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/lit/ - Literature

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20828913 No.20828913 [Reply] [Original]

What's your excuse for not currently studying Him?

>> No.20828921

You keep making shitty threads about him.

>> No.20828923

None, since I am currently studying him.

>> No.20828928

I enjoy his works too much to "study" him. When something gets academic or formal, I automatically lose interest. I can't deal with that insipid and sterile approach.

>> No.20828929

I’m reading him for fun instead.

>> No.20828935


there are way more useful things to "study"

>> No.20828945

I spit on England.

>> No.20828950

Because I'm studying Cervantes instead.

>> No.20828958

It will contribute close to nothing in my life. Even if i study all his works and life it would not matter, that won't get me a job, that won't get me money to live, friends, inner peace. No, it doesn't matter, nobody cares that you read X author's entire work, nobody cares that you can read latin, nobody cares that you know about philosophy, religion or history, nobody cares that you can recite fuck knows how many Shakespeare lines. Spend your time learning something useful.

>> No.20828964

everything is useless

>> No.20828970

>nobody cares
Why do you care so much about what matters to other people? Study something because you genuinely enjoy it. Not because you think it'll make other people think you're cool

>> No.20828977

Recession, threat of nuclear war, (bojo did his part), resource depletion, intensifying corporatist and governmental policies, inflation, climate change, no all-nude female plays in the park near me.

>> No.20829036

>Why do you care so much about what matters to other people?
Why do you care about what i care?

>> No.20829048


>> No.20829059

Reading deeply

>> No.20829063

he wrote for entertainment

>> No.20829065

i'm studying computational musicology instead

>> No.20829070

I don’t particularly enjoy his work, to be honest

>> No.20829086

I just finished

>> No.20829090

Could you talk a bit about what studying Cervantes is like? Can you read read his Spanish?
In the English speaking world Cervantes is basically synonymous with Don Quixote but I assume there's more to it than that?

>> No.20829112

Maybe in terms of being a literary giant, but desu I think Francisco de Quevedo is closer to being a spanish Shakspeare

>> No.20829120

Lope de Vega is more like it. A playwright/poet.

>> No.20829143

get off this board loser

>> No.20829172

Empiricist bugman

>> No.20829177

I always assumed it was Cervantes who was the dominant central figure of Spanish literature or at least the closest to the position which Shakespeare has in English language literature
Ignoring comparisons to Shakespeare, what has it been like to study Cervantes?

>> No.20829198

In terms of stature, Cervantes is the Shakespeare of Spanish literature. In terms of similarities, Lope de Vega is more like Shakespeare, because he was a playwright first and foremost and a poet second.

>> No.20829200

Kek. Poorfag detected

>> No.20830288

What are you even doing here?

>> No.20830296

I bought a new little edition of his comedies last week, so I plan on returning to him soon.

>> No.20830312

>Spend your time learning something useful.
I enjoy it so it's useful to me.
Also, newsflash retard people can do multiple things at a time. I can enjoy reading lit while also studying things that will make me money. Why are you even on this board if you don't like reading literature?