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20823863 No.20823863 [Reply] [Original]

It's kino

>> No.20823864

It’s shit

>> No.20823875

Because people here hate it because its popular.

>> No.20823884

People that hate it haven't read it and people that read it are all cucks and faggots

>> No.20823886

Is this a joke?

>> No.20823922

No, its the truth.

>> No.20823954

Everything that is popular nowadays must be hated, if not destroyed.

>> No.20823977

AFFC is the least popular book
cope and seethe

>> No.20823998

Because it’s popular.

>> No.20824024

Not talking about ASOIAF; talking about AFFC

>> No.20824039

I don't think everyone here hates it. The common opinion I've seen is that the quality is lower than the first few novels, which I agree with

>> No.20824047
File: 18 KB, 512x468, Pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>finished AGOT, ACOK, ASOS all within the last 2 weeks
>about 5/6th of the way through AFFC
>then it will be ADWD
>then it will be over

>> No.20824052

At least you have Winds of Winter to look forward to within the next five years. Keep your chin up, anon

>> No.20824061

>The common opinion I've seen is that the quality is lower than the first few novels
by what metric?

>> No.20824067
File: 17 KB, 558x614, Retard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>At least you have Winds of Winter to look forward to within the next five years

>> No.20824084
File: 678 KB, 768x512, poster_portrait_of_george_r_r_martin_in_game_of_thrones__1_9_8_4__artwork_4_k_digital_art_neon_8_0s_style_tomasz_alen_kopera_pet_-W_768_-C_12.0_-n_9_-i_-S_1625436144_ts-1660274951_idx-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey anons, it's me, Fatman. Here to tell you all to watch House of the Dragon, coming out soon! And then watch my other 10 spinoffs and 14 movies I'm producing. Haha, I love Television & film. I'm never writing another word as long as morons keep watching my shows. Stay mad forever.

>> No.20824200

Because while it's chapters are longer than the earlier entries' there is less plot going on. Also along with the fifth novel it builds to a payoff that doesn't happen, since it was kept for the begging of the sixth novel that never came out. It's underwhelming

>> No.20824211

mogs stephen king and that's all that matters

>> No.20824227

As a whole, yes. But it's hard to say if it's better than King's coked up early work

>> No.20824562

>the next five years.
holy hell

>> No.20825425

it has fun character and worldbuilding stuff but almost nothing happens, the plot just stops

>> No.20826353

It's just not as tight as the first three and is missing some characters while it has more throwaway POVs like the Dorne ones.
I love any part with Euron in it, I reread them many times and they're some of my favourite in the series.

>> No.20826706

3/4ths of the population are absolute fucking media-cum swallowing morons.
Therefore, anything popularized by them is awful.

>> No.20827391

Only plebs dislike it.

>> No.20827419

It's hated by midwits who were never true fans of the series and only jumped in after the Red wedding hype. Both feast and dance are great books, and the northern plotline in dance is actually my favourite in the entire series. Only mongoloids who's arsenal of literary endeavours includes captain underpants and various assortments of picture/comic books actually disliked the last 2 entries in the series, it's quite clear they're simply setups for the rollercoaster that Winds of Winter is going to be, and so they take their time to put everything in place and invest in a bit of worldbuilding before dialing it up to 11.

>> No.20827788

go buy some funko pop toys

>> No.20828435

>it's quite clear they're simply setups
That's a generous way of saying the plot got completely out of control and the best Martin could do to keep it on track required him to slow the pacing down drastically.
Honestly I think the majority of the complaints are due to Brienne. There's a lot of fantastic locales in this world and the Riverlands is among the least of them, and we'd already spent a lot of time there in book 3. Then the rest of it is the Dorne chapters that jump to a different POV every time because Martin couldn't put us in Doran's head.
The rest of it is quite enjoyable, even if it's all buildup. The ironborn, Littlefinger's manipulations, Arya doing the Faceless training, and the developing storyline in Oldtown with Marwyn. The political situation at King's Landing is very intriguing.
I think if book 5 and 6 weren't delayed so damn long, it would be praised more because those subplots would have paid off. As it is we're stuck in limbo with every single story stopping short of a pivotal moment.

>> No.20830074

Both the North and Mereen are pretty damn good, so long as they get their respective climaxes. If they never do then it was all a waste.

>> No.20830092

>no Tyrion
into the trash it goes

>> No.20830139

some the Victarion chapters for some unintentional dark comedy
AFFC is certainly better than ADWD