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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 91 KB, 666x1051, Lolita_1955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20808776 No.20808776 [Reply] [Original]

She seduces Humbert, right? How are people reading this differently? She' not a virgin, she had sex at the camp, so it's not like he's victimizing her. If anything, she manipulates him and then gets her just desserts.

>> No.20808790

Bitches ain’t nothin but hoes and tricks

>> No.20808803

Plot twist is there is no Lolita. The astute reader will pick that up

>> No.20808839

yada yada yada unreliable narrator

>> No.20808861

if the narrator is "unreliable" why read any book? That's retarded, it's a story, someone is telling the story

>> No.20808870

A child isn't seducing anyone.

>> No.20808875

>she seduces the boy at the camp
or is that fake as well?

>> No.20809022

He literally makes her life hell and she cries herself to sleep every night

>> No.20809264


>> No.20809280

People never lie when telling a story.

>> No.20809354

if you're not going to take the writer at his word, why read? you draw conclusions based on the account given. its like reading Moby dick and then saying there was no whale and ahab was a metaphor for ishmaels penis because he's an unreliable narrator and quiquig is a black woman who worked on the moon landing.
deciding that lolita is totally innocent simply because Humbert is unreliable, what the fuck is the point of reading, just make your own story and say the real one is unreliable

>> No.20809453

she seduces him like a hot day seduces improperly stored fireworks. Like yeah she's flexing those muscles to get what she wants, but he's also been aching for literally any opportunity to go off and planning to drug and rape her anyway.
I don't think there's any good-faith reading, though, where she isn't deliberately toying with him at some point. I think it's also fair to say she doesn't have a full understanding of how much danger she was in.

>> No.20809472

>its like reading Moby dick and then saying there was no whale and ahab was a metaphor for ishmaels penis because he's an unreliable narrator and quiquig is a black woman who worked on the moon landing
That's how it was supposed to be interpreted. Sadly, plebs got filtered out and still believe this was about a whale..

>> No.20809477 [DELETED] 
File: 2.42 MB, 3024x4032, F0DEFB1E-30DA-4C25-8D43-E5B8213D07E8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lolita. Light of my life. Fire of my loins

>> No.20809508
File: 19 KB, 640x480, Neco-z-Alenky-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best post, he does her she does him end of story

>> No.20809533 [DELETED] 

Source: my american sugar stunted brain

>> No.20809584

>its all in his head!!!11

>> No.20809914

What's the purpose of this book, and why is it good?

100% serious question because I honestly don't get it.

>> No.20809930

>she seduced him
you have it reversed.
>She' not a virgin, she had sex at the camp
she is and she didn't
Why make a thread about a book you clearly haven't read?

>> No.20809936

You never hear someone tell a story whilst knowing it's bullshit or not the whole side of the story? You can still learn something from it and get things out of it, and it gives you an insight into the person. You're emphasising straight narrative as if we're in a time of fairytale still. Read Pale Fire for an even better exploration of this idea

>> No.20809943

It's an entertaining tragedy about a creep whose able to take advantage of a young girl because of the loose morals of the post-war west. It's a caper with an annoyingly long roadtrip section.
Anyone who thinks dolores wasn't seduced and abused by humbert is a speedreader, by the way

>> No.20809971

I mean that doesn't change the fact that she was the one who came onto him twice.

>> No.20809982

>"Can remember," she said, "what was the name of that hotel, you know [nose puckered], come on, you know—with those white columns and the marble swan in the lobby? Oh, you know [noisy exhalation of breath]—the hotel where you raped me. Okay, skip it. I mean, was it [almost in a whisper] The Enchanted Hunters? Oh, it was? [musingly] Was it?"—and with a yelp of amorous vernal laughter she slapped the glossy bole and tore uphill, to the end of the street, and then rode back, feet at rest on stopped pedals, posture relaxed, one hand dreaming in her print-flowered lap.

What did she mean by this?

>> No.20810169


>> No.20810179

Girls love abusers and drama, that’s why she wilfully attracted two hebephiles and made them fight it out

>> No.20810240

>if the narrator is "unreliable" why read any book? That's retarded, it's a story, someone is telling the story
Imagine being this autistic.

>> No.20810248

I wonder what you dorks denying the potential of an unreliable narrator think of Pale Fire. That must be a confusing read. Oh wait, you don't read.

>> No.20810251
File: 462 KB, 1200x2906, my-last-duchess.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did you get passed 10th grade English class?

>> No.20810325

That fucking whore

>> No.20811593

How did you?

>> No.20812468

I ingratiated myself with the teacher by dunking on pseud faggots like you and saved worrying about grammar for essays and not posts on 4chan.

>> No.20812479

>"In 1958, Dorothy Parker described the novel as "the engrossing, anguished story of a man, a man of taste and culture, who can love only little girls" and Lolita as "a dreadful little creature, selfish, hard, vulgar, and foul-tempered".[28] In 1959, novelist Robertson Davies wrote that the theme of Lolita is "not the corruption of an innocent child by a cunning adult, but the exploitation of a weak adult by a corrupt child. This is no pretty theme, but it is one with which social workers, magistrates and psychiatrists are familiar."

>> No.20812497

It's impossible to interpret the book as anything other than Humbert being enslaved by his disgusting affliction. Clearly not a pro-pedophilia book.

>> No.20812499
File: 1.03 MB, 940x1005, zoomer apu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lolita is a whore and humbert is a simp

>> No.20812523

inb4 "but that's not the same!" etc etc

>> No.20812529


>> No.20812563
File: 119 KB, 914x661, Ginsberg NAMBLA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she was the one who came onto him
Unreliable narrator.
(FYI Allen Ginsberg was a pedo and he's in that doc).