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20811691 No.20811691 [Reply] [Original]

Or was it just a good turn your brain off pulp to pass an afternoon back in the day

>> No.20811722

He's not really as brainless as the memes painted him to be

>> No.20811727

Good fantasy writing starts with a personal philosophy and a world to work it with.

>> No.20813411

Both. Pulp is good.

>> No.20813605

it's good, it also sounds good

>> No.20813636

Howard wrote the stories in schizophrenic fits where he believed that Conan was standing behind him ready to kill if he stopped chronicling his tales, and that's a good thing.

>> No.20813647


>> No.20813662

It mogs 99% of modern fantasy

>> No.20813677

"Jurassic Park" is a detail in the backstory of "Red Nails."

>> No.20813764

Both. He’s legitimately good, but like Tolkien he can also be someone you can turn to when you need to escape the real world.

>> No.20814450

But he is. He's a terrible king and he doesn't even have a tax policy.

>> No.20814478

It is, and you also ought to try The Savage Tales of Solomon Kane as well. another work of Robert E. Howard's (and his first character to take off), the Solomon Kane pulps are incredibly underrated and really showcase Howard's skills as a writer as much if not more so than Conan.

>> No.20814634

Howard told that to other people in letters, but he probably just hyping himself up. In reality he wrote multiple drafts sometimes as many as 5, which was too careful in the pulp age where 1 draft was enough. Also he cannibalized plots from earlier stories so they couldn't be told by ghosts of Conan. He cannibalized a Kull story into a Conan story.

>> No.20814645

He's better than his reputation. His prose isn't too thin like other pulp hacks who write for speed, and not really purple. A nice middle ground. Gives the impression of the world detail but efficiently. Also different from the "Sword and Sorcery" pastiches made from other authors after him. With Conan each one is different. It could be a pirate story, a Heist, a political thriller, a war story, but with a supernatural element.

>> No.20814935

The original REH stories are excellent. A genuinely interesting world constructed by a jack-of-all-trades pulp author. As one anon points out, there's a lot of variance between the stories as Conan adventures around, eventually becoming the king of Aquilonia. His prose is better than his contemporaries (ie Lovecraft, Smith) - I'd check it out anon. You can get complete Conan omnibuses off the kindle shop for like a few bucks. His other fantasy is great too - Bran Mak Morn and Kull of Atlantis remind me of something like Vance's Lyonesse or Anderson's King of Ys in that they have pseudo-historical settings and the fantastical world and characters interact woth real life civilisations. Check out As the Grey God Passes, Worms Of The Earth, and the Kings of the Night.

>> No.20815766

He's great. You'll need your brain. One of the few authors I'm constantly looking up the definition for his words.