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/lit/ - Literature

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20802450 No.20802450 [Reply] [Original]

The entire human condition comes down to survival and reproduction. You as a man, even as Chad, spend your whole life compensating for the fact that you have low reproductive value. So no, andrew tate is not "high value". It is perfectly normal through all of human history that a slightly above average looking young woman is equivalent to rulers of nations and millionaires. You can't have enough resources or work your way into being reproductively valuable, which is the most important thing. The only men who are higher value than the average woman are literal king tier men, like Drake in modern times, or literal emperors thousands of years ago

>> No.20802456

don't care
valuable to who?
why would i want to be like a woman?

>> No.20802458

why is every post here so negative? lol relax, faggots.

>> No.20802465

I don't get it are you saying parents don't read books?

>> No.20802471

Every muh philosopher is coping over his low SMV. Explains why 99% of them are male incels

>> No.20802475

No, the incel metaphysic is
- not true
- pathetic

>> No.20802481

Thats one of the most common and brainlet reductions. Once you've learned something --actually learned-- you understand that almost no thing is reducible; and reading, writting, art in general, even martial arts, love, and a lot of stuff, can be acted in their own singularity ---for the world is expressive, not analytical.

Also, you have to be 18+

>> No.20802482

no "incels" existed prior to the 90s

>> No.20802484

Then why are there voluntary celibates and suicides?

>> No.20802491
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Alright, and how does that help me write something interesting?

>> No.20802501

Idk, sounds like the mentality of stomach bacteria. Life is surely a struggle for existence but it goes beyond the individual and mere reproduction.

>> No.20802508
File: 44 KB, 720x720, C65ABDEF-D14B-4EC5-87A7-ADD994B581DF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have to cope with the human condition
>have to cope with modernity
>have to cope with postmodernity
>have to cope with having no metanarratives
>have to cope with not having friends gf, family or community
>have to cope with the death of God and morals
>have to cope with anomie and alienation
>have to cope with no father or father figure
>have to cope with anxiety, depression and other mental issues
>have to cope with insecurities and other personal issues
>have to catch up with centuries of philosophy and other disciplines just to speed with the Great Conversation
>have to cope with the fact that your shitty education that set you back for years if not decades
>have to cope with the fact that even if you catch up you’ll still be stuck in the dialectic
>have to cope with livin in a society (dystopia)
>have to cope with living during the death of Western civilization
Sometimes it gets to be a bit too much for one man

>> No.20802529

>muh west!
>muh god!
>muh father!
fuck, that a baby lmao

>> No.20802553

Oh shit I thought OP was grieving about actually important shit instead of incel bs.
Please ignore the long paragraph I just posted

>> No.20802555

will do

>> No.20802557

"Cope" literally isn't real, because if it was, there would be no value to life and there's a single objective ethical value to existence

>> No.20802563
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>Your desire to read/write literature is only because you want to reproduce!

>> No.20802566

fpbp and /thread

>> No.20802572

They were just called "nerds"

>> No.20802629

The fuck

>> No.20802651

Reproduction is a death cope.

>> No.20802668


>Your desire to read/write literature is only because you want to reproduce!

Lol. Every time I try to read I always end up with some other nigga's dick in my mouth. Reading gay as fuck, nigga. That's a fact.

>> No.20803122

Kys incel, it's all a story you tell yourself, and a pathetic self-pitying story at that.

>> No.20803136

>imagine worrying about such mundane shit
I'm unironically trying to figure out a way to fight the demiurge and kick his fuking ass before or even after I die. I'm reading to figure it out.

>> No.20803179


>> No.20803186

Outsmarting the demiurge, this is what life is supposed to be about.

>> No.20803202
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Fuck that egomaniacal cunt and his shitty torture simulator

>> No.20804148


>> No.20804289


>> No.20804623

what are you doing right now?
come down my ass. that level of reductionism is outright fabrication.