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20826487 No.20826487 [Reply] [Original]

Bunch of Fucking savages. They got him in the end.
America needs to keep their Muslims in check.

>> No.20826553

wtf according to the news Rushdie has a bounty of 3 million

>> No.20826633

>Rushdie and moderator Henry Reese were set to discuss “the United States as asylum for writers and other artists in exile and as a home for freedom of creative expression.”

>> No.20826734
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it was him, i know it

>> No.20827367

>His speech was about how the USA is a safe place for persecuted authors
Talk about tempting fate.

>> No.20827377
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>Assad must go

>> No.20827595

Can someone explain the actual controversy/debate regarding the Satanic Verses?

>> No.20827603

It’s the religion of peace, chuds

Muslim immigration to Europe is good. Diversity is our strength

>> No.20827620

Muslims are legitimately acting on self-defense against a rotten nihilistic West. They're based.

>> No.20827628

Muslims are inbred savages

>> No.20827633


>> No.20827645

>Assad curse strikes again Ep.537

>> No.20827656

What specifically were muslims mad about anyway?

>> No.20827665


>> No.20827670

He published a blasphemous book and thought everything was going to be fine like when jews insult christianity with impunity. Turns out Muslims fight back.

>> No.20827673

Nah they're just inbred barbarians who are too stupid to live in the modern world. Even the blackest niggers don't WANT to live in squalor

>> No.20827677

>muh modern world
It's collapsing on you. It's a failure. Seethe and cry about it while you get mass murdered.

>> No.20827680 [DELETED] 

Rot in your bombed out 3rd world shithole you toilet paperless dog

>> No.20827687


>> No.20827688

Humanity can only get more advanced, you are an evolutionary dead end.

>> No.20827693

Too bad you'll get stabbed before you can see it.

>> No.20827701

Lets be honest. His books weren’t even good.

>> No.20827702

White niggers, that's all people like you are.

>> No.20827703
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>> No.20827732

go back to r*ddit

>> No.20827749

Although I think the most important thing right now is to worry about his health and have empathy for him the truth is religious fanatics are a bunch of shits that only serve to mess up the world.

There is no evidence to support any religion, to the contrary. With each new year more nails are driven into the coffin of every religion on the planet.

Is there any deity? Neither I nor anyone else knows, but with absolute certainty no prophet of the past, whether Christ or Mohammed or Moses or anyone else, was really in touch with the divine. All have been disproved by the scientific findings of the world. All the worldviews of the great religions have already been defeated.

The rest is fear of dying, fear of disappearing, fear of losing loved ones, dissatisfaction with the meaninglessness of the universe, etc., etc. In general fear and self-centeredness.

All the believers in the world have already lost: they will go to the void (and in the pit of their stomachs they know it, that's why they get so angry).

>> No.20827750


>> No.20827752

jesus didn't fight back. seems you don't understand christianity at all.

>> No.20827754

Visiting from /x/. Posting this here, copy save and spread
The Satanic Verses earned Salman the fatwa by dumb luck. He insinuated, by quoting and defending old poetry, that Islam was the continuation of the pagan cult worship of Ishtar - Goddess of the Moon. See (Star and Moon) symbolism in Islam for more evidence of this. Ishtar is just a mask for one of the ancient demons known to Solomon. The name is close enough to pick out which one.
He had no idea that he was on the money. The big problem, is that said pagan cult, and thier patron demon, are still fully operational. Tying them to thier ancestral name, and thus closer to the true name and form of thier patron, is one of the most damaging things you could do to Islam.

>> No.20827759


Prove me wrong

>> No.20827760

Is it true that all lower case posters are iliterate? Every thread proves this right.

>> No.20827766

>From his mouth comes a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations, and he will rule them with a rod of iron. He will tread the winepress of the fury of the wrath of God the Almighty.

>> No.20827772

>Eco, Oz, BHL
can one get any more midwit?

>> No.20827773

Already BTFO by https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DLzxrzFCyOs

>> No.20827778

This literally a post from reddit.

>> No.20827780

>ilhan omar and aoc coming out to support this stabbing in 3..2..

>> No.20827784

>atheist, Israeli, Jew
of course

>> No.20827785


No, but if it was a post from reddit?

What can you say against it?

>> No.20827787

he did conquer rome but not by stabbing ovid or some other random author in the neck, that's not how christianity works.

>> No.20827789

no great loss

>> No.20827795

Isn't this acceptable? My liberal friends all check my Islamophobia and tell me to give a free pass to any and all Islamic influenced behavior. I think the Muslim man is in the right as Rushdie offended his way of life. He shouldn't have done that, my liberal friends tell me Muslims must be accepted wholly to ensure we are not being Islamophobic.

>> No.20827797

You focus too much on the particulars like a typical westoid bugman. Oversocialized, overspecialized. You should look at the big picture.

>> No.20827808

you will never have sex. i'm sorry.

>> No.20827809

Yes, this is correct. Eveytime I talk about Islam being exceptionally unreasonable my liberal friends make sure to correct my Islamophobia by telling me all religions are bad. I think this is correct because even though Muslims kill way more people over their faith, others have done the same in history. Doesn't matter who's doing it more now.

>> No.20827818

wow is liberalism actually BASED?!

>> No.20827821

No fucking way I was just reading this guy's wikipedia earlier today, what are the fucking odds?

>> No.20827828

Only hope for Muslims at this point is MBS’s liberalization working and then being exported to Pakistan, Africa, etc. It will come to either that or Xinjiang sooner or later.

>> No.20827836

>muh sex demoralization!
Very christian line of thought.

>> No.20827837 [DELETED] 

He's probably some inbred sandnigger or a paki.

>> No.20827843

You can't even spell illeterate my guy

>> No.20827846

Muslims are more right wing than western cuckservatives (jewish lovers and zionists). Atheists and liberals are the same overall.

>> No.20827857

>The big problem, is that said pagan cult, and thier patron demon, are still fully operational. Tying them to thier ancestral name, and thus closer to the true name and form of thier patron

>> No.20827873

>The satanic verses are two lines in the Quran that, according to some versions of Muslim history, Muhammad spoke under the direction of Satan rather than Allah. Some early Muslim sources record that Muhammad admitted that Surah (“Chapter”) 53, verses 21–22 of the Quran, as they originally read, were the result of a satanic trick that he thought was a genuine revelation from Allah. If this tradition is true, Muhammad’s position as a true prophet would be in dispute because he had been deceived by Satan.
>The Satanic Verses is also a 1988 novel by British-Indian novelist Salman Rushdie. The title itself was offensive to Muslims, and the novel was said to be loosely based on the life of Muhammad and includes a number of terms and concepts that are also offensive to Muslims. As a result, the Ayatollah Khomeini, then supreme leader of Iran, issued a fatwa ordering the death of Rushdie, and for a while he had to go into hiding. Attempts were made on his life, and bookstores that sold the book were also targeted for violence. Subsequently, Rushdie apologized for offending Muslims; however, the apology was rejected. Although the furor has subsided and Rushdie has been able to move about freely and has published more books, the fatwa has never been rescinded.

>> No.20827887

Good, according to the news it was multiple knife wounds on the neck. I hope he dies, we need to accelerate.

>> No.20827898

Leftists have become significantly tolerant of religious groups (especially Muslims) because they see them as oppressed and naturally they worship anything they see as inferior. It’s one of the most baffling aspects of leftism today. Islam is everything they hate about conservative cultures and traditions multiplied by 100, but they pretend it’s a progressive force that’s simply misinterpreted by the west. In Islam:

>women are subordinate to their husbands
>homosexuality punishable by death
>transgenderism strictly forbidden
>only 2 sexes
>private property is allowed and commerce is encouraged
>men and women should not interact at all before marriage
>the state is forbidden from becoming too powerful

>> No.20827912

>gets rushed
now we just need to figure out what salmon fish have to do with this.

>> No.20827913

China literally puts Muslims in concentration camps

>> No.20827915

rush die

>> No.20827917

Wrong board, retard.

>> No.20827928

Literally who?

>> No.20827934



>> No.20827961

Who gives a shit about labels anymore, there's no consistency. Yesterday's liberal is tomorrow's far right white supremacist. Yesterday's jihadi is tomorrow's Islamic minority. The only thing that remains constant is intent. Are people excusing bad behaviour by Muslims because of x, or z justification? They're leftists. Are people not doing that, like with Xi? They're not leftists. Helps to keep things simple and clear.

>> No.20827962

He wants people to hate Muslims and kick off a Siege scenario.

Honestly I’m amazed this happened in America. If it had happened in Europe it wouldn’t be a surprise; Western Europe probably has more Islamic extremists than the Middle East does. But American Muslims are pretty chill.

>> No.20827966

Hes old ass fuck out of shape and lost a lot of blood. Unless he got lucky and all his major arteries are intact its most likely a wrap for him. Good luck old man hope you pull through.

>> No.20827973

I think he survived, if he was going to die he already would have.

>> No.20827974

i want to see who the guy was who did which they aren't releasing any info about. was he iranian operative? stochastic self-radicalized lone wolf? low iq groomed by fbi? i wanna know. what would be wild if it turns out he's from chechnya or some other russian influenced place which would be highly sus.

>> No.20827976

thankfully he's alive, yes.

>> No.20827977

>But American Muslims are pretty chill.
Recently a Muslim man was arrested for going on a killing spree against other Muslim men in a Southwestern state (I think Arizona or New Mexico). Orginally the media was framing it as Islamophobia and connecting it to Asian hate crimes. I'm sure you can imagine their surprise when the killer was a local muslim man who attended the same mosque as all his victims.

>> No.20827980

Hope he doesn't have brain damage due to blood loss.
It can be a fate worse than death, especially at his age.

>> No.20827984

so some muslim nigga threw his life away to assassinate rushdie and as far as we know he failed. He must be feeling pretty stupid rn

>> No.20827992
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Fucking hilarious. It's been decades of this shit now. Enough to forget the book even exists. But sure enough some fucking derka derka Mohammed jihad nigger pops out of nowhere.

>> No.20827993

Who says it was islamically motivated? Maybe the perpetrator just really really hated magic realism

>> No.20827995

or indians.

>> No.20827996

I hope you get stabbed in the neck

>> No.20828013


>> No.20828024

Yup. Salman Rushdie's book is a reference to the famous "satanic verses" which allege that the Prophet Muhammad was tricked by Satan into endorsing polytheism. It's hardcore memetic warfare against Islam. Islam already has a difficult time keeping people in line through hardcore fideism (Allah gave the Prophet Muhammad this exception, that exception, magically aged Aisha to child-bearing age and maturity, etc.), but if the Prophet Muhammad was influenced by Satan, then it's all over.

>> No.20828028
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Fucking hilarious to see a string of threads about this on rebbit and they all lock comments. I wonder why.

>> No.20828036

No one cares go back

>> No.20828044

You have to go back.

>> No.20828047

He's right. The only good way to go about this is to express your condolences, express your sympathies, and make general remarks about how people are so easily radicalized in today's hateful environment. Anything else would be absolutely Islamophobic and my liberal friends have assured me that defending Islam is the pursuit of liberalism. I don't really understand how but liberals are smart and amazing, humble, funny and helpful people so I try to emulate them.

>> No.20828048

reminder that this board is like 50% underage muzzie zoomers

>> No.20828050
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This is the guy. Keep coping, goat fucker.
Oddly enough he kinda looks like Andrew Tate.

>> No.20828051

This shit has been 35 years coming so it's going to blow up all over international news for a few days. We're going to have hundreds of these threads, and lots of tourists, if you don't. You can tell by the fact nobody in either of the fast moving threads has started a jihad over butterflies, even though this is one time it's perfectly literary to do so on this board.

>> No.20828055

Contain your autism. It's always fun to go on normie safari.

>> No.20828063

>He goes to reddit
Why are you even here?

>> No.20828067
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A lot of butthurt muzzies tonight. Are you upset we aren't nice to your imaginary friend in the sky?

>> No.20828072

59 people died in protests related to his book
i can only dream to one day write a shitpost hard enough to troll 59 people into death

>> No.20828075

How does he look like Tate? Tate literally looks an ape with those huge ass lips

>> No.20828076

>Are you upset we aren't nice to your imaginary friend in the sky?
>on the 4chan board for being nice to our imaginary text format friends because anime has too much sensory stimulation
I think you're mistaking where you are with being in grade school; we may be retarded but our imaginary friends are way better than anything you'd come up with.

>> No.20828078

Just go on r/trans and tell people they will never be a woman, never pass, and never find someone to date them that isn't also a tranny.

>> No.20828081

Bad art is an even worse crime than murder

>> No.20828085

I know he doesn’t like reading but damn.

>> No.20828095

All cultures are equal. Open your fucking borders NOW Chuds.

>> No.20828099

Muslim culture is hilarious. brain dead tribesmen killing people, just as the pseudo prophet did

>> No.20828130

seethe more trannies

>> No.20828136

Please do not speak ill of our Muslim brethren. I grew up studying about the concepts of nation states, borders and cultural identity. My liberal friends told me that earth is a giant village in outer space and something like how we're all villagers too? So we should respect each other but I have noticed that this respect is particularly given to Muslims alone. I think we should see this, as a very unique and diverse cultural development. Yes I think that is what my liberal friends would say.

>> No.20828140

go back to r*ddit

>> No.20828150

>I am going to pretend that I actually believe this anon is referring to China. Hur hur hur! Umm excuse me? I'm confused? ummmm?
Faggot. Go back.

>> No.20828156

wish they could guillotine this freak

>> No.20828168

>guillotining a based KING
par for the course

>> No.20828169

>So we should respect each other
Can I get some advice on this? So I'm giving out respect to their culture but never really get any back. They seem to be extremely opposed to it. In fact I'm pretty sure they want my culture dead and replaced. What is the next step? Forgiveness?

>> No.20828177

Why don't Christoids do this to leftists who blaspheme their living god? Don't they give a shit about him?

>> No.20828184

Can't even spell "elitrate" correctly

>> No.20828187 [DELETED] 

because when people disrespect and attack christians it makes them stronger. i'm pretty sure foucault writes about this in discipline and punish.

>> No.20828220

You know I asked this very question to my liberal friends, but in more delicate terms. One of them conveniently quoted Animal Farm and implied that Islamic culture faces more backlash from progressive society and conversely it needs to be protected the most. Another dear old liberal friend quoted Gandhi where he told Hindus to let Muslims kill them if it meant ushering in a new age. I think these smart people are equally struggling to come to terms with their morality, and since liberals know best we should believe them and work from there.

>> No.20828225

christianity is about forgiving people and just letting the bad guys kill you

>> No.20828232

If both liberals and conservatives oppose Islam and muslimhood that means it's the way forward.

>> No.20828238

liberals and conservatives also appose eating handfuls of feces, that doesn't mean it's a good idea, in fact, it might mean it's a terrible idea.

>> No.20828239

Contain your autism, the post was a joke

>> No.20828247 [DELETED] 

Muslims aren't white, they're just normal brown niggers.

>> No.20828254

"Muslim" is not a race. Many are Caucasian.

>> No.20828260

Why are there so many chuds being retards about posts that are clearly ironic strawmen?

>> No.20828261

>t. Actual tranny

>> No.20828274

False comparison. A metaphysical system of values is not the same as human waste. Also many liberals are into coprophilia.

>> No.20828281

get a room

>> No.20828285

they released the perp's identity


>> No.20828289

Prove it's wrong, retarded moralfag

>> No.20828295

>Hadi Matar
kek "matar" means "to kill" in Spanish. Interesting.

>> No.20828298

"Magic realism" is trash though. It's fantasy for pseuds who are too pretentious to call shit fantasy and also like to put lots of pretentious bullshit ideology into all of it. It's the most pseud literary "movement" there is.

>> No.20828301

>liberals and conservatives also appose eating handfuls of feces, that doesn't mean it's a good idea, in fact, it might mean it's a terrible idea.
The nigger said it was wrong to begin with.

>> No.20828307

It's not a movement and it's not trash. You're just an uncultured swine.

>> No.20828312

>when you're behind seven proxies so you think you're safe from the Borges fanclub
>forgets they have an aleph

>> No.20828315
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Get a life

>> No.20828317

If he's not dead yet he's going to survive. Bigotry lost again today and /lit/ won.

>> No.20828323

I have a life. Are you two in a room?

>> No.20828327

wanna bet he's out of the hospital in time to give a speech on 9/11?

>> No.20828328

this is not bigotry

>> No.20828332

well i for one didn't say it's wrong i just said it's probably a terrible idea.

>> No.20828337
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Can we rush Rushdie to die?

OP stop crying for a satanist

>> No.20828338

So you confess you did it?

>> No.20828339

It is. The stabber was a religious bigot who hated everyone who dared criticise Islam. Bigotry isn't restricted to white chuds.

>> No.20828340

Sounds like the only satanists here are the muslims, Rushdie was just pointing that out.

>> No.20828345

Many more people should be stabbed for the books they write.

>> No.20828346

He did not criticize Islam.

>> No.20828361

Why do we need to be in it

>> No.20828367
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File didn't load

>> No.20828370

You'll see.

>> No.20828374

>been on the Muslim hit list since the late 1980s

>> No.20828387


How much you people want to bet that this guy is an incel?

>> No.20828416

>tranny sexual demoralization
like clockwork

>> No.20828419

Stop fantasizing about gay sex faggot

>> No.20828428
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So we can fight to death with katanas unsheathed?

>> No.20828436

Of course, what else.
Projecting faggot.

>> No.20828458
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Maybe we can play leapfrog with fake moustaches and eat vitello tonnato while we masturbate to photographs of Caligula, the old roman emperor

>> No.20828472

A projection of a projection, and everything is projections

>> No.20828502


This has nothing to do with Islam or mass migration. We must come together to stop this divisive hate.

t. The system.

>> No.20828511

>Heh, get a load of this faggot
>N-no UR gay

Do leftychuds really?

>> No.20828519


>> No.20828532

The sister whores that are the US and Israel will soon fall.

>> No.20828567

redpill me on this further please anon

>> No.20828608

It jogs my noggin that the muzzies were mad enough to gank his Japanese translator.

>> No.20828644
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I am a woman

>> No.20828665

Ok Guenon

>> No.20828679

Can both of these be true ?

>> No.20828704

That's fucked up. I haven't read The Satanic Verses but I love The Master and Margarita, which I know was a major inspiration for it.

>> No.20828724

it's literally just basic symbolism
it's pseud but even more pseud than that are the retards who can't understand why images might mean things, lmao

>> No.20828732

Did The Satanic Verses come out before his
book Antifragile ?
Or did his book Skin in the Game come out before Satanic Verses and Antifragile ?

>> No.20828734

Ah shit he lived. Time to go back to the drawing board boys, we need a proper jihad this time. Who's gonna volunteer to be the human bomb?

>> No.20828738

he was fooled by randomness into thinking this black swan day would never come

>> No.20828742

Are you daft? Antifragile was written Taleb not Rushdie.

>> No.20828746

He says after someone got stabbed in the neck for badmouthing skydaddy

>> No.20828753

Too bad the pen is mightier than the sword lol. This just makes Muslims look like faggots

>> No.20828766

Statistically, the number of converts to Islam increases every time a terrorist attack happens. And no, unlike Christians, Muslims are feared in the West.

>> No.20828769

If he survives this horrendous attach is POWER
LIFTING going to be the next self defense craze ?

>> No.20828775

lol fascist Christian nationalists run the west

>> No.20828780


>> No.20828781

Same thing lmao

>> No.20828784

good. people who insult christianity should be killed too

>> No.20828786

Not really.

>> No.20828794
File: 92 KB, 275x266, 1637742053687.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw muslim
>tfw realize that shit's going to get hard for me and my family again because some literal who stabbed another literal who and the media is going to run with it
>tfw there's absolutely nothing i can do except take it and watch dumb people come to conclusions about me after watching a 5 minute cnn segment

guess it's time to shave the beard and larp as a hindu again, just like i did after 9/11

>> No.20828801
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>> No.20828806

hey, that hurt :/

>> No.20828808

Israel is basically that description and a Christian nationalist invention

>> No.20828814

You guys are literally worshiped in Europe and the liberal parts of the US, you'll be fine

>> No.20828820

you had a beard during 9/11? how old are you? at least 40, right?

>> No.20828823

nah, dog
we turn the other cheek
and also this
Mathew 5, 10-12

as well as there evangelical puppets.

>> No.20828826

didn't ask

>> No.20828838

in my experience it's rough everywhere
yeah, i'm 45.

>> No.20828839

i thought the whole "turn the other cheek" thing was strictly intended for missionaries going to non-Christian nations and trying to convert people. didn't Jesus say that you should sell your second cloak to buy a sword?

>> No.20828848

"worshipped" by media and government, as a counterbalance to the indifference or even hatred they get from natives

>> No.20828858


>> No.20828860

No? I’m Muslim in a very liberal state and everyone is scared of us except for hardcore retard lefties. Which is fine, don’t care. You guys literally blame the catastrophic clash of civilizations going on as ‘jews’ when it was really white people who came at us first and even in the 70s killed all our secular leaders for money and bombed us. Now you’re mad the bottom lower class of our societies are funneling into Europe as the aftermath of jews and whites sucking each other off and doing politicking in the middle east.

>> No.20828862

If the people in power are on the Muslims' side, there's not much that can affect them. It's the rest of us that have to be afraid of Muslims, they have the government on their side.

>> No.20828866

Rushdie is a literal who?

>> No.20828870

nah the dude offered himself up as a sacrifice the whole religion is about it

>> No.20828871

that's not how society works

>> No.20828875

did he say to do the same?

>> No.20828877

>and everyone is scared of us
wonder why lol

>Now you’re mad the bottom lower class of our societies are funneling into Europe as the aftermath of jews and whites sucking each other off and doing politicking in the middle east.
I genuinely don't get how Muslims see themselves as the victims here. You are conquering Europe. It's the same thing as European colonization of the Middle East in the 19th Century. Which, fine, to the victor goes the spoils. But stop acting like your people are victims.

>> No.20828881
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that's the choice he made for himself, it's not what he preached for his people.

are you being dumb on purpose?

>> No.20828885

>go to america
>get stabbed

>> No.20828889

That's what they said about Anne Heche

>> No.20828904

No? Do you really think that’s the same. Im not even talking about old style Western imperialism. If you knew any history you’d know that every powerful ME leader we killed by the dollar cartel in the 70s to now. The middle east has been dominated and raped by the CIA even in modernity for your corporations to get wealthy retard. Your upper class is not just Jews, but whites who HATE PEOPLE LIKE YOU who are lower class and view you as scum. That’s why they don’t care if they import middle easterners or Africans into Europe, more cheap labor and they live insultes lives.

However, it all boils down to money and all started when the CIA and Western civilization stuck their nose in places they shouldn’t after de-colonization.

White people are totally fine with their glowies RAPING the world, but now the glowie state your grandfathers built is now being turned against you. Enjoy the fruits of your labor.

>> No.20828917
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maybe she should have been security the stage instead of the doughnut buffet?

>> No.20828934
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Islam a bloody basterd bitch benchod.
t. Salami Rush

>> No.20828938

>Do you really think that’s the same.
Frankly, I'd say the current colonization of Europe is worse than anything the Europeans did to the Middle East (with the arguable exception of the Crusades). The Middle East remains a land of Arabs, Turks, Kurds, etc. with Islam. Europeans face ethnic and religious replacement.

>muh Jews, muh whites
Do you think I care about Jews or whites anon? You are right of course, this is a class conflict, and the defeat of us by the upper class has caused the destruction of my homeland and our colonization at your people's hands.

>White people are totally fine with their glowies RAPING the world, but now the glowie state your grandfathers built is now being turned against you. Enjoy the fruits of your labor.
Well, if karma is real, I hope your people choke on it.

>> No.20828944

Shit, I should get a first-edition copy of Satanic Verse before they spike in price if he dies.

>> No.20828946

not my fault that i've actually read the bible that you only pretend to believe in

>> No.20828951
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>> No.20828956


>> No.20828959
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>before they spike in price
Haha idiot. I just checked ebay and abebooks and the vultures are already out. Prices are skyrocketing. Amazon is showing Rushdie as a best seller.

>> No.20828960

Thinking about getting Skin in the Game
and Black Swan for the same reason

>> No.20828962

People will always find an excuse to hate you bro, there's no logic to it. Americans are pigs who kill more people but still cry about their stupid towers, and then the rednecks in bumfuck nowhere attack anyone that remotely looks muslim.

>> No.20828963

If karma is real white people are in for it. Do you really believe the /pol/ myth of colonialism not being profitable. It was — just not for anyone except your upper classes. To compare the ethnic displacement of white people rn to the countless atrocities and general fuckery under european imperialism is laughable. Do you think women being raped by Pakis at night occasionally is comparable to total and complete foreign domination and restructuring if your nations economy, with impacts for years to come?

None of you have grown up with hardship and all your WN larpers have not had a real struggle. You haven’t taken on nation states. Glowies, The literal might of the ZOG empire. ISIS and Al Qaeda are a literal wet dream for SIEGE kiddy retards, and no real white identity group matches the sophistication of a bunch of middle easterners with turd world education and engineering degrees.

>> No.20828965

>All muslims want head
From the nearest goat no doubt.

>> No.20828971

quote it then

>> No.20828975

nearest European blondie*

>> No.20828982

>If karma is real white people are in for it.
why karma is about individual souls not groups

>> No.20828984


>> No.20828986

>To compare the ethnic displacement of white people rn to the countless atrocities and general fuckery under european imperialism is laughable
I agree. Your people got to rebuild, mine face extinction. Stop pretending Muslims are victims, you disgust me. If I could swap Europe and the Middle East/Africa's positions, I would do it in a heartbeat.

>> No.20828989

Don't hate the player hate the game
If your shit hole was on top economically
and militarily your shit hole would be doing the same thing ?

>> No.20828990

read it sometime, your protagonist gives himself up to get executed, constantly preaches forgiveness and cheek turning, his apostles scuttle around various cities basically leaving whenever the heat gets too high and occasionally letting themselves get beheaded and so on. idk what religion you think you're in. it's the wrong one if you're looking for something besides meekness

>> No.20828993

We are. The middle and lower class whites are too. I’m just putting history in perspective.

>> No.20828996

Yeah they should be worshiping sol invctus instead

>> No.20828998

I made it up

>> No.20828999

Euros should learn from us and put these people in the ground or turn them against each other. Millions of dead muzzies this century. You're welcome.

>> No.20829001

>We are
No you are not. Your recent ancestors, perhaps, your ancestors who lived in the 19th century certainly so. Modern Muslims in Europe are like Spanish conquerors in the New World. In no way are they victims.

>> No.20829002

You lost to guys in sandals

>> No.20829004

Jokes on you, I just got it for $20! Seller obviously couldn't react fast enough to the news to boost his price, so I grabbed it at its normal price.

>> No.20829007

Stupid mudlime hope he gets stabbed to hahaha get fucking chrustchurched brooo

>> No.20829009

That’s such a dumb comparison it’s so laughable. Conquerors can literally take and restructure laws as they want. Won’t even bother talking to you further. Just because they have protections or leftists simping isn’t the same as a conquistador going to a Native village and is able to take like 3 native wives and rape them and it be totally okay and chill

>> No.20829016

>a conquistador going to a Native village and is able to take like 3 native wives and rape them and it be totally okay and chill
Literally just be Muslim in Sweden or the UK, you can do just that

>> No.20829017

Well done anon.

>> No.20829020

No you can’t. stop listening to 4chan lol. unironically white fragility, comparing a bunch of niggers moving in nearby and being niggery to actually conquering and buck breaking a people

>> No.20829023


>None of you have grown up with hardship

Neither did most of the leaders of Al Qaeda. Bin Laden was a millionaire heir, while Zawahiri was a doctor. Even the 9/11 hijackers were mostly wealthy students who could afford to study in the West. Poor and uneducated people have never started successful revolutionary movements, and they never will.

>> No.20829031

Sort of true, Islamism is very popular in the ME amongst the middle classes and the same as white identity. It isn’t just rural people, rural folks are very Muslim but not Islamist, Islamism is a modernist ideology

>> No.20829032

What is more of a conquest than literally running grooming rings and raping dozens if not hundreds of native women? It was a brutal conquest when the Europeans did it to the Amerindians, it is a brutal conquest now that the Muslims do it to the Europeans. And if it's political control you crave, that will come as Muslims become a majority in Europe.

>> No.20829033

lost what ?
a skirmish
a battle
a war
a campaign
a conflict

>> No.20829034

Whoa, a real boomer. Haha, get it? “BOOMER” because he’s old but also because muslims blow themselves up? Haha, boomer, haha.

>> No.20829035

You’re a retarded Westerner

There is no Islam without Islamism

>> No.20829037

Islamism is a modern ideology influenced by Qutb and other thinkers and is not traditionalist Islam. It’s like fascism — a revanchist movement that cobbles together the legends of old and glorifies the past to make a perceived weak people stronger. Islam is way more powerful today than in the 70s-90s

>> No.20829042

imagine the smell

>> No.20829043

It isn’t comparable and you haven’t read a history book in your life apart from /pol/ memes. Conquest is nothing compared to what’s happening in Europe. You’re the one with the victim mentality, it’s actually amusing. It’s like comparing the Russianizing of Poland in the past to what Europe is going through now, not even close

>> No.20829044

Ask any muslim and none of them will acknowledge secular law as legitimate as sharia

Islam has always been political so ”Islamism” doesn’t even have anything with the point I’m driving

>> No.20829053

>It isn’t comparable
I think it's more that you don't want to compare the two. No one likes to admit they are in the wrong. But hey, Amerindians and Blacks were eventually able to defeat the American whites who colonized them, the same whites who are now in steep decline at the hands of the BIPOC coalition. Our colonizers, your people, will eventually face the same fate in Europe at the hands of someone else. Who? I have no idea. But I wish those people well.

>> No.20829056
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>In 2009, Rushdie signed a petition in support of film director Roman Polanski, calling for his release after Polanski was arrested in Switzerland in relation to his 1977 charge for drugging and raping a 13-year-old girl.[51]
What is this Jewish trash? The Jews or the Muslims, take your pick folks. Either way your children are getting raped

>> No.20829060


Have you ever read up on the Rotherham scandal? The British state deliberately refused to investigate large scale child rape for years because the pertetrators were Pakis and the victims were White.

>> No.20829074

Yes Tom I already read your book lol

>> No.20829077

America is not an ethnostate

>> No.20829081

Love this cope

>> No.20829083

What's your point? I never said it was. Perhaps in a perfect world it would be an Amerindian one, but that is not the case.

>> No.20829085

You NEED to touch grass

>> No.20829091

You intomate as much when you talk about white people in decline due to nefarious agendas lol people race mix, deal with it.

>> No.20829115

i think all religion is a sublimated desire to rape and cannibalize

>> No.20829121

Race-mixing is one thing. If it was a natural mixing of people, as happened many times in history that would be no problem. Wholesale population transfers, like the current colonization of Europe, or the colonization of the Americas/Australia/etc, are evil and should be regarded as such. Not to say that some random Muslim immigrant or 1600s colonist was evil, but the trend is.

>> No.20829127


Time to replay Morrowind

>> No.20829131

it was divinely-inspired riffing, please continue

>> No.20829147

That was a terrible thing but it isn’t compatible to the wide spread conquest of other peoples. You know that they fully enslaved Natives right? They were ENSLAVED. for a hundred years, then more years of no rights. Forced labor. Slavery. Look up the econmienda system lmao. WNs are so fragile.

>> No.20829162

ISIS did much the same to Iraqi Christians. Once their brethren in Europe take over, do you think European Christians will fare better?

>> No.20829186

Maybe? Depends what faction of Islamists take over. Just like how’s there civnats and white nationalists and white tradlarp esoteric Aryanism spiritual people? The point is that it isn’t comparable and all and you’re just coping.

>> No.20829195


>> No.20829196

>The point is that it isn’t comparable
>Literally spells out how they are exactly the same
You're retarded. At least you let your "we're the victims!!" act drop by acknowledging Islamists are taking over.

>> No.20829205

Im just playing along with your retarded scenario. You genuinely are retarded and spent the last 6 posts arguing that white people sharing their homeland with a bunch of niggers is the same as widespread enslavement and rape. You want to be a victim so bad lol, don’t care later fag

>> No.20829215

You claim there is no deity yet billions are devoted to him. How do you explain that

>> No.20829219

>that white people sharing their homeland with a bunch of niggers is the same as widespread enslavement and rape. You
Rapes are happening, and you yourself admit slavery is the endgoal. Like I said, Muslims in Europe are colonialists, and I hope they have the same fate as the Europeans who colonized Africa.

>> No.20829227

Fact-check: false

>> No.20829241

sorry about that, free expression. but have you seen this image of a crying muslim child?

>> No.20829261

is he died

>> No.20829279

this but unironically

>> No.20829287

I mean I'm 40, there's more of us here than you think

>> No.20829289

they dont but they should

>> No.20829293

20 years

>> No.20829310

>Muslims in Europe are colonialists
That really gives them more credit than they're due. They're not building new infrastructure or bringing education & technology Europe didn't have before. They're just basic opportunists who are only able to enter and 'conquer' because they're allowed in and defended by traitorous governments and elites.

>> No.20829315

don't be flattered, pittance and playground for the MIC

>> No.20829430

>They're not building new infrastructure or bringing education & technology Europe didn't have before
Muslims colonizing Europe is bad, so was European colonization in the past. If I had my way the second after the Muslim colonialists all are sent back to their homelands, we'd send whatever debt repayment was incurred from the European colonization of their countries. And that would be the end of it.

>> No.20829449

>>In 2009, Rushdie signed a petition in support of film director Roman Polanski, calling for his release after Polanski was arrested in Switzerland in relation to his 1977 charge for drugging and raping a 13-year-old girl.[51]
Holy based and white identity

>> No.20829454

>so was European colonization in the past
Kike kike kike kike Englad brought civilization to indians they fucking lived in huts and had barely and language before we came along

>> No.20829453

Transgenderism is ok according to some interpretations of Islam. Just look at Iran forcing SRS on their homosexuals.

>> No.20829461

/lit/ is extremely low IQ

>> No.20829503

Why do people always rush to buy someone's books when they die or are almost killed? After Abe died, a biography of him became #1 and now Rushdie's books are #1s. Will any of these buyers ever actually read these, or is it scalpers preparing to inflate prices?

>> No.20829533

Putting Rushdie's books on offer up
-Black Swan 25$
- Fooled by Randomness 16.54$

gonna 41$ worth of XRP or Pregnant Butt
haven't decided

>> No.20829535

Incredibly based and accurate post.

>> No.20829548

>Your upper class is not just Jews, but whites who HATE PEOPLE LIKE YOU who are lower class and view you as scum. That’s why they don’t care if they import middle easterners or Africans into Europe, more cheap labor and they live insultes lives.
this really hits the nail on the head
rich people live in a bubble with other rich people and couldn't give a rat's arse about the people outside of their bubble

>> No.20829555

****military industrial complex****
pro tip: no ones lost anything if they have a 401k.

>> No.20829590

>if Salman Rushdie lives, he'll be missing an eye
>motherfucker is gonna have an eye patch
When was the last time an author was this badass? Hemingway?

>> No.20829602

you seem to be ignoring the fact that most of the 20th century was fucking swarming with communists and if the cia didn't stick their nose in those places, the soviets would have, and in many cases did.

>> No.20829649

I mean, if you really want to sperg about who got it the hardest, native Americans and Hawaiians are close to extinction. And in South America the few full blooded natives that are left live in abject poverty while castizos and mestizos rule the country.

>> No.20829685
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>> No.20829695

So you're saying it was ok for Romans to enslave stinky Saxons who lived in huts because they civilized them in the process?

>> No.20829726


>> No.20829739

>Bisexual flag
What did they mean by this

>> No.20829756

>Native Americans and Hawaiians have it the worst
I agree, they suffered what is happening in Europe but to completion. If I was in charge Native reservations would be a lot larger, and pro-natalist policies for them would be instated.

>> No.20829774

His arm will also be fucked up, and require physical therapy at the very least. His agent said that he was on a ventilator and could not speak, then reiterated that "the news is not good."

The agent is probably trying to spin the surgeon's grim prognosis the best he can, Rushdie is probably done for.

>> No.20829839

>Just ordered his book

I’m going to pretend like I read the book years ago

>> No.20829840

Just accept Jesus bro

>> No.20829849

The cia did more for commies than soviets could’ve ever done

>> No.20829851

I'm here with people twice my age. Guess it's not too weird since I'll hang out with my dad and his friends.

>> No.20829856

That's what he gets for writing Magical Realism.

>> No.20829861

Always kind of wanted to buy his book because the actual alleged historical satanic verses was always interesting

>> No.20829912

Same. I almost bought his book 2 months ago on a whim but put it off. Ain't no putting it off anymore if prices start going up due to media hype, so I snagged a copy today. I've known about the book for years, though, so I'll also just pretend I read it years ago and am just rereading it now.

>> No.20829931

>hurr white people your upper classes raped the world
>that's why it's a good thing that middle and lower class whites pay the price for it today
leftoids have a real nice mental block when they start accidentally dovetail with fascists. It's like oh yeah I see the problem but uhh I'd rather shill for the pentagon and wall street than stand somewhere adjacent to the secular antichrist the Mustache Man even though the antichrist and christ aren't real

>> No.20829935
File: 480 KB, 400x300, f08d72da-1b98-451d-a993-2bd9f94fa9da_text.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why didn't he change his name to Sal Bass?

>> No.20829941

LMAO my copy of Satanic Verses is worth $100+ now. Even book clubs are going for close to $50.

>> No.20829948

Why dont christians do these kind of things to jews and atheists? A bunch of pussies scared of facing punishment. See how a true believer acts when his faith is defamed

>> No.20829957

Where does Side of Smooth fit into the Fielderverse?

>> No.20829962
File: 23 KB, 400x400, 1618455281266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And not a single muslim will apologize for their people's violent behavior.
We've had an algerian madman go on a killing spree last week here, managed to get a gun on the day he was dispensed from a mental asylum in one of the most antigun country in the fucking world and killed 3 random dudes over 24 hours across the city.
What does the news keep talking about? More gun regulations.

>> No.20829965

Oh, and how bad it was of the Prime Minister to say he was happy the dude had done himself in in the end, so we wouldn't have to try him.

>> No.20829997

Based. Forget about putting some sense into their head, brother. Their time is running up, soon they will pay for all they commited to other people. Just sit down and relax watching their fall

>> No.20830005

anti semitic

>> No.20830012

Unless you revolt against the upper class and end capitalism you will be replaced by low iq brownies. Do something or deal with it, you pussy. That muslim did something

>> No.20830030

>That muslim did something
Pray tell, how did stabbing Rushdie help defeat capitalism

>> No.20830033

He did something against the people offending his beliefs. If you really think white people are being replaced do something against the rich whites that want brownies for cheap labor, dont against the brownies that are other victims of the rich whites and capitalism.

>> No.20830046

Decolonization of Europe, eh? Not a bad start.

>> No.20830051

You're just low IQ and believe it because your family believes it. A Chad wouldn't care. For you it's all about muh appearances. At least Christianity convinces people that suffering and persecution merits spiritual and eternal fruit. You on the other hand, get nothing. Your entire post is a long winded self interested rant filled with "me's" "my family" and "I's". I don't care about you or your family. In fact when people suffer like you do I feel a sense of joy regardless of their religious background. These are made up problems that literally have no effect on your life. Same with retards that bitch about muh climate change, muh racism. None of that matters if you're a peon that lacks financial freedom. You're just conned into believing rent free concepts meanwhile ignore things like actual rent and housing cost and the idea you'll be working the rest of your life. Idiot.

>> No.20830052

Yeah y'know I heard while at an OPshop today that he may lose an eye. I wanted to post that picture of Heidegger with his eye covered in time magazine but I couldn't find it. I have listened to that Christian scholar (what's his name?) on Amazing Discoveries YT talk about how Islam was a catholic invention, or at least Muhammed was financed by catholicism. Satan, God, make the 2 into one, so THEY say. Even now in the 21st century y'know, Isis is the daughter of (Is)lam (GEB). You best be believing in those fucking masons.

>> No.20830057

Is it lam The God, Allah?

>> No.20830062

Dude, you are a privileged teenaga pusst living in a nany state. You europeans never gave a fuck to anyones suffering under colonization. Serves you right dying by your own remedy. Now perish and let us non whites come back with the previous ancient world order

>> No.20830073

Either put up or shut the fuck up faggot. You gotta know 4ch isn't a place for MUH WHITES.

>> No.20830082

You can believe what you want to belive, anon. I live here, I have studied the history and the present, and to me it is clear that the European peoples are in the same dire straits that the Africans and Asians of the 1900s found themselves in. I have read Mugabe and Zhou Enlai, and their struggles mirror ours.

>Now perish and let us ... come back with the previous ancient world order
The Rhodesians and Afrikaners thought the same thing, and the natives defeated them. We will do the same to you.

>> No.20830086

so many fucking islamophobes in this fucking shit thread. It was a peaceful stabbing, you infidels.

>> No.20830091

I'm not mad at the guy at all. He made the value of all my Rushdie books skyrocket. Even moreso if he croaks.

>> No.20830109

Everyone is such a whiny crybaby. Just man up and accept that Islam is winning. Do something to stop it, or let it keep winning at your cost. There is nothing else to it, it is a centuries old struggle between Muslims and non-Muslims. Seeing it through different liberal lenses won't change this fact. Until the Quran is reformed there can be no change.

>> No.20830126

It seems China or Israel is going to end up being the model to follow when it comes to Muslims. It's a sad thing, truly. But on some level it seems inevitable.

>> No.20830141

I'm more hopeful that some future Arab leader like MBS will take it upon himself to fix the book. Barring that, I'll be happy to see a Chinese response to Islam worldwide. The fuckers refuse to change fundamentally, you can't wage your jihad anywhere you want and not expect violent pushback against it. What's even funnier is seeing liberals act like Islam needs no changing.

>> No.20830151

I think the problem is that it's out of control. Most extreme Islamists aren't even Arabs. In terms of numbers South Asia and Africa have the biggest Islamist problem. Saudi dollars created this monster but I don't think it can put it back into the bottle.

>> No.20830154
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>America needs to keep their Muslims in check.
And yet the only powers to bring Muslims into modernity, the Soviet Union and Communist China, are lambasted by the West. Hmmmmm.

>> No.20830156
File: 130 KB, 1242x815, xinjiang solution.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't think it can put it back into the bottle

>> No.20830158

Turn the other cheek is an insult to the Romans forcing them to slap you again with the palm of their hands instead of the back of the hand like they did to slaves. How is /lit/ of all boards filled with actual illiterate retard niggers who can’t even grasp the basics?

>> No.20830160

Be careful for what you wish for, a Xinjiang situation may very well happen in Paris one day. That is not ideal. The Soviets, on the other hand, seemed to have relied on Muslim women in Central Asia to liberalize/modernize Islam, which would be interesting to see in Europe.

>> No.20830191

>worshiped in Europe
I hate dumb Yankees so much.

>> No.20830193
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More humane than the Battle of Algiers solution, which is the best the West has offered to the problem.

>> No.20830201

>I'm the real victim here!

>> No.20830256

bro i'm irreligious but you really need to stop being retarded and dribbling shit when you don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.20830262

>Doesn't matter who's doing it more now.
Maybe if all you're doing is figuring out which religion is the worst throughout history it doesn't matter, but in terms of taking action in today's world, it absolutely does matter. One third of young British Muslims between sixteen and twenty-four support the execution of apostates. There are no other religious groups for which anything similar is the case.

>> No.20830478

he's completely right and you should stop talking about bible because you've read a quote from it. you can support any point of view if you take something Jesus' said out of context. read the sermon on the mount and you'll get christianity

>> No.20830564

Good. Speech is free, but lies have a price.

>> No.20830737

Reminder that Islam is the enemy of culture.

>> No.20830860


Why are browns so god damn pathetic? We are really fucked when you inherit the world. You learn nothing and bitch about everything. It’s going to be a chimp inheriting a public company.

>> No.20831315

theres really nothing more beloved in the eyes of 'odin' (or whatever names u want to call him) than to write shit about islam.
it's the most courageous thing.
oh, u say shit about christians? buddhists? the law protects u from getting punched anyway.
oh, u say n**gger on the internet, or offline? u might get punched or lose your job. at most.
but say one bad thing about islam when your face is exposed, if youre someone of importance, no matter where u are on the globe, some muslim in that country u reside in will try to find you.
it's the most revolutionary and courageous act of the era. it's even more dangerous than talking about jews like /pol/ do, at most u might lose your job or get jailed, but talking shit about islam put u at the risk of your losing your blood and life.
it's literally the most based thing u can do, if u do it offline.
and it's never going away, at least not for a very long time.