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20819854 No.20819854 [Reply] [Original]

I was once reading a book in a park and a dude passed by with a girl and said, "Reading some Shakespeare?" and he and the girl laughed and kept walking. I said nothing as I tried to understand the apparent putdown. I wasn't reading Shakespeare.

WTF was this...? Like drive-by anti-intellectualism? I think I was reading a hardcover copy of Inherent Vice with the jacket off, so it looked pretty nondescript. Did he think I was making a spectacle of myself by reading on a park bench...if so, that's fucking ridiculous.

Maybe others might have had a witty rejoinder at the ready, but I was too baffled, and besides, I don't consider it a good idea to talk back to rude strangers unless absolutely necessary.

Why has this memory stuck with me after all these years? I don't know! It was such a beautiful day, I was on the bench reading, and all was well, and suddenly I'm the object of someone's incoherent joke...

I guess reading in public was too obvious a demonstration of readerly habits for this insecure fellow and his friend?

>> No.20819867

I never read physical books in public because I don't want to be perceived as reading

>> No.20819877

He was just joshing with you to impress his girl. They probably read Shakespeare together before or after fucking. He didn't mean you any harm.

>> No.20819894

yes its quite common for niggers to engage in nigger behavior. best not to respond to niggers. they will take any behavior that is outside of their niggerdom as nigger-adjacent and therefore exert their nigger selves onto your non-nigger presence. niggers.

>> No.20819905

Those people were just strange. They would have done it to anyone else in your place.

>> No.20819912

This >>20819905 but I assume you're american, and americans and american culture are known for being anti-intellectual

>> No.20819915

It came from a place of insecurity. He probably doesn't read and feels kind of bad about it. He needed to make sure his girlfriend didn't think you were a more suitable mate. His joke was kinda clever and there was nothing malicious about it. The best scenario would have you laughing along with them.

>HAHA! Ah, yes, his complete works! HAHAHA!

>> No.20819919

Young people can be kind of unintentionally (or intentionally) rude because of how cocky they are, especially if they're with friends or girlfriend. They just like to interact with random people in a slightly humorous spirit.

It doesn't mean anything in itself. But it's entirely possible that youth thought reading reading is nerdy, but even if that were the case I wouldn't take it personally. Next time just try replying in a friendly comedic spirit, even if you only tell him what book it really is what matters is the way that you say it and are in fact saying replying.

>> No.20820277

Everyone responding is actually retarded. He was making fun of you OP.

>> No.20820331
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How to get back at him? There has to be a way

>> No.20820332

Imagine how wet the girl got when her man dabbed on you.

>> No.20820333

wellness check

>> No.20820343

He was doing it to show off to the girl.

You should’ve replied:
>Problem, bitch?

Now his attempt at negging you has back fired. He needs to either get one up on you again, or he will retreat and lose face (which will mean his girl will lose respect for him - yes, that’s how these people’s brains work).
Assuming he tries to one up you again, you can escalate to physical confrontation if you are bigger or if you have less to lose.

He was looking for a weak target to bully to impress his girl but now he’s found himself in a situation that he wasn’t prepared for. He will probably end up retreating and his girl will think he’s pathetic for getting beat off by a book-reading nerd.

>> No.20820357

He should've said he should read it himself, don't insult a stranger just because he said you were reading shakespeare

>> No.20820358

Based race realist

>> No.20820362

I would probably be too baffled myself to think of something to say, what the fuck did he mean by this?

>> No.20820363

true and real

>> No.20820367

Find where he lives and murder him, along with his girlfriend. It is the only way.

>> No.20820368

>You should’ve replied:
>>Problem, bitch?
That's if you want them to laugh even louder at you because they got a seething reaction out of you

>> No.20820370

I would of just said his mum was a whore and not even looked up

>> No.20820376

He was probably just in an exuberant mood, or alternatively on drugs and he meant literally nothing by the comment.

>> No.20820377

As someone living in a balkan country I am astounded that you wyppipo even consider reading in a public space.
I would be on the front page of the local newspaper if I was caught reading in a park

>> No.20820378

So then you continue to escalate

>> No.20820380

Then they would just act surprised and make you look like a meth addict lunatic.

>> No.20820382

I saw people reading in parks all over ex yugoslav countries, even old men with books occasionally
Hungry too

>> No.20820386

I live in Greece, no one reads here unless it's a newspaper.
Wouldn't even discuss the most normie-tier book like say 1984 or even a greek one like Christ Recrucified with someone I know IRL. It would seem ridiculous.

>> No.20820394

>Did he think I was making a spectacle of myself by reading on a park bench...if so, that's fucking ridiculous.
Then what else were you trying to do? Why would you want to read in a public place surrounded by NPCs, rather somewhere quiet and peaceful, if you aren't fishing for attention?

>> No.20820397

sounds like a intellectual version of australia

>> No.20820414

this bydlo readin
only at mlinarovic grove

>> No.20820420

I stopped reading books in public a few years ago. Now I only read on my phone whenever I’m outside. The more you fit in and the less attention you attract the better.

>> No.20820428

ayo dis nigga readin books

>> No.20820441

Have you considered not being a bitch ass nigga?

>> No.20820463

anon is from bosnia

>> No.20820485
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Read Archeofuturism, desu.

>> No.20820495

people always sexually harass me when i read books in public because they're fucking mentally retarded, vicious, evil, illiterate fucking subhuman retarded animals who are so fucking ape-like that they don't understand what reading is. they just see you showing submissive body language by looking down at a book and want to harm you because they're literally evil.

>> No.20820500

are u girl?

>> No.20820514
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>> No.20820522

What do we do about these niggers? As a black man I am surrounded by niggers 24/7 and find it so hard to avoid punching them when they say something gay; which is whenever most of them open their mouths.

I'm generalizing I know, Italian and Irish niggers aren't so bad, but it's these Anglo-German niggers who are the worst. If I woke up with a gay voice and a sociopathic mental disorder and had to walk around looking like them with ugly pink faces I'd kill myself. I don't understand how more of them don't.

>and the girl laughed and kept walking.
Nigger girls do this all the time when they're with black people; often they're just bemused by the absurd statement and laugh out of embarrassment.

I bet if you'd cracked him over the head with a rock or kicked the back of his knee to floor him and brought your book down on the back of his neck, and said something shakespeare-like, that she'd have gone home with you.

The way I look at it is that these kind of boys are basically bringing the girls around to see if other men want to take them off their hands. That's what I think anyway.

>> No.20820587

>this nigga be readin shakespeare fr

>> No.20820601

City life is hell

>> No.20820610

Checked and keked

>> No.20820616

Holy fuck if this happened to me I wouldn't even remember it or would find it funny.

>> No.20820628

no, i'm a moderately attractive man who shouldn't really even be on this board. like, yeah, sure, i should be dating instead of reading books, but i have bigger things on my mind

>> No.20820629

Bullying is fully based on rhetoric and rhetoric has nothing to do with the content of the message (why right wingers love this kind of chad bully aesthetic) - you got owned, that's what happened.

>> No.20820652

>Maybe others might have had a witty rejoinder at the ready, but I was too baffled, and besides, I don't consider it a good idea to talk back to rude strangers unless absolutely necessary.

>Why has this memory stuck with me after all these years? I don't know! It was such a beautiful day, I was on the bench reading, and all was well, and suddenly I'm the object of someone's incoherent joke...

Niggas gotta stop emulating their favorite classics authors when typing. I imagine some histrionic pseud aggressively pondering pretty straightforward events, thinking aloud and crying "Alas!" and "Oh!" every now and then.

>> No.20820660

>Maybe others might have had a witty rejoinder at the ready, but I was too baffled, and besides, I don't consider it a good idea to talk back to rude strangers unless absolutely necessary.

>Why has this memory stuck with me after all these years? I don't know! It was such a beautiful day, I was on the bench reading, and all was well, and suddenly I'm the object of someone's incoherent joke...

Based prose OP, always good to see it. Brilliant wording, your brain is in good condition.

>> No.20820665

Man is courting woman and wants to prove to her that he is a tough, strong and dependable person. So he picks on you to assert his personality and prove himself to her.

>> No.20820670

See if you even did as little as tell him to shut his mouth he'd have bee fucked.

>> No.20820681


>> No.20820682

'Shut your mouth faggot'

>> No.20820685

He was mocking you, OP
Should have just said "at least i can" dismissively and looked back down

>> No.20820745

His actions come-off as pathetic but seem so common that it feels like a human thing, an inherent asshole behaviour ingrained into this “type”. Unfortunately we must live with it.

>> No.20820765

"love letters from your mom, actually"

>> No.20820771

Literally any aggressive response would have fucked with him. No need to be witty.

>> No.20820777

>dude passed by with a girl and said, "Reading some Shakespeare?" and he and the girl laughed and kept walking
The direct man

> don't consider it a good idea to talk back to rude strangers unless absolutely necessary. Why has this memory stuck with me after all these years?
The mouse man

>> No.20820787

It's a typical neurotic symptom. Could have said something back to express himself, could have stayed silent because it's a waste of time. Instead freezes up and ruminates on it forever.

>> No.20820817

Based. This dude actually reads Shakespeare in public

>> No.20820922

>I bet if you'd cracked him over the head with a rock or kicked the back of his knee to floor him and brought your book down on the back of his neck, and said something shakespeare-like, that she'd have gone home with you.

>> No.20821031

The correct response would have been to chase him and his girlfriend down with a large knife that you had concealed in your book.

>> No.20821050

I never in public because I don’t want to be perceived
Never attribute to you being a loser what can be more easily explained by someone being an asshole.

>> No.20821602

it depends on his race and class. it's unseemly for you, as a white man, to care about some teasing of colored people. If the person is clearly poorer than you - visible by his clothes and general demeanor - it is also improper to take any action because it would be demeaning for you.

>> No.20821614

>that massive wall of text
holy shit that guy DESTROYED you huh?

>> No.20821639

The guy was probably drowning and needed you to keep his head above water. When you’re with a girl and you need to keep the mood going, you sometimes bust out any old schtick. The daring nature of interrupting someone reading (something a girl wouldn’t do so rudely), was a thrill to her and the joke didn’t matter—it was quite simply that you obviously (to them) weren’t reading Shakespeare, why would you be?
You were used like a prop, an extra in their little date montage. Don’t worry, it was literally nothing personal.

>> No.20821710
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>> No.20821744

Normies hate books and literature, especially nowadays, don’t read in public and don’t tell people you read unless they’re of sensible nature.

>> No.20821750

They were in the middle of a mating ritual where anything the other says that's slightly upbeat is considered hysterically funny.
>Reading some Shakespeare?
Got what? Nothing. They were in a very different state of mind than anyone reading a book. He intuitively drew attention to the contrast using crude grunts and gestures.

>> No.20821970

Then you get physical

>> No.20822434

Confirmed for never reading Shakespeare.
You should be fuckin embarrassed.

>> No.20822463

Imagine walking in a park with your girl and choosing to focus your attention on a random guy reading a book. Don't worry about that guy he was a cuck.

>> No.20822492

/lit/ is full of cucks. If this happened to me I would just laugh with them. The fact that it has affected you so much is evidence of a weak caracter. I will now go out of my way to bully public readers.

>> No.20822512

lol you fat pig you, muh precious shakespeare.

>> No.20822518

Chad psychopath

>> No.20822562

>best not to respond to niggers.
Pussy cope.

>> No.20822600

>looool I'm so heckin' witty that'll show him!!!!
/lit/ is full of spiritual vaginas. No wonder trannies post here, kek.

>> No.20822628

I prefer the "Whatever I'm reading, it's too hard for either of you" vein of replies

>> No.20822657

Assuming you genuinely don't understand what happened: most people think in terms of stories. In this story, there is a girl, he wants to get her, so he is the chad, and what does the chad do? Mock the nerd. You were used like a prop in a movie. He didn't think of you as human

>> No.20822669
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>> No.20822679

dont overthink it bud, you got miller grove'd

>> No.20822707


This comic leaves out the critical detail that a woman was involved in the interaction. A woman observed the interaction in which one man demonstrated higher value, while the other man was used as a prop to embody lower value. This aspect makes it a thousand times worse, and is why so much has been written ITT, regardless of whether the incident actually happened or not.

>> No.20822775

>that she'd have gone home with you
imagine wanting a smelly nigger in your home
you liose

>> No.20822875

The guy cracked a joke at your expense in order to entertain the woman he was with. They had sex later that day.

>> No.20823115

>Hahah very good Lord Chad!
>Hahahah *soγgrimace* Please don't perceive me as threatening!

>> No.20823842


>> No.20823855


>> No.20823872

I can't stand living around them. To be honest it's mostly blacks (see Dinesh D'Souza) but Mexicans are horrible too. I think the Asians are terrible in their own way since they have such an instinctive entitlement to be soulless little bugs taking everything over and having no manners. Shitty blacks have that unstable chip on the shoulder thing going on but even average Asians have this innate entitlement to replace every atom in the universe with a Chinaman who can't hold a fucking door or make eye contact.

>> No.20823892

Duality of man

>> No.20823905

If a guy, especially a handsome guy did that to me I’d want to kiss him

>> No.20823968

I was the object of this once. I knew what it was immediately so I thought of the guy as a monkey doing his mating dance. Do women really not see what's going on?

>> No.20823982

this is so pretentious anon. at least how you wrote it is. what happened was random strangers decided to be a dick to another random stranger. get over it you self-indulgent twat you're not some persecuted intellectual

>> No.20823993

None of this happened.

>> No.20824005

Some people like to take digs at others to take the attention away from themselves. It could've been because he felt he wasn't entertaining enough for her so he deflected the focus onto you, or it's just within his character to mog others.

You also have to consider that not many people read in public (excluding public transportation) so it's seen as asocial behavior. That makes you a pretty easy target for an effortless joke.

There was no appropriate witty reply imo. Their joke was actually retarded. Why even dignify it with a response? You accidentally did the best thing you could've done imo. If you really care about getting back at people like this, just tuck away a simple "go fuck yourself" for next time.

I think it's normal to remember moments like this where someone upset you. I personally try to find answers because understanding is a part of acceptance to me.

Have a good one OP

>> No.20824015

You shouldn't be reading books in public in the first place, it makes you look like an attention seeker and a faggot. Wait until you're in private.

>> No.20824049
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If that was me I would have choked him out and when he regained consciousness he would see me there smiling as I was raping the girl. "You're next" I'd then say.

>> No.20824078

>I like to go for a quick smoke and some light reading after nutting in your mother's ass, before going back in for seconds.

>> No.20824099

"Fuck you faggot"

>> No.20824110
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What's the problem? If he was joking, you were reading Shakespeare. If he was mocking you, you were reading Shakespeare.

I don't see any problem here.

>> No.20824116

Oh nevermind. OP wasn't reading Shakespeare

You got what was coming to you.

>> No.20824173

You deserve it for reading Pynchon.

>> No.20824212
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>> No.20824263

actual cuck behaviour

>> No.20824276

>When my wife fucks our buck I just laugh with them. The fact that you're so self conscious about your wife getting blacked is evidence of a weak character
What did you mean by this?

>> No.20824320

why are you unironically racist?

>> No.20824720

>spiritual vaginas
Don't give them any more ideas.

>> No.20824744

If this isn't a LARP (which I assume it is) then why didn't you punch them in the genitals?
>inb4 id go to jail
Totally worth in my experience. I rate 14/88.

>> No.20825366

I've been reading on my breaks at work lately. Yesterday I was looking at my phone a co-worker asked me in a snarky tone if I forgot my book today. I told him I didn't forget it but couldn't bring it because my briefcase is full of dead cats.

How did I do?

>> No.20825490

If you had been reading Shakespeare you'd have been able to respond and BTFO him.

>> No.20825497

kek, you did good.

>> No.20825514

The only problem here is that you weren't reading Shakespeare. You could find garbage people everywhere though, so it's not too surprising.

>> No.20825536

Well OP took it like a bitch and didn't respond, so the woman clearly saw what was going on and understood that her man just MOGGED a beta incel. She had sex with him only minutes later.

>> No.20825645

When I was working a chef, I used to read upstairs in the bar area on my lunch break. One day I was reading The Road and some pipe-smoking white-bearded old man came in and said "What, isn't your job depressing enough?" I was being roasted but it made me kek.

>> No.20825676

You could have said “your girlfriend has nice tits”

>> No.20825682

Nta, but I don’t trust people who aren’t racist to some degree

>> No.20825953

i was once sitting on a park bench blowing my nose with some tissue, and some fella and his mate walked by and said "you got an issue for that tissue?" and laughed and walked on
very similar situation to yours OP

>> No.20825966

yeah when i was in greece on holiday i had to hide my book behind a newspaper when i was reading in public, even then i was in perpetual fear of being caught out and crucified

>> No.20826650
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I was once sitting on a park bench reading and this happened right in front of me

>> No.20826768
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Don't get bent out of shape over it.

>> No.20826830
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>sitting in silence and bothering no one is le bad and attention seeking

>> No.20826902

>I can't tell the difference between these vastly different situations

>> No.20827349

Oh my God its a real live nigger! Why are you here? I mean, how did you figure out the internet ahhahahahhahaha monkey

>> No.20827571


>> No.20827745

Shakespeare in the Park is a common name for festivals. You were reading "Shakespeare in the park." It was a joke meant for everyone to laugh but you didn't get it.

>> No.20827975
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I never because I don't want to be

>> No.20828037
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What a terrific post, really brightened up my afternoon

>> No.20828604

no one in the thread got it. /lit/ confirmed low iq

>> No.20828625
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Fuck, I have been defeated

>> No.20829292

They laughed because they knew you weren't actually reading Shakespeare. Which you should have been. You deserved to be laughed at.

>> No.20829314

I just read on my phone and get boomers giving me shit for looking at my phone for too long

>> No.20829546

They were clearly trying to riff on your perceived lack of confidence. The correct response is a simple "Yep" and let them live their lives. A "What's your favorite?" or a "Sure thing, Romeo" if you want to be snarky.

>> No.20829966

I bet lit can’t write a good comeback

>> No.20829973

>n-no you!

>> No.20831092

This made me laugh. Honestly, this is what one ought to do after such a happening.

>> No.20831229

>Reading this dick!
>gesture toward croch

>> No.20831263

Balkanfag here too. Anti-intellectualism is huge here, it's only ok to read while in the capital's subway, because it's filled with let's say a higher class crowd than the streets and parks.

>> No.20831268

>Do you bite your thumb at *me*, sir?

>> No.20831303

Their hatred of literature is merited. I consider myself very /lit/ but I haven't read a book in years. There's not really much time to do so if you work full time and reading in your spare time is a literal cope. It's not going to do anything for me. Just wastes time. If I didn't need to work it would be another story but such is life for most people.

>> No.20831576

Only something a complete pleb would say. Sad!

>> No.20832019
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this, i would die if this happened to me

>> No.20832451
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>G. Locke's Book of Comebacks

>> No.20832500

They guy was with a bitch - that's all you need to know to understand his motives.
You put a premenopausal bitch in the middle of an all male group and they'll turn into paleolithic niggers faster than you can snap your fingers to impress and gain access to the bitch's putrid malevolent void.
I highly suspect it was either a nigger or a contemporary Russian, which is the same as a nigger in Platonic psychospiritual terms. Both groups are genetically prone to embarrassing bystanders if there's some form of vagina nearby.

>> No.20832503

>literal cope
Another way to spell "literature", yes

Imagine some incel saying that he doesn't have a girlfriend because he couldn't afford to fuck her 24/7, since he also has to get groceries, sleep, brush his teeth, go to the dentist etc., and if his dick gets dry for even ten minutes, what is even the point of being in a relationship.

>> No.20832533

Haha if this isn't a troll post then you are one dumb motherfucker.

>> No.20832667

>There's not really much time to do so if you work full time
Yet you got plenty of hours playing videogames.

>> No.20832729
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I was reading Gulag Archipelago on a subway once and there was a couple next to me. He noticed the book and explained to her what it was about.

>> No.20832996

"Walking your dog, miss?"

>> No.20833153

Must've heard you snickering, because that shit is comedy gold

>> No.20833298
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show him what I'm actually reading

>> No.20833753

He can do whatever he wants in public, who tf are you to tell him? People read all the time in libraries, cafes, train stations, bookstores, school campuses, it's no big deal. OP should probably pick nerd-friendlier areas to do his reading than a fucking park where randoms are passing through, that's all.

>> No.20833805

Anon would steal the girl.

>> No.20833820

nah this guy was more good-humored. the guy from OPs story is an anti-intellectual bonehead that thinks there's something funny about reading. i would also be baffled if i were confronted by someone who thinks reading, something as basic and neutral as driving a car, is funny. you would have to be a subhuman to find normal human activities worthy of pointing out

>> No.20834049

My kingdom for your chest! I mean a really huge pair of tits, absolute bonkers etc etc

>> No.20835665


>> No.20835862

I'll list a few options for ya:
a) get your schlang out and furiously masturbate while keeping eye contact (chaotic evil ending);
b) Scream from the top of your lungs: AAAAAAHH OHH OH IHHH AAAAAHHHH - to scare them away (chaotic neutral ending);

c) you just thumbs up and accept your defeat in good sports. - Oh hey you got me, man (true neutral ending);

d) pretend you're a pastor and immediately start preaching about the end of the times. You wanna leave them embarrassed and annoyed (lawful evil ending);

e)Call them over and wait until they're right next to you to hand them two tickets for the next Metallica show (chaotic good ending);

f) just ignore it and move on (neutral ending);

g) Call them over and lecture them on how this is not an appropriate behavior in a civilized society (lawful good ending).

>> No.20836141

They would not have done it to a lifter.

>> No.20836150

Imagine telling your Germanic warrior ancestors you cowered in fear to a fucking nigger. You really should just castrate yourself right now and offer your ass to the jewish billionaire freemasons that have thoroughly emasculated you, bitch.

>> No.20836151


>> No.20836165

>if you want to be snarky.
Effeminate behavior. No wonder the West is dying.

>> No.20836172


>> No.20836781

>Irish niggers aren't so bad
Yes they are, we’ve two types of niggers; travellers and wiggers

>> No.20837197

The average person reads like less than one book a year and you're concerned with what the average person thinks or says about you?

>> No.20838001

Effeminate behavior would be me taking off all my clothes and shoving you up my ass. Be grateful for what you have

>> No.20838560

You're brainwashed by the west's obsession with intellectual domination through witticisms over brute strength, which is effeminate behavior.

>> No.20838611

only worthwhile response, /lit/ can't write

>> No.20839194

Wrong. Me shoving you up my ass is an example of brute strength. But I am a man of many talents, and can snap some zingers in your directions as I believe there is more to life than sheer violence. After all, you did not type your sentence at me knowing that you could strangle me from your computer screen, did you? Are your queer taunts a sign of weakness? Ideas are the power of our century just as me voring you would be a sign of my strength. The world is not constrained to your feeble masculine ideal which holds no place in reality.

Also I had tacos last night, so prepare yourself in there

>> No.20839375


>> No.20839390
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I was once reading “Claw of the Conciliator” at the Kansas City airport. An Indian gentleman came up to me and told me how good The Book of the New Sun is.

>> No.20839782

nice one

In my mind I'm thinking I would close the book and run to catch up even though I'd look stupid. I would want to confront him and ask him what his purpose was. Ask him to his face if it was "drive-by anti-intellectualism". I guess they'd probably laugh at me though, and I'd either have to resort to violence, flee with my tail between my legs, or still leave but call him a retard or any applicable racial slur.

In reality I'd probably do what OP did because I'm not quick enough to come up with something before they're gone.

>> No.20839813

>I would just laugh with them.

>> No.20839834

that guy was just being goofy man, sometimes I say dumb shit like that when I'm with my friends

OP's scenario was different

>> No.20839841

fuck...I'm a brainlet

>> No.20839846


It was a human joke, and the context was completely unlike that of the OP. It was an old man with nothing to prove (probably).

When I read your post I had the vague idea that it must have been a co-worker, but if it was some actual/potential patron then that changes the dynamic quite a bit.

>> No.20839854

What in the fuck are you talking about Jessie? I was just making fun of your skin color porchmonkey

>> No.20840506

Haha schizoing out already? Repeating your retarded ancestry hillbilly mantra back at you apparently short circuited your brain. Not surprising considering your sense of comedy involves every third word being racial slurs and genocide being your sisterwife being filled with my minority semen. Every Yakubian has some implausible conspiracy for their personal failure it seems, your coping mechanism for life

>> No.20840524

>What's the problem?

>> No.20840547
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once I was at a hotel, walking to the swimming pool, & a young man with two girls behind him says to me as we passed each other,
"going swimming??" & mocking me.

My response was the most retarded on purpose, like "Uhhhhhhhhhhh"
and it made both girls laugh, & the young man frowned.

I didn't want go to the pool, so i didn't care.

>> No.20840602
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Take the voluntary mute pill. Stare right into their soul and do nothing. They will think you're a creep bu it bothers the shit out of them.

>> No.20840611
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Based. Even Benjamin Franklin knew that nigger behaviour ought not to be engaged in.

>He had some Reason for loving to dispute, being eloquent, an acute Sophister, and therefore generally successful in argumentative Conversation. He had been brought up to it from a Boy, his Father (as I have heard) accustoming his Children to dispute with one another for his Diversion while sitting at Table after Dinner. But I think the Practice was not wise, for in the Course of my Observation, these disputing, contradicting & confuting People are generally unfortunate in their Affairs. They get Victory sometimes, but they never get Good Will, which would be of more use to them. We parted, he going to Philadelphia, and I to Boston. In returning, I met at New York with the Votes of the Assembly, by which it appear’d that notwithstanding his Promise to me, he and the House were already in high Contention, and it was a continual Battle between them, as long as he retain’d the Government. I had my Share of it; for as soon as I got back to my Seat in the Assembly, I was put on every Committee for answering his Speeches and Messages, and by the Committees always desired to make the Drafts. Our Answers as well as his Messages were often tart, and sometimes indecently abusive. And as he knew I wrote for the Assembly, one might have imagined that when we met we could hardly avoid cutting Throats. But he was so good-natur’d a Man, that no personal Difference between him and me was occasion’d by the Contest, and we often din’d together. One Afternoon in the height of this public quarrel, we met in the Street. “Franklin, says he, you must go home with me and spend the Evening. I am to have some Company that you will like;” and taking me by the Arm he led me to his House. In gay Conversation over our Wine after Supper he told us Jokingly that he much admir’d the Idea of Sancho Panza, who when it was propos’d to give him a Government, requested it might be a Government of Blacks, as then, if he could not agree with his People he might sell them. One of his Friends who sat next me, says, “Franklin, why do you continue to side with these damn’d Quakers? Had not you better sell them? the Proprietor would give you a good Price.” The Governor, says I, has not yet black’d them enough. He had indeed labour’d hard to blacken the Assembly in all his Messages, but they wip’d off his Colouring as fast as he laid it on, and plac’d it in return thick upon his own Face; so that finding he was likely to be negrify’d himself, he as well as Mr Hamilton, grew tir’d of the Contest, and quitted the Government.

>> No.20840688


Doesn't translate at all. The mother and the baby care for each other, the mother is pained and is actively restraining herself for the two little minutes required in the experiment (it's obvious on her face). The chad proving himself to his woman by making fun of a beta is taking her on a journey, all well-conducted dates have a superficial feeling of "adventure", or at least of moving from one place to the next so that the parties feel like they are "going through something together" in rapid motion. The mother and the baby are there, together with each other, emotionally invested with each other in the room. The chad on his date passing the beta by has no emotional investment in the man he steps on.

>> No.20840695

Nigger only retards use the word schizo especially after typing some shit word salad like you did. Nigger hahahahhahahhaa gorilla black nigger ababhahahahhahahaha

>> No.20840854

I have never heard of such an expression before

>> No.20841058

You should widen your shoulders, lean back, stretch one of your hands on the back of the seat and hold the book with the other hand. Read with dominant body language.

>> No.20841083

if i was in that situation i would have ended his life fr and no court in the country would find me guilty. intellect must be preserved.

>> No.20841185

>it depends on his race and class.
american brains are rotten beyond repair

>> No.20841199

It wouldnt be the first time I'd demand a blowjob as a form of apology from that guy's girlfriend, probably wouldnt be the last time either.

Spending 8 years in French Foreign Legion changed my brain. I dont feel correctly if I dont jog 100+ km a week, and dont bench 150 kilos 3 to 4 times a week. Its like not brushing my teeth. But just like you brush your teeth so you can use them, its the same with your body, and other tools you own.
Awareness is important. There is a reason they make you do over a million counter ambush drills. Your brain automatically scans areas from there on. You automatically see from where it would be the best to open fire. Where would be the best cover. Where you should shout for machinegun section to go set up, which rifle grenadier should be the fire element and which ones should maneuver, what are requirements for establishing fire superiority at 300 meters, at 600 meters, etc.
There are no such things in civilian world. But there are cameras. Cellphones. Policemen. Witnesses.
My brain is finding these things automatically.

If I was sitting in the park and reading, I automatically sit in the spot where junkie trying to rob me gets robbed himself instead. If a random thug walking his cumslut insulted me in this park, he would be covered in blood and his cumslut covered in cum. Depending on the witnesses, how public the area is, are both of them on foot and with phones in their hands or on the ground and unable to call for help, etc.

>> No.20841403

You gyus are still talking about this huh

>> No.20841901


This thought experiment is exactly the type of thing which sticks in young men's craws. Young men use this board.

>> No.20843291

Stuff like this is why I always carry a gun. I don't mean to shoot them, just cock it and make him get on his knees and apologize, if no one else is around you can also fire into the ground to scare the shit out of him. Never let yourself get disrespected like that again anon

>> No.20843838
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>> No.20843903


Most people don't read, so it's a "I have few friends and you could fuck with me without consequences" signifier. Welcome to America

>> No.20844328

Jesus Christ get a therapist. Imagine not doing enjoyable things because you are afraid that others will perceive you in a certain way, fucking loser

>> No.20844555
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>Problem, bitch?
>HAHA! Ah, yes, his complete works! HAHAHA!

bookfags can't into real life dynamic, pacing and delivery

>> No.20844629

this is like something the underground man would say

>> No.20844713 [DELETED] 

Whenever I’m in that sort of situation I usually try to say something friendly but vaguely mocking like “yeah would you like me to read a page” but maybe that’s just I’m a supergroup who’s only weapon is making others feel as awkward as possible.

>> No.20844723 [DELETED] 

Whenever I’m in that sort of situation I usually try to say something friendly but vaguely mocking like “yeah would you like me to read a page” but maybe that’s just I’m a sperg who’s only weapon is making others feel as awkward as possible.

>> No.20844730

Whenever I’m in that sort of situation I usually try to say something friendly but vaguely mocking like “yeah would you like me to read you a page” but maybe that’s just because I’m a sperg who’s only weapon is making others feel as awkward as possible.

>> No.20844748

You're too well adjusted to post here.

>> No.20844764

This is retarded, you should be able to read wherever you want. No one should be that self conscious.

>> No.20844843

The right answer is to just give a "hell yeah dude" without any hesitation while sitting back in a relaxed and friendly manner.

You don't perceive it as a slight because because you're not the type of person that is slighted in that manner.

>> No.20845078

good point

>> No.20845308


>> No.20845369

You should have played this song while dancing and mocking him:

>> No.20845375

Well I read on my kindle in public

>> No.20845486

Over socialized people are worse and carriers of disease, ipso facto

>> No.20845545

Schizoing out again? Hahaha imbecile schizophrenic requires medication to maintain the voices at bay. Reading must become impossible at your level of mental retardation, but given your ancestral inbreeding I doubt your capacity to think ever existed. Maybe switch out to one of your personalities that's smarter.
.-. .. --. .... - / -... . .... .. -. -.. / -.-- --- ..- / ... -.-. .... .. --.. ---

>> No.20845815

You will never be a woman.

>> No.20846144

i live in Greece too, what the hell are you talking about?

>> No.20846826
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I think the most badass thing to do would be to go "WHA-HUH!?" And then go back to reading while mildly agitated and exhaling through my nose while giving a sidelong glance at the man walking away, while mumbling a racial or homophobic slur and shaking my head at the gal of some people before continuing my reading.

>> No.20846888
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>> No.20847017


>> No.20847128

Lm fucking ao
OP completely obliterated

>> No.20847526

checked and keked

>> No.20847548

Checked and big kek

>> No.20847551
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Didn't read the whole thread, so I don't know if someone already said this. But it was probably just an inside joke. Maybe they saw a movie or whatever and someone said that line to a guy that was reading a book on a bench. It HAS to be something like this, otherwise the girl would not have laughed.

>> No.20848423

>he doesn’t know girls will laugh at anything you say if you’re hot

>> No.20848558


Big check big kek

>> No.20848720


Though I dont have autism im very goofy, so I would've completely misinterpreted what the guy was saying; assuming he was actually interested. Then I would've gotten excited and tried to talk to him about what im reading. Then he would've laughed harder and I would have been confused.

This would, once recognized, ruin my day.

>> No.20848725

i was on a crowded bus in LA reading Ulysses. I got to that part where he starts listing off these funny foreign names like Athanatos Caramelopolis, and I had a hard time containing my laughter. i started shaking and making funny faces like a crazy person, then laughed like a madman. i think I scared everyone.

>> No.20849103

If you confront him he's fucked because now he has to not look like a bitch in front of the cunt
This is easy if your body type isn't skeleton tier thin

>> No.20849169

Fucking great

>> No.20849180
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>> No.20849231

>nary a comma in sight
Go to a different board, please.

>> No.20849247

ive spent many hours reading in public parks with easily thousands of people having observed me and never got a negative comment. you just got unlucky with the odds op. dont worry about it!