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/lit/ - Literature

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20814994 No.20814994 [Reply] [Original]

>fell for the start with the greeks meme
>every paragraph talks about some literally who general or king or warrior like I was supposed to know him
>every paragraph talks about some geographical region that has mot even kept his name
>have to open a wikipedia article every paragraph to catch up

>> No.20815000

>start with Plato
>every couple of dialogues theres some dude waxing poetic about how sexy boys are
>become extremely horny and jerk off

Ive been trying to do nofap and rid myself of the sin of sodomy but I cant stop lusting after cute twinks and the greeks sure arent helping. What do?

>> No.20815021

>cant stop lusting after cute twinks
you answered your own question

>> No.20815162

>he has to know all the minutae otherwise it’s unenjoyable
Just stop doing it.

>> No.20815435
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how am I literally going to understand the writing if I don't understand the political and geographical context of it

>> No.20815455

When I read the Iliad I was constantly flipping back to the notes at the end of the book for nearly every character name
Worth it though
I’d suggest you get good notes

>> No.20815467
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imagine not being able to start with the Greeks

>> No.20815486

>filtered at the very basics
I don't think literature is for you pal

>> No.20815740

Read the Mythology by Edith Hamilton. I am currently in the Book 11 of the Iliad and boy, am I having a great time.

Also playing Troy: A Total War Saga helps you understand the geography of the epic.

>> No.20815806

>dudes from different places in Egypt
>dudes from different places in Western Anatolia
If they repeat their name, they're important. If not, don't bother unless you care to delve deeper. The Egypt stanza literally tells you who they are.

>> No.20815838

Which Classics are you starting with, OP? I started with The Illiad and Euthyphro and really felt no issue like this.

>> No.20816033

aeschylus tragedies

>> No.20816039

You should be happy to learn all this shit. It's the foundation of the rest of the Western canon.

>> No.20817703

It's not a meme midwit

>> No.20817715

Isn't that literally why you start with the Greeks? Those places and events are going to get referenced in the stuff you read later, better to learn what they're talking about now than trying to understand it sans context later

>> No.20818066
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What a based post

>> No.20818071

Twinks are one of the marvels of the universe. No need to prevent yourself from such delicate pleasures

>> No.20818297
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Oh just wait until the catalouge of ships you poor soul

>> No.20819153
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Start with the Chinese.
End with the Chinese.

>> No.20819182

Never trust /lit/, stupid frogposter.