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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 1.13 MB, 902x1294, Immanuel Kant - Philosophical Reflections - Peter Crawford.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20815495 No.20815495 [Reply] [Original]

>cъзнaниeтo [consciousness] is the thing-in-itself, for something to be it has to be ocъзнaтo [realized], cъзнaниeтo is therefore the condition under which something exists and the reason as to why it does, the world is just cъзнaниeтo ocъзнaвaйки [realizing] itself under different masks (objects), because something can be ocъзнaтo only if there is something other than it, cъзнaниeтo came before everything else (will, thought, matter)
i solved philosophy

>> No.20815512

i'm not sure why the need to interject subhumanisms (russian/cyrillic) as subhumans never produced even one philosopher in their history, but ok

>> No.20815514

also philosophy was solved by me:


>> No.20815515

this is basically what the Upanishads already say

>> No.20815529

critical philosophy was solved a long time ago, Plato solved pre-socratics and Shankara solved the Upanishads.

prescriptive (practical) philosophy hasn't been solved. the end of philosophy comes when critical philosophy finally births a prescriptive philosophy

that time has come:

>> No.20815757
File: 58 KB, 290x358, Schopenhauer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice try, but animals dont have consciousness, so it cannot be the thing-in-itself because it needs to apply to all living organism

>> No.20816655

That's not Kant.

>> No.20816695

>nice try, but animals dont have consciousness,
t. hylic

>> No.20816983


Shalom troonstein

>> No.20817001


>> No.20817009

>it needs to apply to all living organism
No it absolutely does not, it could literally apply only to myself, albeit that's something I'd very much doubt as the Absolute can't be properly exhausted by me, unless it can, in which case my particular trajectory is the only logically possible one (could be the case)

>> No.20817014

>Hofstadter argues that the psychological self arises out of a similar kind of paradox. We are not born with an "I" – the ego emerges only gradually as experience shapes our dense web of active symbols into a tapestry rich and complex enough to begin twisting back upon itself. According to this view the psychological "I" is a narrative fiction, something created only from intake of symbolic data and its own ability to create stories about itself from that data. The consequence is that a perspective (a mind) is a culmination of a unique pattern of symbolic activity in our nervous systems, which suggests that the pattern of symbolic activity that makes identity, that constitutes subjectivity, can be replicated within the brains of others, and perhaps even in artificial brains.

>> No.20817019

Until you provide a reason why you're special the reasonable conclusion is that animals feel like animals and rocks feel like rocks.

>> No.20817032

The "I" needs a coherent consciousness that reflects on its own existence using memory but the rock consciousness just is.

>> No.20817036

Nobody asked

>> No.20817054
File: 343 KB, 500x669, 1601325452744.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20817065

There is no "rock consciousness". Your consciousness arises out of symbols and gestures. Same with animals, as they respond to symbols and gestures (albeit without a developed way of communicating language)

>> No.20817071

Ego is not Consciousness, and in fact, OP is incorrect, but because consciousness is not the actual thing in itself, but Subject

>> No.20817079

why am i incorrect?

>> No.20817084

The ego is not consciousness, correct, but the ego is the one creating the "narrative fiction" about the "I"

>> No.20817088

that picture is on the cover of my CPR and CPR

>> No.20817121

>Your consciousness arises out of symbols and gestures
You're describing a p-zombie. There's a missing element. Unless you give a reason why it's local and an exception the most reasonable assumption is it's universal.

>> No.20817135

funny, as I reject both judaism and gender ideology

>> No.20817144

why are we having redundant conversations on /lit/? this conversation is already being had in the dennett thread,already progressed beyond all this


>> No.20817146


>> No.20817157
File: 66 KB, 1185x903, 2690a53bf34e1517f0c8087b29b3fb6e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Refer back to the strange loop article. There's nothing missing because it's an ouroboros

>> No.20817169

>because it's an ouroboros
The ouroboros explains identity not qualia.

>> No.20817180

>Hofstadter claims a similar "flipping around of causality" appears to happen in minds possessing self-consciousness. The mind perceives itself as the cause of certain feelings ("I" am the source of my desires), while according to popular scientific models, feelings and desires are strictly caused by the interactions of neurons.
Identity is qualia because you were not born with the "I"

>> No.20817248

>The mind perceives itself
Presupposes perception. We start with perception and create an identity by perceiving our selves. Coherent feelings over time need memory.

>> No.20817262

i refuse to believe Kant wasnt hot

>> No.20817263

It doesn't presuppose anything, it's bi-directional not one way

>> No.20817267

He loved woman in age.. when woman liked woman....

>> No.20817279

>The ego is not consciousness, correct, but the ego is the one creating the "narrative fiction" about the "I"
does this Hofstadter guy think he is saying anything novel here? all of this was already done by Hegel and Heidegger not to mention Śankara, Plato (whom Heidegger did NOT truly refute)

>> No.20817286

and of course the three masters of suspicion: Marx, Nietzsche and psychoanalysis

>> No.20817287
File: 10 KB, 327x154, images (7).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

great minds think alike

>> No.20817295

He's a mathematician not a philosopher playing word games

>> No.20817296

You're describing something happening, some "force" or something doing a circular interaction. If it's nothing doing it or just atoms moving around you haven't accounted for the phenomena of experience.
If it's a logical interaction then the element/force is accessible by everything like logic is, it's universal.

>> No.20817298

why do russians think they're original when they aren't? i've never noticed dunning krueger on a national level quite like this, except for maybe niggers with their we wuz kangz bullshit

it took you guys until the 1990s-2000s to realize things others realized between the 18th and 20th century, and really already back in ancient times?


>> No.20817304

the epitome of philosophy is philosophically-guided mathematical science.

but that's Pythagoras. you surely wouldn't know this, STEMcel, but then again, why are you here on /lit/ and not /sci/?

herbing russubhuman thread

>> No.20817306

You will never be Russian

>> No.20817311

which is why i'm herbing this thread and telling you to move to the dennett thread. waste of time

>> No.20817312
File: 153 KB, 220x220, jester_present_md_nwm_v2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the schizo is back

>> No.20817316

it is quite the blessing, thank you

since when are schizos ever rational and coherent and require no medication to thrive?


>> No.20817319

1. I already thought of this
2. Adi Shankara already thought of this
3. It’s wrong. You think it’s right because you didn’t understand Kant well enough

>> No.20817320

You will never be Russian

>> No.20817322

repeated blessings are even better. thank you. keep doing this!


>> No.20817323

explain why its wrong then

>> No.20817327

You will never be Russian

>> No.20817328

the subhuman russian has to start his own thread instead of going through the dennett thread and chipping in

russia is incel: the country
i wanted to say incel+dunning krueger but one implies the other already


>> No.20817331

im not russian you retard, im bulgarian

>> No.20817340

same subhuman thing (mental/cultural sphere)

my pneumatological analysis (pneumalysis) was close enough!


>> No.20817342

Bacon said
>The syllogism consists of propositions, propositions of words, words are the signs of notions. If, therefore, the notions (which form the basis of the whole) be confused and carelessly abstracted from things, there is no solidity in the superstructure. Our only hope, then, is in genuine induction.

You think you know what consciousness is but you actually don’t because it is a notion. You assume you have perfect knowledge of it because you directly experience it but you directly experience many things that you don’t know what they are at all. If the data is inaccurate everything you can think about it will be wrong. Consciousness is experienced empirically therefore it can’t be the subject of metaphysics, and even if you say that Kant would say it is not experienced but in fact a condition of experience like space and time, the conditions of experience still can’t be proven to correspond to reality in itself, so you can’t say consciousness has anything to do with ding an sich.

>> No.20817357
File: 60 KB, 414x602, CV6S2ZXY2LOMDGXZN3CCCQGJHM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20817362

Enjoy the winter

>> No.20817368

enjoy REPowerEU ;)
enjoy the non-fungibility of gas ;)
enjoy the Chinese collapse ;)


>> No.20817373

TL;DR: There's no such thing as noumena. Freewill is causality.

>> No.20817382

>TL;DR: There's no such thing as noumena.
holy based

>> No.20817392

lmao if noumena doesn’t exist then you admit knowledge is impossible.

>> No.20817399

If noumena exist, knowledge is impossible, only faith is possible then.

>> No.20817402

Absolute Knowledge is a phenomenon in itself

This is the supreme revelation of Pneumatics. Pneumatics is a hyper-phenomenon which causes proper (pneumatic) transformation of material reality, and hence is an actual phenomenon.


>> No.20817405

Enjoy the hot shower

>> No.20817414

If noumena is in phenomena, then why can’t you deduce from your mere perception the physical details of the universe? Why can’t you deduce from mere perception why electromagnetism exists?

>> No.20817420

Youre right, absolute knowledge is impossible either way

>> No.20817462

>If noumena is in phenomena, then why can’t you deduce from your mere perception the physical details of the universe?
because I'm only 20. thankfully, you only need to wait.
i will, showers and toilets aren't luxury objects in the EU unlike in russia kekekeke

>> No.20817468

>because I'm only 20. thankfully, you only need to wait.
Lmao kys

>> No.20817538
File: 30 KB, 728x547, 00167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if ud like, they still could wash you during humiliation "parade" like they did in 1944 zoo pow parade. but how showers are not happening

>> No.20817566

But they wrote the best novels so

>> No.20817571

only if you're in high school (the age when, if you're an incel/chud, you're also inspired by JBP) and/or a newfag

>> No.20817595

I probably havent been someone this buckbroken by russians, since 1945. not even on /pol/

>> No.20817639

he looked like a goblin

>> No.20817640

Nigga, the book is completely retarded, it has nothing to do with mathematics nor is he a mathematician

>> No.20817654

Godel escher bach?

>> No.20818115
File: 80 KB, 177x238, kant-portrait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know
Anon Kant looked barely human, let alone hot.

>> No.20818123

someone should dig up his skeleton to see what his skull really looks like

he could literally have the biggest brain in history

>> No.20818139

LMAO dude who’s fresh out of his teenage years thinks he’s solved all the world’s problems, from the same series that brought you “water is wet” and “fire burns”
Also why are you so assblasted about Russians in every thread you post? Did a Russian guy fuck your girl at a party? You can hit up yours truly if you need another Russian guy to do it again, pussy

>> No.20818467

No one cares what a retarded monoglot tripfaggot thinks.