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20817102 No.20817102 [Reply] [Original]

Is it just me or are a lot of people returning to Catholicism? A ton of people are fed up with the nihilism and meaninglessness that atheisms offers and are returning to God. Only good can come of this.

>> No.20817139

This post is a weak attempt at social engineering.

>> No.20817166

>Is it just me or are a lot of people returning to Catholicism?
Have you talked to people/

>> No.20817195

I heard it on a Catholicism podcast

>> No.20817200

unbiased af

>> No.20817251

A lot of people are treating Catholic/Orthodox/Conservative Anglican churches like a revolving door. Turns out being holy and “based” means giving up porn and vulgar media and actually showing up for church. “Narrow is the way and few are those who attain it”

>> No.20817266

>A ton of people
A ton of people is like a football team, so that's not a lot of people

>> No.20817330

Personally, I am returning to it after seeing the effects of nihilism

>> No.20817333

Catholicism is simply the most honest way out in the total dishonesty that is cuckianity.

>> No.20817334

Because you're too weak to see the Truth, but it's good, secularized (separation of the Church and the state) catholicism is the best way out for a modern European state. If steered well, the goyim can become quite pneumatic

>> No.20817350

>people returning
Historically speaking, religions about escapism from reality and tolerating poverty do fairly well during severe economic and civilizational declines.

Catholicism is pretty easily refuted and although it serves as a vanguard for Judaism I don't worry very much about Catholicism. It was constructed to serve an Emperor, after all, so there's plenty built-in to Catholicism and Orthodoxy that enables a quick movement of the devotees from that to Secularism.

>> No.20817481

Soon Catholicism will once again be the worlds most powerful institution. You can already see some of the effects such as joe vs wade being overturned and people supporting conservative parties. This is just the beginning.

>> No.20817490

Protestantism is just a subset of catholicism. Atheism is a subset of catholicism for that matter, people never truly left.

>> No.20817497

>nihilism and meaninglessness that atheisms
>Assuming the problem isn't Protestants

>> No.20817509

They're not returning. The increase in Catholics are the mexistanis multiplying with increased frequency

>> No.20817551

>joe vs wade being overturned
I very much doubt it. This is an America-Only problem regarding the deficiency with the application of laws; a court system which allowed policy to go off for over twenty years only to be turned around on a dime shows a completely unworkable legislative system in dire need of reform. This reform can only revert back to the bedrock law of the bill of rights and constitution, which is entirely secular and founded, indeed, upon harsh anti-catholic sentiments inherited from the English and from the French Revolutionaries; both having major differences but both firmly aligned against endemic Catholic malpractices.

>Soon Catholicism will once again be the worlds most powerful institution.
Out with the old baby rapers, in with the new baby rapers, eh?

>> No.20817577

Yes. I am too.

>> No.20817630


>> No.20817659

just you

>> No.20817663

I'm a Catholic by tradition and education but my beliefs and faith in God fall not within its scope. I think that personal inquiry and an individual, subjective path towards spirituality is more important than trying to adhere to a set of rules and a fixed religious tradition. I try to follow the word of Christ but my practice of meditative introspection has nothing to do with being a Catholic in and of itself, I presume. If anything I believe it's more important to forge your own path than to belong in a given religious or even secular ideological group.

>> No.20817676

Not me, despite born into a catholic background I've been atheist since I first achieved sentience, with a violent and nihilistic nature

>> No.20817738

>Catholicism birthed western modernity
>therefore western modernity is catholic
Tell me you’re an ortholarp without telling me you’re an ortholarp

>> No.20817739
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I came from a secular family, stumbled onto Christ on my own by accident, became a filthy Protestant who still continued living in sin, started reading medieval literature and historical fiction, stumbled on Catholic literature and art, mfw I'm unironically becoming a Catholic from reading Undset and Aquinas and being in awe of God's creation.

>> No.20817763

That will work really well for you! Enjoy suffering and confusion. I am actually praying for you.

>> No.20817766

based. which painter?

>> No.20817773

>Soon Catholicism will once again be the worlds most powerful institution.
it already is though

>> No.20817804

If by "a lot of people" you mean "American right-wing young adult internet posters" then sure.
Not that I blame them, religion the only thing they have left, and American protestantism is so bizarre that it is almost impossible to comprehend. Hopefully I don't sound too obsessed with Americans here, but you gotta admit that the Evangelicalism stuff they have over there is fucking insane. Literally devil worship.

>> No.20817818

>Literally devil worship.
lol, no

>> No.20817857

>Is it just me or are a lot of people returning to Catholicism?

It's just you. Larping isn't converting, and 4chan isn't reality.

Even if your filter bubble represented reality in the slightest way, those people 'returning' will move on to the next religious fad in about a year or so

>> No.20817864

>Catholicism is pretty easily refuted
how? not trying to argue just legitimately want to hear your point
I've realized I can't, or at least I have a very very hard time with, being religious. I'm a massive control freak because of my upbringing and I can't stand not being in control of every single aspect of my life and I implode when I'm not. I can't accept the idea of God loving me unconditionally because I a) won't be in control and b)know there's something about the deal I'm missing and it'll be used against me to fuck me over
sorry for the blogpost anon>>20817102

>> No.20817879
File: 2.36 MB, 2904x4000, Leighton-God_Speed!-min.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Edmund Leighton, all of his works are phenomenal. In my humble opinion he's one of the most underrated artists to ever live; he's rarely talked about or studied in the art community, despite two of his (many) medieval time pieces being commonly seen online.

You should check this out: https://youtu.be/NgHNDSFzB-I

>> No.20817884
File: 397 KB, 780x1282, Merton, New Seeds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I can't accept the idea of God loving me unconditionally because I a) won't be in control and b)know there's something about the deal I'm missing and it'll be used against me to fuck me over

Read Caussade, Abandonment to Divine Providence, and it will help you to get past these misguided thoughts. Less than 100 pages.

>> No.20817890

God, what a pathetic cope

>> No.20817898
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dead tradition

>> No.20817940

>those people 'returning' will move on to the next religious fad in about a year or so
This, I remember a bunch of 4chan/twitter weirdos larping as orthodox a couple years back, next thing will probably be mystical judaism

>> No.20817956
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Are you Catholic friend?

>> No.20817982

Yes. I too falsley remember the religious fads 4chan has never went through.

You guys are so silly. You're literally just using economic marketing terms to describe a phenomenon and then pretending that that deligetimizes it. No. You've just used a convenient, lazy, and irrelevant framework to describe a legitimate movement. For example, your shitting posts are growing market share and then your shitty posts will grow more market share in other threads is the equivalent of saying Catholic conversion is a fad. It's not only delusional, wrong, but also a metaphysical framework which is totally useless in this context.

>> No.20817988

Catholicism is a meme, I'd be surprised if even 1/100 Catholics understand Catholic theology.
Also if you don't grow up Catholic and become a thomist later in life, you're almost certainly a massive larper.

>> No.20817994

>uses meme to criticize something
>relies on meme to criticize same thing
It's too easy.

>> No.20818013
File: 1.67 MB, 2500x1819, E34B4BAC-1483-418C-B2FD-44A3E9D2CF6E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Only good can come of this.
Only bad can come of this. The solution to nihilism cannot be catholicism because that is what inevitably led to nihilism in the first place.

>> No.20818014

Yeah I'm using meme words, even "meme" itself is a meme word. What about it? If you don't like the word larper, I could just as well call thomist converts posers or wannabes.

>> No.20818019

>people are joining the faith because it’s trending on Twitter
lmao. Also tradcaths should just come out as protestant.

>> No.20818033

Fuck christianity and every subset of.

>> No.20818059 [DELETED] 

>tradcaths should just come out as protestant.
so true, these internet tradcaths are fake as fuck and obviously some kind of protestants. personally, i think of a lot of them are homosexuals. people who are actually catholic want to get married to attractive people and have a lot of kids. people who larp as catholics on the internet say they dislike women and never want to have sex. awesome, so in practice you are no different than lgbt athiest.

>> No.20818087

Kek. Mega cringe. I find it difficult to believe that anyone would be a Catholic in Current Year. Pope Francis is not the pope. Please tell me you're atleast a sedevacantist. Either way, Eastern Orthodoxy is the truth.

>> No.20818092

Religion is coming back and it's gonna happen faster than you can imagine, for better or for worse. I think we need it and I hope we can manage it in a way that will help heal many of the problems that have plagued western society the last 200 years

>> No.20818094

>russian cope
having fun getting smoked in ukraine, boris?

>> No.20818110

>A ton of people are fed up with the nihilism and meaninglessness that atheisms offers and are returning to God.

Doesn't make atheism any less true. Plus you are trying to treat the symptom instead of the cause. Modern catholics won't end up any less nihilistic

>> No.20818154
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It's "too late," so to speak. Human inquiry and its findings have shot too many holes in the foundational teachings of old religions to attract anything but the most ignorant of converts. What's left is the willfully ignorant who will, in time, lose their will and revert back to nihilism.

Religion will exist as the dumber out-breed the more inquisitive, but as a viable option for anything but the dimmest of western bulbs, it won't "take."

>> No.20818169
File: 866 KB, 738x960, Universe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Doesn't make atheism any less true.

With life found a single, small planet in an incomprehensibly large universe.

Atheism is a joke.

>> No.20818190

You're missing the last panel with Jesus gently cradling the observable universe and telling you to stop jacking off.

>> No.20818209

Anon, you seem to have forgotten that it's better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

>> No.20818221

I never hear these new catholics talk about saints, because let's be real, they are interested in the barely-disguised folksy pagan aesthetic. There are other paths to the Christian God if they just want to bitch about which version of the Bible is the best, or whether or not the current Pope is a CIA plant.

>> No.20818230

Your post was idiotic in the first place so I figured replying in kind would do just fine.

>> No.20818243

Pathetic. Atheists are a joke.

>> No.20818262

Stop making low iq posts if you don't want to be mocked, anon-kun.

>> No.20818288
File: 1.86 MB, 3896x1791, C3000A46-171F-4294-9241-47E31072B524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take the Puritan Pill, OP.

>> No.20818287

I don't know I converted to Christianity early this year and my life has never been better. I am incredibly happy and thankful.

>> No.20818302

Nope. Its growing in countries like Sweden and Norway

>> No.20818309

No it's not, only Islam is growing there.

>> No.20818312

It's a perfectly reasonable post. Many atheists assume life will be found elsewhere in our very large universe. It hasn't been -- and it wouldn't be. Simple as.

Contra>>20818110, atheism is not true. It's a joke.

>> No.20818324
File: 83 KB, 727x600, the-crucifixion-2.jpg!Large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As someone who's been Catholic all his life, and has been on 4chan since 2008, I have cautious optimism. Sure, a lot of people are LARPing, like others in this thread have said. But some of those LARPers will stop LARPing, as their hearts become genuinely full of love for Christ, and as God's grace operates in them from their striving. This seems to be happening more and more and I am willing to take a chance that it's genuine.

By the way, if anyone is really, genuinely interested in Catholicism, or Christianity more generally, what you need to start doing even before reading anything is praying. I mean, maybe read the Bible first. But: you can call yourself Catholic as much as you want, you can collect Rosaries, you can rattle off the names of Popes; none of it matters if you don't actively cultivate a relationship with God, and you do that by praying. Prayer is conversation with God. It's opening up to God, letting God into your heart and into your life. You have to pray.

>> No.20818332

>Conservative Anglican churches
Who gives a damn about anglican church nowadays?

>> No.20818362

Conservative probably means they have women pastors but not yet tranny pastors

>> No.20818368

>By the way, if anyone is really, genuinely interested in Catholicism, or Christianity more generally, what you need to start doing even before reading anything is praying. I mean, maybe read the Bible first. But: you can call yourself Catholic as much as you want, you can collect Rosaries, you can rattle off the names of Popes; none of it matters if you don't actively cultivate a relationship with God, and you do that by praying. Prayer is conversation with God. It's opening up to God, letting God into your heart and into your life. You have to pray.


>> No.20818379

It's a perfectly retarded post. Firstly, you make the assumption that life won't be found elsewhere. Secondly, you make the assumption that life being so rare is improbable. Then you take these two unsupported claims and use them as a basis for claiming that atheism is a joke.
So yeah you're kinda retarded bruh fr fr no cap.

>> No.20818408

You're dumb, not worth interacting with.

>> No.20818418
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Yet you interact with me, but at the same time don't provide any argument. Most likely because you're exceptionally low IQ.
My condolences.

>> No.20818477

I never said Francis was a real Pope. He’s not, any Catholic would tell you that. He promotes woke moralist dogma and blind acceptance of homosexuality. He’s a wolf in sheep’s clothing.

Also, your prescribed religious framework is so obscure that I’ve never seen or heard of it, and if I’ve never heard of it, it must be completely irrelevant.

>> No.20818491

Give me the QRD on whatever the hell you're talking about

>> No.20818525

Don’t respond to him, he thinks he’s the new Nietzsche and tries to reconcile using Gnostic terms while being an atheist.

>> No.20818534

>I never said Francis was a real Pope. He’s not, any Catholic would tell you that.

This is retarded. Of course Francis is the real Pope. He's just a BAD Pope. Any cursory history of the Catholic Church would tell you that it's had numerous bad Popes over the centuries. Hell, Francis doesn't even crack the top five worst Popes. At least he hasn't had any illegitimate children.

>> No.20818543

I feel closest to God while praying. My local Catholic church just feels very milquetoast and dead. I'm the only guy under 30 there that isn't with his family, and it feels more like a communal event for the elderly. The service is boring, and the place reminds me of death. I feel the complete opposite of this feeling while praying or reading the Bible, which rejuvenates me.

I chose to start attending a Catholic church about a year ago because Protestantism seemed like one can just pick and chooses which parts of the Bible he wants to follow, which was unappealing to me.

However, I find that the authoritative and communal qualities of the Catholic church, at least in my area, aren't providing a pathway for me to deepen and further explore my faith.

Wat do? Do any Catholics out there truly enjoy going to their respective churches? Should I just find a new one? I haven't spoken one-on-one with my priest or deacon because I'm a reserved guy, but they haven't shown any interest in speaking to me either.

>> No.20818557

What Protestant denomination is respectable in this day and age? The whole tradition feels like its on death's door. My area has a bunch of decrepit mainline churches that will be gone in a decade or two, and strip mall tier nondenominational contemporary worship cringefests.

I'm not a Christian and am only discerning things at this stage, but Catholicism has strongly to its favour the fact that virtually anywhere in the world you'll have access to a Catholic church practicing more or less the same mass, upholding the same teachings and provided in the vernacular of the local culture/language.

>> No.20818575

You're not supposed to enjoy attending mass, you're just supposed to feel guilty if you don't.

>> No.20818577
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>lets defeat nihilism by engaging in world-denial, slave morality, and worshiping another ethnic group's tribal war-god

>> No.20818583

In our circles, many people are returning to Christianity in general but many more people are coming to new age and basically nonsense.

>> No.20818587

Your pagan "gods" belonged to another ethnic group at one point, too. The Greek gods have their origins in more ancient Indo-European deities.

>> No.20818599

>acceptance of homosexuality
Isn't that required to be a priest? I mean, just imagine being a heterosexual priest of this religion. It doesn't compute.

>> No.20818602

After bouncing around and reading a bunch of different books about religions ranging from Buddhism to Demonolatry, I'm in the process of trying to set up a meeting with the priest from my local church to try and talk about some things since I had a gut feeling recently that I should look into converting to Catholicism. Any recommend books I should read first, whether they're from the bible or somewhere else?

>> No.20818628
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Just reminding you that Yahweh is another people's god, a jealous god at that, and you are effectively Canaanites and Egyptians to him. The pagans for their part did not have this sort of problem because they borrowed and co-located their gods' names all the time. But Yahweh has a special deal with a special people and no amount of Greek fanfiction has altered that, it is well preserved even in the Old Testament which you still consider the inerrant word of God despite the New Testament, the also inerrant word of God, apparently 'fulfilling'—that is to say, overwriting—it.

>> No.20818630

>thinks going to hell and getting assraped by Satan is smarter than being a child of God
Talk about dim bulbs.

>> No.20818644
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>agree with my dogma or else [insert pornographic torture fantasy]
i think that would be a waste of good suffering

>> No.20818652
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>> No.20818657
File: 72 KB, 984x868, _catholic practices versus scripture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20818675

>69% of Catholics don't believe in transubstantiation
Papists can't even keep their doctrine straight

>> No.20818676

The "Evangelical" ones that split off from all the mainline ones decades ago.

For Presbyterians it would be PCA and OPC as opposed to the mainline PCUSA. Not certain what the "Evangelical" ones would be for other Protestant Traditions, I suppose LCMS is the one for Lutherans.

I go to an OPC church. Couldn't imagine going anywhere else.

>> No.20818701

>Yeah I'm using meme words, even "meme" itself is a meme word.
Words are words and memes are memes.

>> No.20818710

I'm interested in the tradition of Ralph Waldo Emerson, and Edgar Young Mullins. If I start my own church based on this I will not promoting know-nothing fundamentalism.

>> No.20818714

>many holes in the foundational teachings of old religions
Name one thing in the Gospel, which you haven't read, that has been invalidated by science.

>> No.20818716

Based, what specifically changed your mind to go from Protestant to Catholic? Just curious.

>> No.20818718

>>Catholicism is pretty easily refuted
>how? not trying to argue just legitimately want to hear your point
there are so many of them lol

If you want to go via Eden you can kneecap the basis of the monotheism god and the notion of original sin from that story as being obviously 'not' a true report on the character of any god; then everything that follows from Eden collapses.

I prefer to adopt a more outlandish stance against Catholicism, pointing out how it resembles the heresy of Marcion in virtually every respect (elevating Paul above Jesus), and that the missionary work of the early church was being done on behalf of the Roman Emperor, not the Bishop of Rome; hence there is no 'catholicism', there's the Imperial Roman Church (i.e. Orthodoxy) - in effect this isn't different from the 'vacant chair' position (i forget the latin; sede vacante maybe) that some Catholics take when they realize that the Pope has no lawful authority over anything.

Or you could go from a Jesus point of view on the thing; where Jesus is a messiah only for the Jews to save them from the barbaric self-mutilation theology that they inherited through their insane delusions (refer back to Eden), which Paul actually speaks sense about in Romans; "it is impossible to be good (when we have ascribed an evil character to God and recast depraved vices as if they were the noblest virtues)", but then this means that Christianity is entirely for the Jews - which I'm fine with.

> I'm a massive control freak because of my upbringing and I can't stand not being in control of every single aspect of my life and I implode when I'm not. I can't accept the idea of God loving me unconditionally because I a) won't be in control and b)know there's something about the deal I'm missing and it'll be used against me to fuck me over
hm. Hopefully one of the above options will help you realize that this isn't real.

>> No.20818735

The "aesthetic Catholics" who live in Brooklyn and only attend Latin Mass are not a significant demographic when compared to all the Latinos and SEAsians converting to Evangelicalism.

>> No.20818740

It just didn't happen. And if it did, we would need to accept all religions' foundational stories and teachings, because our criteria here just seems to be professing "i believe it" rather than anything demonstrable, so why is this one more believable and the others less or not at all?

>> No.20818749

The second book on here is written by a Roman Catholic.
>Just reminding you that Yahweh is another people's god, a jealous god at that, and you are effectively Canaanites and Egyptians to him
Racializing deities is honestly so cute because not only were these deities spatio-temporal and racial in nature, they were literally statues. The gods were capture the flag pieces.
>it is well preserved even in the Old Testament which you still consider the inerrant word of God despite the New Testament, the also inerrant word of God, apparently 'fulfilling'—that is to say, overwriting—it.
Fantastic example of what pretending to think your thoughts make sense looks like. You have used inerrant on two things, A and B, and said they are inerrant individually and contradict. This is wrong. They are inerrant as a unit and the Old Testament without the New is not a totally realized Gospel.
Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John). I just did this today.

>> No.20818752

Since when was /lit/ ever concerned with bias? It’s not like a fedora or neo-pagan podcast will ever cover this issue.

>> No.20818760

>>>20817350 (You)
>>Catholicism is pretty easily refuted
There is no 'Hell' in the original theology. Hel, as a word, is a Germanic concept and refers to a female giant who eats the battlefield corpses of Men who died cowardly or fearful deaths.

>> No.20818778
File: 33 KB, 1920x960, 39D7E503-26F0-4DBD-9370-CE27F293F9FD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao here’s your church in 200 years bro. Emerson and the transcendental movement are one of the main progenitors to the rationalist “feelings based” Christianity that’s lead all the mainlines to becoming communist lesbian book clubs, and Emerson today is held by the UU as one of their figureheads.

>> No.20818780

>It just didn't happen.
Look up historicity of Jesus.
>And if it did, we would need to accept all religions' foundational stories and teachings
No? Look at your logic tree here: If one religion happened, all did. That's like if one scientific experiment works, they all do.
>because our criteria here just seems to be professing "i believe it" rather than anything demonstrable
Christ illustrates in parables how the world works in a way we don't understand. The world works by having symbolic layers, i.e. atoms, molecules, and cells etc. and these all have different internal laws. This idea is not naturally able to be thought because we still don't understand how atoms pertain to cells or cells to atoms and as such it is absurd yet true. Christ's parables work like that, you have a series of symbols which each are internally logical and then they relate to one another. The reason is it's divine is simply logically look at atoms as a theory: if the whole world is atoms, why are laws of nutrition irelevant to atoms and just look at molecules? Isn't it all atoms?

>> No.20818781
File: 24 KB, 293x474, 51R30W2240L._SX291_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whoever recommended this, good shit, thanks

>> No.20818783

>SEAsians converting to Evangelicalism.
That's a CIA operation though. Given what the entire world has seen occurring in America; everything really, they could't be immunized anymore against western theologies.

and from a western perspective I fail to see how rejecting men in dresses who want to touch and castrate children here, to embrace another set of men who want to touch and castrate children there is in any way solving any problem whatsoever.

>> No.20818785

Not the other anon, but…
That’s only a Mel Gibson thing.
>Muh Russian Orthodoxy
Why would I ever convert to a bunch Communist Bootlickers?
>Mainline branch Greek Orthodoxy
You guys lost Constantinople. BIG SAD. You’re still based tho i’ll give you that.

>> No.20818792

>You have used inerrant on two things, A and B, and said they are inerrant individually and contradict. This is wrong. They are inerrant as a unit and the Old Testament without the New is not a totally realized Gospel.
welp—you've learned something from reading the OT at least... pilpul! You just rephrased what I said, that they are considered inerrant and that one completes the other, but moved the words around. The problem still exists! If volume 1 was inerrant, why is there a volume 2 that shits all over it and whose adherents have a two thousand year dispute with the people who stuck to volume 1? No other religion has this weird situation of relying on another religion to both (1) prove its own claims and (2) disprove theirs. It's pilpul squared. You must be cubed by this point

>> No.20818793

>communist lesbian book clubs
speaking of that, have you seen the state of the quakers lately?

>> No.20818802

You Jews are crazy.

>> No.20818803

>elevating Paul above Jesus
>behalf of the Roman Emperor
>If you want to go via Eden you can kneecap the basis of the monotheism god and the notion of original sin from that story as being obviously 'not' a true report on the character of any god; then everything that follows from Eden collapses.
>'not' a true report on the character of any god
So you conclude it's true because your premise is it's not true. I'm very impressed.

>> No.20818809

>If one religion happened, all did.
Yes if Jesus has magical powers and that is proof he is correct on religious matters we must concede the other great wizard-prophets were correct since we have just as much of a crisis of evidence. What you're doing is the equivalent of say, reading Lord of the Rings, and concluding that only the Hobbits are real in-universe and the dwarves, orcs, elves, and even men must be made up.

>> No.20818813

>If volume 1 was inerrant
not until the 2

>> No.20818822

>Yes if Jesus has magical powers and that is proof he is correct on religious matters we must concede the other great wizard-prophets were correct since we have just as much of a crisis of evidence.
This is honestly so mind rendingly and soul achingly stupid I can't even fathom but let me just say that you clearly stand in total and willful ignorance to all religions if you think this.

>> No.20818829

Why did god take two thousand years to tell these people the true religion? What about the poor Chinese and Indians and Persians and Romans for that matter, who'd been left to languish and would languish further still? Why didn't Jesus reveal himself to historically significant persons?

>> No.20818837

>What you're doing is the equivalent of say, reading Lord of the Rings, and concluding that only the Hobbits are real in-universe and the dwarves, orcs, elves, and even men must be made up.
No. Mayans had supernatural access to celestial bodies. South American shamans to plants. The world is rife with supernatural beings but only one has told us how to be maximully kind to one another, thus that supernatural entity is divine.

>> No.20818844

Don't know and doesn't mean those people aren't saved.

>> No.20818846

Fox had the same problem in not outlining a concrete meaning of what the “inner light” actually is, or how to attain it. In theory it would be one of the greatest Christian meditation movements of all time, but people simplified it to “follow your conscience” and that opens the door to anything goes. Still, Transcendentalism is worse simply because it sounds smart so it appealed to the liberal university psueds that make up most of the American elites, while the quakers just kept to themselves. Tl;dr Liberalism (in both the common and classical sense) is what happens when you take the Protestant solas and replace Christ with the ego and whatever your crowd agrees is the nice truth

>> No.20818847

Can you explain why Christianity is true to the absolute exclusion of other religions without resorting to (1) wizard did it or (2) this other religion prophecizes its arrival (as this means we need to ask (1) of this other religion)? inb4 stolen neoplatonist arguments for God applied to Yahweh-Yeshua which were used to facilitate the conversion of theistic Roman intellectuals

>> No.20818850

Hey friend, definitely find a church that has a youth group, and if that doesn't work see if your diocese has one. I love my church because of the Dominican friars that run it, and because of the great community. Definitely make an effort to meet your priest wherever you end up, could be the start of something beautiful, especially if you ever get married and have your kids baptized. If you're in NYC happy to give some recommendations.

>> No.20818851

You mean that secularist heretic that denied belief in a personal god (Pantheism) and denied Christ’s divinity (Arianism)? He’s hardly a Christian in any way. You’d better reconsider your choices, pal.

>> No.20818852

Blockbuster (PBUH) always told us to be kind and rewind.

>> No.20818855

>>20818837 and >>20818780
Also, Christianity is the only religious tradition to discover the scientific method.

>> No.20818858
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Saved from what? Why did this god create a world we need to be saved from? Nihilist gibberish

>> No.20818862

>So you conclude it's true because
Because obviously the story is full of holes. The origin of "original sin" coming from humans desiring how to be good; to tell right from wrong, is not the narrative of anybody who had any conception of 'universal good as God' in their brains when they wrote it; hence original sin is not really real unless you believe it is, in which case you're a Jew, in which case Jesus has things to tell you to talk you down from demented theology.

I'm oversimplifying, obviously :) I don't think it matters at present to be honest, but it is worth considering the origins and the laws of the thing if you're considering catholicism as a legal power.

>>elevating Paul above Jesus
muchly so. When you, for example, follow something Paul said and laugh when you're shown how it contradicts what (you claim to believe) IS GOD HIMSELF(!!!!) said, then you're straight up Heresy of Marcion.

I think this latter point also proves that you don't really believe in the God otherwise you'd be concerned to learn you weren't obeying His wishes.

>> No.20818863

>christianity invented western atheism
yes this is quite clear

>> No.20818865


Even /tv/ is discussing this tonight

>> No.20818869

Seriously look at the codex of human history and find a better moral and supernatural advocate for humanity. Buddha says evil is an illusion.
Saved from your ability to choose to be immortal ;)

>> No.20818871


>> No.20818872
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My friends IRL that are in dissident/schizophrenic circles have shown interest and one is in the process of converting actively but I've not seen any well adjusted members of society show interest. It seems like Catholicism etc is growing among the dissident right and the retarded boomer right, but in the larger world not really, it just looks big in our echo chambers unfortunately. It is slightly spreading into the normal right and may explode in 10-15 years.

I may be biased as a Catholic but I really do think there will be giant hordes of converts to Catholicism and Orthodoxy as the Protestant sects one by one give up their dogmas and traditions. There is absolutely no difference between a Methodist and a Southern Baptist in practice other than the name of the denomination and this is not how it was 60 years ago. If not a movement into existing apostolic faiths then likely a quick exodus into existing sects and destroying those as they refuse to integrate their beliefs, or some weird indescribable mongrel faith will come up from this.

I think Catholicism will have larger scores of converts over the Orthodox as Orthodox converts 1. Almostb always end up leaving Orthodoxy and 2. Very rarely actually believe in Orthodoxy, it's just a weird fetish. I don't think actual normal converts or cradle Orthodox will be upset with me saying that, we have this same problem with Ultra rad trad converts although not to the same level they deal with crazy fake converts. I feel bad for the Orthodox gaining this reputation, they just attract weirdos. Maybe it's the beards.

The fear we Papists should have is in seeing the response by the hierarchy: the curia sees scores of converts she may unfortunately decide to do something drastically stupid as the Roman curia is wont to do, like make a special "Southern Baptist" liturgy and attempt to absorb elements from the sectarian converts to make them feel comfortable instead of holding fast to what the Church has. This is an advantage the Orthodox would have over us. Say what you will about the strange young people that convert to Orthodoxy, the Orthodox faithful and clergy do not entertain strange innovations whereas ours demand bread and circus guitar masses.

Unrelated but I really recommend pic rel btw if you want a good Catholic dystopia, Orwell took some aspects for 1984 so he thought it was good. I'm halfway through it's slow to build up but it's really good now.

>> No.20818873

>atheism is science
I'm actually laughing

>> No.20818882

>My friends IRL that are in dissident/schizophrenic circles have shown interest
xD wow that's never happened before.. people cutting crosses in their foreheads and advancing on libraries with torches to get the evil lizard people, yeah, no shit.

>> No.20818889

There is no ontological or substantial evil, even Christian theologians have argued this (copied from platonism of course)
scientific method rests on empirical observation and testing as the means of establishing premises facts truths etc, so god is killed very quickly, at least the god of the devotional or parochial religions, since you can't test for him or observe him or make him appear under any condition... which leads to... oh im sure you can figure it out

>> No.20818890

>The origin of "original sin" coming from humans desiring how to be good; to tell right from wrong, i
I appreciate this reading but there are two trees in Eden.
>is not the narrative of anybody who had any conception of 'universal good as God' in their brains when they wrote it; hence original sin is not really real unless you believe it
These don't logically follow.
>I'm oversimplifying, obviously
> I don't think it matters at present to be honest, but it is worth considering the origins and the laws of the thing if you're considering catholicism as a legal power.
It's good I lied too*
>muchly so. When yo
Do you have an example or a generalization you like?
>I think this latter point also proves that you don't really believe in the God otherwise you'd be concerned to learn you weren't obeying His wishes
I'm so scared you'll post the Bible passage where St. Paul says to be gentle with unbelievers. So scared.

>> No.20818895
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For me it was a wave of cultural realizations. Spiritually, there is nothing morally wrong with being Protestant. However, it’s not advantageous to the faith. They have no unifying culture; one might say that Jesus is the only force that’s needed to bind people together, but we don’t see this happening in Protestant churches. They’re all over the place, with wildly different interpretations of the Word and completely different, often mutually-exclusive teachings. Like the other anon said, there’s a consistency between the vast majority of Catholic Churches, and this culture is unifying.

I used to dislike Catholics because I thought they were full of silly rituals, and to some extent I understand that sentiment; the Bible warns us about legalism and those who try rituals to fake their faith. But reading historical literature about medieval monastic life and saints has shown me that there is a rhyme and reason for all these cultural things, and that there’s a simple beauty in being a small part of this greater culture for faith.

I see also a greater push against antinatalism from the Catholics than from disembodied lukewarm Protestant Christians.

>> No.20818894



Finally figured out how to link it

>> No.20818896

I think he's saying that 'atheism' is the general nihilism towards life/people/reality/material/etc. that the Romans observed of the early and later christian converts.

As Plotinus explained to the gnostic christians of the absurdity of entertaining a great grand focus on nothing in reality, and considering themselves pious for it.

>> No.20818902

>There is no ontological or substantial evil, even Christian theologians have argued this (copied from platonism of course)
Touché - but there is good
>empirical observation
Wrong. It rests on Catholic doctrine and a belief the world is rational and coherent. Empiricism is within metaphysical assumptions.

>> No.20818904

best way to grow the church is have kids and raise them catholic.

>> No.20818909

>the scientific method is a catholic doctrine
yeah so is bread literally turning into rabbi rump roast because of incantations by the hierophant

>> No.20818912

>lol, no
They worship everything that fills their hearts with hatred, so yes.

>> No.20818916

Yes. These things should be underwhelming for you.

>> No.20818919 [DELETED] 

the ritual of the mass is the best part. the little self-help speech the guy gives with a biblical tie-in is the worst part.

>> No.20818923

molested theology/10

>> No.20818930

>I may be biased as a Catholic but I really do think there will be giant hordes of converts to Catholicism and Orthodoxy as the Protestant sects one by one give up their dogmas and traditions.
Lolno, if anything what's happening is the other way round: Pentecostalism is making massive gains from Catholic converts across the world.

>> No.20818944

yeah it's amazing how many latin america people are moving away from catholicism. the first time i heard this latina in one of my classes talking shit about catholicism i was taken aback but now i'm used to it i hear it so much.

>> No.20818946

Don't care psued

>> No.20818951


To add some more food for thought, consider this:

God is considered to be the embodiment, manifestation and personification of all that is good and beautiful. By this same logic, wouldn’t it also make sense that all that is wicked is embodied by the devil?

God, being blameless in all ways, cannot be a vessel for sin, therefore all wicked desires are machinations of the devil.

>> No.20818955

>They have no unifying culture
Dude if you think Catholics have a unifying culture I got a bridge to sell you. Go to a black, Hispanic, white Southern, and white Midwestern catholic church and it's a completely different culture in each one. The rituals might be more or less the same but the songs, lessons and focuses are all very different.

>> No.20818956

Anon I barely know what you're responding to or about. Try again more clearly, and try and make a case using your language skills. If the intention is to wear me out until I begin to insult you for evasion it's not really going to work as I'm 5 minutes away from going to bed.

I said,
>muchly so. When you, for example, follow something Paul said and laugh when you're shown how it contradicts what (you claim to believe) IS GOD HIMSELF(!!!!) said, then you're straight up Heresy of Marcion.
and you said,
>Do you have an example or a generalization you like?
hmm another example? xd

>>I think this latter point also proves that you don't really believe in the God otherwise you'd be concerned to learn you weren't obeying His wishes
>I'm so scared you'll post the Bible passage where St. Paul says to be gentle with unbelievers. So scared.
Well, that's exactly my point, you're told that God Himself said XYZ, you don't care in the least, so [your type] is obviously lying when you claim to be about God.

>These don't logically follow.
Sure they do, see: Jesus. If you beleive that God is evil and cured humans with original sin for desiring to know right from wrong (becoming like gods, god says) (and then exiled them for fear of them eating the other fruit tree and becoming immortal, god says), then you go through life believing that shit. If you're a Jew who believes this stuff then Jesus has something to tell you, but no non-Jew needs to be told not to cut off their sons foreskin, for example. etc etc.

From a point of view of someone not exposed to Christianity this is fairly self-evident.

>> No.20818959


lol,sorry it's late here. bed time

>> No.20818967

The absolute state of American catholicism.

>> No.20818981

>you're told that God Himself said XYZ,

>> No.20818985

he exaggerating. where live the churches are all mixed, there's not ethnic churches they all have euros, latin american, and filipinos.

>> No.20818993

What else are they going to return to? Christianity took a monopoly on religion. It takes a lot more intelligence and discernment, even scholarship, to learn about pre-Christian religion, and most people don't have that. There's churches everywhere full of people willing to help you.

>> No.20818997

>If you beleive that God is evil and cured humans with original sin for desiring to know right from wrong (becoming like gods, god says) (and then exiled them for fear of them eating the other fruit tree and becoming immortal, god says), then you go through life believing that shit
>If you beleive that God is evil and cured humans with original sin for desiring to know right from wrong, then you go through life believing that shit
>If you beleive that God is evil, then you go through life believing that shit
God is good.

>> No.20819005

>It's good I lied too
oh I see what you're responding about, re: Constantinople as the origin of the Imperial Roman Church?

Well, yeah. Up until the schism there was no 'different churches', that means that when St.Patrick went to Ireland or St. Andreas to Scotland, they were reporting back to Constantinople, not to the old city of Roma or to one of the random Pentarchs.

The declaration of independence 'of' the Bishop of Rome constituted a great heresy in and of itself... and the Basilica; the Cathederal, it ought be reminded, is named after the Basileus and that was where he went to hold court when he was in town.

i.e. Ecclesia always held a political function with an Emperor; when you pray, you're hoping the King or the Emperor physically does something, when he's not around you're praying to thin air.

>> No.20819007

>Ecclesia always held a political function with an Emperor; when you pray, you're hoping the King or the Emperor physically does something,

>> No.20819010

I’m white as an eggshell, but I have more in common spiritually with Catholics in Latin America than I do with the majority of white western Protestants.

I won’t pretend like all Catholic Churches are perfectly unified and in total harmony, but you’re delusional if you don’t see how much worse it is with Protestant churches.

>> No.20819019
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>but you’re delusional if you don’t see how much worse it is with Protestant churches
I have to admit I haven't actually gone to any Protestant churches outside of that one time in Austria. What's it like with them?

>> No.20819026

Again, you're not presenting any refutation to the case that was made.

>God is good.
See: Paul.

If you believe God is Good for punishing humans for wanting to know how to be good then you have invented a diabolically evil character for God and are claiming, through that character, that evil and ignorance is Good. You are, by your own theology, serving the Devil.

You are an OT Jew and you need Jesus if you think otherwise.

You may google Pauls 140 Contradictions of Jesus at any time you like, anon.

>> No.20819027

it's not that big of a deal of a catholic church in new orleans is not exactly the same as one in boston, these are different places with different histories, but how out of wack can they really get when the church moves people around all the time anyways. cardinal dolan in nyc was originally from the st. louis or whatever. did he get to nyc and suddenly change everything?

>> No.20819031 [DELETED] 

Oh I see, so you don't know what an Ecclesia means either xD it's a civic assembly, a voting place, you know.

>> No.20819052

>god is good
beating your head against the floor, are you, anon?

Welp, good night. I hope you abandon your worthless satanic jewish heresies before the Emperor returns and cries tears of Greek Fire over your body in sorrow that you reject Him.

>> No.20819070
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for ref.

>> No.20819088

>Again, you're not presenting any refutation to the case that was made.
You misunderstood and misread Eden and then claimed it was incorrect.

>> No.20819094

>If you believe God is Good for punishing humans for wanting to know how to be good
Pre-fall, Adam was good. The tree of good and evil is just evil relatively speaking. Good try though.

>> No.20819137

>desiring to know right from wrong (becoming like gods, god says)
You answered yourself here. Why is the tree of the knowledge of good and evil bad? Because it makes you like gods whereas the tree of life makes you like God. This is so simple - if God is pure good, all gods or entities which are not God seeking full communion with God are evil and they know of evil by also being gods and not oriented to God.

>> No.20819140

>are not God seeking full
should "are not seeking full"

>> No.20819185
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>That's a CIA operation though.

I really is. They're responsible for sending Evangelican Protestants down to South America, too. As a Catholic I unironically hate the United States government and long for its downfall. The Soviet Union fell, I can't wait for the United States to fall, too. Hell, a Pope was responsible for the former, maybe a Pope will play a role in America's downfall, too.

>> No.20819190

Based, I can really agree with the liturgy and the way that Catholics worship on the daily. I agree that the unity is really encouraging and wonderful, and there’s something about the faith of Catholics that’s attractive. The early saints are also pretty based. I really appreciate your response anon. I guess the one part that draws me away is prayer to the saints, purgatory, and the worship of the Virgin Mary.

>> No.20819191

Lara, go away

>> No.20819198

>entities which are not God seeking full communion with God are evil
this is the world's most incoherent fairy tale

>> No.20819209
File: 125 KB, 659x1000, b48c15719998a95534cb0f185bde17ad--assumption-of-mary-catholic-pictures.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The intercession of the saints and the Blessed Virgin is consistent with the idea that they're not actually "dead." That is, they're not extinguished from existence. Rather, they are alive; they're alive with God in Heaven, and we know God has purified them and freed them from all sin. So asking the saints, or Mary, to pray for you is the same as asking your friend or your aunt or your mother to pray for you. And it's one better, because a soul in Heaven beholds God as He really is, and is purified from all sin, all corruption, and all tendency towards selfishness. They're ideal intercessors in a way living, still-sinful humans are not.

Mary is a special case because she's... special. The rationale is that she HAS to be special because she's literally the Mother of God. She bore God Himself in her womb, so there's got to be something distinctive about her. This is attested to in the Gospels when she's called "full of grace" and "blessed among women."

Also, it doesn't seem that way to our modern ears, but Jesus calling Mary "woman" over and over is actually significant. He identifies her as a kind of "prime" woman, a new "first" woman in a world remade by His resurrection. This is consistent with the idea that Mary is a kind of new Eve, a new woman from the new world.

So we treat her as kind of a big deal, because she is one. And her intercession is kind of a big deal, too.

>> No.20819228

subjectively, i'm a pantheist. i "worship" the Monad insofar as I consider it True and decipherable, bestowing upon us a certain code of ethics, too

>> No.20819250

>the nihilism and meaninglessness that atheisms offers
Not only is this wrong, but a cult of child pedophiles and their accomplices wouldn't be the answer either way.

>> No.20819253

At least in that pic he's kissing a grown man's foot. We know what Catholic priests usually go for.

>> No.20819255

On literally the first page the Bible claims plants and trees were created before THE SUN. Have you read your own damn book?

>> No.20819300

And? At the end of Revelation everything is sustained by the light from God without a sun.

>> No.20819305

lol lmao

>> No.20819311

oh good, the Bible's got the cure for skin cancer

>> No.20819348

Okay cool. See you in a year or two, when this same thread will involve some other 'based' and 'redpilled' religion

>> No.20819360

>No? Look at your logic tree here: If one religion happened, all did. That's like if one scientific experiment works, they all do.
But no religion is provably true. They're all based on irrational belief and mythology. They're equally irrational, so there's no reason for believing one in favor of another.

Ah yes, Galileo Galilei, the founder of the scientific method and modern science, who was sentenced to life imprisonment by the church

>> No.20819362

>Also, Christianity is the only religious tradition to discover the scientific method.

That's demonstrably false

>> No.20819397

thanks bro looks like an interesting read

>> No.20819418

At least you know what's wrong. Pray to God, life is happier when you let Him take control.

>> No.20819428

Which god?

>> No.20819436

can't find it but you should look up that evola quote where he contemns americans for their obsession with scale.

what is the argument here? the universe is so big, earth is probably not important? I don't think that follows at all.

>> No.20819439

What is it that makes you happy? Please talk more about it.

I converted a couple years ago, but I think I'm not doing it right, because I'm not really any happier.

>> No.20819440

>Name one thing in the Gospel, which you haven't read, that has been invalidated by science.
I don't know about "invalidated by science", but the synoptic gospels claim there was an earthquake and literal solar eclipse when Jesus died (and tombs opened and dead people walked around), which is unrecorded and astronomically impossible.

>> No.20819446

Jesus Christ is for all humanity

>> No.20819447

The Divine Comedy helped make sense of Purgatory, even if it is metaphorical.
Wonderful explanation, I didn't know all of this and I'm better today than I was yesterday having now learned it.

>> No.20819450

at the deepest ontological level, there is only one sacrament which allows one to be the minister of the sacrifice of the mass. Deacons have it (and deacons are allowed to marry).

but in both east and west the tradition of clerical celibacy took off. In the west the tradition went down to the priests, in the east it changed due to a different social and ecclesiastical structure.

It's not immutable. Bishops can theoretically get married, but the Churches prohibit it out of tradition and for prudential reasons

>> No.20819452

It's not scale that's the problem with Americans, it's their retarded version of consumerist Christianity that's increasingly built solely around instant satisfaction, which led to the retarded narcissistic pseudoscience that is Creationism/intelligent design.

Truly an amazing nexus between personality disorders, flawed economical theory and religious corruption

>> No.20819454

it would take a long time to get through all of these, but there are answers to all of them. which one troubles you most?

>> No.20819455

So is the message of Muhammad

>> No.20819460

We don't believe in Jesus on the basis of impartial empirical objective science, but because of what He has done in our lives and in the lives of those whom we love.

>> No.20819464

Anyone who chooses good according to their lights will not be forgotten by God. He gives everybody a chance.

>> No.20819469

And this is the exact same case with a muslim and islam

>> No.20819471

God created man in a state of connection with Him, but man rebelled at the beginning and broke that connection. Christ came back to restore it.

>> No.20819473

That doesn't answer the question

>> No.20819492

>go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

>> No.20819503

everything in this world is gradually becoming the opposite of what it used to be

>> No.20819507

the real underlying point is that the underlying reality of the sacrifice of the mass remains the same despite cultural differences

>> No.20819512

start with the God of the philosophers. Capital G God has pretty much always shared the same characteristics. A personal immortal infinite being who is the ground of all reality and the pure being who gives all other beings their being

>> No.20819517

Yes, but Islam came seven centuries after Christianity and has a lower standard of morality. The heaven of Islam is one of sensual indulgence. If some muslims are truly spiritual, it is in spite of their false theology, not because of it.

>> No.20819519

>the bible is much more in support of protestantism
>but catholicism has a nicer culture
Uuuh, I came to the same conclusions, but they don't exactly lead me away from protestantism, quite the opposite.
The again, it probably does not matter what confession you belong to as long as you are not a faggot about it.
"Was Christ divided?"

>> No.20819523

A couple years ago there was a terrorist attack on a Catholic church in France, the only victim less than 80 years of age was a Brazilian immigrant
So no, catholicism is dead as fuck
>But latin America
Nobody in latin America but Brazilian negroes and central American injuns go to church and they mostly go to pentecostal churches anyways

>> No.20819537

>man rebelled at the beginning and broke that connection. Christ came back to restore it.
What's with the vast sea of lacunae here? Bible chronology would be what, 4000 years between Adam and Jesus? Was Yahweh taking a nap?