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20811211 No.20811211 [Reply] [Original]

I've been spending a lot of time in NS circles online recently and one think that has surprised me is the popularity of Christianity within these circles. Despite being nationalists, these people follow an immigrant religion, one that was involved with the destruction of many pagan artefacts and the persecution of people simply wishing to follow their native religion. These people claim to hate Jews, yet worship a man hailed the king of the Jews, and read a Bible that shares five books with Judaism. I'm well aware of all the mental gymnastics such as Christian Identity, but that aside, I wanted to explore why Christianity appeals to anti-semites.

Nietzsche wrote about how the creators of Christianity sought out to moralise their own weakness as slaves and demonise their masters. Of course, he said it was the Jews who invented slave morality and the Romans who were the noble embodiment of master morality. Times have changed, though, and Jews have a lot of economic and political power. Could it be that these National Socialists like Christianity because it allows them to say "The Jews who enjoy their lives are evil, for they reject Christ. I am morally good, and that is why I do not enjoy life."


>> No.20811235

*inhales* over ten thousand years ago the luminous monadic godhead emanated holy mantras through the aether into the minds of wise Aryan sages living an Idyllic
existence with their noble but fierce people in arctic Hyperborea, it was the last golden age, usury was banned; men conducted themselves righteously. women were
chaste and loyal to their family. In the absence of maleficent psychic influences all well-meaning people as they approached the end of their lives successfully attained
liberation and union with the monadic Supreme Being, the "Solar Self of all that is in motion or at rest" - (Rig-Veda 1.1151) Being subject to the same cyclic degradation as
the rest of manifestation however, eventually the unique climatic conditions that allowed them to live in Hyperborea ended and the land was encased in a permanent
blanket of ice and snow, driving the Aryans south where after mingling with several peoples they eventually formed and arranged themselves into the various Indo-
European tribes of the Black and Caspian seas; the original expulsion from Eden

>> No.20811242

Before long, destiny called and the wanderlust of the Aryans answered it with a relish. Successive waves of Aryans ventured out in their fearsome chariots and gloriously conquered most of the world in their vicinity, stamping their imprint and legacy upon Europe, Anatolia, Persia, India and western Chine The eternal truth revealed by the Source was disseminated across the globe, where it was gradually woven into the fabric of almost every major religion and culture according to varying degrees of secrecy and esoterism. Even Taoism comes from the Tocharians Western culture sprang from the intermingling of Indo-European esoterism and the antediluvian wisdom of Egypt that occurred in ancient Greece when the Aryan-derived mystery cults existed alongside and interacted with the dissemination of Atlantean knowledge that occurred when Plato and others studied with Egyptian priests; flourishing in the eventual culmination of Neoplatonism which during its heyday represented a return to the golden age of Hyperborean wisdom.

>> No.20811247

The Israelites were originally an unremarkable Semitic tribe existing alongside many others of a similar ilk all with their own basic tribal cults; Herodotus makes no mention of them despite having had traveled through the areæ When Babylon conquered Palestine and deported all the Israelites to slavery back in Mesopotamia, the cultural memory of the Israelites was wiped
cleam Soon the Aryan Persians conquered Babylon and the magnanimous Cyrus freed the Israelites and sent them back home, remaking the shattered remnants of their primitive tribal beliefs into a system resembling Zoroastrianism, for which he was praised as a messiah in the Jewish holy scriptures The pain and ignominy of enslavement during the Babylonian
captivity was too much for the Israelites to bear though. Even though Zoroastrianism preached a dualism involving a universal beneficent Father culminating in the esoteric non-dualism of Zurvan, the Israelites twisted what they had so graciously been taught and retconned Ahura Mazda as the sole true God of Yahweh with the Israelites as his "chosen people", in their vindictiveness they turned to narcissistic self-worship as a form of catharsis All the ancients were astounded at their hostility and ill-character, Plutarch wrote about how the Egyptians believed that the Israelites worshipped the bringer of discord, Set

>> No.20811248

You just type this out or is it from a book or something?

>> No.20811253

There is nothing to discuss, neopagans exist. I've spoken to a few Nazis who use mental gymnastics to say that Jesus being a Jew is a psyop, this is before we even consider how Christianity is the antithesis of everything NS stands for, preaching docility and cowardice. The simple fact is that they aren't actually as ideological as they try to play up. They hate niggers and Jews and like the things they're familiar with. That's it.

You still have the ideological fanatics who carry forward Himmler's legacy, but most simply hate Jews and niggers because they are.

>> No.20811255

The Dharma characterizing the lower, conditioned aspect of the monadic Supreme Being caused the incarnation of Jesus Christ to bring righteousness and truth to the region and its peoples Christianity was originally an esoteric initiatic ascetic order open to all those with the courage to abandon everything to join Jesus in the Kingdom of Heaven here and now in this life When a man asked to join Jesus on the road, Jesus warned him of what it entailed, "Foxes have holes, and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of man hath not where to lay his head" - (Luke 9:58) The Gospel of Thomas and its 'Q source' are both real, they are the words of Christ The Israelites harbored a special hatred for Jesus because in his preaching of the true, universal father and his openness to everyone Jesus was confronting the Israelites with the wickedness of their own perversion of the eternal trutf-u Shankaracharya and Jesus were both too good for this world, which was why they were destined to die before the full span of their lives were over The partial subversion of Christianity into the dogmatic limited-hangout of Paulism sowed the seeds of the West's eventual downfall into nihilism, hedonism and apathy after a long holdout against them during the middle ages Christianity still offers a valid path through Theosis, but to get there and be ready for it westerners have to battle the multi-headed hydra of modern society and the values that it inculcates

>> No.20811261

The conditioned aspect of the Supreme Being eventually descended again as Gabriel to disseminate to the Prophet the last revealed religion of this stage of human existence, Islam. Its absolute and all-encompassing nature which totally penetrates into every aspect of Islamic societies being appropriate to its role as an Ark against the flood of modernity The conflicts between Islam and other religions being an unfortunate but ultimately irrelevant side effect of its coexistence alongside them; the revealed religions being equivalent to God tossing pebbles in a pond, when the ripples caused by each splash meet each other there is conflict as well as opportunity for learning. As the great Ibn Arabi correctly notes, Islam is the continuation of the
previous revealed religions and does not invalidate them, compare 40 Hadith Qudsi 25 narrated by Abu Hurayrah and Brihadaranyaka 3811. Non-conditional multiplicity is Islam is an ally of the West in their struggle against the usurers and in the search for spiritual Islamic societies will always offer a second chance for westerners fed up with their culture who want to shed their identity and seek something new, but the eventual destiny of the West writ large is to rejuvenate western spirituality in an organic way and not to adopt something foreign.

>> No.20811265

The Russian Empire was the last chance for humankind to be guided into the modernity by a Traditional continent-spanning empire but the agents of darkness prevailed over it The 20th and 21st centuries are the legacy of the collapse of monarchies and the spread of secularism, materialism, scientism, nihilism and so many other poisons Post-scholastic philosophy stems from the need to fill the gaping hole in the heart of western society left by the absence of the transcendental Atma-jiäna originally revealed to mankind at polar Mount Meru and again later by subsequent prophets East Asia fared moderately better, the Buddhism it fell under the sway of was originally a crypto-egalitarian and proto-materialist subversive psyop, although later Buddhists who were initiated by Hindus and Taoists were able to salvage some of it. Heidegger and Debord exemplify man waking up to the emptiness of modernity and realizing something has been stolen from him, but without knowing exactly what it is Marx also understood there was a problem but didn't realize the correct solution, a consequence of his alienation from the primordial Tradition like so many others. Evola was torn by the inner contradictions of having a heartfelt yearning to understand the primordial Aryan knowledge but at the same time being afraid of the total liberation from all name and form that this knowledge entailed; he couldn't accept that in the end multiplicity wasn't real, desiring to still retain in transcendence some form of permanent superiority or lasting individual achievement like a kid who can't put down a videogame

>> No.20811267

There is a global struggle and metaphysical battle occurring between truth, harmony and justice and the opposing forces of darkness, ignorance and usury The key Elite of NATO countries are mostly controlled by the Cabal through forced participation in pedophiliac human sacrifice ceremonies and the ensuing blackmail this allows, their antagonism towards China and Russian is motivated by their fear of Eurasia eventually becoming a global refuge from the usurers. There is an ongoing race to privatize everything so that from the moment you are born you are incurring massive debt simply for existing, this is how they mow the grass of the masses. You can do your part to prevent them winning by living virtuously, and by raising a family and instilling in the next generation Traditional values Don't let materialistic and shallow obsessions become obstacles in the spiritual path Allowing your time to be occupied by electronic entertainment makes you a metaphysical cuckold and a victim of psychic vampirism When one conducts themselves in an exceedingly depraved way they are given one last chance in the form of rebirth as a black person before they lose human status and are reborn as animals. Time isn't real, only Now exists If the forces of evil win humankind will be enslaved by machines and forced into manual labor to finance the hedonistic lifestyles of the usurers. Even this will come to pass though and the just and unjust alike will reconstituted into the primordial essence, those without Knowledge being eventually spat out again in the form of intelligent life Humankind is just a flash in the pan of the abiding tranquility of the Supreme Being, the eternity of phenomenal existence just froth on the surface of the shoreless ocean of the immutable Divine
Wake up

>> No.20811268

Yeah the NS neopagan guys are cooler and have less cognitive dissonance, but NS Christians confuse me. They usually appeal to Hitler's authority when defending the religion.

>> No.20811273

>I wanted to explore why Christianity appeals to anti-semites.
Because it was the religion they were born into, they build their whole character and worldview on everything they were born into such as nationality and race what fucking question is that, it's some the of the simplest thinking you can come across to.
Even the pagans, it's the same logic, they're not gonna be Tengrists.

>> No.20811278

>the only reason you don't like backstabbing child molesters is jealousy

>> No.20811280

>The Russian Empire was the last chance for humankind to be guided into the modernity by a Traditional continent-spanning empire but the agents of darkness prevailed over it
ahhhhh so the schizo is just a seething ruskie

god how fucking laughable and powerless you ruskies are

>> No.20811283

They justify everything by "we did it", and if you're talking to Nazis then plenty of them are schizophrenic enough to look at something else from some other civilization and claim white aryan ubermench did it. Of course they're gonna do the same with Jesus and Judaism, remember that shitty ms paint cartoon where there's a future Europe of white Muslims and they scream about how Muhammad was actually ginger
Right wing thought is retarded

>> No.20811290

so this is that miguel serrano fellow huh

>> No.20811306

I'd mentioned Himmler to ideologically contrast him with Hitler. I never found Hitler to be as passionately proud of his Germanic roots as was his passion for hating the Jews. It's actually quite the opposite; Hitler had once remarked something to Himmler something to the effect of "why the fuck do you want to show the world we have no past," during one of Himmler's excavations or something for pagan temples. I think that pretty much explains most modern Nazis as well. The pride they have is in a Christianised past, which they somehow manage without admitting that Near Easterners and Romans had to create that past for them.

>> No.20811317

Ahahahah yeah I saw that in a meme once, Hitler saying to Himmler that his excavations are proving that the Romans were more advanced than Germans at the time.

>> No.20811326
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Yeah I mean I agree I don’t really know where the resentment of life comes from, really just not having a true masculine spirit, especially when the people that are supposed to enjoy their lives are also clearly miserable because —sad to say but degeneracy isn’t masculine and leads to weakness from being dulled by pleasure, and that weakness leads to loss of control (like control over women) which leads to rejection, misery and feminine domination. Really they should be happy that good God (Dad, masculine creator) gave us such a ripe world of degenerates to freely lash and unleash the full anger of the boar upon. For instance, God tells Job that his crime was moralism, as knowledge of the law creates death. God told Job that the chief of his ways was the behemoth —the hippo, the boar. If God was on this earth he would be going hippo mode full Vegeta, Danzo Shimura relishing his days in the battle (Nixon’s meaning of life) lashing out the people that clearly deserve it while loving them at the same time for giving him full opportunity to prove himself while also teaching them that this ass beating isn’t the end of the world and they could become as cool as him if they just give in fully to their masculine spirit. When you give into the masculine spirit of the creator you become disgusted with things that make you weak, and this give you greater control over your mental condition, which allows you to come up with true logical arguments over life, creating a more coherent worldview and allowing yourself to live much deeper than people that give full sway to pleasure, and pleasurable, self seeking self interested pursuits.

>> No.20811329

the NSDAP leaders were mostly either indifferent (Goebbels) or openly hostile (Bormann, Himmler) towards Christianity. Read Hitler's Table Talk and Bolshevism From Moses To Lenin for some very negative treatments of Christianity from a National Socialist perspective.

I think they simply come to National Socialism because they heard that's what you do when you hate niggers and jews, and they cling to Christianity because that's just what they were raised with.
That said, Christianity is also vaguely anti-Jewish in some places, as it accuses the Jews of having killed Yeshua. Judaism was nevertheless the only religion that wasn't ruthlessly exterminated by the Christians after they took over the Roman empire.

>five books
way more than that, basically the entire "Old Testament" is shared with mainstream Judaism, and Kabbalah arguably incorporates Christian texts as well.

There are also long-standing theories that Christianity was deliberately devised by the Jews as a weapon against the Romans (es espoused by top NSDAP functionary Martin Bormann), the most thorough treatment of this theory I've seen so far was from Christopher Jon Bjerknes:

>> No.20811344

I think I read it in that William Shirrer book, don't think I found it in a Nazi source.

>and if you're talking to Nazis then plenty of them are schizophrenic enough to look at something else from some other civilization and claim white aryan ubermench did it
I have nothing against Nazism till they start doing this. I'm an ethnonationalist myself, I happen to be a Hindu by birth and belief and everything, and man will these Germanic bog monkeys never stop trying to claim every achievement of classical Indic civilisation. That's probably why I refrain from mentioning my being Indian on this website. The poo in the loo and space program shit is all fine, I usually play along, but the we wuzzing of Germanic people is rarely worth inviting.

>> No.20811352

>I wanted to explore why Christianity appeals to anti-semites.
Because it is the redemptive narrative to destroy all narratives. See Girard's thinking. It provides a sublime, transcendent worldview. I've noticed that a ton of fervent Christian and other traditionalist NS groups are starting to reject "racism", insofar as they respect the races and spirituality but reject modernity and its servants.
>These people claim to hate Jews, yet worship a man hailed the king of the Jews,
Modern Jews aren't the same people as the Jews around the time of Christ. Remember, huge swathes of Israel converted to Christianity. The ones who didn't? Well...
>and read a Bible that shares five books with Judaism.
Rabbinic Jews threw out huge chunks of their scripture, modified the rest, and wrote an entire new book, the Talmud, based on hidden "oral teachings" that supposedly existed from the time of Moses. Of course, ask them how they're supposed to pronounce the Tetragrammaton and they're completely lost, but the oral law? That's totally real, goyim. And, in doing so, rabbinic Jews founded proto-nationalism, the idea that the nation trumps everything, even God, a critique that was made by both Schmitt and Heidegger. There's a story in the Talmud about how rabbis argued with God about what the Torah meant and supposedly "won". If that doesn't strike you as nihilistic, well, I don't know what will.

By fixating on this "weird" "contradiction", you're acting just as stupid as the /pol/troons who shy away from anything with a tinge of "Jewish" influence, concerned more about appearances than content. Christian NS groups tend to reject the relativity of modern Judaism and embrace the Word in its entirety. The question you SHOULD be asking is whether these groups ought to place God or nation-state first, which will filter out the half-believers. If you want to be "fashy" but religious, you have to at least inch towards integralism.

>> No.20811371
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Hmmm... You make some good points about Rabbinic Judaism. Still, as >>20811329 says Christians exterminated almost every other religion aside from Judaism. As a Nationalist I cherish my national culture and I therefore dislike Christianity on account of its role in the destruction of European paganism.

>> No.20811379

Understandable, but that doesn't make Christianity any more European.

>> No.20811398

I have a lot of things against Nazism, one of them just happens to be hearing a germoid blab its mouth as if the tallest building in Germania wasn't a mudhut for thousands of years until Romans came, while people with little to absolutely no outside contact were building pyramids or palaces around the world. Even their art is mostly 19th century romanticism inspired by the Greeks, they're rarely gonna post runestone stick figures.
Hyperborea and some global aryan empire is nothing more than a white version of Nation of Islam and wuzzing, it stems from inadequacy and desperation.
>The poo in the loo and space program shit is all fine, I usually play along,
Personally I refuse to be a butt monkey
>but the we wuzzing of Germanic people is rarely worth inviting.
I'm not knowledgeable on the whole India debate, I just know that some Victorian era English translation of Indian scripture doesn't raise as much eyebrow as it should, not as much as people here when they see a Jewish name in something
But that's just my casual look.

>> No.20811405

>retards have retarded ideas
yeah who could have guessed? it's all in the genealogy of morals

>> No.20811729

American education doesn't cover the Middle Ages well enough, this is how we get these retarded threads. NS Germany resumed the medieval Christian attitude towards Jews.

>> No.20811746

Judeo-Christian is an oxymoron. Jews literally killed Jesus was a Nazarene not a jew. One might say he proclaimed himself king of the Jews but since they rejected him, in turn Christians should reject Moses of the Old Testament. Hence, Supersessionism is a perfectly reasonable doctrine for a Christian to uphold, since it rejects the Hebrew covenant

>> No.20811760

Christianity destroyed European education. That's all there is to it. It's hard to get people to unlearn wives tales.

>> No.20811766

It's more than an oxymoron. It is self effacing purposefully contradicting because the Kol Nidrei is a vow to lie religiously and the Immaculate conception is a religious lie. Two serpents double crossing Rome that is no longer Rome.

>> No.20811777

most of Europe was a shithole before Christianity, and Europe would have receded back into the soil without Christianity. when Christ came promising eternal life, he meant it.
more like your culture was persuaded or vanquished to give up their old religions, as they were weak (or at least incomplete) and not up to the task. Constantine, Alaric, Clovis, Charlemagne, etc., destroyed the Pagans in combat. besides, you can retain ethnic identity with religion, as was done in Europe for almost 2000 years until the present. it was the rise of secular nationalism that spurred the great globohomo, not Christianity.

>> No.20811786
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>most of Europe was a shithole before Christianity
You mongrel ass really believe this fr

>> No.20811794
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Fuck your Jewish mom and her lies

>> No.20811800

Where's the lie? Anything north of the Rhine was irrelevant before the age of Christianity. And Pagan Rome became too decadent to survive without the help of long-entrenched institutions. By the time Christianity arrived, it was too late for the Western Roman Empire to survive, as the rot had gotten too deep. Had I been one of the newly-baptized barbarians, fighting alongside Alaric the Goth, I would have felt nothing but contempt for the insipid Romans, completely justified in sacking their cities and taking it for ourselves.

>> No.20811820
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I have a historical counter argument but that is secondary in importance to the inherent issue at hand.
I want to impress on you that you cannot uninherit Rome in your blood just as you cannot uninherit Judaism from Christianity. True Judaism from the beginning of Abraham has a consistent deceptive enterprise. This is the Kol Nidrei. This is chutzpah. This is hallkha. This is molding the shame of Pantera's bastard outcasts into your new vault for a God and Gold. This is a Jewish pussy pound fast pass ticket to throne and unlimited sexual access by debasing currency and faith.
>By the time Christianity arrived, it was too late
Ancient Antifa only sprouts from its egg in a swamp by the filthy destroyers ready to take control. By the time Ancient Antifa started iconoclasm, that was a victory parade by the long march through the institutions. Nero was seduced by a heeb whore.

>> No.20811821

Rome was the whorish emasculating force that turned masculinity into mass entertainment and tried its best to make it quaint in the face of money. Mary was literally innocent and you'd know if you ever had real a vision of her. Rome is like the emperor in the Last Samurai. Rome is the march of progress that sublimates everything that goes against its scheming with money. Rome is literally like the old shrew mom that hates her son for being too masculine and 'holier than thou' and not just going along with the stale striving schemes of everyone else IE people that want things out of life because they feel deprived and not that things are automatically below their masculine spirit. The #1 symbol that goes against Rome is the modern day ninja fighting against the modern world using the ancient sen throw technique where they throw gold coins as their shuriken, and they have a mystical power where they can pull these coins out of nowhere and they have very little regard for money

>> No.20811822

>expects logical consistency in morality from national memeists
>even entertains the idea of national memeism
>le 'pagans good, Christians bad' meme
>doesn't comprehend that 90% of those who prescribe to any given religion in the post modern era are agnostic and atheist larpers

>> No.20811827
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I thought you were going somewhere but this is a shitpost and not an effortpost. Dissapointing.
At the end of the day it comes down to the Patriciate's disgust sensitivity. I am Mrs Puff and you christcucks are Spongebob and your forgiven sinners are Patrick Star.

>> No.20811834

meltdown meds time

>> No.20811844


>> No.20811861

forgot to add my post theme

>> No.20811863

>But Nietzsche said!

>> No.20811864

Why was it irrelevant? To who? A sovereign? I was chilling in Nebraska and that was irrelevant to Washington DC but I made great academic advancements I don't want to tell anyone about.

>> No.20812112

There is no debate, it's just we wuzzing. This constant blabbing about how India and it's history was made by white skinned people, when in fact the Aryan nomads were uncivilised brutes whose culture provided kind of a vehicle for what was the Indus Valley civilisation. Nothing against anyone here, it's just things as plainly as they happened — I myself happen to be a Brahman on the white skinned side.

>doesn't raise as much eyebrow as it should
Not sure what that really means. I don't read English translations of anything written in Sanskrit or any other Indo-Aryan language. Usually read the original and keep a Hindi translation for reference.

>> No.20812216

>the Aryan nomads were uncivilised brutes
I like to relate them to Scythians even though there must be many intermediary cultures between them and India. Sometimes they're described as brutes but then some describe an aristocracy with a high culture. Supposedly they despised writing and only used poetry to preserve knowledge.

>> No.20812241

I'd argue the opposite, for the pagans had no written records nor alphabet. Even former pagans that did have those records converted to Christianity

>> No.20812374

There was no real high culture till they properly settled in India. India's high culture was the Indus Valley civilisation, settled by black-skinned Dravidians from a bit before the Proto Indo-European language was even a thing. Indus Valley fell and amidst the ashes, we Aryans came over and carried it forward. But the difference between Arya and Dravida is simply a matter of medium. Even the medium is over a very clear Dravidian substrate. The heart and soul of Hindu culture is very Dravidian, we simply gave life to it before it died.

>> No.20812392 [DELETED] 

Same guy, it's likely that we did write back in the day. Something as basic as the Ashtaadhyaayi obviously indicates a literate society. Look at other oral traditions and the , it pales in comparision to the consistency of the massive Sanskrit corpus that was composed 300 BCE, the earliest written records on the subcontinent. Aryans certainly weren't like
Germanic bog monkeys, but I wouldn't lend them as much credit as a lot of Western nationalists tend to.

>> No.20812413

>Christianity on account of its role in the destruction of European paganism.
This is ignorant. Christianity hasn't destroyed pagan religions/traditions. A lot of them (European paganism and Semitic polytheism) actually got subsumed into Christianity to a certain extent. Don't think that Christianity developed in a vacuum. This actually makes Christianity an even older tradition than you might otherwise think. Therefore, adopting your fake, godless and corrupt paganism is opposing European traditions.

>> No.20812416

Same guy, it's likely that we did write back in the day. Something as basic as the Ashtaadhyaayi obviously indicates a literate society. Look at other oral traditions, they pale in comparision to the consistency of the massive Sanskrit corpus that was composed long before 300 BCE, the earliest written records on the subcontinent. Aryans certainly weren't like Germanic bog monkeys, but I wouldn't lend them as much credit as a lot of Western nationalists tend to.

>> No.20812424

from a book

>> No.20812601
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>pagans had no written records or alphabet
You are an insult to intelligence.

>> No.20812622
File: 94 KB, 682x1023, -znC8Dek_FAyzq1FK4GBc_3zqBAqI_JF7diQJZDBkQE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is ignorant. Christianity hasn't destroyed pagan religions/traditions.
Look me in the eye and tell your all knowing all loving God you are honest

>> No.20812728

You're making a pretty good case that the connection is minimal. If you're representative of indians there's nothing noble there.

>> No.20812741

The connection between?

>> No.20812765

Between india and anything good.

>> No.20812824

LMFAO I see. My point was strictly regarding Aryans, but anyway

>> No.20812853

If your academic advances aren't unleashed on the world then it might as well have never happened.

>> No.20812856

kek, so true. forget about globohomo, remember

>> No.20813453

>If you're representative of indians there's nothing noble there
Okay proud Aryan warrior on an anime porn site

>> No.20813648

What's the point of trying to talk about anything when you're all motivated by some deranged inferiority complex instead of curiosity?