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20816820 No.20816820 [Reply] [Original]

You can make 'public ownership of the means of production' mean anything you want it to

>> No.20817273
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>> No.20818250

You're operating on terms presented by people who don't understand them. Do not concern yourself with Marxism.

>> No.20819165

Uber is a Marxian dream realized when you can own the means of production

>> No.20819172

turns out the means of production is a depreciating asset and maybe it would have been better for someone else to provide it after all

>> No.20819173

Reminder that Marx himself, IN Das Kapital, has no fucking idea how socialism/communism is actually going to come about. He anticipates it as the inevitable outcome of capitalism, but the actual mechanism of getting FROM capitalism TO communism isn't fucking present. He just waves his little hands and assumes it's "going to happen."

>> No.20819186

Yeah which is why it's never going to happen organically. Also his crucial mistake was to pit the proletariat against the bourgeoisie against each other whereas they share a common enemy in the face of the global banking elite, which has been true since the mid 19th century. Which ended up serving the ruling class even more because Marx helped to divide the people they enslaved. Which is really fucking convenient when you think about it. Almost as he did on purpose. You just have to visit his early life section to figure it all out.

>> No.20819189

Naturally. Marx didn't have any concept of artificial intelligence. The means of production seizing itself would have seemed idiotic if you tried to explain it to him.

>> No.20819195

I know capitalism can be deprived of soul, but I don't see any deep spiritual fulfillment in this religion of envy.

>> No.20820521

Have you ever read "The Children Of The Trough"? It literally means that, everyone just misunderstands Marx.

>> No.20820575
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Worrying about politics is pointless. Unless you are a billionaire. in a world of 8 billion people all that matters is energy production and distribution and resource management. No political opinion changes the fact we are running out of easily tapped oil and the natural consequence of that fact will be reduced food output resulting in a population collapse. Which will probably spark resource wars around the planet which will further aggragate the situation.

No political solution exists, the best thing you can do for the future is more away from the citiies, start a permaculture homestead and become self sufficent as possible whilst hording items and supplies that you need and want and cannot produce yourself. The 21st century is going to be a tragic collapse in humanities standard of living with a mass cullling of the population.

>> No.20820582
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fuck you

>> No.20820669

Lol it’s hilarious how obvious it is that you retards don’t actually read

>> No.20820737
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>you can make frogposting mean anything you want it to

>> No.20820762
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>mfw it means im based and more intelligent than u

>> No.20820810
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>that tfw when

>> No.20820832
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I am thoroughly defeated in basedjack combat thank you kind sir what a great comeback surely /lit/ will become a better place because of this