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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 376 KB, 2048x1536, FZ9_I2ZXoAA7Arl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20826001 No.20826001 [Reply] [Original]

Hope he's ok


>> No.20826021

two iranian agents have been busted in the last couple weeks plotting assassinations on american soil. not sure what biden did to set them off, but this is kind of unprecedented if you ask me.

>> No.20826023
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>A bounty of over $3 million has also been offered for anyone who kills Rushdie
Kinda tempted myself to be honest.
Is The Satanic Verses even any good?

>> No.20826025

Western trickery to spread more propaganda against le heckin Iran.

>> No.20826032

Don't know who this is but what did he say to upset people?

>> No.20826039


this was two weeks ago

>> No.20826043

google satanic verses

>> No.20826048


>> No.20826049

Shame they didn't get Bolton,
Bloom included it in his Western Canon for what that's worth
How new? Did pewdiepie get you into literature?

>> No.20826054

Isn't it half a million

>> No.20826055
File: 59 KB, 876x617, 1660253892890485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did they ever retaliate?

>> No.20826065


this was two days ago

>> No.20826077

and they said cancel culture isn't real

>> No.20826082

>retards in this thread thinking this has to do with America
Do you retards not realize there has been a fatwa on Rushdie's head since the 1980's?

>> No.20826089

>going after soft target to save face after failing to kill actual Satan


>> No.20826095

>Shame they didn't get Bolton,
Trade Bolton for calling off the fatwa on Rushdie

>> No.20826105


>> No.20826113

What the world needs now is an AI text to speech thing that sounds like Rushdie reciting the Jordan Petersen "we'll see who cancels who" spiel but with woke liberals replaced with muslamic ray guns.

>> No.20826121 [DELETED] 
File: 11 KB, 178x283, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait what if this is all a marketing gimmick for his latest novel which is about the fatwa?

>> No.20826126

would be based if he died while shilling his new book.

>> No.20826127

I wish all religious fanatics to DIE

>> No.20826132

>latest novel
>published in 2012
>not even his latest novel either which is Quichotte (2019)
Go back to /pol/. I'm tired of disinfo retards like you.

>> No.20826133

never mind it came out in 2012, but that would be a great subplot to have in a pomo book, it's kinda meta about publishing, kinda critical of capitalism, pokes cancel culture a little, etc.

>> No.20826142

what the hell does his novel "joseph anton" have to do with /pol/ sir? this is a literature forum and we are discussing an author and his books. perhaps you should go back to that other site where whiney asses are accommodated.

>> No.20826145

>not even his latest novel either which is Quichotte (2019)
I went and saw him at a book event for that. I'm not even a fan, really, he seems more famous because he's got a price on his head, and I just got a free ticket. He seemed nice, though, very charming on stage and a sharp wit. I hope he lives.


>> No.20826146

Inshallah, the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.
Death to the Kafir

>> No.20826161

Le sigh... And now for the inevitable Islamophobic backlash.

>> No.20826166

They had the opportunity to push for a paradigm shift in international relations, and they squandered it by shooting down a Canadian civilian jet.

>> No.20826170

Midnight's Children is a tremendous book. I suggest everyone read it

>> No.20826195

more like

>> No.20826199

magic realism is such a shit gimmick and unless you're a poo in loo yourself nobody gives or will ever give a shit about india

>> No.20826204

what about mbas who need a source of cheap bugs?

>> No.20826212

my sources say the assailant was a guenon poster

>> No.20826215

>stab wound to the neck
Grisly. Hopefully he isn't dead or a vegetable.

>> No.20826225

>salmon rushdie
Lmao kek

>> No.20826236

>no one gives a shit about india
Uhhhhhh hello RRR was THE BIGGEST movie Netflix has had in a long time!

>> No.20826241

wasn't there a seinfeld about that? where they meet some guy named trout or something and they think he's undercover rushdie. maybe the larry david youtube linker can post it. but seriously tho, isn't salmon just a variation of solomon?

>> No.20826248

every time some extremist wacko gets picked up by the feds i hope it's some shithead who spams /lit/ with ideological crap.

>> No.20826251
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I don't support bombing them or sanctioning them, but Iran is a pretty fucked up place and I imagine it'll fall apart sooner or later.

>> No.20826253


Seems like it's time to air strike the rest of them tbqh

>> No.20826255

This is all Kissinger's fault.

>> No.20826268

Go woke go broke you faggot. No sympathy, you mock Islam you get the stone bitch.

>> No.20826269

I remember reading about one guy who got picked up who seemed like an ideological "schizo" who I could imagine posting here. Like he had his gooncave with pictures on the walls of like... Evola, Bakunin, Pol Pot, Pinochet and a dozen others.

But /lit/ has people who actually read, and the people who tend to pop off are stupid. Like the guy who got pissed at the feds for raiding Trump's porn stash the other day was posting on one of those alt-Twitter clones and saying about how he was going to the pawn shop that morning to get tooled up like Schwarzenegger in Commando and then go zero to hero. People like that don't read, they watch too many movies.

>> No.20826274

normally survivable if you dont lose too much blood. this is more a propaganda blow, that they managed to get to him even now;. all over some words in a book or two.

>> No.20826276

You are next, Larry David

>> No.20826287

It’s 3, then a few years ago they added an extra half million

>> No.20826297

Ah yes because /pol/ gives a shit about brown people killing each other. Are you genuinely retarded or do you merely just enjoy pretending to be intelligent?

>> No.20826298
File: 166 KB, 640x480, 9B4407BD-4B41-4840-9B54-60208DE8B88F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But /lit/ has people who actually read

>> No.20826306

It’s a pretty funny book. I’d recommend it

>> No.20826313

That does it. Time to cancel Mohammad
Not one more.

>> No.20826326

weird how on twitter salmon rushdie isn't trending but sal bass is. the twitter mods must have stepped on it to stop the trending.

>> No.20826334

Huh, we haven’t a major Islamic extremism attack in awhile.

Well, needed something to take away from the white terrorist angle the MSM has been pushing.

>> No.20826338

From the photo of him on the stretcher, it looks like enough blood was lost for him to look the hue of boiled chicken.

>> No.20826347

sounds like the biden admin's negotiations with iran aren't going so hot

>> No.20826349

The place he got stabbed isn’t too far from Buffalo.

Near Buffalo, there’s a city called Lackawanna that has a big Islam population. When 9/11 happened, they busted a cell of Al-Qaeda supporters in the city.


If it an Islamic extremist, he’s from there.

>> No.20826355

He wrote a book based on the “satanic verses”, a bunch of polytheistic verses that were originally in the Qu’ran that permitted praying to Meccan goddesses. Muhhamad “revealed” these for obviously political purposes when his forces were still too weak in Mecca. But when his forces were strong enough to fight the Meccans he removed those verses from the Qu’ran saying it was a devil who tricked him to reveal them. This is an actual story which is told in the Muslim biographies of muhhamad themselves. Hence the name “satanic verses”. Muslims sperged out about this (I don’t even know why) and put a hit out on him.

>> No.20826360

>bass > salmon
fishbros how do we feel about this?

>> No.20826362


>> No.20826368

Lackawanna six was an obvious FBI honeypot entrapment case. The first post 9/11 example of glowing groomers getting 80iq muslim first gen immigrants to pretend to plan terror attacks. Also, the southern tier is culturally pennsylvania not WNY

>> No.20826377


>> No.20826379

>The publication of The Satanic Verses in September 1988 caused immediate controversy in the Islamic world because of what was seen by some to be an irreverent depiction of Muhammad. The title refers to a disputed Muslim tradition that is related in the book. According to this tradition, Muhammad (Mahound in the book) added verses (Ayah) to the Qur'an accepting three Arabian pagan goddesses who used to be worshipped in Mecca as divine beings. According to the legend, Muhammad later revoked the verses, saying the devil tempted him to utter these lines to appease the Meccans (hence the "Satanic" verses). However, the narrator reveals to the reader that these disputed verses were actually from the mouth of the Archangel Gabriel.
Autistic as fuck.

>> No.20826390

glowers do groom low iq chuds but i think this was a little more than that
>based on their having attended an al-Qaeda training camp in Afghanistan together in the Spring of 2001

>> No.20826392

Sal Bass

>> No.20826396


>> No.20826403

The future dream of /cucklit/

No sensitive literature!

>> No.20826408

>Also, the southern tier is culturally pennsylvania not WNY

The same culture where that Nazi shooter came from, the one shot up a Tops a few months ago.

>> No.20826414

I can totally see an Islamic extremist taking a ride from Buffalo to kill Rushdie.

Again, 3 million dollar bounty supposedly.

>> No.20826415

wasn't the satanic verses like 40 years ago? why do they still care?

>> No.20826419

They probably flew him to a Buffalo hospital.

>> No.20826436

Religion attracts schizophrenics, and quite a lot of them are insane enough to do these things.
Others are just passive sheeple that’ll follow anyone.
All religion is shit for the brains. Look what it’s done to lit

>> No.20826439 [DELETED] 

lol i just realized op's pic is of the attacker not rushie, i hadn't zoomed it in.

>> No.20826445

We rarely see Buddhist or Christian terrorist attacks. It’s always Islam. It’s because Islam is a warlike religion spread by the sword whose prophet was a warlord and preached religious violence. All other major religions preach love and peace.

>> No.20826449
File: 53 KB, 373x527, islam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20826453

Very hard to get into, it was like a word salad at times.

>> No.20826457

The fact that there was blood spatter on the wall visible from 40 feet away isn’t a good sign either.

>> No.20826458

i think midnight's children was his actually good book, satanic verses just became a meme because of the fatwa

>> No.20826473

Yeah but still, it was published in 1988 (34 years ago). The dude is 75 and would probably be dead within the next decade anyway.

>> No.20826483

pretty normal and always looks more horrorshow than milkbar

>> No.20826490

you do know this isnt true, dont you?

>> No.20826492

The Satanic Verses or Midnight’s Children, which should I read first

>> No.20826502

I made two claims;
1) Vast majority of terrorists are Muslims
2) Islam preaches violence, unlike other religions
(1) you can verify simply by looking at statistics. Muslims account for vast vast majority of terror attacks.
(2) you can verify by looking at Qu’ran and Hadith. Yes Muhhamad was peaceful in the early stages of Islam because he was outnumbered. As soon as he got enough men to pose a threat, he became violent. The man was a warlord who raided caravans and beheaded entire towns. There are multiple verses in the Qu’ran and Hadith calling for religious violence. Why do you think the Muslims are so violent? They didn’t pull this out of thin air.

>> No.20826506
File: 189 KB, 768x1024, 77266F5B-F3E0-4786-BDFC-4B34DC9D66CB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They’re saying this is a pic of the suspect.

>> No.20826508

People are saying the latter. Read whatever you want


>> No.20826517

>We rarely see Buddhist or Christian terrorist attacks.,,. All other major religions preach love and peace.
the above statements are incorrect.

>> No.20826519


>> No.20826522

Nice shot, well composed

>> No.20826524

Kek, hope he enjoys the 72 nogs ass-raping him in prison.

>> No.20826530

Yes they are lol. Muslims account for the vast majority of terrorist attacks. Not Hindus. Not Christians. Not Buddhists. Even in Christian countries they mock Christ on the TV in shows like South Park. There’s never been a Christian retaliation against these people like in Islam.

>> No.20826535

>>We rarely see Buddhist or Christian terrorist attacks.,,. All other major religions preach love and peace

again, ill have to repeat, these above statements are incorrect

>> No.20826536

ya ok let me know when joel olsteen issues a fatwa

>> No.20826537
File: 34 KB, 600x600, carlos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Religion of pierce

>> No.20826538
File: 50 KB, 708x800, soy scared.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no, are we in danger also fellow midwit bros?

>> No.20826543

imagine simping for islam right after an author gets knifed by an extremist

>> No.20826547
File: 8 KB, 184x184, Graphics cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I can't buy or lend it now, I'll look like I bought it just because he was stabbed. Do you want me to look like a poser anon?

>> No.20826549

Keep deluding yourself then.

>> No.20826555

And you're sure this isn't a false flag to make Muslims look bad because...?

>> No.20826558

you are apparently are unable to complete basic comprehension, at no point did i excuse any action or religion

i simply pointed out your statements were incorrect, something you still havent discussed

>> No.20826562

Muzzies already look like rotten camel shit

>> No.20826566

was that dude stalking that iranian journalist in brooklyn two weeks ago also a false flag?

>> No.20826567

Are Islamic extremists incels?

>> No.20826568

He'll be even more famous now, hope he makes it. Satanic Verses is great.

>> No.20826571

streisand effect. rushdie would have been nowhere near as popular without the fatwa

>> No.20826578

And now he'll be even more famous. If he lives he should send a thank you card to Iran.

>> No.20826580

No, that antenna is distracting and he left too much space in top left. Subject separation isn't good too.

Just a telephoto fag in the race to be the first uploader on photo his photojournalist agency's website.

>> No.20826584

oh im supposed to bay for blood like a dog now? thats a religious response and not logical at all

>> No.20826586

Almost certainly. The US/Israeli governments conspire together to pit Christians and Muslims against each other, they stage fake "Islamic terror" attacks all the time. Some are small scale, others very large (9/11). For a site that is so suspicious of Jews, it's sad to see you all fall for their tricks again and again.

>> No.20826589

Muslims need no help looking bad. Go worship your pedophile faggot prophet.

>> No.20826593

Salmon Rushdie was a bitch nigga that was caught lacking

>> No.20826594

no one was "baying for blood" tho? projecting a little?

>> No.20826600

If he lives, it's going to be fucking hilarious.

>> No.20826601

9/11 was staged but it doesn’t therefore follow that Muslims don’t commit terror attacks. In fact 9/11 was staged with that very fact in mind: that it would look realistic because this is the type of shit Muslims always do.

>> No.20826604

The neocons really needed it after Afghanistan

>> No.20826606

>We rarely see Buddhist or Christian terrorist attacks.
Buddhist terrorist attacks happen all the time in Asia.
Christian terrorist attacks happen all the time in America.

>> No.20826609
File: 204 KB, 960x684, 0C518EE2-2B4E-4AF7-8AA6-DAB97BD8EA82.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep coping.

>> No.20826615

muslims also attacked the wtc in 1993.

>> No.20826621


>> No.20826622

silly boy.
it doesnt mention who is carrying it out.
also ill let you think about who are overwhelmingly the victims of this deplorable violence.

>> No.20826627

It must be hard to keep the stress at bay when millions of people have been ordered to kill you

>> No.20826629

seems like he had a lot of support from kikes, the media, communists and "intellectuals". so what was the real story with this obvious propaganda psyop?

>> No.20826631

HAHA! i see the USA certainly fixed THOSE countries!!!!

>> No.20826632

You are delusional. Accept reality.

>> No.20826635
File: 121 KB, 615x788, Screenshot 2022-08-12 at 19.29.55.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahh yes, very cool, verry cool.

>> No.20826636

reality is more than what happens in dumbfuckistan

>> No.20826638

yes, they literally walk around all day thirsting for all the big titty gfs waiting for them in heaven

>> No.20826642
File: 288 KB, 1575x765, 1234567987t567e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but they're acting in complete contradiction to the teaching of christ or the buddha.
You can't really consider them buddhists or Christians

>> No.20826646

Ok I'll bite

Who's Salmon Rushdie?

>> No.20826648

MC. It has flaws but it's a tremendous read.

>> No.20826651

no true scotsman fallacy.

>> No.20826652

lrn2google u fuckin villager

>> No.20826658

>Hence the name “satanic verses”. Muslims sperged out about this (I don’t even know why) and put a hit out on him.
The spergout happened because in the book the verses were actually narrated to Mohammed by the archangel Gabriel ("Jibreel"), which implies that Mohammed had erred and that Islam was always supposed to be polytheistic.
The actual reason for the Kill Fatwah was the section where he talks about an obvious Khomeini stand-in who incites a violent islamic revolution that does more harm than good. Funnily enough, Iranian religious leadership/media later thawed considerably on the issue but the Fatwa still stands because only the issuer can rescind it, and Khomeini is dead.

>> No.20826660

nope. the teachings of christ and the buddha are quite clear.

>> No.20826661

>not allowed to link a jewtube video without getting the >spam post error
What the fuck.

>> No.20826674

No, it’s just the terms of the club. You’re supposed to be kicked out for breaking their rules. Of course some sexts will take confessions and forgive, but they’re of the “devil”, just like Mohammed and his zombies

All Abrahamic religions are shit, but islam is especially rancid. I feel sorry for them

>> No.20826687

They act like a fucking mafia.

>> No.20826691

This chart seems off. For example, Northern Ireland has a tiny population and geographical area and in one year there's about 100 kneecapping/punishment beatings a year, and those aren't even the main terrorism vein of the organizations. I mean, Palestine isn't even on the map.
Below 300 seems incredibly low for terrorist deaths in India or the Philippines... Especially Modi's India or Duterte/Marco's Philippines, because even if you're discounting all state sponsored violence and all state claims of victimisation by minority groups, you're still looking at more than 300 a year dead.

It's sus like a chart saying gun violence in America is low is sus.

>> No.20826695

>All Abrahamic religions are shit, but islam is especially rancid
closer to the truth
islam lends itself to a particularly harsh interpretation.
but lets remember its shia islam that has clerics and fatwas everyone else is supposed to come to their own relationship with the quran
shia are particularly odd, when clerics in iran are ruling on whether it is haram to have sex with a donkey....

>> No.20826704

traditionally, religious violence by white or christian groups in western countries is dismissed as by being by loonies or lone actors.....

>> No.20826712

>own relationship
Lol no

Try to google before writing uninformed shit

>> No.20826713
File: 33 KB, 374x276, 320-04343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Salman Rushdie rn be like

>Are you sure Khomeini died? He ain't down here.

>> No.20826720

>its shia islam that has clerics and fatwas
Based retard

>> No.20826724

i tried to find the thread about this on reddit but after scrolling past like two pages of bullshit i gave up. i assume they aren't allowing discussion about it.

>> No.20826731

Say I (theoretically) stab Rushdie in the neck and he dies (theoretically). How would I even (theoretically) collect the bounty? What if the U.S. has regime-changed Iran into a pride flag paradise by the time I finish my 40-year prison sentence? Bragging rights for killing some long-forgotten middlebrow author won't be worth shit at that point.

>> No.20826732

Did you set the hospital on fire?

>> No.20826737

Bad writing is an even worse crime than murder

fucker should thank khomeinei, without the fatwa he would have been a nobody

>> No.20826739

the "real story" is muslims are fucking nuts

>> No.20826744

>And they entered into a covenant to seek the Lord, the God of their fathers, with all their heart and with all their soul, but that whoever would not seek the Lord, the God of Israel, should be put to death, whether young or old, man or woman.
>If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them.
>Whoever lies with an animal shall be put to death.
>A man or a woman who is a medium or a necromancer shall surely be put to death. They shall be stoned with stones; their blood shall be upon them.
>If a man commits adultery with the wife of his neighbor, both the adulterer and the adulteress shall surely be put to death.
>The man who acts presumptuously by not obeying the priest who stands to minister there before the Lord your God, or the judge, that man shall die. So you shall purge the evil from Israel.
>And the daughter of any priest, if she profanes herself by whoring, profanes her father; she shall be burned with fire.
>Thus says the Lord of hosts, ‘I have noted what Amalek did to Israel in opposing them on the way when they came up out of Egypt. Now go and strike Amalek and devote to destruction all that they have. Do not spare them, but kill both man and woman, child and infant, ox and sheep, camel and donkey.’”
>Whoever strikes his father or his mother shall be put to death.
>For anyone who curses his father or his mother shall surely be put to death; he has cursed his father or his mother; his blood is upon him.
>But that prophet or that dreamer of dreams shall be put to death, because he has taught rebellion against the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt and redeemed you out of the house of slavery, to make you leave the way in which the Lord your God commanded you to walk. So you shall purge the evil from your midst.
>Whoever does any work on the Sabbath day shall be put to death.
>You shall keep the Sabbath, because it is holy for you. Everyone who profanes it shall be put to death.

>> No.20826746

Iranian diaspora and the Jews have been saying "the Islamic Republic will fall apart soon" for the last 40 years LMAO

>> No.20826753

a fatwa is simply an opinion. no one has to abide by it. this is actually state funded assassination, no less

>> No.20826757

The sanctions against Iran are the most intense in the world, other than maybe North Korea. International Jewry have rallied all of their Western allies to wreck Iran, but Iran still stands.

>> No.20826761

they're low IQ sandniggers who are controlled by imams who are controlled by the CIA who are controlled by the jews. so what was the string-pullers real intent here?

>> No.20826765

when the life of brian came out, there were threats against the lives of the monty python crew. but the pope didnt fund an assassination or suggest it happen...

>> No.20826766

He made transphobic statements

>> No.20826769

And the same with Hindi violence in Modi's India etc. The problem is that even if you remove religious terrorism, other forms of terrorism would still make the chart look sus. I mean, neither Israel nor Palestine make the list, so they're definitely not counting a lot of terrorism claims as terrorism regardless of which side you're on.

>> No.20826771

Fucking mudslims man

>> No.20826774

This was a victory for the Islamic world

>> No.20826781

He’s still alive.

>> No.20826784

there's plenty of high IQ Muslims
it's just that the religion is fucking nuts and it's adherents become likewise

the string-puller is muhammad I guess

>> No.20826785

Muslims did attack on 9/11. Israel and Saudi Arabia got together a bunch of Saudis. Saudis gave the money and the Israelis trained the guys. The dancing Israelis were there to see their handiwork in action. All of the consequences following 9/11 worked in Israel and Saudi Arabia's favor.

>> No.20826788

just a thought, theres no announcement that this was an attack by a muslim...could be just a pissed off husband of one of the women he been shagging....or an anti-immigration terrorist

>> No.20826790

or someone who wants the bounty and doesn't mind doing time in sing sing

>> No.20826798

Not everyone thinks purely in terms of material benefit, you trogolodyte.

>> No.20826803

or even someone that read the books and thought he was satan or an angel or something...

>> No.20826831
File: 67 KB, 1280x720, Mr3eOqL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Met him and got his book signed, how much will I get for it if he dies?

>> No.20826837
File: 721 KB, 608x836, RIP in peace Salmon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mugshot of suspected attacker released, picrel

>> No.20826843

truly, the religion of peace.

>> No.20826856


Imagine my shock

>> No.20826862

given the bounty on his head and past assassination attempts, the null hypothesis is looking pretty strong

>> No.20826874

Only first editions are worth anything

>> No.20826883

There is no bounty. It’s just a scam like hyperloop

>> No.20826889

I doubt you'll get very much for that copy, looks like almost all the words are spelled wrong

>> No.20826893

hes white

>> No.20826895

Even better.

>> No.20826899

>The saddest and poorest form of theism

>> No.20826904

TL;DR: Turn Tehran into a parking lot.

>> No.20826909
File: 299 KB, 1174x1024, 1174px-Tokyo_Stabbing[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any pictures/videos of the stabbing itself? Add to the collection of kino assassinations

>> No.20826910

So you can take your scooters everywhere?
Learn to walk amerimutt retard

>> No.20826920

>stabbed him 10 to 15 times
he dead

>> No.20826923

3.3 million smackaroonies is pretty sweet, though. A good day's work.

>> No.20826929


>> No.20826934
File: 720 KB, 1180x786, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20826944

Can’t spend it in prison.
You go to Yhwh hell afterwards too

>> No.20826952

It's over

>> No.20826954

Okkkk kinda funny

>> No.20827010
File: 76 KB, 417x279, 1656952456164.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, time to head to libgen and download both The Quran and The Satanic Verses to see what all the hubbub is about. Wish me luck, friends.

>> No.20827013

I hope he makes it.

I can't stand this bunch of stupid and gratuitous violence coming from all sides (and as a Brazilian I understand it well - if it's not criminals it's the police, if it's not the police and the criminals then you have betas with guns trying to feel alpha, if it's not not these cocksuckers then you have political and/or religious fanatics, and so on)

>> No.20827031

You're next Larry David.

>> No.20827037

Thats the funny part, if he were assassinated the amount of people reading the books would skyrocket

>> No.20827048
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>> No.20827052

You’re nobody till somebody kills you

>> No.20827059

obviously, otherwise they wudna taken him in alive

>> No.20827065

it will be a legit miracle if he survives
what will happen if he dies? Will Pynchon say anything?

>> No.20827067

ngl, having a fatwa issued against you is quite cool.

>> No.20827073

>Be author and public figure, happily married
>low on story ideas
>I know! I’ll fill this part of the book by rewriting some non-canonical and widely-regarded-as-controversial aspects of Muhammed’s life.
>Finish book
>Low on title ideas
>I know! I’ll call it The Satanic Verses.
>Low on pseudonyms
>I know! I’ll just use my real name.
>Publisher warns me this could stir up some shit
>Publish it anyway to cash it on controversy and make a grasp at real notoriety
>Act surprised when fatwah issued
>Act surprised when wife leaves due to intense marital stress caused by my hack writing
>Get upset when fatwah security refers to me as Joe instead of Joeseph (my cool literary pseudonym which I finally was able to come up with)
>Issue a snarky apology and adopt Islam as a cop out
>Act surprised when it doesn't work
>Renounce Islam, continue talking shit
>Continue attending public talks as if nothing ever happened
>Notice swarthy attendee approaching me at one of said talks
>Suspect nothing
>Get stabbed
Stunning and brave

>> No.20827077

it's "cool" until you get fucking beheaded in the street in public or stabbed fucking 20 times in front of a crowd

>> No.20827087

Pedo worshipper begone

>> No.20827092

May he rest in peace. A legend who championed freedom of speech.

>> No.20827101

He never could have anticipated a fatwa given by the head of an entire country. No other Muslim entity has given a fatwa like that. Rushdie pissed off Khomeini in particular

>> No.20827104

How can a factual event in a person's life be "non-canonical"?

>> No.20827106

Still a cool way to die

>> No.20827120
File: 63 KB, 541x458, Screenshot 2022-08-12 at 14-52-02 r_pics - (OC) My dad just watched Salman Rushdie get stabbed. Audience members had to subdue the attacker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a post on the front page of Reddit made by somebody whose dad was present when he got stabbed. These are the redditors are talking abotu

>> No.20827123

The incident of the satanic verses is not regarded as authentic by Muslims. It was only documented in early biographies of Muhammad and later came to be seen as a false story. Detractors of Islam however tend to believe the incident was real and use it as one of the strongest evidences that the Quran is a fabrication.

>> No.20827124

I tend to think Schopenhauer was right. People praise it for its consistency, but to me it is just a result of it being as reductive as possible.

>> No.20827128

jesus christ I had a fucking stroke apparently, I guess that's what I get for going to fucking reddit
>This is what the redditors are talking about***

>> No.20827131

Impressive that you could stop sucking dick long enough to write that.

>> No.20827143

Why are they like this?

>> No.20827150

Salman Rushdie more like Salman Rush Die lmao

>> No.20827155
File: 107 KB, 1338x532, 93299332.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's alive.

>> No.20827156

Make an account, goy

>> No.20827159

Holy fucking shite

>> No.20827162


Although I think the most important thing right now is to worry about his health and have empathy for him the truth is religious fanatics are a bunch of shits that only serve to mess up the world.

There is no evidence to support any religion, to the contrary. With each new year more nails are driven into the coffin of every religion on the planet.

Is there any deity? Neither I nor anyone else knows, but with absolute certainty no prophet of the past, whether Christ or Mohammed or Moses or anyone else, was really in touch with the divine. All have been disproved by the scientific findings of the world. All the worldviews of the great religions have already been defeated.

The rest is fear of dying, fear of disappearing, fear of losing loved ones, dissatisfaction with the meaninglessness of the universe, etc., etc. In general fear and self-centeredness.

>> No.20827164

>hurr durr it's like Harry Potter
I fucking beg them to read another book

>> No.20827167
File: 105 KB, 541x776, Screenshot 2022-08-12 at 14-58-36 r_pics - (OC) My dad just watched Salman Rushdie get stabbed. Audience members had to subdue the attacker(2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's literally all they're talking about

>> No.20827168
File: 782 KB, 957x1159, reevaluation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20827175

You got me, looks like he couldn’t have predicted this happening after all.

>> No.20827178

>old book bad
>new book good

>> No.20827188
File: 593 KB, 2048x1365, media_FZ-K3lsWYAAeIQj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More pictures of when he was rushed to the hospital apparently

>> No.20827191

Shocking you could see past my pubes well enough to read it

>> No.20827196
File: 2.38 MB, 1280x720, chair.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why weren't you there to save him /lit/

>> No.20827201

>doctor, there's no no need his wound is on his nec-

>> No.20827205

Amazing how the antifa communities won't post anything about this but will instead moniter forums for signs of islamophobia.
Watch againsthatesubreddits get flooded with posts about how people are being culturally insensitive to muslim terrorists

>> No.20827209


What was this?

>> No.20827216

Was this a black swan event

>> No.20827217

Muslims should be protected, yes.

>> No.20827219

There is nothing wrong with making pop culture references

>> No.20827228

It's pop culture itself that is the mistake.

>> No.20827230

I would do it too but how do I prevent from going to jail afterwards? I doubt the ayatollah will do anything to actually help me

>> No.20827232

Stop trying to derail. You probably don't even follow antifa communities and are just making up scenarios

>> No.20827247

redditors are subhuman and don't deserve internet access

>> No.20827251

Basically this. Old /lit/ would have said something edgy and contrarian and baited all these retards. The only good post in this thread was the curb your euthiasm one which nobody replied too. Rushdie is based but all this simping is pure cringe.

>> No.20827256


Why? Because they are not christians?

>> No.20827259


>> No.20827262

Poor little guy

>> No.20827263

Based, fedoraniggers seething

>> No.20827269

All of 4chan's religious fanaticism is based on betas' perception that these days normies aren't religious anymore and that being non-religious is the norm, so naturally they want to do something different to show they're not like everyone else.

>> No.20827274

The primary reason people are fanatically religious these days is because you people are so incredibly smug and annoying

>> No.20827277

hi illiterate /pol/ tourists

>> No.20827281


>> No.20827291

>Stop being right in my face!!!!! My fairy stories are the real onesssss!!!!!!!!!!!

Stop being schizophrenics. That’s not smugness, that’s a plea to sanity.

>> No.20827299


So they choose to believe something they know is a lie just to piss off people who feel superior to them?

>> No.20827303

Stay strong Salman we are with you. Fuck pisslam.

>> No.20827309

Thanks for proving him right. Perfect example of what he was talking about.

>> No.20827313

with no sense of irony the organisers have asked people to pray for rushdie.

>> No.20827314

>The incident of the satanic verses is not regarded as authentic by Muslims. It was only documented in early biographies of Muhammad and later came to be seen as a false story.
how very convenient hahaahahahahahahahahaha

>> No.20827320

t. reddit atheist

>> No.20827336

I thought neck wounds were almost always fatal because of how fast you bleed out. Just a couple weeks ago there was that Australian (?) street video showing a guy harassing swinging on someone and getting a knife to his jugular, and he died.

>> No.20827340


You are muslim, aren't you?

>> No.20827351

t. Muhammad

>> No.20827352


Nah, you dont have any evidence, just fear or egocentrism.

>> No.20827364

>I will not be calm and reasonable!! MY GOD DEMANDS BLLOOOODD!!!!!
Go meet your makers and wage war there. Leave us the fuck alone

>> No.20827365

No, but I prefer Muslims over reddit atheists .

>> No.20827368

What's next buddy? Are you going to push my politicians to institutionalize sodomy?

>> No.20827370

now do you guys see a lot of these wackos shitting on the west calling for return to tradition and assorted other bullshit are just seething third worlders?

>> No.20827373

It's not my war, redditor. Stop writing like a woman in her period.

>> No.20827376


You already lost. Even in matters of world religions, even the Jews have more power than you.

Your countries are all failures, especially because you were never able to separate Church and State.

All the science and progress of the modern world comes from the West and a few Asian nations, and in all these countries the people who really matter usually don't believe in anything.

You are just an example of what not to do.

>> No.20827378

Of course seething third worlders aren't a problem if they're replacing your population base because you don't breed because you're a sterile anticivilization

>> No.20827380

>No, but I prefer Muslims over reddit atheists .

Ah, so you are this one:

>All of 4chan's religious fanaticism is based on betas' perception that these days normies aren't religious anymore and that being non-religious is the norm, so naturally they want to do something different to show they're not like everyone else.

>> No.20827382

The greentext is a mimic of the ardently faithful. You need not take personal offense if you’re not one of these types.
Absurd to think this is my voice.

>> No.20827383

from other muslims?

>> No.20827389

Go live in Afghanistan then

>> No.20827392

>Uh-hu. Buttsex is always on my mind. Why not you?

>> No.20827395

Who the fuck do you think I am, retard? You think only Muslims form the ME dislike reddit gaytheists?

>> No.20827405

I won't but I hope Muslims immigrate to the West and reproduce a lot more. Someone's gotta wear the pants.

>> No.20827409

>Who the fuck do you think I am, retard?


>All of 4chan's religious fanaticism is based on betas' perception that these days normies aren't religious anymore and that being non-religious is the norm, so naturally they want to do something different to show they're not like everyone else.

>> No.20827410
File: 145 KB, 992x662, flag-gty-er-210423_1619203110897_hpEmbed_3x2_992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why could this be?

>> No.20827416

You fucking cuck

>> No.20827424

Kind of missing the point. The space to the left is for the officer below to fit into the frame. The whole shot seems to be almost naturalist in nature, not caring for the subjects, and the vivacity with which the trees and flowers burst in the image only give validity to this short analysis. Just another beautiful day, Salmon Rushdie was stabbed for art committed more than two decades ago by a guy whose face is so irrelevant it's cut in half by an old car antenna.
It's a good shot.

>> No.20827428

West is already cucked by Jews. What gives. At least Muslims can clean house.

>> No.20827438

You watch way too much porn and msm, cuck.

>> No.20827441

The entire conflict in Northern Ireland left about 3000 people dead over 30 years. ISIS used to get through about 3000 people a month.

>> No.20827446

I don't understand these levels of projection but nice try, Schlomo.

>> No.20827453

brown hands types this post

>> No.20827455

One interesting stat is that after every terrorist attack new people convert to Islam. Nabe mentioned this.

>> No.20827461
File: 324 KB, 512x512, 1658729434735.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based lol

>> No.20827462

You're just baiting at this point.

>> No.20827463

Brown hands are the ones on your women's legs and tits these days.

>> No.20827466 [DELETED] 

yup definitely a shitskin posting this crap

>> No.20827469

You’ve confessed to being a cuck, so let me introduce you to some facts about myself. I am not Jewish, I don’t believe in transitioning and I am not a liberal, vegan nor a maga/pol-tard

>> No.20827470

He had people there that would immediately stop the pressure

>> No.20827472

So you prefer tranny jews over chad Muslims?

>> No.20827474



>You already lost. Even in matters of world religions, even the Jews have more power than you.
>Your countries are all failures, especially because you were never able to separate Church and State.
>All the science and progress of the modern world comes from the West and a few Asian nations, and in all these countries the people who really matter usually don't believe in anything.
>You are just an example of what not to do.

You're all done.

>> No.20827476

Wrong. Jews love interracial fornication as do eurocucks. I am not a Jew nor a eurocuck. Just stating facts.

>> No.20827478 [DELETED] 

Nobody wants either. You're either a sandnigger yourself or a retarded sheltered american who's never interacted with them.

>> No.20827480

See: >>20827395

>> No.20827481

Islam wouldn't even be an issue if their gimmick wasn't that the Quran was the absolute and infallible word of Allah. The fact that everything, even the clearly outdated shit, is meant to be followed no matter what means that the religion as a whole is forever going to be a thousand years behind every other one.
All it fucking needs is a reformation and some pesticide for the terrorists and we won't ever have to read shit like this again, but because it fundamentally cannot undergo a reformation without throwing out the core belief of "This is the exact word of Allah", nothing will change.

>> No.20827485
File: 360 KB, 1415x1533, 1640274937508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>makes feminists seethe
>makes tranny jews seethe
>makes cuckservatives seethe
the muslim chad wins this round

>> No.20827487 [DELETED] 

Only shitskins post about interacial shit on 4chan, like the BBC spamming niggerjanny on /v/

>> No.20827489


I think you are muslim

>> No.20827493

>Islam wouldn't be an issue if it wasn't Islam
Bravo, amazingly well thought out post.

>> No.20827498

>if you show even the slightest sympathy for some group, you are from that group!
it's all so tiresome

>> No.20827504

Only mudslimes would be this obsessed with defending jizzlam

>> No.20827506

If they can clean house in Europe, that's a good thing for the world. Muslims are today's conservatives.

>> No.20827513

A thousand times wrong. Not every person is a zionist tranny.

>> No.20827514

>cleaning house by filling it with child raping nutcases that assault people for buying some bacon for the local tesco
No thanks mohammed, you don't clean things by covering it in shit.

>> No.20827516

I can smell the kebab from here anon.

>> No.20827518

So you're not a muslim or from middle east? If you lie, Allah will know.

>> No.20827520

Correct, I'm neither.

>> No.20827521

Who's the attacker?

>> No.20827526

I'm surprised you can find time to post here inbetween grooming kids Ahmed.

>> No.20827532

The religion of peace strikes again

>> No.20827534

Talk shit get hit. Atheists are begging to get stabbed.

>> No.20827535

Muslims are legitimately acting on self-defense against a rotten nihilistic West. They're based.

>> No.20827540

Did he died?

>> No.20827541

This is true. They uphold the honor code. Why are westoids so scared of consequences? They are so lost in their abstractions they forgot they're not immortal.

If you speak up against trannies, if you speak up against muslims, if you speak up against jews, there will be consequences and an adult should know it.

>but muh free speech
Doesn't exist. Cope and dilate.

>> No.20827543

if you get hit in the carotid you are done 9/10 unless there is an ambulance right next to you or you have someone who knows how to find and pinch off the artery before you bleed out.

>> No.20827553

Yes, the rotten nihilistic West which they flock to en masse.

>> No.20827559

seriously sad post, i feel embarrassed for you.

>> No.20827562

Which is a good thing because only then can they fight against the rot.

>> No.20827565

It's called an invasion, and they're conquering you.

>> No.20827568

Aye. I don't care.

>> No.20827585
File: 90 KB, 720x1127, arcwsqeuscx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20827587


>> No.20827590

you will still never have sex.

>> No.20827596 [DELETED] 

rushdie is nice, hope he makes it
fuck sandniggers

>> No.20827600

Some anon on /pol/ claims to work at the hospital he was taken to and says that he died in surgery... we'll see tho

>> No.20827605
File: 27 KB, 499x481, 1647103252151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Some anon on /pol/ claims to work at the hospital he was taken to
Is this your first day on the internet?

>> No.20827607

Nice attempt at demoralization, Schlomo. Swine like you will get the pointy end.

>> No.20827610

/pol/ knew about Epstein before it broke the news.

>> No.20827615

>over the bump limit
Another newfag

>> No.20827616

>doesn't care about what religion is right
>literally will just align with whatever religion comes along for the sake of it
this is literally a nihilistic point of view.

>> No.20827622

, he said, smugly.

>> No.20827627

I watched Kubrick’s Eyes Wide Shut years before even /b/ existed. We knew then

>> No.20827631

So go and say this to muslims. You won't. You only post it on the internet anoymously lmao pathetic

>> No.20827640

I meant the day about Epstein's "death". /pol/ knew it before the press did.

>> No.20827644


>> No.20827648

Muslims literally use liberals as a shield, they're mass cowards shoving knives from behind a wall of useful idiots. The only think the chinese got right was realising they should be genocided.

>> No.20827651
File: 56 KB, 721x181, Screen Shot 2022-08-12 at 10.26.11 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't say I believe them. It's just that, a rumour. Fwiw tho, they're this hour reporting that he's in surgery so

>> No.20827653
File: 125 KB, 960x960, 882C9C0C-D05B-4631-B64B-6D50D269BADB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New thread
New thread!!,

>> No.20827654

Quite the contrary, I don't care for modern Europe's values. I think Islam will be a good antidote against the rot.

>> No.20827655

>All have been disproved by the scientific findings of the world. All the worldviews of the great religions have already been defeated.
Wow you're fucking stupid

>> No.20827658

Oh, his death. Well, some of them had him on speed dial of course. (Being glowies)

>> No.20827668

Kill your self unironically*

*not a real word

>> No.20827676

No. That’s right. You run on faith alone. Shut up.

>> No.20827685

>So go and say this to muslims.

To you, you mean.

You're done. You people lost.

>> No.20827692

You type like a woman

>> No.20827725

Pretty sure he was a standard run of the mill white supremacist 4chan chud.

>> No.20827729
File: 96 KB, 1280x720, BE28F312-0F43-4A59-B141-6D893BA8D14C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20827767


>> No.20827909

who the FUCK is this guy?

>> No.20828017

Maybe it's because you are a /pol/ retard who spams the same link ten times in a row. Try linking the video just once, dumbass.

>> No.20828021

Shit I've been found out. Minus the Pinochet though

>> No.20828030

So this is the fabled power of what's become of the "alt right". When you die and go to hell tell Guenon I said hi

>> No.20828045

Surprised this isn't pinned.

>> No.20828073

>the assailant kept trying to attack Mr. Rushdie even after he was restrained. “It took like five men to pull him away and he was still stabbing,” she said. “He was just furious, furious. Like intensely strong and just fast.”

Sounds like he was stabbed at least 10 times

>> No.20828201

Cry more bitch nigger fuck
and while you do so your satanic idol is bleeding out, pissing and shitting himself LOLOLOL

>> No.20828214

>Iranian religious leadership/media later thawed considerably on the issue but the Fatwa still stands because only the issuer can rescind it, and Khomeini is dead.
Why do I waste my time with literature when reality is so much funnier?

>> No.20828605

>Literal shit demon cackling to himself

>> No.20828821

Sounds good to me, salmon is incredibly overrated

>> No.20828955

al qaeda was a glowop itself, they were all cia babies in the 80s when the ussr invaded afghanistan

>> No.20829027

Jews and Christians in Jerusalem under Islamic rule says otherwise JIDF shill