self-actualization? Didn't your dad ever make you do yardwork because it "builds character"?

>> No.20832094

I got Miller Grove'd

>> No.20832106

Conflicts rooted in religious fanaticism cannot something that can be resolved through logical means. Two examples.
1. Abortion in the USA. In a rational society it would be regarded as medical treatment like any other. But because of Christian fanaticism it has become this major national controversy. Much of the controversy around gays, women's rights, etc. in American history is rooted in this Christian fanaticism.
2. Muslims in Europe. Every generation is more radical and Islamist than their parents. They eschew policies and politics explicitly promoting their interests in favor of Sharia. This in turn causes friction with non-Muslims, general resentment, and is a long term threat to everyone (remember the French generals warning of civil war)?

These dangerous situations are highly foolish, born out of a religious sentiment. This is not to say religion is wrong or evil, but simply that politics is not its place. Religion has no place in political decisions.

>> No.20832113

I did my yardwork. I can only see one positive thing about moving out - having your own place to bring a girl. I'm not interested in relationships or sex so thats that. The rest are only negatives.

>> No.20832124

wrong. I’m from an English-speaking Western country, although I’m not American. unlike you, I'm able to see the havoc that the “sexual revolution” has wreaked upon our society. I don’t encourage women to participate in the status quo of fornication that people like you choose to revel in. when I found God I turned my back on all of that. I cannot erase the sexual sins of my youth now; all that I can do is accept God’s forgiveness and exhort women not to defile themselves with lustful men such as the man I used to be. seek the Lord and you will find peace, brother.

>> No.20832126

Im fine now. Life is stable but boring. The last 4 years feel like a distant memory and all the humiliating things I did like they were done by a different person.
At the same time I've become progressively more detached. I have no social life, and don't know what it would be like to have one. I have zero attachment to anyone, though I guess that's not really any different from the past. Living with my parents rn. Working a easy job in security at a warehouse at the edge of town. Have a lot of money saved up and investments. Still really don't know what I want to do with my life. Im about to finish my degree in literature, one more class. And am feeling like it was a mistake. I don't really want to teach english and none of the other possible jobs related to literature don't interest me. So I am at a loss as to what Im going to do with my life.

>> No.20832170

>none of the other possible jobs related to literature don't interest me
Double negative
About to finish literature degree
Somehow that doesn't add up for me.

>> No.20832173

>guy gets old and fat
>can't pull anymore
>decides to get all religious about it
cope more dude

>> No.20832177

Self-respect, maybe?
Being the master of your own domain, instead of having to do what mommy and daddy tell you to?
Making it on your own, instead of depending on someone else?
Do these things mean nothing to you?

>> No.20832183

I never had any self-respect to myself. That went down to drain somewhere in my life along with passion.

>> No.20832186

Sorry, anon, but the book "No Longer Human" has already been written.

>> No.20832201

If you have no self-respect, then you can expect a lot more suffering in your life... >>20832021

>> No.20832224

I'm eating alone in an IKEA.

>> No.20832232
File: 108 KB, 590x706, jesus-and-horus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your messiah is a shameless ripoff of an Egyptian story.

>> No.20832246

Lol why would I bother proofreading for 4chan? I don't care. It doesn't matter.

>> No.20832267

i had to eat at an ikea once when i was stuck in the philly burbs. the food wasn't terrible, it was unremarkable, i don't even remember it, but the cafeteria space seemed fit for a prison.

>> No.20832273

but did you eat alone?

>> No.20832287

>I don't care. It doesn't matter.
Are you describing 4chan, or your life?

>> No.20832294

no. if i were alone i would have tracked down someplace better.

>> No.20832306

Woah ... deep . got a real psychoanalyst here

>> No.20832328

>And if you feel trapped by civilization, move somewhere where there isn't any.
>There are plenty of third-world crapholes.
wtf is that going to do

>> No.20832387

i think i finally understand why i got into femdom
it was all those fashionable young female teachers when i was in middle school
being in their classes i felt completely at their mercy and did anything for their praise even got hit a few times for slacking

>> No.20832404

Well, there's certainly no shortage of psychos here.
You won't feel trapped by civilization when you're protecting yourself from bot flies, hurricanes, and guerrilla insurgents in El Salvador.

>> No.20832437

that never happens you'll never get to the actually problematic areas and the rest of third world is advancing quite rapidly civilization is constantly expanding
you're worst problems will probably be language socialization issues or dealing with bureaucracy (oh no the forms and applications) and you'd be viewed as even more of a loser because those people haven't learned the other side of success

>> No.20832449

>Civilization BAD
I spend much of my time mourning the fact that civilization will collapse because of global warming and retards like you mope over having the blessing of living it humanity's golden age

>> No.20832462

i didn't say that but if it isn't bad then why will it collapse

>> No.20832474

>What is /lit/s consensus
>Kind of a contrarian opinion on here
Are you fucking retarded or what

>> No.20832507

books for this feel?

>> No.20832521

>I spend much of my time mourning the fact that civilization will collapse because of global warming
Deprogram yourself anon, the greenies have gotten to you.

>> No.20832526

Dashiell Hammett was a blatant closeted homosexual

>> No.20832572

>No. It was /lit/ - Literature. A slow moving board where the user base read books and the trolls were banned
This never happened.

>> No.20832601

Nah this is bullshit. If your parents are willing to let you stay it always makes more sense in your 20s. Rent is like half or more of my paycheck. And that's for a relatively cheap place with roommates. If you want to make it, living with your parents is just what a lot of young people have to do.

>> No.20832624

I wish I could do that but parents live in the middle of nowhere and there are no jobs.

>> No.20832629

anyone still here who didn't get any jabs

>> No.20832636

Is there an alternate history/speculative fiction book where the jews believe someone is actually the messiah? Or christians believe some guy is actually the second coming? I read something again about that famous rabbi that believed in Jesus being the messiah and who's legacy was buried after that revelation and thought this is an interesting concept for a book. It would have to be written by a religious schizo to be any good, but maybe it's already out there. I'd write it but unfortunately I'm already working in the next Great American Novel and can't spare the time.

>> No.20832637

What feel? Debunked memes made by redditors? https://yttribune.com/2021/05/14/debunking-the-heru-horus-jesus-connection/

>> No.20832715
File: 20 KB, 260x383, SatanInGoray.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>jews believing someone is actually the messiah
Didn't this happen with Sabbatai Zevi?

>> No.20832720

Would it be worth it to a 6 month bulking program? I will probably never lift again after that, but I’d like to put on some permanent muscle before I’m old. I’m 29 so I have this thing about turning 30.

>> No.20832727

no we're all hylics

>> No.20832747

Just take the vaccine.

>> No.20832750

>that famous rabbi that believed in Jesus being the messiah and who's legacy was buried after that revelation

>> No.20832751

Do you like eating

>> No.20832754

how many

>> No.20832760

However many you're told.

>> No.20832770

I've actually never known any outside my family, so I couldn't say for sure.

>> No.20832773

I remain unjabbed.
I first came down with COVID in mid-February of 2020, back when the Democrats still considered any discussion of it to be "racist".
It made me cold for a few days; I had no other symptoms.
I'm definitely one of the lucky ones.
I've contracted it a few times since then, but with the same symptoms.
You have to understand that I am never cold, so feeling cold was very unusual, and thus noticeable.
And now the damage caused by the vaccine is finally leaking out from where the Powers That Be desperately tried to contain it.
As in myocarditis, blood clots, and the worst side effect, autoimmune disorders.
Finally (2 days ago), the CDC says we no longer have to differentiate between the vaccinated and unvaccinated.
See https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2022/08/11/1116991600/with-new-guidance-cdc-ends-test-to-stay-for-schools-and-relaxes-covid-rules for more info.
So hopefully the nightmare is over...except for the jabbed, who hopefully won't drop dead all at once.

>> No.20832795

I have a novel in the planning/outlining stages where a thirtysomething guy is suddenly informed that he's the Messiah, and all the fallout from that.
Note that it's not an "is he isn't he" thing; it's made clear to the reader he really is the Messiah, even if not everyone in the book believes him.
To complicate things, he becomes aware that "the other side" has a Messiah, too, i.e. the one normally referred to as the Anti-Christ.
But it's not written yet, sorry. Just a couple of short stories and a lot of notes.

>> No.20832802

Pureblood here but I didn't have to sacrifice anything big like a job. I just didn't travel.

>> No.20832803

I've read the so-called debunking.
It's a bunch of cope.
Its basic point is that not EVERY Egyptian scripture contains this story of Horus, therefore that somehow discredits the entire idea.

>> No.20832826

No, aside from the 25th December claim, none of your points are supported by ancient sources. Feel free to attach the ancient texts that supports each point.

>> No.20832829

This book looks close to what I'm thinking. I knew about the guy but not the book. Thanks.
Yitzhak Kaduri
Well hurry up.

>> No.20832837

Should I also abandon my ideas of math because someone else thought of something similar but slightly different first?

>> No.20832838
File: 54 KB, 340x360, christina and descartes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Christina, Queen of Sweden said women are unfit to be rulers and that only men should be rulers.

>> No.20832852

I have no reason to.
I'm not a believer, nor a partisan.
I have no dog in this fight.
I think the greatest truth of the human race, and the universe, is that no one knows anything, and anyone that claims to is selling something.

>> No.20832862

>talks about truth
>posts and defends lie
Ok buddy

>> No.20832867

>Well hurry up
You'll be glad to know I'm presently doing the background research necessary for fleshing it out.
I'll give you a preview, though...one fun moment is when the Anti-Christ manages to meet the Messiah, and during their discussion, it's made clear the so-called Anti-Christ is not only not a bad guy, but has a lot of valid points, and makes the Messiah squirm a bit.

>> No.20832873

please God please keep me away from the need of intimacy with women

>> No.20832875
File: 231 KB, 581x539, christina far left.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oops. That's not Christina. She was cropped out on the left.

>> No.20832889
File: 4.00 MB, 1652x2288, 1615214423004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i didnt get it

>> No.20832892

>pretends to know the truth about ancient writings and controversial subjects

>> No.20832899

I will find it
It will solve all for sure
It's over there, shit
I don't care anymore

>> No.20832907

not having kids goes against christianity.

>> No.20832909

>still no sources
Keep lying see where it'll take you

>> No.20832938
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>> No.20832940

I know. I am not a pious man and I can't take care of a woman now. I however have many female friends for whom I sometimes have feelings of attraction.

I need God to stop me from flirting because I have no will of my own and will kiss about anyone if she's pretty enough now that I'm celibate. I want to be a better man.

>> No.20832957

You made debunked claims, and you never provided sources to the contrary. You're a liar and a coward, simple as. No wonder you hate Christ.

>> No.20832971

Of course.

>> No.20832976

No it doesn't lol have you ever read monastic literature?

>> No.20832991

Do I smell sexual tension? But on a serious note, good luck with it all. Just be prepared that the big bibleheads will tear apart any small theological mistake. Someone like Frater would be of much help.

>> No.20833001

I can be a christian on my own. I dont need harlots or family.

>> No.20833005
File: 108 KB, 1223x743, 1602216379081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm starting to see this VTuber stuff popping up more an more. am i correct in my observations that this phenomena consists of a bunch of dudes pretending to be anime girls livestreaming their avatars, and thousands of lonely men pretending they are anime girls and watching them pretending they are actual people?

>> No.20833030

some of them are also ugly chicks in the philippines pretending to be japanese for desperate weebs

>> No.20833053

>ugly chicks in the philippines
you could have just said filipinas

>> No.20833066

>the big bibleheads will tear apart any small theological mistake.
Don't worry, no one will bother reading it.

>> No.20833078

if you don't get married everyone including god will know you're wacking it

>> No.20833082

They are the most beautiful Asian women. Only race of East Asians I could see myself dating

>> No.20833099

Its bio Fs that are unattractive/socially unadapted putting on an UWU voice and paying for an iphone and furry artist to make a model for them. Most of their audience is incels who crave parasocial relationships, and the VTubers themsvws all just varying levels of whore.

>> No.20833102

So just destroy it. Most effective way not to pay attention to it

>> No.20833111

No, you're brainwashed by media and a deluded and depressed youth. Come to your senses. This is the path to destruction.

>> No.20833130

most look like monkeys, and only a tiny fraction of them are beautiful. generally they have too many bad features
>short and stocky
>those weird purple/grey lips
>pug noses
>probably the worst face/skull shape of all asians
>annoying accent
>gross food
>sweaty, dirty country
>mentally ill (probably due to poverty and oversized families)
for me, its chinese bitches
no, i have never had sex

>> No.20833155

I never said I hated Christ.
You're jumping to conclusions, as well as projecting again.

>> No.20833159

I abstain from masturbation.

>> No.20833187

No, nothing gay happens.
My plan is much weirder than that.
Also, he's not the Christian Messiah per se; in my telling, God has no preferred Earth-based religion, but instead is constantly experimenting with ways to get the truth across.
Indeed. I write for my own amusement, and if someone wants to buy an e-book, or print-on-demand copy, on Amazon, more power to them.

>> No.20833197

After you finish your degree you should go on a huge road trip. Wander the Earth, try as many new things as possible, meet random people, go a little crazy. Like a mid life crisis but earlier. You feel detached from the world so you need to throw yourself into it. It’s best to do that aggressively cuz if you try it gradually it’s too easy to give up. It should be like throwing yourself into a pool & not knowing how to swim. It forces you to learn fast.
We learn from experience so since you’re not experiencing anything you have no clue what to do. Doing this will create lots of experiences & you’ll better understand who you are. These experiences will open new doors you didn’t know were there & that’ll drive you to try more new things.

>> No.20833225

Can you clarify who "Frater" is?
My attempt to Google that was somewhat ambiguous.

>> No.20833261

When I wake up I start by screaming.
A loud beastly scream like some atavistic form of human that last screamed a million years ago.
I don't stop. I keep screaming. I lay in my bed and stare at the ceiling while I scream.
Sometimes it screams back but I don't stop. Ceilings are arrogant, they think they're above me.

>> No.20833275

What let's plays should I watch?

>> No.20833289

Dinuguan is delicious. I had some last week.

>> No.20833322

none you fucking subhuman, holy shit

>> No.20833378
File: 170 KB, 1200x679, 0WUwKfmU2kdbEF-qhh68UQA6ysvCoyDr5ZV1wzhowrDA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love picasso

>> No.20833401

Maybe you’re right. I know that it’s self-destructive, but having sex with this guy that I don’t know very well seems like my last resort— I’m hoping it’ll help me get over someone else that I’ve been agonizing over for an embarrassing amount of time. But maybe it’ll just make everything worse for me. I don’t know what else to try— I’m just so sick of being sad.

>> No.20833412

> But maybe it’ll just make everything worse for me.
Oh it will. It will sink you much deeper, and it will be much harder to find the light. It's obviously a deception, a temptation for a quick fix that will leave you colder and further away from the light.

>> No.20833419

don't listen to that religious freak, he doesn't have your best interests at heart. that said, having sex to escape sadness is a really bad reason and will probably be toxic. can't anyone on 4chan just be normal. jesus.

>> No.20833433

You remind me of those people who look at mice and ask themselves "how can they fall into the mouse trap after seeing all these bodies around them?!" then doing the same thing themselves.

>> No.20833442

the mouse trap of spinsterhood when the prince charming they were saving their golden pussy for doesn't materialize? yeah, seems easy to avoid, but so many cases.

>> No.20833445

What do you mean? I suppose I know that this will probably end badly for me. I just don’t see any logical or easy way to escape these feelings.

>> No.20833482

No one said it'll be easy. It's hard either way, but one way leads to destruction the other doesn't. Your best path is to get it together, become a good person, and hope you find a Christian man who will take you on a journey to serve God together. This will get rid of all your sadness, it will get you a good and reliable man, and it will solve all your problems. But you have to start putting in the work yourself.

>> No.20833488
File: 55 KB, 540x512, 1656826707145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is it considered morally wrong to be disgusted by women who make it their lifestyle to be a human fleshlight passed around town and to want real emotional and spiritual intimacy from sex and relationships

>> No.20833499

>considered morally wrong
By people with no morals? Literally a non-issue and you're just very weak if that sways you.

>> No.20833513

I never said it sways me, and im not sure why you would post that completely unproked unless you are just looking for some really petty ego boost
it dramatically alters the conditions of the society i have to work with and profoundly impacts my life

>> No.20833523

Part of me wishes that I could rekindle my faith, but I can’t force myself to believe anymore. Christianity has too many negative associations for me. Anyway, even my Christian childhood friends who married young seem to be having problems and getting divorced.

>> No.20833524

>have sex with your bf
>omg u are now a human fleshlight passed around town
i swear christians have really overactive imaginations when it comes to sex just like all those priests that want to talk to teenage boys about masturbation. christianity is honestly creepy as shit.

>> No.20833525

Same thing. If this "profoundly impacts" your life the problem is with you.

>> No.20833533

>hop from one "bf" to another
>omg u are now a human fleshlight passed around town

you are clearly an autistic person who doesn't understand being part of a greater community

>> No.20833535

Many "Christians" especially in America are not Christians. Also you can't "rekindle" your faith by "forcing" yourself to believe. That's why I said you need a man to guide you, because it sounds like you're in a dark place and you need guidance. But yes, you'd have to find an actual Christian man with fear of god and love of people.

>> No.20833536

you are a religious nut and mentally ill. seek help, like from a trained psychologist not some dude who read a bunch of medieval theology.

>> No.20833541

>trained psychologist
Kek opinion discarded

>> No.20833542

>you need a man to guide
you see this fucking creepy ass mf is trying to groom naive inexperienced women into controlling relationships.

>> No.20833545

lol, pathetic

>> No.20833555

Maybe you'd have more credibility if you didn't sound like you're a 12 year old negro from Twitter, but normal people could still see through you.

>> No.20833559

ok groomer

>> No.20833565

Yes and youre trying to groom her into twerking to wap

>> No.20833566

there you go again with the crazy imagination

>> No.20833568

grooming people into healthy hetero-normative relationships is perfectly fine. did you seriously think it would be some hot burn to falsely equate that with turning kids into transvestites and fags?

>> No.20833574

dude, please, it's obvious what you're up to, you sick fuck

>> No.20833576

of course its obvious, i literally just openly stated what I believe lol

>> No.20833577

they should put flags on /lit/ like on /sp/ so it's easier to disregard nonsense from backwards failed countries.

>> No.20833578

While your imagination isnt crazy cause you have support of twitter normies and globohomo media
But all of that will perish anyway

>> No.20833600

christianity is dying mainly because you're too uptight to fuck which was the downfall of the manichaeans too. bummer, womp womp.

>> No.20833610

Christians have higher birthrate than atheists

>> No.20833613

>Christianity is dying because not enough of you dramatically alter your values on a whim to suit pop culture

is that supposed to be a bad thing? this is serious compliment to Christianity

>> No.20833617

it's not good or bad, it's irrelevant.

>> No.20833623

If they rangeban the UK and North America, 99.9% of the off topic shit disappears.

>> No.20833625

it sounds pretty good to me

>> No.20833626

>In an article also published in this issue of Mayo Clinic Proceedings, Mayo Clinic researchers reviewed published studies, meta-analyses, systematic reviews and subject reviews that examined the association between religious involvement and spirituality and physical health, mental health, health-related quality of life and other health outcomes.
>The authors report a majority of the nearly 350 studies of physical health and 850 studies of mental health that have used religious and spiritual variables have found that religious involvement and spirituality are associated with better health outcomes.

>> No.20833647

there’s nothing creepy about his advice. a naive and inexperienced woman who is lost and emotionally distraught can benefit most from a man who will take charge. she needs a man to guide her and mold her into an obedient wife and mother. being brainwashed into fornicating with strangers and taking our culture’s “remedies” (toxic psychotherapy and a cocktail of poisonous antidepressants) will not help her. what will help her is a firm hand. getting married and impregnated is the only thing that helps such women to settle down, because it lets them fulfill their purpose and gives them something meaningful to focus on.

>> No.20833656

He's an American "psychatrist" LARP, his role is to encourage evil and feed people drugs.

>> No.20833672

it’s not morally wrong. you’re absolutely right, and our culture is wrong.

>> No.20833706

Well, sure.
False hope is better for you than no hope at all.
It's like a reward for being gullible.
Just another of the many perverse paradoxes we must live with.

>> No.20833714
File: 214 KB, 512x564, 1601587431979.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just another of the many perverse paradoxes we must live with.
Such is life for the eternal antitheist

>> No.20833720

That's rude.

>> No.20833729

>"It's like a reward for being gullible." says man whos perspective is defined by accepting pop culture narratives

>> No.20833813

I don't see the point in making to-do lists

>> No.20833834

I'm not an anti-theist, whatever the hell that is.
You literally have no idea what I believe.
I'm about as far removed from pop culture as one can be.

>> No.20833845

New thread >>20833611
Was someone gonna announce that?

>> No.20833846

You are an antitheist, you're just not intelligent enough to realize it.

>> No.20833852

>whatever the hell that is.
at least you clairify that you have no fucking clue what you are talking about and are in over your head lol
>I'm about as far removed from pop culture as one can be.

>> No.20833880

I believe there's a God.
I also believe he didn't bother to write us books.

>> No.20833894

I didn't know the "spiritual but not religious" crowd was still a thing

>> No.20833903

fucking groomer weirdo

>> No.20833910

Like I said...I'm about as far removed from pop culture as one can be.

>> No.20833912

giving into to it doesn't destroy it though, that is paying attention to it. that's my point.

>> No.20833917

You'd fit right in, you should check out reddit.com

>> No.20833925

Not going to Reddit...Gardner already pseuded it up:

>> No.20834225

>Not going to Reddit...
apparently that is a lie

>> No.20834228

>Gardner already pseuded it up
not a lie

>> No.20834231

there actually are japanese in the philippines just like in australia and other islands a diaspora of sorts

>> No.20834352
File: 274 KB, 1000x1011, dio-holy-diver.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, yeah
Holy Diver
You've been down too long in the midnight sea
Oh, what's becoming of me?
Ride the tiger
You can see his stripes, but you know he's clean
Oh, don't you see what I mean?
Gotta get away
Holy Diver, yeah
Got shiny diamonds
Like the eyes of a cat in the black and blue
Something is coming for you, look out!
Race for the morning
You can hide in the sun 'til you see the light
Oh, we will pray it's alright
Gotta get away
Get away
Between the velvet lies
There's a truth that's hard as steel, yeah
The vision never dies
Life's a never ending wheel, say
Holy Diver
You're the star of the masquerade
No need to look so afraid
Jump, jump, jump on the tiger
You can feel his heart, but you know he's mean
Some light can never be seen, yeah
Holy Diver
You've been down too long in the midnight sea
Oh, what's becoming of me? No, no
Ride the tiger
You can see his stripes, but you know he's clean
Oh, don't you see what I mean?
Gotta get away, get away
Gotta get away, get away, yeah
Holy Diver, soul survivor
You're the one who's clean
Holy Diver, Holy Diver
There's a cat in the blue coming after you, Holy Diver
Yeah, Holy Diver
Yeah, alright
Get away, get away, get away
Holy Diver, Holy Diver
Oh, Holy Diver

>> No.20834708

You need to make the whole this next you try it

>> No.20834752

That's not even English.
What are you trying to say here?

>> No.20834938
File: 272 KB, 880x1200, 55A90CF5-A1D5-4FFC-86C2-A61087B9F895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That’s a typing error. I typed “thing” and it popped out “this”. It’s all still English

>> No.20834946

Why would you post this dyed-hair harlot? Shameful

>> No.20834951

why bother writing when nobody will read your work?

>> No.20835035
File: 93 KB, 608x646, 563B3B1E-F2EC-437F-8232-27E180DE620C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like tall girls

>> No.20835037

Have I ever argued with a non-sober Anon on 4chan? I heard Anons say they were drunk, on heroin, etc?
I wonder...

>> No.20835041

Only to be spoken of on professional matters while drunk.
Bottles exist so to make normies economically effective.

>> No.20835042
File: 334 KB, 1242x2225, C18F0ECB-734E-4948-824D-DE0A6DA8B995.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As long as at least one person, even posthumously, reads it, it was worth the efforts. It’s written for arts sake.
Money or fame shouldn’t be your motivation (well maybe that small fame, notoriety)

>> No.20835047

why is he so angery

>> No.20835081

Possibly to change your personality after 25?